VORIS, George

George W. VORIS
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9 Jan 1897
Many persons here know George W. Voris, as he formerly lived in the county and has many relatives living here. His actions regarding himself and toward other persons here became notorious. He is of an erratic, stubborn disposition and it would seem can get along with no body any length of time. George was a gallant soldier during the war and is entitled to a pension and should have it but his obstinate disposition in refusing to submit to a medical examination as all veterans are compellted to, has kept him from getting it and probably always will, and he is very likely to go down to his grave depriving his children and family of that much at least, whatever it might be of money which would benefit them. A special examiner was here once who came on purpose to make the examination but George as heretofore, refused to submit and is still without any pay from the government. Through his obstinancy he has become hard up, is without much means, and has been forced out of his home for rent by officers. The following from the Lafayette journal is the latest concerning him: “The Lafayette Journal tells of the misfortunes of Geo. Voris and wife of Romney. The constable placed their household effects in the roadway. The couple gathered a few of their effects in baskets and started on foot to Crawfordsville leaving their household goods in the street. A sad holiday experience for the old people.