2024 What's New - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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2024 What's New


CHECK - Check out the 2024 additions

2024 Goals --  wish us luck :)
1 – 500-800 obituaries -
2 – At least 25 photos  --
3 – Add more bibles, marriages, military, churches, schools quite a bit of school  (over 800 items) & military
4 – Add more newspaper clippings ... added 50 so guess I can count this one :)
5 – Add at least 5 Who’s Who ..

Obituaries:  _60 = 1304 YTD - November  ACCOMPLISHED our 500-800 goal =  31,019  total  --
R - Regan (Con; Lucy Wilson); Rayborn (Frances); Rash (Edward); Reichard (Keith); Reath (Benjamin, Caleb); Rabeck (Lydia Akers); Raisor (E - WWII); Ratcliff (James); Reed (Hubert); Ray (Elizabeth Smith); Reddish (Evax2); Raub (Harold O.).  Rice (Edgar A x4); Fielding; Harold; Julia added; Marian; Humphrey, Sherman T; America; C. Richard; Elizabeth Condon); Ridge (Joshua; Charles - added); Rich (Lula Freeman); Richardson (Russell); Ross (Martha Kerr; Victor L); Rosenbaun (Jessie; Mary; Burrell); Robertson (Alberta Cox;); Robinson (Ruby and William Harvey - added); Roembke (Edward); Rusk (Adah); Rodgers (Charles Clifford Nancy Fry); Rothenberger (Roy x 3; Roscoe x 3 - sad one); Robb (Emma); Royalty (Lilly); Rouston (James C also known as Umensetter).  Umensetter - see James Rouston; Utterback (John T; Vannice (Mildred)

Added 30 more obits on Dec 5th -- equal 90 this month - 1334 Year To Date and a total of 31,049
All G's - Galey, Pauline Armstrong- added to; Galloway (Mary Mote - added to); Garrigus, Etta; Gegner (Myron x2); Glascock (Fanny, Rose, William D - + Photo - Korean and WWII); Goff (Anna - added) Gooding Bernice x 2; Gordon Ray x2; Graves (Jesse P - added); Graves (Lucy x 2; Jesse P added); Grenard (Simeon J and Lura Gilkey); Gray (Thomas W x 2; Santford Polk; Gronenger (Mabel added); Griffith (Icy x 23; ;Nellie x 2 added); Grimes (Fred P; Glyndon x 2; Sherman E - added)

Alumni- Schools -- _
Added   (YTD = 485 )  :  179 images of the 1926 Athenian Yearbook;  110 images from the 1942 CHS Athenian Yearbook;  95 Images from the 1944 CHS Athenian Yearbook;  101 images from the 1945 CHS Athenian Yearbook;  

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- 2_ - added to Chelsea Stockwell and added bio + photo of Carlyle Scott

Births --   11     added : sets of twins (Bower, Crowder, Eddingfield, Quissenberry); Manson, Byron; Robert Sayler; Harley King

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESSES   _7___Added >> (Year To Date: 7-) Clough, Jasper - 6 articles - Linden Skating rink
Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _   _Added: YTD_9_   Names :  (added_Bryant
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES   Adding new Church Items HERE!        ( YTD = 0  <> TD = 115 ):  

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 0) Added:

Links -- __ Added -   YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd =  )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War  ___ YTD = -
Spanish American War: __
Mexican American - ___
World War I = items added -__ -  YTD : -
World War II =Items added  __ YTD =
Korean -- ____
Viet Nam - ____ -YTD -

NEWS       -- Added -  YTD - 131  -

PHOTOS -- _- Added  (YTD  = )
Photos People:  ___   -   War, WWII - see his obit)
Photos Groups:            - ;
PHOTOS Places:  ____  =  
Photographer information   

STREETS -- Added ____YTD =  -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _   : Total added   - # 543- towns to date -
QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = ) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who -- Mission accomplished -

Who's Who ____ -- Added -

NOVEMBER  2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  _210 = 1238 YTD - November  ACCOMPLISHED our 500-800 goal =  30,953  total  -- Dain (Grace); Damewood (Thoas); Davis (Stephen Morton - added) Davison (Mary Alice); Dazey (John E; Verna (added). Delp (Dorothy_; Deeter (Ida; Nellie; Elizabeth); Deck (Samuel); Dettbenner (Albert, Augusta); Denman (Ella); Dewey (Catherine; Lizzie; Detchon (John T).  Downs (Tommy); Donahue (Bridget x 2; Dowell (Darold WWII); Maude; Thomas Erasmus.   Dunbar (Alpha x 2); Duncan Helen; Alexander); Dunn (Matilda added); Dunkle (William).  Fay (James Marion); Fishero (Jesse); Foxworthy (Minnie); Ferrell (Fred; Willie - WWI).  Fenters (Mark O - added several); Farley (Earl); Fertich (William); Fields (Everett); Fenters Oran B x 3 and Ruth).  Flannigan, George - added. Foster (Garrett).  Furr (Cora added); Freeman (David, Mary 1887); Fullenwider (Moses) Fruits (Earl).

Britton (Jon Rodney); Crowder (Elijah); Crocker (Caroliine); Dude (James D); Dwiggins (Sherman); Elmore (Roscoe; Ellis (Howard x3); Ebrite (Amos x 2); Earl - child of Howard; Ewell (Wardlaw added 2); Erwin (Marie; Malcolm); Epperson (Hal); Faulkner (Estella); Faust (Martha Stewart); Florey (Homer Quiggle); Frazier (Gertrude); Furr (Elizabeth Fletcher x2); Gentry (Martha Ann); Graves (Warren); Grenard (Carrie Westfall; Clarence); Gosnell (Ida May); Hoffhaus (Lucille Kerr); Howard (Herman); Lane (William Darwin); Lang (Edward Glenn added); Landis (Bob G x 2; Mildred); Layne (Abraham x2); Meadows (Blanche Ruby Hatt Palmer); Morgan (Louise Duncan); Myers (John Raymond; Hazel Purnell); McAlister (Minnie); McBride (Effie Wilhite); McClure (Charles E); McCollum (James W; Samuel Tilden); McKnight (Hannah Sheaffer); Parks (James A); Paxton (Bertha Irene Delp); Walden (Wesley); Wade (Isaac Ferris - added); Wayne - WWI Andrew Jackson x2); Warrick (Emma added); Wade (Jennie Booe - added to); Walter (George Edward); Walters (Wilda); Warren (Elmira); Warner (Ethel); Watts (Henry Everett); Wantland (Charles x2); Whitaker (Charles Lawson); White (Charles Wesley); Whitham (Glenn Howard); Williams (Herman, Thomas J); Wilkerson (William McKinley (x3); Wilhelm (Lula Coram; Mary); Wilbeer (Adelaine x3); Wilson (Etta Hightower; Susan Scott; Williamson (Erasmus x3 added); Wills (Opal "Cappie"; Wray (Ethel Mae; Mary Buchanan); Wolever (Louise); Wollery (Leland); Woody (John Milton); Woodard (Pearl x 2); Wood (Harold - WWI)

