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-- The Civil War --
The Civil War OR ... The War Between the States OR ... The War of Secession OR ... The War of Northern Aggression
The US War Between the States was known by many names, depending on your locality and alliances. No other war in history is studied as much as this one. This war was a rift in the basic structures that formed this country, caused by the basic rights that were established when the Constitution was ratified.
Picture of Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) organization celebration - 1909 - downtown Crawfordsville - thanks muches to Lynn R for this one :)
- Halliday, Matthias
- LANE, Dr. John S.
- Zachary, Milton Hezekiah
- Refuse to give names: Blackford, Nathaniel - Fruits, Jonathan - Tolen, Daniel B and Work, James M
- Journal & Review List of Civil War Veterans Increased
- The Sultana Disaster
- Statements by Sultana survivors
- If you had an interest in the Sultana Disaster, you might want to read about the Eclipse -- thanks, Kathy
- Eclipse -- article at time of disaster - thanks, Kim
Although most Montgomery County Historians consider we have 5 Civil War Generals, I feel there are six and here they are ..... :) Always did have to be different :) kz
- BEATTY, Nathaniel
- GENERAL MANSON - pension questioned/rebuked
- WARREN, Henry
- MOODY, Thomas Newton "Pony" - signing up on the 13th day of August 1862
- MOODY, Thomas Newton "Pony" -- home on leave, marrying his sweetie, Martha Ellen Clements on the 25th of August in 1864 (40th Regiment Indiana Infantry -- LOVE the gold buttons - thanks so much to JDG for both of these
- Samuel B. Bennett - - Co.C. 120th Ind.
- Henry Brewer - - 16th Ind. Bat.
- Austin Carpenter - - Co. D. 28th U.S.C.T.
- J. J. Carter - - Co B. 22nd Ind
- George A. Foster - - Co. K. 154th Ind
- Isaac Jones - - Mass. Inf. U.S.C.T.
- Daniel Kernoodle - - Co. A. 124th Ind
- James McCabe - - Co. E. 150th Ind
- James McLaughlin - - Co. A. 63rd Ind.
- Joseph Mount - - Co. C. 135th Ind.
- Nelson Patterson - - Co. G. 28th U.S.C.T.
- Henry E. Reed - - Co. E. 72nd Ind.
- Harvey Smith - - Co. E. 100th U.S.C.T.
- Monroe Vick - - 8th U.S.C.T.
- Chas. Wickliff - - Co. D. 28th U.S.C.T.
Thanks so very much to Kim H for those having past by June 1894 and the cemeteries where they are buried in and around C'ville
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal,1 June 1894
The following is a complete list of the soldiers buried in the cemeteries in and near this city UNTIL June 1894 - of course, there are several more having died after this date NOTE:
- McCollough, James B, war of 1812
- Stitt, James, war of 1812
Others Civil War
- Canine, Wm G, 38th Ind
- Crane ,J H, A 41st Ills
- Clark, John C, 5th Ind Bat
- Dee, Wm, regiment unknown
- Hall, Wm N, B 120th Ind Vol
- Hamilton, B B, D 63rd Ind
- Hitch, Thomas, G 11th Ind
- Herndon, Henry, D 135 Ind
- Harris, Peter, K 86th Ind
- Harris, John W, D 135th Ind
- Hocum, Wm, war of 1812
- Jones, A J, regiment unknown
- Keesee, Geo L. 101st Ind
- Laymon, Wilson H, Capt Co F 86th Ind
- Lutz, Sanford D, F 40th Ind
- McConnell, Jas D, 15th Ind
- Oliver, Joseph E, 15th Ind
- Prewitt. Henry, C 16th Ind Bat
- Smith, Marion D, 26th Ind
- Snell, Wm. regiment unknown
- Suman, Milo H, I 11th Ind
- Suman, W J, Co I 135 Ind
