2019 What's New - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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2019 What's New

What's New in 2019

MONTGOMERY Totals for year
Obituaries 3,539
Alumni 30 items
Biographies 22
Blogs 7
Bibles 1
Divorces 75
Letters 21
Marriage Announcements 144
Military articles 19
News items  117
Photos 109
Reunions 11
Towns  9 added this year = 518 total

DECEMBER 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __107__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added -  Allen; Bell; Blue; Booher; Boots; Brennan; Brown;' Butz;  Cox; Conrad; Clark; Clouser; Courtney; Cohee; Connelly; Cooksey; Croy; Craig; Compton; Dailey; Davison; Donovan; Duke; Elliott; Faust; Flanigan; Fletcher; Ford; Fraley; Fulford; Goings; Hamilton; Hampton; Hanna; Harris; Hardee; Harrison; Hatt; Hefferman; Hibbs; Higgins; Huber; Hitch; Hollingsworth; Hopper; Jackson; Johnson; Keller; Kennedy; Long; Mahoy; Mason; Quigg; Ramsdell; Rice; Ryan; Ryker; Swank; Sutton; Swisher; Thompson; Thorton; Vance; Vannice; Weliver; Wheeler; Tribby;

Biographies -- __4 _ Added -- Beard; Herron; Mills; Courtney;

Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _ Added: _12__ Names : Bible; Britton; Chadwick; Endicott; Conrad; LaFollette; McCampbell; Scanlan; White; Weliver; Quigg

Letters __21__ - Added: Gormley; Moore; Seitz; Patton; Hostetter; Quigg; Weliever (thanks to Jeff & Mary Lou)

NEWS __ ALL NEW "NEWS" ITEMS WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"-- Added - 44 --items Added -- including Railroad articles; Cordelia Clark men; Haracres sues commissioners; Galloway principal in Neb; Courtney declared insane; Lightcap, Nancy; Hurley< Frank admitted to Bar; Beaman gone 37 years; Brocies C'ville Gas Co; Bill retires and ORHO club articles

PHOTOS -- __2_- Added -- Photos People: Dunbar, Silias (Genealogy Chart); [Ollie Dunbar Buser, Zola Buser, Nellie Dunbar Evans];

NOVEMBER 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: _193___ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Alexander; Allen; Albertson; Arnett; Bastian; Barcus; Biggers; Bowers; Blair; Booe; Booher; Brown; Cade; Caplinger; Carter; Clore; Clark; Crawford; Coleman; Cunningham; Cook; Cooksey; Connor; Dixon; Doyel; Downing; Dunbar; Drybread; Endicott; Fletcher; Fairfield; Gray; Hanna; Hartman; Hulvey; Hopper; Herron; Hulet; Horn; Hobson; Henry; Honan; Hillabold; Jackson; Kessler; Kottkamp; Lacy; Lafferty; Ludwig; Lasley; Larrick; Luddington; Lemon; Loftus; Lynch; Laymon; Maxwell; McLeod; McMakin; McKern; Meharry; Mosier; Miller; Mulliaken; Middleton; Moon; Morris; Mullen; Mount; Murphy; Musgrove; Myer; Mears; Morrison;  Matthews; McKinney; McKinley; McGuire; McIntire; McBee; McCabe; McConnell; Manning; Maloney; Manning; Nicholson; Newkirk; Patton; Power; Pyle; Rutledge; Richards; Richardson; Royer; Sering; Shotts; Snyder; Shannon; Sloan; Servies; Spray; Steele; Tharp; Thomas; Thompson; Titus; Turner; Vance; Valentine; Warren; Watson; Willhite; Woodruff; Weingartner; Yount

Biographies -- __3 _ Added -- Vance; Meharry; Piercy

Divorces _ Added:___ 14  added_72__ ytd_ Names : Brooks; Dossett; Jackson; Sering; Seering; Washburn; Webb; Lindamood; Jeffery; Mayhew; Sinclair; Zachary; Wilkinson;
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _ Added: _38__ Names :Glenn; Lane; Griffith; Wilkinson; Willson; Endicott; Caldwell; Jones; Corn; Swank; Custer; Berry; Price; Remley; Shelby; May; Richards; Pierce; Fouts; Bandel; Harris; Marsh; Langdon; Keeran; Bard; Guard; Lamb; Patton; Nicely; Rivercomb; Kessler; Ferguson; Wilhite