Added these on 11-14-2024
D - Delaney, Lizzie; Derrick, Carrie; DeBruicker, Vincent; DeJehne June; Dellinger (June Sarver x2); Delp, Arbie and Stella; Denham (Robert x2); Dineen (John); Dickerson (Dorothy); Dice (Joseph T - 1967); Dinwiddie - Sarah Taylor?  PLEASE HELP WITH THIS ONE if anyone knows her); Dinsmore (Francis Elmo);
S - Skinner (John Floyd x 2); Sloan (William F, Claude Albert); Smith (D. Puutnam; Putnam (different); Hannah P; Malinda; John W - Mexican & Civil War); Robert 1896 x 2; Mabel Bayless; Frances Shotts x 3; Lester; Vera Mitchell; Mertie).  Spillman (Ira) -- added to); Sosbe (Donald Earl); Souders Richard); Aparger (Etta Slusser x 3; Ora Whitecotton); Songer Alice Hartman x2; Swank (Anna Elizabeth; Charlres Gale; Asbury 1920 added; William - 1900; Sutton (John Edmund x2); Sweeney (Orville "Jack)

Alumni- Schools -- _2 years of alumni reports for Waveland_(they are so neat)
Added   (YTD = 2,082 )  :  

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- 2_ - added to Chelsea Stockwell and added bio + photo of Carlyle Scott

Births --      added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESSES  ____Added >> (Year To Date: 58--) Dog~n~Suds - Photo of owners and car-hop crew;

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _ _Added: YTD_9_   Names :  (added_Bryant
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES  Adding new Church Items HERE!   2    ( YTD = 8  <> TD = 115 ):  Added -Photo of the Early Trinity ME Church of Crawfordsville with Parishioners about 1905; Trinity Sunday School Picnic 7 Aug 1908

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 27 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War _1__ YTD = 14 - John W. Smith 1901 & Mexican too)
Spanish American War: _1_
Mexican American - __1_John W. Smith - see above
World War I = items added -_3_ -  YTD : - Willie Ferrell; Andrew Jackson Waye; Wood (Harold)
World War II =Items added  _18_ YTD 43= Darold Dowell; Earl Farley; Donald Gott; Leo Grezesk; Charles Harmon; Okie Cline; Carrol Feather; Orville Geiger; draft article; Daniel Hillard; Jack Hudson; Dwight Hughes; Fred Jessup; Hubert Jones; Wm. P. Kane; Luher Irwin; Robert Wright; Richard Wilkinson; Charles Zaikovsky; and an article on Cain
Korean War = ___   YTD =2
Viet Nam - ____ -YTD - 1

NEWS 25   -- Added -  YTD - 131  - News 2 - Club - Annanias Club - LIARS - also under the liars lol - Wm. Welford; Fred Bandel; Ben Crane; Buck Brothers; Mit Scott; Harley Ornbaum.  News 3 - Fires - 1909 Arson Fires - also linked to those who had them - Larsh, Snyder, Wedding (I hope); Doherty; Hodgkin; Lydick; Stout; Maxwell/  Misc Burgess, John - 5-legged calf; Fullen - sell 1st steers; Brewer Albert arrested or not by Marshall SNodgrass; Stanley x 2 Albert Adopted by JW Ramsey
Teachers Institute including the first one ever in MoCo

PHOTOS -- _2- Added  (YTD  =26 )
  • Photos People:  __2_   -  Added: photo of Carlyle Scott in bio and James Wilson in Mexican-American War
  • Photos Groups:          - ;
  • PHOTOS Places: ____  =  
Photographer information  

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _2   : Total added   YTD - # 543- towns to date - added new towns - Bad Medicine & Stop Corner

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 19) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who -- Mission accomplished -

Who's Who ____ -- Added -

OCTOBER  2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  _60_= 1028 YTD - 95 October  ACCOMPLISHED our 500-800 goal =  30,743  total  --added 35 more see bewlow - C's
Ma -- Malsbary Savannah; William; Marsh Henry B and Harmon Willson x 2;; Marmaduke (William) ;Malone (Ethel Remley); Masterson Dorcas x 2; Mason (Nell Lamson); MacIntosh (George Lewes added); Martyn (John Lyle - added); Malone (Ethel Remley added); Marshall Edward V added 2; Markley George W.  

Mc -- McClure (Mrs. John - 1891 -- ANYONE KNOW WHO SHE IS?); Walter Brigett added; McAlister (Nannie added); McIntyre (Laura Wyson); McKinley (Lena Wilhelm; Samuel); McIntire (Dugald); McMillin (Lela Shotts); McCranor (David x 3);  McGill, Anna Bennett; McGlasham (Odess McFarland; MccCord Emily Heath (added); McCrea (Edward T added 3); McComas (William added 1); McGaughey (John - 1908); McFarland (Sarah)

C - Campbell, Thomas N - CW - Canine, Ralph - Campbell, George (added); Cedars (Charles - added; Goldie; John - added); Cheney (John); Chenoweth (Alta - added); Chadwick (James Martin - CW) Clark (Mrs JA - who is she - anyone know???); Samuel Allen (Added); John - added; Shelby (Dr); Mary Kise; Edna x 2; Wesley Fletcher x 2); Cloements (Ira and Bessie); Clift (John); Cloud (Carrie Etter - added); Clore (Pearl - added).  Coats (William - added); Coberly (Nathan); Couberly (Fannie); Coulter (James added two); Cowan (Lucy Ayres); Cordin (Floyd); Coyner (Elizabeth SMith - added); Cooper (Rosa Alice); Cortelyou (Minnie Arthur); Crockett (William Perry - added: Crouse (Ellen - added); Crumley (Naomi)

M - Mitchell, Lester, Charles, Gleen, Lowell; Michael, Raymond and John; Milligan (Frank); Mick (FM); Miller (Robert W; James Robert "Bob" Vol x4; Thomas H; Shirley McKiney; John A); Mitty, Samuel

Alumni- Schools -- __
Added   (YTD = 2,080 )  :  

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- 2_ articles in  bios__ Added 31 year to date --Shelby, Harry Orth - Humphrey, Samuel + photograph

