2017 What's New
WHAT's NEW ( 2017)
BIBLES - 2 added = 76
CEMETERIES - actually just 2 items regarding cemeteries in the county
LINKS - 10
PAGES - Digging Up Bones Mysteries - fun page
PHOTOS -- 149
QUESTIONS - just began keeping these the last couple months - 20
TOWNS -- 59 added totalling 484
DECEMBER 2017 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb
OBITUARIES: _511__ --Added - Abraham; Airhart; Anderson; Anton; Austin; Ayres; Babb; Bailey; Baldwin; Ball; Barnhart; Barton; Bateman; Beach; Beedle; Bennett; Bible; Birch; Bischof; Blair; Blue; Bohman; Booher; Bowers; Boyd; Braid; Bratton; Brennan; Bright; Broach; Brock; Brown; Buck; Budd; Burk; Burns; Burris; Burton; Busenbark; Callahan; Campbell; Canine; Carman; Carson; Cedars; Chilicote; Churchill; Clark; Clements; Clevenger; Clodfelter; Coddington; Coder; Coffenberry; Cogle; Coleman; Collins; Compton; Condon; Cooley; Coombs; Coons; Cook; Cowan; Cord; Courtney; Cowan; Cox; Crawford; Crowder; Cumberland; Cunningham; Davidson; Deighton; Delaney; DeLong; Denman; Dennis; Devitt; Dewey; Dillion; Doherty; Dolson; Donovan; Dowden; Drake; Duncan; Dunn; Durham; Earl; Edwards; Ellis; Elmore; Elston; Endicott; Engle; Evans; Everson; Farmer; Farrell; Flanigan; Frazier; Ford; Fowler; Fraley; Francis; Freeman; Fritts; Fry; Fruits; Fullenwider; Fuson; Galey; Galloway; Gardner; Garriott; Gentry; Gerbrick; Gilbert; Gill; Good; Goodbar; Gould; Graves; Gray; Gregory; Gunkle; Guntle; Hadley; Hall; Hallowell; Halstead; Hamilton; Hampton; Handy; Harding; Harris; Harrison; Harter; Hartman; Hays; Heaton; Hedges; Hendricks; Hiatt; Hinton; Hizer; Hofferth; Houston; Hole; Holloway; Hoover; Hultz; Hurt; Huston; Hybarger; James; Jamison; Johnston; Jones; Kehoe; Kelsey; Kepler; Kiley; Kise; Knight; Layne; Loop; Lafollette; Lambert; Lenhard; Lennen; Lewis; Linn; McCain; McClure; McCormick; McCullough; McDaniel; McDonald; McGill; McGraw; McIntire; McIntyre; McKee; McKinsey; McMains; McMullen; Mack; Mahony; Marksbury; Martin; Miles; Milligan; Mills; Montgomery; Moore; Morris; Mote; Mount; Murphy; Myers; Nara; Nelson; Newton; Nicholson; Nosler; Nutt; Obenbach; Oldshue; Olinger; O'neall; Overton; Oxley; Partridge; Patton; Payton; Peffley; Perkins; Pettit; Philbrick;Pickerell; Pickett; Pitts; Plunkett; Porter; Posey; Pulliman; Railsback; Rains; Ramey; Randolph; Raworth; Reese; Reprogle; Reynolds; Rhoades; Rhodes; Roberts; Robinson; Rominger; Ross; Rountree; Rousten; Rush; Russell; Sappenfield; Saulsberry'; Schenck; Schweitzer; Scott; Seawright; Sentman; Shepherd; Sherman; Shipp; Shular; Shultz; Sibold; Sigler; Skaggs; Skidmore; Sloan; Smith; Snyder; Sparks; Sperry; Stith; Stewart; Stilwell; Stonecypher; Stout ;Stover; Stringer; Sullivan; Sutherlin; Sutton; Swank; Swearingen; Swisher; Switzer; Talbot; Thomas; Thompson; Truitt; Tucker; Tutt; Utter; Utterback; Vance; Vancleave; VanSandt; Vanslyke; Vice; Viers; Waiscott; Walkup; Waters; Warbinton; Warren; Warriner; Webster; Wehrle; Welch; Wheeler; Wilhite; Whittington; Wilkinson; Wildman; White; Wilkinson; Willis; Williams; Wilson; Wolf; Wood; Woodfork; Worth; Wray; Wynn; Young; Zeigler; Zook -- newspapers - Argus bashing the Journal
TOWNS: : _5_ : Total # 484- towns to date - added Center College; Huckster's Retreat; Hoosier Corner; Santiago
MARRIAGES (announcment in newspapers)__50___ : Names: Adkins; Allen; Beatty; Boots; Brumbaugh; Buck; Busenbark; Butler; Canine; Carroll; Chapman; Clark; Conner; Cunningham; Duckworth; Dorsey; Doss; Eads; Fields; Fraley; Hall; Kelso; Klopp; Knouff; Kritz; McQuinn; Mahoy; Marshall; Miller; Morrison; Murdock; Oldham; Poston; Ray; Rush; Schlemmer; Sharpe; Spurrier; Swearingen; Tilney; Werts; West; Wickman; Wilkinson; Witt; Wright; Zimmerman
MILITARY --__6 __Added - Dave Irons deserted; Obit of CW (Kelley); 1901 Philppine info; Will May leave for Manila ; lengthy dedication article of George Fruits (thanks Jack for typing this) CW soldier in C'ville and area (Kim H)
News Items -- _100_ -- Added - Added - Shades State Park (on Waveland photo page) -M index - 1899 Memorial Grave service (thanks Kim) - John Holloway - Christmas tree (misc); Beaman found after years (Misc); poor Tracy farmed out for work; worked on Poor Farm's died and or buried on the News - Misc - County Poor Farm page - added about 20 people; McClure fire; Misc - early information about county; Fire (Detchon property 1903; Hnery S. Lane); Biz - VanSickle, Jeweler; (Crime) Grover Neal trial; Biz (Judge West Cigars); Clossin estate (Misc); Sick (Wallace denies sickness); Walters home burns; Red Snyder visiting; Heath mistreats son; Lew Fischer - property settlement of stores; Peter Fisher - crime - letter plea; James Cook - insane+; 3 fires; Campbell & Harter - collecting debts; Wade Stone; Mack; Darter Grocery; 1874 Dentists & Physicians; Gray, Mahala (88); Poor farm Old Dutch frightens girls; Stonebraker law suit - child marked; Vance discovers bicycle help; Flannigan tombstone; Deisher ran over by Everhart car ; rebuild hotel after fire; Gerbrick - donations; Corner Store ad; Plum street station house fire; genealogy of pants poem on this page - tooo cute; Alice Follick - chicken thief ?; Mote 50th Anniversary; Misc - Rebecca McMaken's chickens; Music (Appolonian Band 1837 +) ; Misc (Robert Obenbach - poor farm); Fires - White (Dunkard) Church burns to ground :( - Ads 1836 - Fairman & Pennock, wool carders; Flax Seed (FPO& Perry; Bay mare taken up; Gregory & Hanna ad - 1836; 1866 tornado - Misc - Waveland Public Library - 20 articles/letters/obits etc pertaining to the building of the library and afterwards; added a newspaper, Crawfordsville Herald (1894) - county farm death (Andrew Gray); 50th Anniversary - Abram Huffs; also Ellis Pickerings; (Misc) Frank Guntle duped by family in love matters; Business - Dr. Chester Britton moves animal infirmary; Grover Cleveland (Misc) Peterman kidnapped by mother; fires - Birch Foundry (1893); Crime (Gerbrick woman and her children); Pest House - blankenships - small pox; various articles about the Gerbrick family (on Lucy Gerbrick - news - crime) and a couple on Mike Gerbrick's obit about him; 1897 Poor Farm lengthy article; Biz - Monon Railroad articles (mainly because of Mike Gerbrick so worked out well - (thanks to Kim H) - article with about 25 old settlers birthdates and information regarding them from an 1897 newspaper - LOVE IT ! (Birthdays); Firemen -Grimes/McGilliard added 1897; poor farm 1899; police no drinking on job - Poor Farm Christmas ; Robbins House revamped; Weliever-Booher Blacksmithing dissolved