Korean War - article by Suzie Zach Baldwin - Hockersmith wins Bronze
Viet Nam - articles on Fairfield; Proctor; Redmon

NEWS _28_Added__ ALL NEW "NEWS" ITEMS WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"-- Added - Fires: Boyland; Poor House; Johnson.  Accidents: Martin; Barton; Sering.  Crime; Bogar; Drake; Lane; Detchon.  Miscellaneous: Whittington; Gregg; Thewlies; Hendricks; Barker; Toney; Foxworthy; Foshee; Mahoy; Harris; Berryman.  Sick: Bennett; Hulvey; Howard; Reynolds- Politics.

PHOTOS -- _44__- Added -- Photos People: Fry; Haas (check obits); Hulvey Family Album (40 images) thanks to Jenie Walden; Added to Hulvey Album photo of Zola Gray and her parents; Rutledge-Vaught enlist for Korea

TOWNS: : _4_ : Total # 518 - towns to date - Added Gas City (ohhhh); Whipporwill Valley; West Union;  Hunter's Ridge

OCTOBER 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __130__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Albert; Albertson; Bandel; Bannister; Bowen; Broderick; Clark; Cleeland; Cook; Cooper; Cox; Craig; Davis; Devore; Dowell; Elmore; Everson; Fullenwider; Fry (photo); Gentry; Gilkey; Greene; Griest; Griffin; Grissom; Haas (photo); Hall; Harper; Hatch; Helphenstine; Henry; Hizer; Hunter (CW); Hummel; Huntsinger; Hybarger; Jarvis; Kable; Kenaston; Kite; Luddington; Long;McCormick; McKinsey; Macy; May; Matthews; Miller; Miles; Mitchell; Montague; Moore; Morgan; Murphy; Newton; Norman; Patterson; Pearlman; Phillips; Plunkett; Ramsbrook; Remster; Rooney; Rountree; Rush; Sering; Sellers; Servies; Shumate; Shepherd; Singleton; Skaggs; Smith; Spencer; Spillman; Stockden; Snyder; Stewart; Straughan; Swisher; Thomas; Titus; Tribby; Walker; Weaver; Westfall; Ward; Wells; Wethington; White; Whipple; Whitted; Wray; Winger; Wilkerson; Wilkinson; Zick; Zook; Rankin, Ellen Thorne-updated with photo;

Alumni- Schools -- UPDATED TO NEW SITE SOFTWARE = _1    Added  (ytd = 17) -  "A Chain of Memories" by Dan W. Brown (39 images) thanks to Ed Watson;

Biographies -- __10 _ Added -- Fitchey; Gill; O'Neal; Patton; Piercy; Richard; Sterrett; Travis; Wallace; Williamson

Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :
Deaths _ Added: __ Names :
Deeds_ Added: __ Names :
Divorces _ Added: _58 ytd_ Names :
Inquests _ Added: __ Names :
Land _ Added: __ Names :
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _ Added: _18__ Names : Bell; Dunbar; Dudenhofer; Finan; Harper; Hartley; Haskell; Long; Mason; Miller; Rosebro; McCampbell;  McDonald; Patton; Parrot; Rivers; Simms;
Naturalizations _ Added: __ Names :
Wills _ Added: __ Names :

NEWS __Businesses 3__ ALL NEW "NEWS" ITEMS WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"-- Added - Miller Bros Carriages; Barnhill - Undertakers; Dairy - 4 merge

PHOTOS -- _43__- Added -- Photos People: Fry; Haas (check obits); Hulvey Family Album (40 images) thanks to Jenie Walden; Added to Hulvey Album photo of Zola Gray and her parents;

