
image thanks to
ANNIAS & SAPPHRIA CLUB -- in other words - the Liars Club - what a hoot
A.O.U.W. - Crawfordsville - 1901
Bandel, Fred - see Annias Club
Brothers, Buck - see Annias Club
Crane, Ben - see Annias Club
Darlington Masonic Lodge 1956 100th Anniversary Commenorative Booklet thanks to Mary Lou Weliever for sharing this with us!
Flower Lovers (right now an article on Waynetown but sure there'll be more for other places later on
Horse Thief Detective Association - various
K of P - C'ville - start of group
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 13, 1913 p1At a meeting of DeBayard Lodge, Knights of Pythias last night, it was voted by the membership to sell the order’s building. Washington & Market Streets to Senator WM White of this city and James D. Wilson of Coal Creek Township. The price set on the structure is $29,150. The deal has not been closed, as yet, but the vote of the lodge to sell the building, practically means that it will pass into the hands of the two men named. They made n offer for the structure some time ago and it is thought that the price is satisfactory to them. It is announced that if the building to be sold for the sum named, DeBayard Lodge will come out of the transaction without losing any money.
Kritz, Charles - 1941 - gold button - Masons
Kulinary Kraft Klub - 1909 & 1912 others
Lucas, Nancy Elizabeth - Lizzie - Wilson - Rebekahs
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana May 24, 1918Mrs. George Lucas went to Indianapolis Monday to represent Siloam Rebekah Lodge in the state assembly. Mrs. Horace Lane represented the lodge at New Ross.
I believe this was in 1984 or 85 and this group was so awesome. With help from the Steeles, they did an awesome slide show (wish it was in a different form now) of historical places in Montgomery County. They each had a senior who helped in the research, they wrote up their bleeps and then we went to Steeles to record it all. It was fabulous!! Jacob Hurt, my two, Jay and Suzie Zach, Mindy Howell, Rich Otten are the ones I remember but think there were 3-4 more. - kbz
Ornbaum, Harley - see Annias Club
Republican Bicycle Club (funny)
Scott, Mit - see Annias Club
Waveland Commercial Club - 1922
Waveland Conservation Club about 1961 Outing - Photo (most Named) Thanks to Dave Fullenwider from the Waveland Movie Video taken by Charlie Moore
Only says, "Red Cross" but pretty sure, it's for Waveland as it was in a book at the Waveland Library -- Waveland Red Cross
Wellford, Wm - - see Annias Club