Alumni - Schools -- _5__Added - Article on Hovey GIrls school; 1874 - teacher leading class with prayer (good for her); Highland - No 37 opened with 37; 1938 Ladoga HS Yearbook (thanks so much to Judy Cross); Waveland Collegiate article
Cemeteries -- _2___ - articles - 1888 stones arrived - thanks Kim H; 1858 C'ville Cemetery in need of funds
Links -- _2__ Added - Hoosier Homestead Awards
Reunions -- _3_ Added - Benefiel; Harrell :Linn
Court Proceedings __3__ - Lawsuit - 1836 - Simmons/McDaniel; Land Sale (James Scott) Probate of Isaac Anderson; Fulwider sues Cloverlead for killing horses
QUESTIONS - _4_ - Help proving that the McCloud couple who died within 9 hours are buried at Oak Hill (sent a couple of obits proving such); Rominger/Hamilton (Keeney); Who is Mrs. Dr. Thomas Fry d 1892 (Maria Rochester); an you search CAR records online (not sure - but check with CAR / DAR pages as well as FB pages ; what store was where the dance school is now in the mall? (I don't know but suggested he asked on the Crawfordsville Facebook site - hope someone can tell him. When is the Crawfordsville Centennial ? (answered but it's a good question - the celebration was in 1965, 100 years after one of the 3 times it was incorporated but it was incorporated in 1831 and again in 1835 so take your pick - if you take 1865 then you've missed 44 years of our history :(
SHARED: _19___ Biographies and obituaries sent to the following INGenWeb county coordinators -
RECEIVED: __2__ biographies from Clinton (thanks Lena)
Digging Up Bones Mysteries __5___ = solved 3 added 2
PHOTOS -- __23__- Added -- Wesley Church: Willis (photographer) took 1,000 peoples pictures over holidays 1875 (New Market articles in places); Websters; cute Nicholson photography add naming "p" people; Utterback & Fruits (Thanks to Kim H) - two business ads 1895 (Fisher Hardware; Rost Jewelery
Census __2 __ 1860 & 1870 Mortality schedule (want to index it some time but it's pretty easy to browse as is and you can always do a control f for finding a name :)
Divorces _38_ Added - Brown; Butcher; Carlile; Christman; Dean; Doherty; Duckworth; Farmer; Flanigan; Gray; Griffith; Harriman; Irwin; Jackson; Jennings; Jones; Keesee; Kincaid; Larrick; McCoy; McDaniel; Miller; Nixon; Reprogle; Rice; Schweitzer; Scott; Shrader; Siddons; Smith; Stout; Thomas; Throckmorton; Wilson
Letters __ 2__ from J. Keenedy in Florida - everyone is coming down from Mont Co; James Dennis
Death Records __10 __ (attached to Anna Ramsay Fry's obit; attached to Bernice Stout's obit); Samantha Dowden (on obit); Payton, Freddy - on his obit; on Harriet Thomas obit; Churchill; Reynolds (on obits); Infant Hall; White; Janes
Wills __4__ Crawford; Lewis; Luse; Myers
Bibles __1__ - 76 bibles - LOVE MORE :) -- Rice (thanks so much to Fred S)
NOVEMBER 2017 Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb
OBITUARIES: __326_ -- Added - Adair; Allen; Baber; Ballard; Barnhart; Ballard; Barr; Bates; Bayless; Beach (Josephus - see MC Poor Farm in News - Misc); Blankenship; Blackford; Boudinot; Boraker; Boyland; Brandenburg; Breitenberg; Bromley; Brown; Britton; Brust; Burk; Burkmeyer; Butcher; Callahan; Campbell; Carpenter; Carr; Carson; Castor; Champion; Clark; Clevenger; Collier; (Poor Farm) ; Coons; Compton; Conn; Cooley; Cox; Crowder; Custer; Dailey; Davis (Mary- Poor Farm) Dolph; Dossett; Doyle; Dunbar; Duncan; Duckworth; Edwards; Elmore; Esra; Faust; Flory; Florea; Fry; Fullenwider; Fisher; Galloway; Garrett; Gerbrick; Getty; Gregory; Gray; Hall; Hanna; Halstead; Ham; Hampton; Hard; Hartman; Hays; Hardee; Hargrave; Heath; Hedge; Henderson; Henry; Hiatt; Hicks; Holloway; Hopper;Horner; Hough; Howard; Hubble; Huff; Houlihan; Hughes; Irwin; Ivry; Jackson; Jarvis; Jefferies; Johnson; Jones; Kenyon; Kincaid; King; Kline; Ketcham; Lamson; Layne; Leffew; Leyon; Linder; Leonard; Livengood; Lowry; Lytle; Keys; McCoy; McClarmock; McClelland; McCLure; Maddex; Manners; Manson; Marksburger; Market; Martin; McCarthy; McConnell; McMillen; McManus; McIntire; McKinsey; McGaughey; McCabe; Manson (added pic on Gen. obit); Matthews; May; Miller; Mitchell; Moffett; Morgan; Morrison; Mount; Myers; Nixon; O'Connor; Oda; O'Dell; O'Mara; O'Neall; Otterman; Parker; Payne; Penn; Petro; Pickett; Pierce; Porter; Powell; Poynts; Priebe; Queenan; Quick; Ramsey; Roberts; Reynolds; Rountree; Rhodes; Rush; Sandlin (Poor Farm) ; Sarvis (Servies) ; Paddacks; Scott; Schleppy; Seawright; Sheperd; Shirk; Snyder; Sherman; Skelton; Smith; Snyder; Swearingen; Symmes; Schultz; Sexton; Shafer; Skaggs; Slattery; Shannon; Steele; Stein; Spohr; Stephenson; Stonebraker; Stull; Swank; Sykes; Taylor; Thomas; Thompson; Tiffany; Trentor; Utter; Utterback; Vail; VanSlyke; Voris; Vaughn; Wagner; Walkup; Wakefield; Wallace; Warren; Warrick; Watts; Webster; Wedding; Weeks; Weliever (thanks KH); Westfall; White; Wilhite; Wills; Willson;' Wiseman; Williams; Ward; Wolfe; Wright; Young; Zachary
TOWNS: : _6_ : Total # 479- towns to date - Added Mendenhall's Corner; Sellers Corner; Smokey Row ; McKinley; Otterbein; Social Corner
MARRIAGES (announcment in newspapers)___30__ Names: Alfrey; Blue; Brown; Byerly; Colburn; Crum; Cunningham; Endicott; Hash; Hiatt; Humphrey; Ingersoll; Kippmil Larrick; Lawter; Long; Martin; Maxwell; Myers; Perrine; Peterson; Pickett; Prewitt; Robbins; Riley; Smith; Speed; Yaden
MILITARY --__12 __Added - WWI - Jones (KIA after war in active duty) Youngman; Samuel Fraley ; Robert Weeks Civil War vet - Added some information on index page regarding dates and deaths and a link to 65 symbols on Military Stones (thanks to Sheri in Bartholomew County; added a photo for Cecil Hunt - WWII) WWI pic of George Grimes; Austin Shumaker; Lester Stout; John Gray; Spanish-American - Reynolds