Births --        added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESSES   ____Added >> (Year To Date: 58--) Dog~n~Suds - Photo of owners and car-hop crew;

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _   _Added: YTD_9_   Names :  (added_Bryant
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __20__ Added:  (YTD 130) Coffin (Russell and Cecil McClamrock); McKinley (Samuel and Lena Wilhelm).  Grimes (Betty Lou to Lawrence Verplant); Blue (Bessie and WIlliam SMith); Wilson (Ira and Martha Dettbenner); Grubb (Clara and Clarence Todd); Broaders (Claud and Elsie Schleppy); Rush, (Lavaughn and Forest Layne; Kirkpatrick (Mayme and Donald A. Hunt)
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ___1_ Updated: Added 1910 tallies

CHURCHES   Adding new Church Items HERE!         ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 27 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War  __2__ YTD = 13 - Thomas N. Campbell; James Martin Chadwick
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -__ -  YTD : 6 -
World War II =Items added  __ YTD 25 = t
Korean War = ___   YTD =2
Viet Nam - ____ -YTD - 1

NEWS   24   -- Added -  YTD - 106 - Miscellaneous - Co Poor Farm articles plus Deaths fo Owen Owens; John Mills; John; Parke; William Ralson-- Crouch, Louisa - pension.  Farmer House Hotel.  Fires -Rickey Grocery 1914; Misc - Kirkpatrick, Charley - moving into mansion Ouiatenon.  New Richmond Tidbits - Frank Campbell Post Master - Co Poor Farm - Added: Trinter, Nancy & Sam; Stewart (John); Sampson Mary (added 2); Parker, John; Vail boy; Williams, Anderson; Talbert, Wm; Johnson, Dvid; Hay, Jacob; Carson, Frank

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =24 )
Photos People:  _5__   -  Added: Lawson photos; Humphreys family
Photos Groups:            - ;
PHOTOS Places:  __2__  =  14 YTD: Added another copy of 5,000 Tons of Pumpkins at the Ladoga Canning Factory 1941 (clearer and Larger);  Three photos displaying Crawfordsville Fire Department resources of men and trucks;  
Photographer information   2  articles on various photographers here - Lawson & Nicholson

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _2   : Total added   YTD - # 541- towns to date - added new town - Mount Baldy and info on Morris Switch

SEPTEMBER 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  _69_= 933 YTD ACCOMPLISHED our 500-800 goal =  30,648  total  --
H - Hazlett (Marquerite Galey); Hayes (Raymond M); Hays (Clarence); Harvey (James - added); Hart (Caroline Royer x 4; Ethan Lynn); Havey (Gladys); Hester (Nora Edith x3); Heath (Vonda Priest); Hershberger (Mary O x2); Henry (Emma); Heidinger (Del); Hemphill (Bill); Henderson (Charlotte).  I - Ingersoll (Herschel added to; Anna; Harold x4; Geraldine x2; Frederick); Irvin (Willie). S - Scott (Abraham Lincoln; Carlyle T; Edgar); Sawyer (James - 1912); Savoldi (Hilda); Sayers (William); Schwindler (Daman x2; Henrietta x2; Edith Campbell); Schweitzer (Christ); Shafer (Fanny); Shackleford (Daniel Voorhees); Shawber (Albert); Sharp (Ora Hendrickson - added); Shanklin (Maragret); Shumaker (Prime; John Wesley; Lloyd Dead - added ); Shepherd (Fannie Kirkpatrick; Edwin); Swank (Asbury - 1920; Freddie; Asbury 1863 x2); William Gray x2; Mary 1914; Edward J - Civil War; Sweet (Cora Virgil; Swisher (Augusta - added); Servies, James A.;  

Added 30 more obituaries - total for month being 98 -- T -- Taylor (Alice, Grace, Joan, William - Dr added 2); Tapp (Samuel L - added); Teague (Harry F WWI x3 and SM); Thebus (Dorothea); Thompson (Maurice added 2 and added one to Walter A).  Timmons  (Anna Book); Truitt (Sarah); Truax (Belle Keys); Tunin (Bertha); Turpin (Arville); Turner (Hazel, Robert Earl added; John S); Toney (William) Tutt (John - added) -- U-V - Utterback (Hal); Vancourt (Doris Lowery); Vaught (Lola Stull); Vincent (Jane Doyles added); Voorhees (Wm - added)

Added 45 more obituaries - total for month being 143 -- A - Akers (Nathaniel); Abney (Ruby, Ruth); Alexander (Fleeta Park); Allhands (Georgia - added to); Ames (Earl D); Arnett (Clifford C; Thelma Thompson); Arthur (Edward); Aydelotte (Kate).  B - Babb (John R x2; Samuel Dewey); Barnes (Emma McKenzie; James); Bean (Mary Lou; Claude; George added to); Beebee (Chester x2); Best (Andrew, Susan - added to); Biddle (Margaret J); Billings (Hiram - Civil War x3; Harley D); Bischof (John); Bishop (Lawrence - added to); Breaks (Harrison - added to); Briney (Virginia added 2); Brown (Maria Small; Brush (William Wallace); Burk (Mary Jane Reynolds - added to); Buckles (Robert A); Bunnell (Lee x 3)

Alumni- Schools -- __
Added   (YTD = 2,080 )  :  

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- _ articles in  bios__ Added _29  year to date --

Births --      added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESSES  ____Added >> (Year To Date: 58--) Dog~n~Suds - Photo of owners and car-hop crew;

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _ 1 _Added: YTD_9_   Names :  (added_Bryant
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __40___ Added:  (YTD 110) Applegate-Ray; Barr/Ornbaum; Binns-Applegate; Crist-Wolfe; Dazey-Haines; Endicott/Flannigan; Sikerman/LaFollette; LaFollette/ Sprunger; Magruder-Johnson; Killen-Sowders; Royer-Nannet; Mick/Ferris; Deeter/Earl; Ewing/Palmer; Byrd/Fordice; Benjamin./Taylor; Bible/Thomas; Payne-Rauch; Watts-Kochell
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES  Adding new Church Items HERE!       ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 27 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War __2__ YTD = 11 - Edward J. Swank; Hiram Billings
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -__ -  YTD : 6 -
World War II =Items added  _1_ YTD 25 = obit for Clifford Arnett
Korean War = ___   YTD =2
Viet Nam - ____ -YTD - 1

NEWS 11   -- Added -  YTD - 82 -  Accident - Smith Swank & family - buggy flips into creek - LUCKY people - 50th Anniversary - Cecil Lang.  Clubs - Bachelor & Flower Lovers; Music - Hi Henry Band; Misc - L - Bill Lafollette guest on Groucho Marx show; Lyons accused of fatherhood - mob? Ornbaum rents have pole cats.  V-VanSlyke Policing x 3