SEPTEMBER 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __114__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Armstrong; Abraham; Beck; Bennett; Blackford; Blackmore; Boungs;  Bowen; Boyd; Bratton; Burk; Canine; Campbell; Cain; Coleman; Cooper; Coons; Culver; Davis; Day; Duckworth; Endean; Eyler; Evans; Flynn; Gordon; Goodsell; Gross; Hartman; Herron; Higgins; Houlihan; Johnson; Keller; Knutti; Kelsey; Kline; Lafollette;  Lowe; Martin; Martinie; Matthews; Malsbury; Marts; Martz; Manson; McKinsey; Meek; Mikels; Mish; Misner; Miller; Morgan; Myers; Naylor; Nosler; Patterson; Pearson; Pickard; Pittman; Prickard; Quillen; Raquet; Roseboom; Robinson; Russell; Scott; Schoen; Skinner; Smelser; Smiley; Sutherlin; Swearingen; Vancleave; Vore; Voris; Vannice; Verden; Wilkins; Work; Worth; Zachary; Zeigler; Zook

Alumni- Schools -- UPDATED TO NEW SITE SOFTWARE = _16    Added - 16 articles on the Waveland Collegiate Institute

Biographies -- _3_ _ Added -- Fry; Newnum; Quigg

BLOG -- new -- Karen's Gen Blog --  added 7

Divorces _16 Added: _58 ytd_ Names : Abraham; Carver; Clark; Corey; Benjamin; Daggett; Frakes; Lewellen; McKinsey; McClelland;  Pullian; Pittman
Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) _ Added: _10__ Names :  Adams; Dickerson; Keiser; Holland; McMaken; Petro; Powers; Scott; Vangorden; Wilkerson;

NEWS __34__ ALL NEW "NEWS" ITEMS WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"-- Added - Poor farm articles; Charles Maier finds family; John Weir attacked; Amos Palin captured; Yountsville Cornet Band 1872; Creqe - Drunk; Dorsey - Fire Chief; Rhodes attempted abortion - death of Amanda Barker; Baldwins (Music News) DH - closes; 25th Anniversary Jonathan Nutts; Fowler (Misc F) Lawsuit over death; Churches (Wabash Ave Meth; 1st Baptist) Crime - Pratt arrented; Cornwell bootleg; Hickman attempts suicide; Wallac e- hat exchange; Accidents (RR; Elmore; Martin; Wm Fruits) Misc - Florence Delaney, insane; Patent - Miller, Brown; Music Bandel, Baker & Cleveland play in WJZ studio; Fire - Hoosier Crown 1940Vandalia RR; Dora Stilwell prostitution;

PHOTOS -- _8__- Added -- Photos People: Added one on Forrest Newnum biography; Sarver, Hobart and Ruby; Ladoga Sulky Racers (Ed Powers, Orson Craig, Russell "Rook" Scott, Frank Powers); Ladoga Boys (Jerry Ingram, Bill Scott, Ron Ingram, Dick Scott); PLACES: Powers Home In Ladoga; Waynetown Barns by Elmer Harlan;

Reunions -- _2 _ ALL NEW "REUNIONS" WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"  Added - Gray; Waveland Collegiate Institute 1913

AUGUST 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: _103___ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added -Alexander; Austin; Bannister; Bell; Benefield; Beach; Birdson; Blackford; Budd; Burlew; Byers; Bott; Bright; Canine; Carson; Carter; Chase; Chapell; Chambers; Chasteen; Clawson; Davis; Daily; Davidson; Denham; Detchon; Elliott; Eddington; Engle; English; Ensminger; Ewbank; Evans; Fairfield; Fenters; Flora; Ferguson; French; Fulwider; Geiger; Gilliland; Grogan; Griffith; Graham; Hanna; Harding; Hopkins; Head; Hendricks; Jordan; Jones; Johnston; Jacks; Legg; Layson; Lofland; Linderman; Lynn; Moore; Murphy; Nelson; Newkirk; Newton; Nicholson; Nolan; Rector; Reed; Rehmel; Robb; Roberts; Rosebaum; Rutledge; Palin; Peterson; Patton; Purcell; Pride; Prickett; Pickett; Queenan; Thomas; Tibbets; Tribby; Truax; Todd

Alumni- Schools -- UPDATED TO NEW SITE SOFTWARE = _ 2   Added - Photo of last Class at Parkersburg School in 1937, includes names; Added a photo of Maple Grove School; Photo of Students of Quick School #5;