- Swindler, Calvin E, E 77th Ind
- Tammany, James, G 10th Ind
- Bailey, Charles, war of 1812 &
- Miller, Jacob, Revolutionary soldier
- Naylor, Isaac, war of 1812
- Sperry, Henry, Mexican War soldie
Others are Civil War
- Anderson, Austin B, 72 Ind
- Austin, Thornton, G 11th Ind
- Bayless, William T, F, 135th Ind
- Barcuss, J M, 120th Ind
- Bailey, Charles, G 110th Ind
- Beechler, Wm H, C 35th Ohio
- Black, Samuel H, B, 120th Ind
- Bratton, Wm. F 25th Ill Inft Brooks, W D, A 65th
- Calloway. Samuel, alias Fred Stewart, C 28 U
- Collins. Elijah, K 154 Ind
- Craig. Samuel, B 110th Ind
- Craig, David, regiment unknown
- Cline. Benjamin, Co C 8th US Inft Col
- Douglas. Edward R, D 150th Ind
- Elliott, Wm Mc, L 5th Ind Cav
- Foster, Wesley, C 28th Reg US Col Troops
- Fryer, .John R 9th Ind Bat,
- Graham. James F, Col 124th Ind
- Graham, James W, H 79th III
- Griffith, Thomas B, K 86th Ind
- Grubb. Samuel B, 72nd Ind
- Hamilton, James, regiment unknown
- Hampton, Washington, 140th Ind
- Hatfield, Thomas, B 72nd Ind
- Jewett, Jeremiah, I 11th Ind
- Johnson, James A, 2d Calif.
- Johnson, George G, B 47th USCI
- Kingen, David, G 36th Ind Vol and 2nd Ohio bat
- Laslie, Joseph B, K 15th Ind
- Miller, Wm M, B 120th lnd
- Mills, E H, 135th lnd
- Montford, John C, c 40th Ind
- McCrea, Aaron, E 14th US Col Troops
- McGrigg, Joseph A, D 135th lnd
- Nichols, James, regiment unknown
- Newton, Wm,Q M of the 135th lnd
- Newell, A E, 18th Ind Bat
- Orr, Daniel, B 120th lnd
- Ornbaun, H F, K 79th Ind
- Pennock, John P, I 11th Ind Inf
- Potts, Elisha, K 86th Ind
- Riley, Ambrose W, D 135th lnd Inf
- Riley, Geo W, E 15th Ind
- Rhoderiek, D G, F 135th Ind
- Rominger, Madison, B 120th lnd
- Ross, John W, I 11th Ind
- Ryker, Wm H, B 120th Ind
- Shanklin, John A, I 135th Ind
- Shevlin, James M, 120th Ind
- Simpson, John, I 51st Ind
- Sperry, Frederick, 20th Ind Bat.
- Smith, Wm C, 40th lnd
- Stewart, Wm, A 17th Ohio U S A Inf
- Tyler, Wm S, D 10th Ind
- Vanarsdall, James H G, 10th Ind
- Whorley, Joseph, E 18th US Inf
- Wolverton, Wm, 9th lnd Bat
- Dunn, Nathaniel, war of 1812
- Hull, Peter, war of 1812
- Lane, Henry S, Col 5th Ind Vol Mexican war
- Owens, James, Mexican war
- Powers, Jonathan, war of 1812
- Powers, John B, Mexican war
- Ristme, Henry, war of the revolution
Rest in Civil War
- Alexander, Joseph, L 2nd Ind Cav
- Bailey, John, I 135th Ind
- Blaine, Allen T, K 22nd lnd
- Blair, John W, K 86th Ind
- Bratton, Robt A, 14th Ind lnf and 4th Art
- Brown, J Harrison, 6th lnd Bat
- Brown, Solon H B 72nd Ind
- Burkmeyer, Henry, B 150th Ind
- Campbell, Thos N, G 20th Ind
- Caven, John, G 11th Ind
- Collins, Frank, 14th Ind Cav
- Crowder. Sterling H, (53rd Ind
- Deets, Emly, 9th Ind Bat
- Dennis, Milton P, D 1st Wis
- Dunn, .lames. 63rd NY
- Ewing-, John S, A 16th Ind
- Engle, John B. C 86th Ind Vol and Capt USA
- Farmer, Isom R, H 40th Ind Inf
- Fry, Thomas W, surgeon 11th Ind
- Fry, Thos W, jr, AQM of USA
- Fullenwider, Robt A, C 40th Ind
- Galey, M H, C 11th Ind Inft
- Gray, Andrew B, 10th Ind Inf
- Hancock, David S, F 13th Ohio Inf
- Hancock, Fountain F, regiment unknown
- Huff, A, regiment unknown
- Hutchings, Wm G, I 11th Ind Inft
- Lynn, Wm H, K 86th Ind
- McClellan, James S, Col 25th Ills Vol and Surgeon 135th Ind Vol
- McMakin, Benj M, 18th Ind Bat
- McMullin, John, F 19th Ill Inft.
