Halliday, Matthias

Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star 23 Jan 1899
Linden has what she claims is the youngest veteran of the civil war in the person of Matthias Halliday who went into the war of the rebellion as a Union soldier at the age of 13 years and six months. He was in Co. A, 63rd Ind, Vol. Reg, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of the Cumberland, 20th Army Corps. Now he has a son in the US Army at Manila, Philippines, Samie Halliday enlisting June 14, 1898. When he arrived at Manila he was assigned to the 3rd Regiment of the USA Regulars, artillery, heavy. He assisted in the charge on Manilla and in the capture of the city. He was appointed on the squad that made an inventory of the ordinance and supplied captured in the old Spanish fort. He is one of the best men in Battery G and it is a pleasure to know that he stands high with his commanding officers.
File Created: 23 July 2010