EDGERLY, George W., MD.

Edgerly(Edgerlee), George W.
Civil War Rank: Asst. Surg
Civil War Regiment: 8th
Place of Birth: Mass
Date of Birth: 1831
Date of Death: 11.14.1861 deid in service
Schools attended: Cleveland Medical College
Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1854
Wife: Laura b. Oh 1827
Children: 2
Membership in Medical Orgz.: perm member Indiana State Medial Society
Obit location: natl. med jour 1:294
TISMA 1873 139 deceased member listing
Length of Service: 30
Final Date: 9.5.1861
2 Comm: 11.14.1861 died
County: Randolph(Winchester) / Delaware(Muncie) / Montgomery(Crawfordsville)
Sources: 1860 Ind. Census 0 / $100 / 1863 Gaz., Kemper 153, 192, Hazard 246, 259; H1:481, 495, HE Rown Unv medical Dept
In partnership tith Dr. Ferguson in 1849 Read declaration of independance 4th of July 1859
ill/inj: Died in service
Index Terms: 13c 14d 1b 8
Record# 135808 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
File Created: 2007-Jul-29 2007-Jul-29