JULY 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __103__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Barnett; Barker; Ball; Ballard; Britton; Borst; Clark; Cline; Clore; Cross; Crawford; Craig; Cunningham; Detchon; Dinsmore; Dunkin; Dunnington; Duckworth; Durham; Downey; Fruits; Gabriel; Gaines; Garlick; Greenburg; Guard; Greenlee; Graham; Grzesk; Griest; Hanna; Hall; Hamilton; Harding; Harrison; Harriman; Harris; Harps; Hulet; Humphries; Horney; Hyde; McDaniel; McClain; McClelland; McKey; McBrayer; McCormick; McGraw; Smith; Stansberry; Stull; Vail; Vanarsdall; Vaughn; Vancleave; Veach; Veatch; Vincent; Warfield; Waite; Watson; Whitters

Marriages (includes announcments in newspapers) _ Added: _20__ Names :  Livingston; Weyls; Wilkinson; Suydam; Heigher; Hopkins; Harris; Rettinger; Canine, Cason; Brayard; Martz; Wilkinson; Lewellen; Millikan; Krwin; Rominger; Stepp

NEWS __8__ ALL NEW "NEWS" ITEMS WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"-- Added -Anniversaries: Detch; Newnum; Smith; Naylor; Mahlon Manson joins church; Joseph Rhodes - trial of murder to Amanda Barker; Voris (1st Dem Mayor); John Fall, cataract removed; Gregg Glove Co

JUNE 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __181__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - "A" - Adams, James; Allen, Achsa, Stephen, Walter; Ammerman, Mamie; Armentrout, Fred; Arwood, Lucyh; Austin, Addison  --"B" -- Ballard, Patience; Baldwin, David J; Barnhill, Noland; Bastion, Thomas A.; Bebee, Chester; Beckman, Roberta; Benham, George;  Black, Harriet Bates; Bishop, Betty Cheesman; Blackford, Cletin; Bonnell, John R; Boyer, Jacob; Boyer, Louis; Bradley, Joseph Francis; Bradenburg, Matthias; Brooke, Alfred (Lt); Brooks, Wm. R; Brown, James Joseph; Brown, John R; Bruton, Kenneth; Brown, Eunice Lofland; Budde, Mary; Buffington, Anna; Buffington, Taylor; Burroughs, Clifford (2); Butler, John Maynard; Buser, Roy; Burgess, William A -- "C" = Cain, Lois Uhler; Caplinger, William H; Carmichael, William; Carty, Betty; Chesterson, Rufus; Christie, Dorothy (2); Clapp, Dorothy; Cowan, John Hubert; Cox, Lora; Cox, Naomi Monroe; Cox, Winfield; Cook, Agnes; Conway, Margaret; Conner, David H; Corbin, John; Cotton, Walter; Cummins, Maurice-- "D" - Dallas, John; Davis, Betty Voorhees, Thompson; Devore, James; Dickerson, Otto; Doyle, Charles; Durham, Samuel Warren (2) "E" - Edwards, Irena, Mary Galbreath, William; Elliott, Margaret Ellen;  "F" - Faucet, Clinton; Fly, Ben, Minerva; Foster, Lawrence Trout; Fry, Benjamin Franklin ; Fudge, Peter Milton; Fullen, Susan; Fuson, George Parker  "G" Galey, Charley, Lyle, Wayne; Gillock, Harriet; Gibson, Elizabeth; Golliday, John; Goshorn, Mildred Helmond; Gray, James B, Sarah E, Susan Sanders; Greenlee, Charles Wm.; Griest, Claude; Guntle, Lolo "H" -- Ham, Mary; Hannah, James; Harper, John, Nels, Hays, Mary Cain, Melinda; Hartley, Eva, Joseph, Lyda, Thomas; Harding, Robert; Hartman, Martha; Hawkins, Anna; Inf. of Tolliver ; Hershey, Cloyd Gray (3); Hightower, Mabel (added); Heath, Mary Walker; Heath, David Nelson;Hunt, Alice Swisher (added 1) Hunt, Arlan (Korean); Hostetter, William; Hubbard, Geo; -- "I - J" Israel, Wm. R.; Johnston, Charles (added); Jones, Nancy Kersey; Jones, Carl Norman-WW II; Jones, Phoebe Foster (2); Johnson, R.W.; Johnson, John-1892; Justis, Elizabeth; Jolley, Ross (added); -- "L" -- Lamb, Geroge W; Lamb, leslie, Lamb, Robert Earl; Lamson, Herbert; Lamson, Thomas W(added), Lepper, Jesse; Lynn, James W; Lee, John (Col.); Love, Sarah; Lee, June; Lee, Harry K.(2); Lee, Frank; ynn, Lucinda: Lynn, Wm. H.; Lindley, Miriam Towell (2); Lindley, Charles W. (added 1); -- "S" = Shoebe, Rebecca Boyer; Sidener, Edgar; Sidener; Ewing; Sinclair, Florence; Sowers, Ralph W; Squires, Albert; Steele, John E (Dr); Stevens, Doris;  Stone, Hannah Rettinger, Leroy D; Stoner, David L.; Strong, Robert; Straughan, Alice Lee; Spruhan, Catherine (Kate - added to hers); Stuart, Thomas B.; Saylor, Viola; See, Byron; See, Abilgail Jackson; Scott, Samuel C (added); Shute, Edward; Simms, Mabel Ball; Simmons, Vivian Winters; Simpson, George W.; Sharp, Loretta (added); Sharp, Sarah Donaldson; Shanks, Joseph Clyde (added); Simpson, Bessie; Sherman, Margaret; Shaggs, Sarah;Sutton, Louisa Ware (added); Swearingen, John- 1890;  "Z" -- Zigler, Lida (2); Zeigler, Arno; Zimmerman, Ethel; Zook, Ruth Couger; Zachary, Ben; Zachary, Birchard

Biographies -- __2 _ Added -- Glenn, Thomas; Coon, Christian;

Divorces _ 8   Added: _48 ytd_ Names : Butcher; Britton; Friend; Lucas; Singer; Swearengen; Thewlies; Williams
Marriages (includes announcments in newspapers) _ Added: __46_ Names :  Alward; Barnhart (2); Barriclow; Bennett; Brown; Burnside; Clore; Canine; Copas; Cunningham; Doyle; Flanningan; Freeman; Glover; Hartley; Hargrave; Harris; Jones; Jarvis; Johnson; Liter; Lowry (2); Masterson; Mangrum; Miles; Miller; Mitchell; Montague; Moore; Myers (2); Rivers; Rusk (2); Sharp; Shrader; Simpson; Swain; Swope; Todd; Voris; Wasson; Wilson; Young

TOWNS: : _5_ : Total # 512 - towns to date - Added 4 new (Cracker Jack Corner; East Lynn; Loop's Crossing; Travelers Point and information on Hog Heaven

Reunions -- _7_ ALL NEW "REUNIONS" WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"  Added - Coons, Cowan (x2); Deere, 1907; Mary, Spencer, Stewart

MAY 2019 -- Because of a change in our Server Host, there are no additons this month.

APRIL 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: _371___ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Bell, Benjamin-1938; Bell, Guy (added 1); Birchfield, J.F.; Bowers, Abraham-Dr.-1937 (added 1); Campbell, Hugh W. (added 1); Campbell, Atlanta Dains; Coons, Hattie Ellen Easley (added 3); Daley, Catherine; Daniel, William J.; Darnell, Milton T.; Davis, Artie Swaim (added 1); Davis, Elizabeth "Aunt Betty" Rice (added 1); Earl, Alfred M.; Edson, Charles C.-Dr. (added 1); Wade, Robert W.; Wade, Queen Brooks; Wade, Roland; Wade, Russell; Wade, Stephen; Wade, Wallace; Wagoner, Dott Rising; Wagoner, Ranson (2); Wakeland, Harry; Wakeland, Lola Sigler; Wakeland, Manson; Wasson, Florence; Waldon, Mollie (2); Waldrige, Lonie (2); Watson, Nellie Ruth; Wales, Emery Charles (2); Wales, Maude H.; Walker, Adeline Ainsworth (2); Walker, Alvah Curtis; Walker, Anita Thomas; Walker, Carl; Walker, Cora Livengood; Walker, Earl; Walker, Elsie Bever; Walker, Marietta; Walker, Martha Small; Wheeler, Horace; Winters, son of Mrs. John; Watts, Infant son of William; Webster, Allan; Fry, Mary Fenner (added 1); Kite, Jessie Frances (added 1); Lamson, Harry E (added 1); MacKintosh, George Lewea (added 1); McMechan, Helen C. Eaton; Meadows, Roy Frank (2); Metsker, Alvin (added 1); Miles, Mary Easley (added 1); Milligan, Frances Irvin; Oakley, Martha; O'Connor, Enos (added 1); Oglesbee, Ed (added 1); Oliver, Robert E. (added 1); Oliver, Russell; Hendrix, Grace James; Imel, W.H.; Irvin, Elda; Irwin, Viola; Jones, Elizabeth Barr; Galloway, James; Hall, Alexander B. (added 1); Hall, Henry; Osborn, William E. (added 1); Ott, Dick; Weir, Henry; Weikel, Lucy; White, Frank; Webb, Laura Galey; Walker, Harrison; Ward, Ross; Whittington, Julia; Welsh, Marie Porter; Westfall, Bertha Bennett; Westfall, Leslie (3); Walls, Lilian Opal; Wasson, J. B.