About Karen
History of this Project & a Few Things About Me :)
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach; I am responsible for the Montgomery County INGenWeb, which is thus a part of the USGenWeb. Please feel free to contact me for any Montgomery County questions you might have, I'll try to help!!
In June, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Indiana Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Indiana, where collected databases would be stored. Volunteers were requested and I was one of the first as my love is Montgomery County history and its surrounding communities. I have had Montgomery County all but the first few weeks, had Parke for 8 years, Putnam for a couple and now, Fountain as well as my beloved Montgomery.
Having written local genealogy columns for more than 40 years and being actively involved with this awesome hobby (genealogy) for close to 50, I've also written a book on Crawfordsville, am currently editing the Montgomery Memories, a historical local magazine, and writing a column about wonderful people in our community called Around The County (ATC) that comes out every Thursday in The Paper of Montgomery County. Also, love to put up nifty historical pieces I find along the way on the You're Old School Crawfordsville If You Remember (along with the other local town pages). I give speeches and teach classes on the subjects as well. Simply, I love genealogy AND history :) One of my major philsophies is that history and genealogy go hand-in-hand and thus you will see below my Crawfordsville: Athens of Indiana book.
I also was Children's Librarian/Local History guru for the Crawfordsville Public Library for over 20 years (part time in the summer some of those years as I taught at Turkey Run HS).
I have been married 52 years to the same wonderful man, Jim Zach, who is now an assistant (he does more than I do anymore, truth be known) and we have a son, Jay and daughter, Suzie, and seven fab grandyounguns (Austin; Stephen; AJ; Quentin; Dane; Reilley and Will) whom we adore.

Another part of genealogy is traditions and family tradition involves cooking. Thus, if you have a recipe that has been handed down through the generations, we would like to include it on the site. Send your recipes to me below - just click on the nutty little gal! (I'm thinkin' she might resemble me :)