News Items -- _65_ -- Added - (biz) - Fannie Graham 1st fem lawyer in MC; birthday - Wm. Bromley; EP Hallett (insane - sick list); Elliott, Joab - closes store 1858; Elder Schleppy - more hanky panky (Misc); Goltra - 1st baseball in county (Sports); (Music) - Goltra concert for poor; (Misc) Nellie Hullings adopted by Mitchells (under Mitchell); article about Co Poor Farm (Misc - M) and Insanity - Sutton (S index - Misc); Star Agents listed; (New Ross) - Adkins' millinery; Lew Wallace's auto; Biz - Kahn Men's Store 1871; Sidener calls Groendyke auction Ads - Shanklin sells Groendyke property; Manson and Powers; Nathan Smith (on ad index) loses Pocket Book - reward - 1858; James Hatch - blacksmithing; Politics (1858 City Election); Amanda Butcher insane; Work boy hurt football; Gen. Manson discusses youth; 4 cronies - attached to Hough obit; Mary Davis of county asylum fell;' Wm. Wray 1st to build sidewalk in NM - Church- Union Chapel (thanks so much to Cheryl J. for this one); 3 Poor House articles about the death of Josephus Beach ; Christian Church (kind of a history); Accident - Bert Bible; Sick - Curtis Linn; Match Factory x2 (biz); 1901 New Years' resolutions (tooo cute); Poem about General Montgomery (this page) - list of 1907 (?) firemen; Two current pic of the buildings at the poor farm; Small pox in Grimes family - Ads - for Dr.s Layne; McClelland (thanks Kim); Fannie McClelland takes out physicians license; Dr. Bass infringement on pills; Fire alarm signals - 1907 ?; Junction Restaurant article by Jerry Turner; Glover Ice Cream by KBZ; Poor Farm - Lunacy; Theodosia Brown sent to Asylum; 1872 year-end report for Poor Farm; Brandkamp hurt going to Poor Farm (Sick List); births - Hibbs (Grover Cleveland born at poor house) - Crime (Arthur Johnson gives Wolverton boy Lewis Lye on bread. Accident - Thos Wells falls down dr's stairs (gracious); (Misc) - Lew Wallace proves innocence from Battle of Shiloh; (Sick List) - Wells take to insane asylum ; Dora Srader taken (also Robert Obershane) Insanity cases - Jolley; Sykes; Mitchell
Biographies -- ____ Added -- (all on new site - let me know if you have an interest)
Alumni - Schools -- _6__Added -Waveland Collegiate Institute - builds new building - 1886 Black Creek School report; abt 1878 - County Supt; an article about School #13 being reopened with George Vancleave, teacher (1898); Gravelly Run enrollment #11
Links -- _1__ Added - Hoosier Homestead Awards Link
Reunions -- __ Added
QUESTIONS - _18_ - Little Jimmy Dickens - did he play in town?--12 questions on Poor Home burials; 2 General Manson questions; Durham family (we helped each other to discover the answer - gal from iowa - cemetery); King information;
SHARED: __31__ Biographies and obituaries sent to the following INGenWeb county coordinators - Boone; Dubois; Howard; Hendricks; Huntington; Jackson; Jennings; Tippecanoe; Tipton
RECEIVED: __2__ (one is for Fountain County - thanks Beth B - a log of a teacher in Yeddo but many Montgomery County names are included) Durham obituary
PHOTOS -- __7__- Added -- AD Willis' article - ad ; Waveland Indiana - nifty view - Lyle Hannah on Waveland FB page - also added some Clore pictures from Fred S (thanks so much)
Cemeteries __1 __ 1894 - Old Town Cemetery dug-up - oh, goodness - thanks Kim H - wild article !!
Divorces _12_ Added - Bridges; Caster; Crowe; Darter; Gerbrick; Irwin; McKinsey; Martin; Maxwell (x2); Smith; Vaughn
Letters __ __ L
Death Records __1 __ Mary E. (Brinton ) Davis - on her obit
Wills __3 __ Crow; Keys; Steele (notices from the newspaper - giving exec)
Bibles ____ - 75 bibles - LOVE MORE :)
OBITUARIES: __96 _ -- Added - Armstrong; Bratton; Brooks; Bryant; Butler; Campbell; Clayton; Clodfelter; Cooper; Corns; Craig; Crawford; Cox; Daggey; Daugherty; Eagens; Ellis (plus Death Record); Ermentrout; Fenn; Fell; Flannigan; French; Galloway; Graves; Gregg; Harp; Hawkins; Hilton; Halloway; Harwood; Hayes; Hays; Hixon; Hostetter; Hughes; Holmes Jones; Jeffries; Kelsey; Kirk; Krug; Long; Massing; Mason;' Michael; Miller; Mitchell; McCranor; McDaniel; Nolan; Osborn; Paxton; Peterson; Pitman; Pitts; Ramey; Rice; Robertson; Robinson; Rountree; Schleppy; Schmaltz; Seering; Seybold; Shannon; Shafer; Shuler; Skelton; Sidener; Smith; Snyder; Springer; Stilwell; Swank; Thomas; Tiffany; Treep; Twiddy; Utter; Vanarsdall; Wainscott; Walton; Westfall Wilhite; Worley; Young- new site (let me know if you want one) - added Ada Kelsey; James Lee
TOWNS: : _3_ : Total # 472- towns to date - Added Burke School House; Coleman School House; Elm Grove
MARRIAGES (announcment in newspapers)___20__ Names: Ash; Coolman;Darnell; Donovan; McNeely; Moore; Mullikin; Needham; Patton; Pitman; Thompson; Thomas; Thornberry; Utterback; Vancleave; VanSlyke; Warrener; Webster
MILITARY --__37 __Added - links to findagrave for those who died in the Korean War; articles from the Waveland Independent newspaper - 1918
News Items -- _28__ -- Added - business (H. Canine 25th anniv in business) plus AS Clements Insurance opening (1893); Misc - Poor Farm's Aunt Kate questioning the Grand Jury for a better looking fellow; birthdays - 100 Margaret Caldwell; Crawfordsville's 1st & 2nd Circuit; fires - 2; C'villle Library; Waveland mad at Courtney over sell of whiskey; grocery stores close on Sundays (1901); added couple of articles in County Poor Farm (History); 1919 City officials + 1930; Ben-Hur Fraternity; Hans Auto (1930)-also that year, Cummings Auto ad and Greg-Kelly Electric; Proffitt (added to existing ad page); Clark Auto; Standard Shale Brick; Cville realty & Warner & Peck; under Crime - Kane chooses jail over fine; Mrs. Thomas shot girl playing with gun; Orchestra formed; Ida Walton; Britton Milinery store; James Mahorney - chickens
Biographies -- ____ Added -- (all on new site - let me know if you have an interest) B
Alumni) -- _1__Added -Article on Corncob College
Links -- _1__ Added - Battle of Turkey Hill blogspot (Korean War)
Divorces -- _3_ Added Burk; Petro & Vail
QUESTIONS - _3_ - Know anything about the Roosevelt Memorial Hospital for Black residents in Crawfordsville? Answer: Not much other than where it was and one of the Drs. - How many Round Barns in the county? Answer: Two although someone else (on FB) said there are 3. Question on Jackie Murdock, Korean War POW / death.
PHOTOS -- __10__- Added Clouser - added an article on Round Barns of the county - several pictures in it (Word doc - thanks so much to Jerry Turner); added information on 3 photographers and ads for two; Keys family photos (thanks Julia and Ron)
OBITUARIES: _99__ -- Added - Abney; Barrett; Bogess; Bottenberg; Bruner; Calhan; Carver; Claypool; Clouse; Connor; Crosby; Compton; Cunningham; Cook; Davis; Dunnington; Easley; Ellis; Elmore; Ervin; Evans; Epperson; Evans; Fishero; Foley; Foster; Fry; Galey; Gardner; Garner; Gobin; Gray; Love;Hall; Hardesty; Hart; Haun; Haxton; Hays; Hershberger; Hubble; Hutchinson; Irons; James; Kremer; Kelsey; Kring; Large; Lacey; Marcrum; McFarland; McKinley; McIntire; Miller; Milligan; Moran; May; Mount; Murphy; Nicholson; Patton; Peterman; Pierce; Rogers; Scaggs; Smith; Snyder; Siterdine; Small; Sprague; Stewart; Thomas; Tracy; VanCamp; Webb; West - on Thomas West bio on new site) ; Wirt; Wright - also added an article found in regards to when the Weekly Argus News went independent vs. Democrat
TOWNS: : _5_ : Total # 469- towns to date - added information on Rake Pocket and added the 467th town/community/village/hole in the road Lover's Hollow (Garfield basically) Gray's Chapel (likely very close to the Fountain line, east of Alamo.- added information on Whitesville - 469 is Here & There (Linden)
MARRIAGES (announcment in newspapers)__14___ Names: Alward; Britton; Culbertson; Eddingfield; Hale; Hines; Krout; Oliver; Palmer; Phillips; Titus; Toy; VanCleave; Weil;
MILITARY --__5 __Added - information on Washburn, Rev. Soldier; Weston; McIntire; Sprague; Watson; obit (CW)
News Items -- __24_ -- Added (Biz - Poston Brick) (Fires - Warner & Peck; Paris); (Land - Waldrip loves ND) (Sick List - Chambers) (Accidents - Barnes & Keys) (Misc - 1907 C'ville Health report) (Ads - JS Bailey, Auctioneer) (Politics - 1902 county officers) (Biz - VanCamp expands) (Crime - Hoffe; Rankin) (Biz - Waldrip Brothers) - (Misc - YMCA - two items one board election; other gym floor sagged 1"); Mont Co Poor Farm - conditions in 1887; 1898 Atlas published (Misc); Cville Vulcanizing Company; Jeschke Wire; Birthday - Tribbett age six; Waveland Academy ad in 1850 (news/ads); Dick Jones colored children go to Orphan's home; article on new Red Men group
Biographies -- __21__ Added -- (all new site - let me know if you have an interest)Branagin; Campbell; Maguire; Owens; Ristine; Utter; Vance; Vancleave; Wade; Warner; Washburn; West; Wheat; Whitenack; Whittington; Williams (Washington); Williamson (R.A.); Willis (Joseph Martin)
Alumni) -- _2__Added -C'ville Business College; Added Woodcook gets railroad tool houses - uses materials to built gym
Links -- _3__ Added - fixed several broken links in War of 1812 page - thanks John M. for catching these) - also fixed a name someone reported -- added link to my findagrave Poor Farm Cemetery
Reunions -- __ Added
QUESTIONS - 10__ - what was the Horse Thief Detective group - he basically knew :) - who is Helen in O'Neall cemetery; WWI database sent in (wonderful but still trying to figure out how to make it accessible, plus John C isn't done with it yet); Where is O'Neall cemetery (oddly, but a different person the same day); Information on Jeschke Wire. Was the Parkersburg Spring a WPA project; Was there ever a church that had its own cemetery in New Richmond? Was New Richmond EVER Pleasant Hill - not that I know of (Wingate - maybe connected with its PO)? No - had a PO in Pleasant Hill early in the 1830s; Vandalia Railroad
PHOTOS -- __1__- Added several names to a 1945 town fathers picture I've had on the site for several years. Also cleaned that picture up some. Looks great now.
Reunions __ 1__ Booher
Divorces _2__ Added (Nixon; Shotts)
Letters __ 1__ Lucy Leslie to her mother 1892
Deaths __ 32__ Coons
Wills __ 1 __ Martin
Bibles __1__ - I added my Smith Bible as there are hundreds in this area from George Smith of Ulster County, NY (his bible) - this is on the new site but glad to send it to you -- this made our 75th bible - LOVE MORE :)
NEW PAGE -- .... DIGGING UP BONES MYSTERIES (a new page began by Kim Hancock and myself to try to get others involved helping to find tombstones of people buried in our county, or specific places of burial or dates or who they are (say, from footstones with only initials) - that type of thing) - ENJOY
Added lots of goodies this month -
OBITUARIES :__132__ Names: Barrett; Beck; Burns; Caldwell; Cannon; Carson; Clawson; Conkright; Coons; Curtis; Cooper; Cox;Davis; Dooley; Dunbar; Delp; Dunbar; Eastlack; Edwards; Edens; Ellis; Elmore; Etchison;' Ermentrout; Fulwider; Frazier; Games; Gilkey; Gleason; Gott; Graves; Gray; Gremelspacher; Hampton; Heistand; Henry; Henthorn; Hillard; Hicks; Holman; Howard; Humphrey; Hunt; Hutson; Irons; Jarvis; Jordan; Kezee; Kessler; Laughner; Lewellen; Linn; Lough; Ludlow; McCorkle; McCollum; McGinnis; Marshall; Mills; Martin; Milligan; Morris; Mote; Myers; Nickloi; Palmer; Parker; Peterson; Phillips; Price; Rabbitt; Reath; Remley; Rider; Rule; Scaggs; Sellers; Servies; Shanklin; Smith; Solomon; Sperry; Stout; Thompson; Timmons; Tipton; Tinsley; Tomlinson; Wade; Wakeland; Walsh; Walter; Walton; Ward; Weisheit; Wheeler; Wethington; Williams; Wilkinson; Wilson; Wimsett; Withrow; Witty; Wray; Wright; Wynkoop; Wiatt; Wyand; Wrightsman; Young; Zeigler
ALUMNI (Schools) __2__ article on Yountsville school built in 1894 ; 1877 CHS graduating class BIBLE __1__ Vancleave/Reeder
BIOGRAPHIES __ 14__ = Bailey, Jenni (house of ill-repute) Crisler; Crane; Dunbar; Ellis; Hall; Huffman; Humphries; Hutchings; Raredon; Strain; Totten (on new site - let me know if you'd like any)
BRICK WALL __1__ Hostetter
DEATH RECORDS __1__ Dunbar
DIVORCES __7__ Booher; Butcher; Hartman; McDaniel; Tomlinson; Walton
LINKS __4__ = Early teacher examination listing; William Bratton (with Lewis & Clark) - Family Links - Bowman (thanks Dave Smith); Hoosier name; Genealogy Club's Annual Dinner
MARRIAGES: __14 __ Copner; Davidson; Dice; Fugate; Gerard; Gilkey; Gillespie; Hugelhein; Morgan; Piercy; Scott; Smith; Vancleave; Weaver
MILITARY ___11 __ Civil War obit - Thompson - WWI Death - Todd; WWI obits (Krout) ; Kemp KIA; Earl Meek discharged for sunstroke; Conkright obit - Korea
NEWS ITEMS -- __41__ 1894 city election (Mount; Kennedy; Clodfelter; Hanna; Vancleave; Mill burns; Accidents -Faulkner shot in foot; Imel; Frank Cook - arm destroyed; Alamo Methodist Church 75 years; Waynetown Banner; School shooting; Old man beats 3 assailants with horse whip; Poor farm totals 1876-77 (79 occupants; 10 deaths); William Seymour taken to poor farm; Emma Creque spell; weather of 1893 compared to 1851; Durham vs. Kersey breach of promise; Williams wants to get twins out of service; Kyle 62 years of bliss; 2017 Church Directory; Horse Thief Detectives of 1881; Gilkey fire; Frank Wilhite Band; Bert Mitchell made corporal; Letter from Maxwell from Philippines; Binford buys piano; city directory for Attorneys/Physicians 1882; Applegrove closing; politics - Harney candidate; Music, Big Store Band; Culver Hospital articles; Bischof Department candy sale; Orphan Home kids invited to Big Store band concert
QUESTIONS __3__ Golf pros; railroads
REUNIONS __ 2__ Chesterson; Shackelford
SURNAMES __1__ Hostetter
PHOTOS __ 7__ Hatfield-Hostetter family; Wingate school
TOWNS __ 7__ - Jackman's School House, Kentwood; Big Ditch - also added info on Little Bill; Providence and Mt. Vernon- incidentally, this was our 466th town now can you imagine Miller's Hill
JULY 2017
ALUMNI -- __15__Added - 1922 Wabash invite..(Cowan); Breaks - 1st commencement announcement (thanks John Cowan) - Merle Cowans 4th grade report card (Union Twp schools 1905-06); Wabash report etc. Cowan; three WHS Alumni record and newspapers (how cool) ; _1_1885 St. Charles Commencement
BIOGRAPHIES __4__ Coleman; Dennis; Remley ; Tobin
DEATH RECORDS -- __1__ Cowan
DIVORCES -- _8_ Coleman; Dunbar; Dyson; Wasson; Duncan; Grider; Mitchell; Grimes
LETTERS --_73_ -- from others to Merle Cowan (1918-1922 or so)
MARRIAGES __ (announcment in newspapers)__22___ Names: Ayres; Bailey; Barrett; Beal; Binford; Boyland; Davidson; Devine; Everson; Grimes; Hardee; Irons; Kelsey; Krug; Law; Maxwell; Paddack; Ramsay; Robertson; Smith; Thomas; Thompson
MILITARY _99__ - Added: Arlington WWII Nurse (Arlington) Vancleave (Navy - WWII) - letters (Cowan) ; mainly obituaries - some info and pictures (Vietnam) ; WWI letter from Earl Young; Added bios for 23 WWII vets
NEWS -- _20_ -- Schleppy - Mont Co Shippers Assoc invoice from 1923 (thanks John Cowan) - under biz - Snyder Grocery ; County Fair 1911; 1st wedding in Boone Co new courthouse (two Mont Co - Irwin-Dazey) Accident- Frank Stout shot shingling roof; Insley - kicked horse; Joel - burned; Stave Factory; Clubs - 1984 Annual Dinner MCHS (Misc) - Fishers move to Calif - 1908- (Sick List) - Hyner declared insane; Ladoga Leader; Gillan rapes Poor Farm girl; Gregg's Hardware; Sergent hurt on Railway job; 1872 Church directory; 1872 Benevolent club directory; DH Baldwin, Piano ad; Dazey court suit; Nutt Hotel to reopen; (Clbus) - Tribe of Ben Hur birth; Stewart-Hunt paternity suit; Father Dineen last act in city; flu notation
OBITUARIES -- _106___ == Names include: Baker; Barnhart; Bateman; Benefield; Bell; Bennage; Blue; Boyland; Britton; Brown; Constanzer; Coombs; Cook; Courtney; Coean; Cowger; Cooper; Cox; Croy; Davidson; Divine; Doan; Dunbar; Dunn; Duckworth; Ebrite; Eddingfield; Ellis; Fairchild; Fink; Fishero; Fruits; Galey; Gott; Gardner; Grinton; Hardesty; Hamilton; Hipes; Hutchings; Johnson; Jones; Kern; Kirtley; Lane; Leonard; Linn; Loop; Macey; McClaskey; McCullough; McDonald; Marshall; Misner; Maxwell; Milner; Moffett; Moran; Newkirk; Newton; O'Herron; Osborn; Patton; Plummer; Remley; Reynolds; Rhinehart; Rice; Sidener; Stilwell; Stringer; Swank; Stonecypher; Secrest; Stingley; Stoner; Swearingen; Swindler; Tapp; Tinsley; Wert; Whittington; Waggoner; White; Whitecotton; Woodard; Wright; Wray; Wright
PHOTOGRAPHS/PHOTOGRAPHERS-- __26__ -- Nicholson VP of state assoc; winners; Poor farm pic; poor farm shown on an old map (sorry, don't know year) ; Bischof; Bryant; Coon; Dunbar; Munhall; Wilson (some on new site - let me know if you need them) - Davis; Chesterson; Clampitt; Davila in Vietnam War section); Remley, Sarah McCain (thanks, Jeff); Seven photos of WWII vets - Clark; Dunbar; Everett; Fairchild; Kirtley; Trudy; Oakley; Swank; old pic of Waveland PO (thanks, Karen) - Grace Merrett (Merrell?);
Questions -- _4__ Is there an 1890 census for Wingate. It is important I find it for George W. Koon to see when he died (Note: he was in findagrave.com at Pleasant Hill died 1896); Who has the Wilhite cemetery plat map? Information on the 1941 1st pro golfer in Crawfordsville (Gene Conway - 3-4 questionson him and more on the Koon family asked by same person so just counted 'em once). Where was the (I actually have 3-4 every day - just can't remember any of 'em :)
REUNONS - __2__ -- Armantrout; Linebarger
TOWNS -- __4__ Steam Mills; Indian Creek; Beach Croft; Raccoon Corner - now, found 461 towns/communities/areas in Montgomery County
JUNE 2017
(Alumni) -- __1__ 1910 Union Township Graduate booklet
Biographies -- _6_: Names: Todd (Wabash College student - picture 1900 from Nicholson & Son - thanks so much to Shelley Cardiel - on new site) - Fay Welch - 30 pages in the Waveland photo Album because she talks a great deal about the Shades and Deers Mill. Will also put it in the new site under biographies; Whitlock . (all on new site - let me know if you would like one - sorry, it's just easier as I'm working through the biographies to put them all on the new one than put them here and have to transfer them again. Wesley Foster; Sidney Speed; Henry W. Taylor
DIVORCES: __9__ -- Canine; Henry; Hennessey; Brown; Emmert; Hackathorn; Hoover; Logan; Taylor
Letters -_8__ to Scott Cowan Nov 1905 (thanks to John Cowan there will be several more Cowan letters coming) - from Earl W. Barnes to Lawrence Scott Cowan - County Supt giving info on exams; Letter to Warren Cowan - from "old maid cousin" Elva - to Merle Cowan
Links -- _2_ http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~fgris/brown/agecalc.html - calculates birth date from the death date/age at death -- Made a NEW FAMILY LINKS PAGE -- added Cowan family link to it -- NEED MORE :) - Jerry Turner's great Montgomery County Facebook page (History & Lore - Jerry if the name sounds familiar is one of the two main helpers finding the 454 towns). My Kind of Town Power Point created by kbz for Genealogy Club of Montgomery County
MARRIAGES -- __10__ vis; Fullenwider; Grave; Hall; Henry; Kelley; Kennedy; King; Lane; Smith
Military __40_ - Added: Spruhan WWI - "Coming of Age" a 7-page nifty story of John Cowan's father's draft experience in WWI; 2nd Draft listing - Oscar Erwin 1st of 25. Churchill arrived overseas; Letters from Hugh Barnes; Clayton Peck; Ray Thompson; John Switzer (also WWI draft information); Moss Terry; -- Added: photo of Samuel Benge in Vietnam; WWI pics of:Giffin; WWI bios about : Alexander; Cauldwell; Bandel; Dooley; Edwards; Elliott; Esra; Fitzwater; Glascock; Groendyke; Herron; Karle; Leonard; Maxwell; McCampbell; Michaels; Miles; Oneal; Porter; Shaw; Turnipseed; Vaughn -- Lynch, Richard 1st Montgomery County KIA in Vietnam -- added to Pheletus Gould's - graduation -- Major exciting WWI database for those registering from Montgomery County (thanks so much to John Cowan for this) --
Miscellaneous ___10_ - Put the first 10 Registrants for WWI from Montgomery County on the Crawfordsville Facebook Page to generate some interest for the June 5, 1917 - 100th reunion of the registration of our men
NEWS - _24__ Junction House Hotel article (biz); Ad - A. Lincoln Newkirk - to speak (2) - Accidents (Schuyler); Dovetail Factory burns; Fire at John Perry's (Pleasant Run); Added - Birth (Binns); (Misc) 1893 Orphan Home Report ; Byron Sweeney falls in ice (accident); Fender - 1836 Exec Sale; Lane Wm.; Enoch Cox loses ward; Dr. John Sloan offers services 1836- Barbers (Nicholson;' Wilson 1836); Miller - Moore - orphans run away (other Orphan Home info); Article on Poor House - discovered the Waveland Independent is one year older than originally noted; Mattie Stout, declared insane
OBITUARIES -- _49___ == Names include: Ammerman; Bandel; Brown; Canine; Dunn; Campbell; Doyle; Clarkson; Clore (Wm); Cooley; Dale; Deets; Endicot; Ensminger; Evans; Foster; Freeman; Hatton; Hooper; Jones; Kersey; Kenyon; Kerr; Krug; (all the following "Ks" in new site - let me know if you're interested_ Keller; Kelsey; Keyes; Kessler; Kramer; Kirkpatrick) Long; McNeilly; Nicholson; Peck; Pierson; Proctor; Prim; Rush; Selby; Rice; Shannon; Summer; Winton
PHOTOS -- __18__- Cowan Christmas; Ross Brothers; Wabash College; Presbyterian Church - Ladoga - Methodist - Cville; YMCA; Kelsey Brothers - Jan 1978 blizzard pictures -- Indiana LiveStock Investment Company - Moore & Cowan $60 payment 1920; (churches - Smartsburg - think it's a graduation at the church in perhaps 1905) - article on Bramlett Photography; Added - (in above WWII biographies) -- Orphans Home; Poor Home; Sarah Remley
QUESTIONS __20__ In all of these 20 years doing this page, and all the thousands of questions I received from the page, I've never ONCE totalled the questions and given what they were so thought just for fun I'd do that this month. Do you know anything about questions: Suzie Wingate; Nelli Koon; Can you use the following items: Autobiography of Fay Welch (lots of Shades info); Photos or Photographers questions : Nicholson; Places questions: (Wingate) - Family-oriented questions or comments: Dunbar; Cowan; Soldiers (Tilney; Cowan); Please correct Beatrice Stultz Dunbar obit - JW Dunbar is James Marion (so JM); Several more questions on the Wingates and Street families.
TOWNS --__5__ 457 to date -- Lewistown (near Waveland) -- added information about when Pleasant Hill became Wingate; Fatty Run; Germany; McClaskey's Corner; Britton's Glen; Crab Orchard Swamp
Who's Who-- __1__ Fritz Schlemmer
MAY 2017
ALUMNI _3_ - Offield School; Fink; Needmore (information on that one)
BIOGRAPHIES __2__ Edward; Tichenor
DEATH RECORDS -- __2__ Alexander; Whitlock
DIVORCES: __8__ -- Irwin; McKinsey; Newhard; Riddle; Biddle; Gillis; Grimes; Routan
Military _36__ - Added: Enlistees for mainly WWII - pages for WWII folks -- Akester (not sure we could count him as a Montgomery Countian, however) --Alward (again not sure we can count him although he is buried in Waynetown, Montgomery County but really was born and raised in Fountain) Barnard; -Bazzani; Breedlove; Chadwick --; Cross; Elliott-- Fendley --Hannah, Raymond -- Hannah, Lyle - Kelsey -- Knox;Lehman; Cummings; Sayler ; Woods ; Stinchcomb Rusk -- Otterman -- Priebe--Overstreet -- Todd, Charles -- Vice -- Ross -- White -- Smith (Byron)- Merrell - - Murray - - Devitt -- Hunt - Bob Fullenwider - Terry Fullenwider -- Myers -- Zachary -- McNulty letters; WWI database for those registering from MC; also had a listing of those dead in WWII that I've had up for years but realized when I found a different list that it was highly incomplete and vice-versa - between the two lists, I'm hoping I have them all now :) Note: Not bragging, just want to get them ALL but there are only 70 WWII Veterans who died during service represented on the court house monument. I have found 133 and think there are more -- Korean War - Dick Bruner
NEWS: __17 __ - Guardianship 1831 (Nathaniel Dunn of Mathew Cowley; Business - Garfield Elevator; Martin Ice; Insanity (Lizzie Smith); Accident; County Farm news; Coffin Company; Burbridge & Hauser;
OBITUARIES -- _94__ == Names (some have 4-5 by that name added) include: (Note: Some on new site that is not seeable to public at this point - let me know if you'd like me to send you one - two if you do not find them here) -- Akester; Baker; Caldwell; Carlile; Carson; Carver; Carmichael; Cox; Casey; Clements; Corns; Davis; Darwactor; Dunn; Evans; Faurfuekdl Goodwin; Grimes; Gurbrick; Hall; Harpel; Holloway; Hutchins; Hockett; Jones; Keefe; Kepler; King; Lamb; Lawson; Livengood; Lynch; McKinzie; Mossman; Norman; Ornbaum; Parker; Rivers; Ronk; Rose; Shuler; Slattery; Scott; Stewart; Smith; Stafford; Thomson; Thurman; Utter; Vaughn; Vaught; VanHook; VanPelt; Ward; Wilson; Wray; Whitlock; Ward; Whitehead; Whitecotton; Wilson; Wray; Whitlock; Wolf; York; Yates; Young; Youngblood; Ziegler; Zimmerman
PHOTOGRAPHS/PHOTOGRAPHERS -- __20__ - WWI; WWII; Bramblett; Ridge photographers; McNulty
TOWNS -- __3__ = 453 to date -- Maple Grove; Germany; McClaskey's Corner
APRIL 2017
IF anyone is interested - here is what has been added to the Montgomery County GenWeb this month :) ENJOY
Alumni -- __2__ - article on Breaks area school # 38 - 1901; information on Maple Grove
Alumni -- __2__ - article on Breaks area school # 38 - 1901; information on Maple Grove
Biographies -- _12_: Names: (on new site so let me know if you're interested in seeing one and I can send it to you) Baldwin; Demoret; Elmore; Insley; Marsh; Ristine; Rose; Seller; Servies
Cemeteries __1__ article on great care of Meharry Cemetery
Death Records __16__ - Birdcell; Brown; Garner; Larkin; Larsh; Swaim; Ristine; Ryan; Sidener;
Divorces: __3__ - Armentrout; Brown; Stout
LINKS -- Library of Congress, pictures of Montgomery County
MARRIAGES (articles) __6___ Names: Bennett; Hartung; Nelson; Paxton; Peterson Russell
MILITARY __11_ - WWII Draft Information; Harshbarger - Wabash College tribute to fallen --WWI Registration -- Smith; Stephens - Civil War obits - McCreary; Ross
NEWS _15_-- 83rd birthday; Central School burns 1892; Naylor Fire 1899; New Market Methodist Church, dedication 1899; Abram's Coal; Kelley & Hughes' Shoes; Isley; Shue Grocery; (Accident Harshbarger shot in leg; 1st C'ville paved street; Anniversary (Chadwick); C'ville Wire & Nail and in Misc Souders destroys American flag ; 1834 list of letters not picked up (IC Elston, Post Master) -Fire - Binford - 1918; Robert Warren finds oxen (1834 - also that year, a tavern for sale) - ads - Cox (Florist - 1877); C'ville Journal; Tevebaugh & Son Ice Cream (1900); Poor Farm corn crop - 1877; Auman Motors (began 1949) - biz, news; Waveland Race track; T.S. Kelly ad for shoes Feb 2, 1875
OBITUARIES: _253__: Names: Allhands; Anderson; Armstrong; Arnold; Austin; Benefiel; Blair; Benner; Binford; Birdcell; Bishop; Black; Blankenbeckler; Booher; Bradenberger; Broderick; Brazakus; Brown; Byrd; Burford; Carithers; Chrisman; Cline; Combs; Cotten; Cowan; Cox; Coyle; Connelley; Crist; Costello; Crull; Daniels; Davidson; Dailey; Davis; Darnell; Demoret; Dickey; Dodd; Dykes; Duree; East; Glora; Fyffe; Gibson; Graves; Hartman; Heavenridge; Hummel; ; Hessar; Inlow; Irwin; Kantz; Kelsay; Kirk; Krout; Lafollette; Lane; Larsh; Leach; Livengood; McComas; Manson; Martin; Miller; Miller; Moore; Meyer; Murphy; North; Parker; Patterson; Pearson; Pratt; Purgason; Rice; Roper; Roth; Rowe; Rosebro; Rowland; Royer; Ruddle; Runyan; Russell; Sadler; Sands; Saulsberry; Sadler; Scott; Shoaf; Shanklin; Shelley; Snelling; Sims; Slavens; Smith; Spencer; Steele; Stewart; Street; Stroupe; Summers; Swaim; Switzer; Thompson; Threlkheld; Thomas; Totten; Toney; Vanette; Vancleave; Walker; Warren; Weeks; Whisler; Wethington; Wilson; Wooden; Wrightsman; Young; Younker; Zimmerman (thanks so very much to JR for almost all of these great obits - I added a few and have a great new typist, thanks SMc who did some, as well )
TOWNS: : __5_ : Total of 449 towns to date - added information on Possum Den and Wingate; added towns of Gilliland School House; Lofland Crossing and Hymenea (1834)
PHOTOGRAPHS / PHOTOGRAPHERS: --__12__ - Added Coffin 1899 photographer; Demoret (thanks Tom D) - Tom also sent several cool ones of some "C'ville belles" - in the tree; by the Binford Lumber Company... and one above of Della and Earl; Nicely; 1920 Harshbarger Reunion (thanks Jeff); Jaycee BBQ about 1970 (thanks TR & Dixons) ; AS Hughes (photographer) i
(Alumni) -- __4__ Added College Grove School House (1884) Wayne Twp - Watkins School (Mace area) ; Willow Grove (burns); Greenwood School 1909--
Biographies -- __ 31_: Names: Bandel; Bannister; Berry; Bowles; Bowers; Brookshire; Canine; Clough; Davis; Deer; Fullenwider; Glenn; Goben; Hallett; Haller; Insley; Jackman; Long; Lough; Lane; Manson; Myers; Painter; Lookabill; McClamrock; Norris; Peacock; Porter; Pogue; Porter; Thompson; Tomlinson; Townsley; Whittington; Willis
DEATH RECORDS -- __3__ - Moody; Vonderschmitt; Walton
DIVORCES: 5 – Dooley; Griest; McClure; Mote; Sering; York
MARRIAGES – 12 – Armstrong; Colclazier; Flannigan; Layne; Mitchell; Pearson’; Runyan; Switzer; Weir; Wilson
WWI -- Moody – Spanish American (deaths of Britton; Letters); Enlistees (Davis; Dwiggin;s Michaels – 1st to go to WWI)
News Items -- _28_ = (Biz) - Kramer Meat 1884; Skating Rink - ads for : Fry; Scaggs; Bischof; Ben Hur Bakery; Sunday Star; Hoover; Muhlheison; Rost Jewelers sell bikes; 15th anniv (Agnes); Walkup; White birthdays – Church cornerstone; 60th anniv (Coyle); Kulinary Kraft Klub; several ads from 1895 Crawfordsville City Directory
OBITUARIES: __229_added_: Names: Adams; Aiken; Allen; Arndt; Bandel; Barnett; Baxter; Beavers; Biggs; Birdsong; Blomquist; Boling; Bollerud; Bottorff; Bowman; Branigan; Brann; Bratton; Brewer; Brimberry; Britton; Brooks; Brumbaugh; Brown; Buck; Bullock; Burnett; Bushong; Byers Chislet; Clodfelter; Conner; Couger Davis; Dazey DeMoss; Delaney; Dennewitz; Devan; Dickson; Dixon; Dowden; Douglas; Dougherty Eakle; Easley; England; Ensminger; Erwin; Evans; Ewbank Fairfield; Falconbury; Faudree; Forgey; Fraley; Fisher; French; France George; Gardner; Gordon; Gray; Green; Grimes; Grover; Grinley; Gott; Gritten Hall; Ham; Hamborsky; Hancock; Hall; Haller; Hartley; Herron; Hinton; Honeycutt; Humphreys; Hulet; Jackson; James; Johnson; Jones Kiley; Krout; Kendricks; Kepler; Kessinger Lawson; Lawton; Layne; Lemon; Lee; Lewellyn; Linn; Little; Litsey; Lofland McClain; McClamroch; McAlister; McDaniel; Martin; Meek; Miller; Mills; Morgan; Moore; Moffett/Moffitt; Myers; Nelson; Nash; Neece; Nees; Neill; Nelson; Newlin; Nickell; Overpeck; Pattison; Peacock; Pleasant; Perkins; Pefley; Pearson; Paire; Phillips; Proffitt Ramsey; Richardson; Robbins; Rohm; Rodgers; Rogers; Ronk; Rose; Rutledge; Sloan; Shrout; Slattery; Stephenson; Stanfield; Steele; Stevens; Stewart; Stubbins; Swafford; Swank; Sullivan; Swearingen; Tate; Trotter; Thomson; Thompson; Tinsley; Todd VanArsdall; Veatch; VanHook; Vonderschmitt Walker; Waltz; Winton; Welch; Whittington; Williams; Wolfenbarger; Winland; Wright York; Young
PHOTOGRAPHS –18 – Oak Hill School; Chapman’s Gallery; Dickerson; Morgan; Scott; Willis
REUNIONS -- __7__ - Armantrout; Deere; Gray; Jones; McMains; Stewart; Widener
TOWNS:-- 8 – Blue Hole; Hunt’s School House; Kirkpatrick Station; Phillipines; Scottland Yard; Walnut Bend; Walnut Fork -- for an UNBELIEVABLE # of towns existing in our county – 444 – what FUN
Alumni (Schools) _1_ 1912 - New Waveland School (which was the one where I went - kbz - had an idea when this was built, but wasn't quite sure so glad to find this one - several on the Waveland FB page loved it, too)
Biographies _11_: Albright; Daugherty; Gaines; Henry; Lydick; Love; Kellogg; McClure;
Death Records: __4__ Nichols; Martin; McKinsey
Marriages __ 8 _ - Boling; Brookshire; Chapman; Moses; Milligan; Radford; Steele; Swearingen
Military - __ 6 __ Jolley; Miles; Miller
News Items: __ 21__ --Divorce; Guadianship; Couple of music-oriented articles; Folks sent to Insane Asylum (newly built section of state one) highlight of Poor House supt.. CHS Sunshine Society 1 year after concept of SSS for state; Brothers run for sheriff; Ads for Bishof Underwear; Kelsey; Casket Company; Hoover Tin Shop; Mahorney; Houlihan; Sperry Mill; Match factory
Obituaries: _35_ Names: Carson; Cooley; Crique; Eskew; Garner; Hollowell; Hughes; Hancock; Lewis; Lowe; McBee; McGillard; McKinsey; Merrill; Palin; Rich; Roberts; Shull; Sidener; Smith; Seawright; Spencer; Stingley; Tomlinson; Wilkinson; Williams
Photos __5__ - usually have MANY more so a bit sad n this one -- Mahorney; White;
Towns: __2__ - North Mace and Boraker's Corner (437 towns/whistle stops, etc found in our county to date - just when we think we're finally completed them, one or two more pop up - it has been super fun to discover a new piece of our county history)
School (Alumni) - 10 items - Bunker HIll closed 1881 because of scarlet fever -- 1869 Wabash College Curriculum - Last one-room school built in 1899 - Honor Students from Shiloh in 1894; Blahinch burned. Added Sand Bank; Branson; Hickory; Thomas and Walnut Grove school
Biographies : - __ 19 - names included were: Crocket; Kelley; Kirtley; Kleiser; Leech; Lewellen; Linebarger; Lockhart; McClelland; McCrea; McNutt; Stonebraker; VanCleave, some mor than one of the name
Reunion: Lamson
Journals - added an example of Hiram A. Pratt's hand writing (he wrote years of diaries talking about the town I grew-up in during the 1880s and early 1900s - was a barber for over 50 years).
Death Certificate: __5__ Anderson; Lambert; McCabe; McCarty; McCurry
Obituaries __ 64__ = Alfrey; Anderson; Armstrong; Ball; Clark; Crocket; DeVault; Drake; Evans; Hughes; Jones; Kelsey; Kirkpatrick; Laymon; Leech; Low; McCabe; McBroom; McClelland; McCrea; McCarty; McClure; McComas; McCorkle; McCoy; McIntosh; McIntire; McMurray; Murray; Nicholson; Pitt; Pritchard; Spencer; Steele; Zuck
Divorces: __3__ - Elkins; Fowler; Moody Towns __ 5__ -- this makes our 435th town/village/burg/spit in the road - that mainly three of us have found -- added this month, Carvers Corner; McCrea Corner; Patton Corner; Welliever Hill and Glover.
News Items -__8__- (several) Ads for office seekers; Elmdale Church burns; adoption; G. Clements, Dentist expands business
Photos -- Lewellen; Clodfelter - Photographer Lawton