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =23 )
  • Photos People:  _1__   -  Added:  Evangelist Carlyle T. Scott
  • Photos Groups:          - ;
  • PHOTOS Places: ____  =  12 YTD
Photographer information  8 articles on various photographers here - Hirshberg; Waters; Pickerell; Lawson; Lucas

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _3   : Total added   YTD - # 540- towns to date - added new town - Rome -information on Roll's Run and a lengthy article on early Ladoga

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 19) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who ____ --

Added -AUGUST 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  53__= 789 YTD =  30,504 total  -- added 34 more - some multiple (see L-M) Added -J - Jarvis (Carl Duane); Jackman (James Eugene - WWII); Jahnke (Ernest x2); Jessup (Frank Eldo); Jolley (Iva Goff added); Jones (Collet; Amanda; Cornelius, James C, Clark - added); Justice (Jesse - added); Johnson, Mary Armstrong x2; Paul 1913; Presley).  K - Kagels (Mamie Christenson); Keller (Jessica Marie); Kellison (AD x3; Samuel); King (William J; William H - WWII x4; Josiah - added); Kites (WInton); Kimball (Gordon x32); Kline - WJ Civil War; Kirkpatrick (Jacob); Koon (George Washington.  L - Lewis (Earl; Mary; Charles; Stella Jones); Lee (Flint); Lawton (Alta); Lawson (George Leslie); Lee (Wilston T - added); Largent (Nancy Reed); Lang (Anna Steele - add); Larkin (Lida); Lafollette - Beulah - added; Joseph C); LePage (Jules - added); Lane (Joanna Elston - added; W. Ernest)

Added 8-16- L - Lighty, Archie, Sr (added); Lindley (George - added); Linn (John Barnett x2; Susan Crane; Morton E x 2); Livengood,Frank (x3) and Albert - 1899; Livingston (Martha); Long (Hugh, Civil War; Roy G); Lowery (Daniel - WWII - added; Frank x2); Lough (Fessenden William; George); Ludwig (Frances); Ludlow (Carolyn); Lyons (Charles).  

Mc - McCrea Edward T x 6; McFeely (Joe); McFall (Josephine Lousetta); McCormick (George Russell - added)

Alumni- Schools -- _363_
Added   (YTD = 2,080 )  :  New Market Unidentified Graduating Class, around 1910 thru 1920; 1968 New Market "Flyer" Annual (86 images); 1969 New Market "Flyer" Annual (84 images); 1970 New Market "Flyer" Annual (72 images); 1971 New Market "Flyer" Annual (120 images);

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- _ articles in  bios__ Added _29  year to date --

Births --      added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESSES  ____Added >> (Year To Date: 57--)

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _ _Added: YTD_8_   Names :  (added_
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _____ Added:  (YTD 70)
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES  Adding new Church Items HERE!       ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 27 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War __1__ YTD = 9 -Kline, WJ
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -__ -  YTD : 6 -
World War II =Items added  _2_ YTD 24 =Jackman, James Eugene; King (William H)
Korean War = ___   YTD =2
Viet Nam - ____ -YTD - 1

NEWS 10   -- Added -  YTD - 80 -  Fires: 3 articles on John Shehan 1909 Fire Bug; Sam Flannigan - fire burns Moody's fence.  Sick List 4 men eat mushrooms - 3 die; Crime: Wright, Jack - horse stealing.  Churches - Mace Methodist Church; Clubs - Anthilogie Club; Kulinary Kraft Club.  Anniversaries  Utterback, JCC -55th

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =23 )
  • Photos People:  _3__   -  Added:  James Wilson - see Civil War; "Unknown Girl in Pink" identified as Kristen Boots; Mahorney, James Fisher, see in the "Mahorney Family Album";
  • Photos Groups:          - ;
  • PHOTOS Places: ____  =  12 YTD
Photographer information  

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _   : Total added   YTD - # 539- towns to date -

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - _6___   ( YTD = 19) --Sayers 1914; Bell; Graham; McNeil; Malsbury - added; Swank

JULY 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  70 +35 = 105 July + 35 more = 140 in July so far    Added - [ytd=702  Total 30,415)  = B - Beach, Corwin, Mary J. Beckley, Rachel. Belton, Elizabeth Gsarland x 2; Bennett, Elmer; Bell, Sarah.  Biggs, Gilbert; Helen x2; Bible, John C x 2; Boling, Marie; Bolen, Leland; Bott, John - added; Boram, Hattie Wilson; Butler, John Maurice x 2; Burnett, Mary; Byrd, Sarah; Burford, Wm 1913; Butts, Edith;  C -- Carter, Alice Stephens x 3; Wheeland x2; Castle, Mamie x2; Canby (Elizabeth; Carroll, Robert; Caldwell, Clara; Canady - child of Young and Harry; Carroll, Thomas; Coats, Cozetta; Cook, Thomas M; Cooksey, Thomas - added; Collins, Belle Sidener - added; Coffman, Keziahama x 3; Conover, John added; Collins, James I; Conway, Joe; Coffman (Army, Richard, added); Conklin, James H; Cocran, Nora Davis; Coonse, James William; Cockefair, Charles added; Connell, Sylvester - added; Coyner, John D and Lucian; Cowan, Charles - 1913; Cord, Ed - added; Cottrell, Frank; Cope, Frank; Cox (Mrs. John) - 1890; Cox, Blanch; Croy, Beatrice; Crane, Joseph Warren added; Mayme added; Cunningham (Mrs. RJ - Jane); Cummings, Ethel Crane; Sarah Busenbark Crain; Wiley Crowder; Luther Curran - WWII

Added another 35 -- E - East (Clarence; Daily; Dennis); Elmore (Alonzo; Lillie Moore); Elstun (Frank Marion x 2); Elfreich (Frederick - WWII Medic)   F - Fay (Bessie Funk); Farren (Mark - KIA Vietnam); Feather (Carrol Wayne - KIA WWII); Fleming, John - added); Fox, Mattie; Foley (John A); Foreman (Edith).  G - Gant (Charles Wesley, Lurena); Gaguer (Nancy); Gegner (Robert E - added); Geyer (Martha - added); Gillum (Bert - added); Gibson (Isaac; Kenton); Gillis (Joseph); Gilkey (Elma added); Guard (Forrest - added); Griggs (Bessie Gill); Griffin (Carol Wagner; Mason x2)

Added another 35 -- B - Baker (Alice Masterson); Baity (Arley - WWII); Barr (Stella); Babbitt (WL x 2); Baldwin (Edwin G added); Biggs (Helen Martha added); Black, David x3; Elizabeth x3; Edward A x3 KIA - Civil War) Boraker (Clarence x 3 WWI died disease); Boyland (Phyllis); Bond (George); Boswell (Cynthia; WJ); Bundy (Margaret); Busnell (Emily).  C - Clark (Wesley Fletcher x3; Taylor Don); Clayton (Everett ); Claycomb (Gilbert); Clements (Roxie); Cloud (Carrie x2; Thomas).  

Alumni- Schools -- __145_  Added   (YTD = 2,079 )  Alamo 1952 Annual 54 images under Southmont District; Darlington 1970-71 7th Grade ~ names added to picture page;  Alamo 1925 Annual 89 images under Southmont District;

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):
Alexander, James M; Durham, William H - added Marmaduke William x 3 - need to find out more about this fellow; Wingate, John - added
Biographies -- 6_ articles in  bios__ Added _29  year to date --

BUSINESSES  __15__Added >> (Year To Date: 57--) Albright; Gilbert; Heark; Brown & Watson Mill; Cumberland & Miller; (Mrs. RM Jordon beauty salon - early); Ice Cream - MAIL DELIVERY; Lafayette Ice Cream Company; EJ Kious; MJ Runyan; Dr BE May; John W. Butcher; Hale's Restaurant

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _1 _Added: YTD_8_   Names : Pine (added_
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __20___ Added:  (YTD 70) Hauk, Opal - Raymond Rice; Shelby, George  -WilmaBryan; Bridwell, Rose - Earl Zuck; Reath, Forest - Flossie Ryker; Sayler, Walter - Elizabeth Opal Bonwell; Brown, Lonnie - Lula Greenberg (x2); Blue, Bessie - William Smith - added; Goddard, Della - Marion DeVault; Hardman, Lorlie and Ednaa Kincaid.
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

CHURCHES  Adding new Church Items HERE!       ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)_3__Added - (ytd = 27 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War __6__ YTD = 8 - Edward A. Black - KIA  -; Wyske Fork Battle (thanks Scott); McClaskey, Ebenezer (x4); Steele, Wm. H; Wilson, James + photo; McCrea, Edward
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -_1_ -  YTD : 6 - Clarence Boarker died disease
World War II =Items added  _4_ YTD 22 =Luther Curran; Frederick Elfreich (WWII - medic); Feather (Carrol - KIA); Arley Baity
Korean War = 2   YTD = 2 photos of Richard Bruner in uniform;
Viet Nam - __1__ -KIA - Mark Farren

NEWS 25   -- Added -  YTD - 70 -  Crime: Walter Runyan; Gaddis/Baldwin; Armstrong, Wm; Follick Chicken case; James Osborn - Ellis; O'Brien kidnapping; Darlington Tidbits; Cox, Elijah; Alexander - Reunion; Music - Kleiser, Wanetah - teach in college; Newspaper - New Richmond; New Richmond Tidbits & Hardware Store; TS Patten; Kirkpatrick, Charley; Mahoy family; 1915 Good year  (New R); Westfall, Joel - plays fife; Adoptions - added - Martin- Mason family - Vanhook family

PHOTOS -- _14_- Added  (YTD  =20 )
  • Photos People:  __2_   -  Added:  James Wilson - see Civil War; "Unknown Girl in Pink" identified as Kristen Boots;
  • Photos Groups:          - ;
  • PHOTOS Places: __12__  =  12 photos for the Deer's Mill area, both past and present;
Photographer information  

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _   : Total added 4  YTD - # 539- towns to date -

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 13) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who ___1_ -- Added -

JUNE 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  52  (see list below + 50 more 102 this month +30 totalling 157 for June + 25 more )   Added - [ytd=562 Total 30,275  = G -- Gayhart (Andrew - Confed Soldier); Galloway (Archibald - added); Gates (Clara Ronk); Geiger (Hattie (added obit); Goble (Jennie); Gohman (Theodore - added); Goetz (George - added); Gray (Anna Dunbar; Zola); Greene (Sarah Masterson); Greenburg (Julius).  H -- Hall (Clint); Hamilton (Walter added); Hamm (Lonnie - added); Hammit (Carolyn, added, John); Harriman (James - 1914); Harlan (Joshua, Lily); Harrison (Allen); Himes (Rubr Joe); Hills (inf of George - added to); Hoffa (Lida); Holland (James); Houk (Cleva - added to); Hostetter (Simeon); Houston (Mary Britton); Hubbard (W Scott); Hughes (Sarah); Humphreys (Charles - added); Hyten (William H - added); Hutchinson (John); W - Wilson (Donald R; Daisy; George M; Moses F x 3; Donald R x 2; Ruth McCabe x 2; Justin Howard).  

A - Anderson (Mary 1895; Monta); Atkinson (Robert E); Arthur (L. Dale - Dr).  B - Bible (John C; John P; Vivian); Bischof (Abe added); Blue (William). Brown (Mercedes - added); Elizabeth 1925); Loren "Babe" x2); Browning (Thomas); Bryant (Richard Lee); Bramblett (Wm. R x 3); Britton (Maggie); Bratton (Lizzie - added); Brothers (Jennie; John J).  

Biographies -- _3 articles in  bios__ Added _23 year to date -- Harrell, Hezekiah - added to his); Harter (David same; Edmund Otis Hovey - lengthy article added to his bio

BUSINESS  _10___Added >> (Year To Date: -42--) New Richmond Light & Power plus articles for Frank Campbell and Laura Kirkpatrick (x 2 each) in regards to shuch.  New Richmond Shoes - Clem Heaton proprietor.  Crystal Theater - Glenn Harriman manager

Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __10___ Added:  (YTD 50) Johnson, Fred - Catherine Clark; Jolley, Mabel - Floyd Linn; Ebrite (Vera - Forrest Waye); Johnson, Edith - Lawrence Pierce; Charlotte Thompson - Will Marmaduke);

NEWS 10   -- Added -  YTD - 44 -  

MAY 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  52  (see list below + 50 more 102 this month +30 totalling 132 for May )   Added - [ytd=487 Total 30,200  = G -- Gray (Charlotte; James B 1942 x4; James B - added; Emma Wooley - added; John K - added; Effie Lowe; Martin P; Gravett (George).  S - Strong (Mary Simmons); Stonebraker (Homer - added); Stuart (Vernon Perley); Stoneciper (Jennie - added); Stoup (Golda); Stuckey (Brenda; Milton x3; Stull (Lawson P).  Snyder (Earl, Charles M x2); Somerville (Peter); Songer (Eileen x2); Springer (Helen, John L); Spruhan (Etta); Spear (Donald Lee); Scott (Jesse - WWII); Schulthes (Wesley - WWII); Seward (Martha); Schlosser (Martha Fannie x2); Scott (James)   T - Thompson (Herman; Anna Shanklin; Joseph - added; Leva; Berniece added); Talbert (Helen Butts); Teague (Harry F x2); Thomas (Audrey Poole); Taylor (Charles B - WWII.  W - Williams (Claude R x2; Hubert B; Jewell; Lula - added); Weaver (Robert - added ; Sallie St. Clair); West son of Joel; Wethington (Wilma).

Added 50 more  -- D - Dooley (Iona Jackson); Dove (Hansel; Sarah Alta; Michael); Dockins (Roy); Dodd (Christia); Douglas (LaVee Campbell; Louis Jack x 2 - WWII).  E - Epperson (William Sanford "Sank"); Evans (Burk); Engle (Whillie Beard - added); Everson (Vorhees Leroy x2); Ewell (Dr Hardlow x 3).  G -  Grimes (Ralph B x 2 - WWI - Navy; Montie); Griggs (Donald); Gritten (Alva x 4; Beranrd x 4; Evalena Shoaf); Groce (Flora x 2; Harold Lee x 2); Gross (Arizona; Frank; Mary).  H - Hackett (Anna Ryan); Hack (Ruby Foster); Haas (Darrell Lee x2); Haines (Nancy; Wes); Hampton (Amanda); Hanna (Harlan); Haffner (Mary Burk); Hadley (Martha Maris)

Added 30 more --A -  Airhart (Marion Bruce); Adams (Maria Meharry); Adamson (Ray); Albrigh (Tillman; Theresa, John - added); Allen, (Hiram D and Rena McClure)
B - Bastion (Thomas A - added); Bastion (Charles Wesley); Barclay (Opal Susie); Barnes (Anna Miller x2); Barkley (Rose); Baxter (Ernest)
W - Ward (Mary Raub; John W); Wallace (Grover C - added; Harrison B x 2); Walsh (Thomas); Walp (Lewis - WWI); Wann (Raymond WWII; Smith);

Alumni- Schools -- ___  Added   (YTD = 1,935 )

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- 4_  article, in  bios__ Added _20 year to date Courtney, John R; Cowan (Edward H & John Maxwell); Wilson, James

Births --        added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESS   _11___Added >> (Year To Date: -22--) -Washington Street Boots (Lou Sleppy); West MA (Funeral Director - New Richmond); Barnhill & Templeton - Undertakers); Smith's Restaurant - C'ville 1901; Swank Auctioneer; Walts Edgar - Notary Public; Kelsey CD (Dentist); Jones - Murphy Law Firm

Cemeteries -- __ -  ADDED  

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _5   _Added: YTD_7_   Names : Cornwall Pearl - against Miles - added to their article; Schweitzer, Teresa - Christian - added; Middleton, Jennie - Robert; Dewey, Maggie - Howard; Bell, Lydia - Jonathan - added
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __26___ Added:  (YTD 40) - Emery Monroe - Mima Kemble; Ruby Foster - Edward Oppy; Jennie Meharry - Charles Fraley; George Grantham - Martha Hazel; Sherman Dickey - Pearl Hayworth Dazey; Chauncey Dukes - Mary Nolan; Jessie Henderson - Wm A Peters; Banta, Claren - Pearl Kite; Kerr, Mary - Leander Hayes; Kennedy, Charley - Ethel Quick; Grimes, Fred - Elizabeth Wren

Miscellaneous ____

Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES   Adding new Church Items HERE!         ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 5 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War  ____ YTD = 1 -
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -2 - Ralph B. Grimes; Lewis Walp  - and 5  YTD :
World War II =Items added  _5_ YTD 18 = Articles added for Taylor, Charles B; Jesse Scott; Wesley Schulthes; Louis Jack Douglas; Raymond Wann
Viet Nam - ____ -

NEWS    10   -- Added -  YTD - 44 -  (Miscellaneous) - Grimes, Fred B resigns; Hollings, Nellie adopted by Mitchells; Cox, Roy (Paternity); Music (Waveland Peerless Player; Crystal Theater; New Richmond Orchestra); Sick List - Quarantine - New Richmond area - x2

PHOTOS -- _2_- Added  (YTD  =6 )
Photos People:  __2_   -  Added:  2 photos of Amanda Davis Brooks, one with her husband:
Photos Groups:            - ;
PHOTOS Places:  ____  =  
Photographer information   

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _   : Total added 4  YTD - # 539- towns to date -

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 13) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who ____ -- Added -

APRIL 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  60  (see list below)   Added - [ytd=352 Total 30,065  = B - Bailey (N - anyone know her); Baity (Arley); Ball (Harry Edwin); Bales (Melvin); Barcas (John M); Barnhart (Herman); Bean (George); Bennett - CW (John); Bell (Addison, Stephen); Beckner (Panel); Berry (Cora); Beecham (John H); Beckner (Panel); Biggs (Vernice); Biddle (Elmer; Ernest; John P; Lyda; Thomas J); Birdcell (Laura); Blacketer (Charles F).  G - Goff (Frank; Anna; James H 1928; James 1940); Goldsberry (Marjorie); H - Harbolt (Jack); Harper (Effie, Robert M): Harris (Caroline; Edna); Holman (Robert; Russell)); Holt (Larry); Hodges (Joshua); Hopping (Mary Berkshire; John B); Howard (Russell).  K - Keyes (John Paul); Keys (Richard); Kerry (Brian); Ketcham (Andrew); Kirkpatrick (Edwin; Dayton); Kiefer (Valentine); Kimbal (1869 - know his first name?); Kimbrell (Rilla); Kindell (Herschell); Kunkel (Scott); Kunkle (Lillian); Kinser (Sally Frazier); Kincaid (Marion); Knee (Eva Bratton).   

