Suggestion: Open the "Get Around Links" in their own browser tab by right clicking on their link and selecting open in a new tab or window. You can then leave them open to use at you convience. Open the page you wish to visit by using the same procedure, right click on the lick and open in a new window.
Welcome to
Montgomery County, Indiana

Thanks to for the bibble clipart
Click on one of the following names to see Bible Records for that family. Thank you Dorothy Q, DAR Members for compiling these AND giving me permission to display them on the internet!!!!! You're GREAT gals! Three or four were also sent by individuals and I found a couple in old books -- Karen Zach
You might also want to try the new Crawfordsville District Public Library bible site :) It'll grow whereas this one has not for quite awhile but CDPL and I would both LOVE some bibles :) CDPL BIBLES