- McMurray, Hiram, E 150th Ind
- Mills, Marshall, Lieut in 49th USCT
- Mitchell, Milton, 4th Ohio Cav
- Morgan, Wm H, Brig Gen Vol USA
- Nosler, Calloway, D 135th lnd
- Oliver, W H, d 5th Ind
- Ragsdale.Thos, E 87th Ill
- Ristine. Albert, I 11th lnd
- Ramsay, John W, Adjt 51st. Ind
- Simpson, Joseph B, I 11th Ind
- Simpson. Wm W, 2nd Ohio Cav
- Steen, Wm B, 5th Ky Cav
- Streight, T L, C 6th Virginia
- Taylor, Wm D. 28th USCT
- Wallace, John A, K 154th Ind
- Weston, John, 16th Mass Inf
- Wilson, James, A Q M U S A
- Wilson, McKee, A Q M U S A
- Wilson, Ward, C 40th Ind
- Wilson, Lane, I 11th Ind
- White, C B, Surgeon US A
- White, Charles, war of 1812
- Whitlock, Ambrose, Major U S A
- Young, Jos C. G 133rd Ind
- Yount, John M, K 86th lnd
- Brewer, Henry, regiment unknown
- Carter, J, regiment unknown
- Carpenter, Austin, D 28th US Col Vol
- Corey, Jason, war of 1812
- Foster, George A, K 154th Ind
- Galloway, George, K 86th lnd
- Kernoodle, Daniel, A 124th Ind
- McCabe, James, E 150th Ind
- McArthur, James, regiment unknown
- McLaughlin, Jas, A 63rd Ind
- Martin, Newton, regiment unknown
- Mount, Joseph, regiment unknown
- Mason, Thomas, regiment unknown
- Mills, Elijah, Black Hawk war
- Patterson, Nelson, G 28th USCT
- Smith, Harvey, regiment unknown
- Scott, John, regiment unknown 8 S
- Wickliff, Charles, D 28th US Col Vol
- Cunningham. Daniel, regiment unknown
- Harrington. Patrick, regiment unknown
- Hughes, Thomas, regiment unknown
- Nolan, John, K 11th lnd
- Prindabell. Thomas, regiment, unknown
- Sullivan, Timothy, regiment unknown
- Hopping, Louis, I 11th Ind
- Stover, John, B 10th lnd
Decorated by McPherson Post No. 7 G.A.R.
- Drake, James, Co and Reg unknown
- Galbreath, James, H 19th U S Inf
- Godman, Wm, 120th Ind
- Goodwin, Wm, I 40th lnd
- Howard, Wm V, G 154th Ind
- Hughes, Daniel, unknown
- Johnson, John W, B 140th Ind
- Keeney, James, E 75th Ind
- Keeney, James, K 15th Ind
- Montgomery, Alexander, war of 1812
- Montgomery. Harvey, Mexican war
- McCall, Samuel, Mexican war
- McCorkle, James, C 120th Ind
- Penrod, Solomon C, 125thIind
- Pixley, Fred, A 11th Ind Cav
- Russell, Dallas. F 135th Ind
- Severs, John, war of 1812
- Shobe, Abraham, Co and Reg unknown
- Thomas, Zebia, 10th Ind Bat
- Whitecotton, Jacob, C 120th Ind
- Willis, Foster, I 86h Ind
File Created: 10 March 2010
NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project --
CREDIT - PLEASE GIVE if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)
Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2019 (and beyond), Montgomery County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Montgomery County. My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper.