
ROBERT TRIBBETT to his brother, Wesley of Darlington
Dated: April 11, 1863 - Camp Tiune, TN
Aprile 11the 1863
Camp Trinne Tenn
Dear brother it is with pleasure that I seat my self to write to let you know that I am well and heartier than I have ben since I first enlisted and my health seam to improve from the time that I left home and I started as soon as I got home from your house and we are camped on a nice place 25 miles south of Nashville and in the best kind of a position to fite in for the boys was fortifying when I got to the regt and we have ben to work every day since I have ben hear and now we are prety well fortified and we think that we wont have to move very soon from hear now I will say that as near as I can find out we are camped within about 12 miles of wher cusen almirah postofise addres is now wes I want you with to me and tell me how the folks take conscrpit around there and wether you have many traitors there or not. Now I will say that I feal prety well satisfied since I got back to the regt again now I want you to send me some postage stamps for it is almost impsible to get them hear and when you write tell me how mother is I should like to hear from you once a weak if possible for it always chears a soldier to hear from his family and close for this time by saying that I still remain your true Brother till Death you will direct to 87 regt Ind vol Co E in care of capt Troutman Nashville Tenn
From Robbert Tribbett to Whesley Tribbett Write soon
The letters from Robert Tribbet are amazing and I want to thank Norman Tribbett for sending them -- kbz
Dated: August the 21 63 (1863)
Note: this is probably his last letter home before he was killed at Chickamauga which was September 19, 20 - 1863
Dear Brother it is with pleasure that I sit down to let you kne that I received your letter yesterday eavning and was glad to hear from you a gain it found me well and abel to take my rashings I will say that we have bin on the march for 11 days we crost the Cumberland mountain weare in the Sweetins (?) Cove in east tenisee we are in about 16 (?) miles of alabama I think that I will se it before meny days we stop here a few days to rest we are in good spirits I would like for you to be here a few days to see us scale the mountains after peaches (?) we was two days a Crosing the mountains things goes of lively with me I can't give you much news but I think that we will have a fite in a few days if they dont run again. we are getting them (??) hores (??) in smal place noice (?) I think the things will soon be over the rebes cant stand Rosey (Major Gen. William Rosencrans) and his men they are afraid of him - they say that he is so awkward that he would shoot them in the face
it has bin very wet here this sumer I got a letter from home yesterday and one the day before from John (?) Keffer my family is with now. Wes you said that you tried solgern a little I think not. That was just a pleasure ride now I think I will come by their when I go home and then we will have a good time. I saw the boys from darlington a bout 2 weeks ago. I went and staid two days and one night with them I saw Bil kenworthy they (?) nels (?) gaskel him however and all the boys things i goin of fine here. I bleve I have givin you all the news so I must close by sain that I want you to rite soon Direc to Nashvill tenn 87 co E
R Tribbett to Wes Tribbett