Alumni- Schools -- ___  Added   (YTD = 1,935 )

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- 9_  article, in  bios__ Added _16 articles to date _ added 5 people - Year to date --12 people YTD -- included Andrew Wineland; Francis Nichols; William Nicholson; William Hurt; Albert Hamilton; Benjamin Hickman; Edward Hall
Births --        added :

BUSINESS   ____Added >> (Year To Date: -11--) -

Cemeteries -- __ -  ADDED  

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _   _Added: YTD_2_   Names :
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __10___ Added:  (YTD 16) - Mary Demoret to Otis Hall; Maggie Burroughs to Frank Beck; Frank Davidson to Elsie Marshall; Wayne (Lt) Galey  to Pauline Gentry; Walter Easly to V. Hood

CHURCHES   Adding new Church Items HERE!         ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 5 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War  __1__ YTD = 1 - Bennett (John S)
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -- and 2 YTD :
World War II =Items added  __ YTD 13 = Articles added for
Viet Nam - ____ -

NEWS    12   -- Added -  YTD - 34 -  Information - added - Clubs =K of P Cville.  Accidents: Edward Hall and wife - serious Buggy Accident.  Churches - 1st Christian Scientist; Waynetown Baptist; Pleasant Hill these in News 2 -- News 3 has (Misc) Williams Mrs. MJ a palmist.  K - Kite, Mrs. escaped the Poor Farm. CO Kirkpatrick has family hammer from 1750s.  J - Jennison AC received a Bellis Bike.  Roe Bonnell and wife - great story!  Fires - Rescue 2 sold; Edgar Henry home burned

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =4 )
Photos People:  ___   -  Added:  
Photos Groups:            - ;
PHOTOS Places:  ____  =  
Photographer information   

STREETS -- Added ____YTD = 9 -  - some new and some information

TOWNS: : _2   : Total added 4  YTD - # 539- towns to date - one new (Offiel) and an article on Bal Hinch

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 13) --

MARCH 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  47 + 18 (see list below)   Added - [ytd=292 Total 30,005  = (note some of these have several obits to their names) -McCampbell (John Richard; Joseph C; Mary Ann; Parke); McCloud (Susan Harris)McIntyre (Sarah Denning); McKee (Gwendolyn - added); McKnight (Leona x3); McLaughlin (Nathaniel - added); Middleton (Pamela); Miles (Gordon x2; Opal x2); Miller (Hattie; Laura Peters); Milligan (Dale); Sights (Fannie Allen); Simpson (Margaret - added; Albert added); Sies (inf of George; George); Smith (Ellen - added; Doraman Lee x 3; George Franklin; Opal Lydia); Stackhouse (Frank M); Starnes (Charles Frederick); Steart (Adda; Alson Morton added; Lloyd; Nancy Spray); Swisher (child of Tell) Swain (Jemima) Swain, CA - this in the original obit was the wrong name - it is Christopher A. SWAIM so changed that); Sullivan (Laurence, added; Michael x5); Swank (Benaldine Suiters); Sutherland (Ed)

Added 18 which put us over our 30,000 - YES !! -- Galey (Julia Allen; James H) 1929); Garver (Manford, Raymond); Galloway (Ed, Mary Gebhart); Gayler (Pearl AUter) Haines, Nellie; Hall, Mary "Winnie": Hallett, Elijah; Hamilton, Mary Jones; Irwin, Joe Edward; Ingersoll, Herschel - WWII; Lloyd WWII; Ralph WWII (added multiple ones to the Ingersoll brothers)

Alumni- Schools -- __1,917_  Added   (YTD = 1,935 )  Yearbook pages from Alamo (1953, 1954, 1955, 1956); New  Ross (1947, 1949); Ladoga (1953); New Market (1953); Waveland Elementary ( 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987); Southmont (1976, 1982, 1988); Crawfordsville Athenian ( 1940, 1968, 1970); Darlington Chief 1961;

Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- _ 9 article, in 6 bios__ Added _7_ Year to date -- Carrington (Henry B); Campbell, John L x3); Canby (Edward Richard - added to); Landman, Solomon (2); Butler, John M; Burroughs, George

Births --      added :

Blog -- ____ --  YTD  ___:  

BUSINESS  __11__Added >> (Year To Date: -22--) -Washington Street Boots (Lou Sleppy); WA West (Funeral Director, New Richmond); Barnhill & Templeton; Smith's Restaurant Cville 1901; Swank - Auctioneer;  Walts, Edgar Notary Public; Kelsey, CE (Dentist); Jones - Murphy - law firm

Cemeteries -- __ -  ADDED  

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Deeds___ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _ _Added: YTD_2_   Names :
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Law Suits - ____   Added -
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _____ Added:  (YTD 6) -
Miscellaneous ____
Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :
Wills  __ Added: __ Names :  

Census ____ Updated:

CHURCHES  Adding new Church Items HERE!       ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Diaries --___ -  

Digging Up Bones Mysteries _____ =

Letters ___ -  (YTD = 10) Added:

Links -- __ Added -  1 YTD

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 5 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War ____J
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -- and 2 YTD :
World War II =Items added  _7_ YTD 13 = Articles added for Herschel, Lloyd and Ralph Ingersoll
Viet Nam - ____ -

NEWS  5   -- Added -  YTD - 22-  Information - added - Clubs = Crawfordsville Driving Association (horses).  Crimes (John Oglesby - sandbagged and robbed).  Accidents (same one but all three about drowned so put on their names as well as Mabel Jacobs - Larry Sullivan and Dan Hopping

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =4 )
Photographer information  

STREETS -- Added __9__ = some new and some information (THANKS FOR THE HELP LORIE) for Center Lane; Center Drive; Barr; Allen; Bluff; Ben Hur Drive; Garden; Harrison and Mills

TOWNS: : _   : Total added 2 YTD - # 539- towns to date -a

QUESTIONS - _____ -

REUNIONS - ____   ( YTD = 13) --

SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these


Who's Who ____ -- Added -

FEBRUARY 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  65 + 32 more + 25 more   Added - [ytd=227 Total 29,940 = (note some of these have several obits to their names) - Boots (Allen); Booth (David); Boone (William Amos; Mary Conner); Bowman (Grace May); Bonwell (Linda Malsbary; Robert A); Bottorff (Cleason).  Bratton (Bessie F); Bratton (Sherman); Briney (Robert L); Brill (Fern - loved that lady); Burns (Joyce Lorene); Bunnell (Clara; Ruby; James Edward; Iramental); Burris (John; Nettie); Burroughs (George; Martin; William; William Frank); Brown (John Wesley; John R; Floyd; Mercedes; Ruby Hazel; Bruner (Harry; Henry; William Russell WWI);  Carroll (Ella); Carr (Mary M); Campbell (Francis Willis); Caldwell (Maria Crowder; Elbert Eugene - added to it)); Carr (Mary M) Clifton (Granvil; Harley; Effie; Raymond - WWI; Russell L; Clark (Mart); Clawson, Adam; Clingler, Adam; Clemens (Eliz); Clodfelter (Noah); ELLIS (Froney; Christopher, Blanche, Zelma); Easley (Walter); Ebil Thelma; Edwards (Mable Alexander; Eltzroth, Jacob.  ENJOY - sure there will be more before the end of the month - gotta' make that 30,000 :)  W: - Waggoner (Lillie Hansell); Wakeford (James); Ward (John W - WWII); Waldrip, Isaac; Watkins, Catherine Irene; Westfall, Iva; Wethington (Glenn); Welsh (Rose Creed); Wells (Walter); Webster (HJ - added to); Wilson (Hannah Counts; Donald R; Emma 1949); Wineland (Andrew); Wills (Golda; Iva; Joel; Roy x 2); Wood (India Baldwin; Wilbur J added to); Woodcook (Ganella); Wray (wife of SF - 1874 and baby - from an accident - ANYONE KNOW WHO THIS IS ???

G & H's added -- Gray (Nellie; Frank A; Isabelle; James T; Lorene Swaim; William d 1958 and Ward Graves.  Heffner (David P; Fannie Graham); Henthorn (Alta - added); Hesler (Elizabeth Peevler (added to); Higbee (Clifford; Joann added); Higgens (Clarissa added); Hightower (John M)

Biographies -- _ 1__ Added _1 Year to date -- Wineland (Capt) Andrew - captain of river boat - St. Louis

BUSINESS  _6___Added >> (Year To Date: -11--) -Ben Hur Dairy; (Mrs_ WK) Williams - medium; WADE, IF - added info - stone cutter; Speed, John - same; Robertson, cabinets & furniture

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = 5 )
Spanish American War: _1___Lawrence Leo Clark
World War I = items added -2- and 2 YTD : Bruner, William Russell; Clifton, Raymond
World War II =Items added  _1__ YTD 6 =Ward, John W

NEWS 27    -- Added -  YTD - 17_- (Miscellaneous - N - New Market - information on Coliseum;  and WWI & II) D - Darlington History - added to - Booher family (B); Anniversary (Chadwick - 25th; Misc S - Stover, Isaac odd pig; Stout - trial -murder opf Grace McClamroch; H Hauk, Philip Grade; L = Lamping - indicted . M - McMullen murder;  C - Coffee; D - Dennis (also McMullen murder).  Miscellaneous - Montgomery County Bicentennial articles (Immigrants & Emigrants - Revolutionary War Soldiers; County FIrst; Towns & More Towns); Montgomery Co early history - added to it - what was it like back when.  Ammerman Dora - put son in reform school.  McClamrock, Grace - added to it.  Ira Clouser - football coach.  McCallum, Neal - New Market Information - added

PHOTOS -- __- Added  (YTD  =4 )
  • Photos People:  __1_   -  Added:  Walter Easley

JANUARY 2024 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb

Obituaries:  105 Added - [ytd=105  Total 29,818 = (note some of these have several obits to their names) -  Laymon (James Wilson; James T; Sarah; Wilson H); LaBaw (Gordon); Lake (Donny); Largent (Virgil) Dhaffer (Mary Ennis); Shade (Charles Madison); Shaw (Arthur Richard); Sheehan (Edwina Guy); Shell (Dora Wallace); Shirk (Bessie Woods); Timmons (Ezekliel; Jennie Hysong); Tucker (Hazel; Joseph L);Turner (Hubert; Wayne); Widdop (Mary); Wilhite (Eleazer ALlen); Wilkinson (Nina; Ray Allen; Richard L - KIA WWII); Velma; Virgil); Will (Mary Ellen); Williams (Blanche; Opal; Paul Russell); Whittington (Joe P); White (Chalres Wesley; Emma; Malinda; Guy Howard; Gordon S; David Eugene; Alonzo; Marilyn; Mary Grimes; Ruby Marie; Whitaker (Dalmar; Eltha; Elva; Herman; Louisa; Mildred; Ossie; Robert)

NOTE: Added these 40 making 105 this month:  A - Abdil (Mary Castle); Allen (Clifford Lex); Allhands (Dr Frank).  B - Baldwin (Betty Krout; Edwin; Elizabeth Dade); Ball (Benjamin; Aunt Mary; Thomas A); Barcus (Paul J and Susan Kirkpatrick); Banta (Basle)  D - Davis (Tommy; Thelma Marie; Ruth Powell); Davidson (Jesse Franklin); Dazey (Roy C; Roy Paul Robert Leon); Dearmond (Melinda); Demumbrum (Garnett); Demoret (Bartholomew; James Franklin; Rebecca Balser).  F - Freeman (John Newton - WWII - KIA); Lucy SHannon); Frisz (Libby); Froedge (Fairel); Furr (Wretha; Stella).  

Alumni- Schools -- __18_  Added   (YTD = 18 )  
Added 17 pages concerning High school Songs for the following schools: Alamo, Bowers, Breaks, Coal Creek Central, Crawfordsville, Darlington, Ladoga, Linden. New Market, New Ross, New Richmond, North Montgomery, Southmont, Waveland, Waynetown, Wingate.; early Basketball Boys of Mace School;  

Bibles ____ - Total of 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):

Biographies -- _ 2__ Added _ Year to date -- 2- Albert C. Jennings - added information + tombstone photo ; Ensminger, Joseph

BUSINESS   _5___Added >> (Year To Date: -5--) -McClamroch & Son Shoe Store; Linnsburg State Bank; Smith & Co - 1854 groceries + more; Crawford & Mullikin - ribbons and such; Horner - shoes & such - also in the 1850s

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths ___   Added: __ to date_ Names :
Divorces _2   _Added: YTD_2_   Names : Simpson, Julius - Minnie; Mundorff, Theodore - Grace

Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) ___6__ Added:  (YTD 6) - Butler, Charles E to Hallie Mount; Omer Young to Annie Stafford; Phyllis Smith to Elward Anderson

CHURCHES   Adding new Church Items HERE!         ( YTD = 6  <> TD = 113 ):  Added -

Misc -- ____

MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)_5__Added - (ytd = 5 )
Revolutionary War - -
War of 1812 -__ -
Civil War  ____James Keeney; Johnson Hale
Spanish American War: ____
World War I = items added -- :
World War II =Items added  __5_ Wilkinson, Richard L - KIA WWII; White, Gordon WWII Vet; Tucker, Joseph L - WWI Vet; Photo of Richard Lowell Woods and his father Alonzo the day he returned home; Freeman, John Newton - WWII - KIA

PHOTOS -- _3_- Added  (YTD  = 3 )
Photos People:  __1_   -  Added:  VanCleave, Jesse and Charity Brewer circa 1880's;

PHOTOS Places:  __1__  =  Tombstone of Albert Jennison in his biography

TOWNS: : _2   : Total # 539- towns to date -added TWO new towns - Morris Switch and Headlight.  What a hoot!

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