-Dr.; Warbington, Joseph H. (added 1); Wallace, Grover C.; Wallace, Hune Cook; Wallace, Lela Page; White, Michael Dennis; Walls, Louise Martin; Walls, Marion Robert; Walter, Daniel; Walter, Donald (2); Walters, Isaac N.; Wann, Anna Samuel; Wann, Lovonia Grubbs; Ward, Carrie Tuggle; Warnick, Martha Durhein; Warren, George; Warren, Nancy Dyson; Warrick, Effie Keeling (2); Warrick, Everett-1976; Warrick, John Samuel; Warrick, Russell; Washburn, Eliza Dennis; Washburn, Wayne Tilford; Waterman, Hiram G.; Watson, Minnie Davis; Watson, Pearl Myers; Watson, James H. ( added 1) Waymire, Mary Hauggher Hammons (2); Watts, Anna Shultz; Watts, Gertrude Shumaker; Warren, Earl ( added 1); Webb, Lewis, Clay; Webb, Mary Etta; Webster, Edgar Donald; Webster, Harvey (2); Webster, William (2); Wethington, James D.; White, Joseph-Rev.; White, Sylvester; Whitehead, Grace Younger (2); Whitlock, Earl (2); Whitson, Delilah Gott; (added 1); Whitson, J. Herman; Whitted, Nannie Grider; Weaver, Horace; Weaver, Lena Commons; Weaver, Murley Keeling; Weaver, Sanuel A.; Weaver, Thomas G.; Webb, John; Weber, Claudine Furr; Weeks, Fanny Bowman; Weidman, Walter; Weir, Dell Hesler; Weir, Effie Parkinson; West, Herman; Westfall, John W.; Wever, Joseph A.; Wever, Joseph R. (2); Wheeler, Saniel; Whitacre, Eleanor Smith; Whitaker, Ora; White, Alonzo; White, Kipling (2); White, Lottie Stonebraker; Whitehead, Lula Oliver; Whitham, Glenn Howard; Whitinger, James; Whude, Mary Lamb; Whitecotton, Elizabeth Plunkett; Wells, Willie; Wells, Lee; Payton, Sabra A.; Powers, Louia Fields (added 1); Ragsdale, William Edward (added 1); Rhoads, Elizabeth Bennet (added 1); Sims, Mary Josephine Davenport; Talbott, Henry H.; Thompson, Clarence E.-1937 (added 1); Templeton, Frances; Underwood, Albert Cleveland (added 1); VanCleave, Rose J. Patton (added 1); Weir, Morrison V.; Yount, Irene; Yount, James Eugene; Zachary, Ross; Zeller, Merlin; Winter, Robert K.; Wilson, Lane; Wilson, Hazel Jagger; Wilson, Charity V.;Wilhoit, Mammie Davis; Williams, Charles; Williams, Harold "Pork"; Willson, Anna; Williams, John S.; Williams, James-1904 (2); Wooden, Anna Hill; Woods, Emily Pearl Smith (RIP Aunt Pearl); Wright, Henry J.; Wood, Fred M.; Wiatt, Mable Rice; Wiggins, Chris; Wiggins, Fannie (2); Wiggins, Raymond Archer (2); Wiggins, Thomas L. (2); Wilbur, David E. (2); Wilbur, Gladys Dell (added 2); Wilder, Nellie Cartwright (2); Wilder, Roy (2); Wildman, Arilla (3); Wildman, Ed; Wilhite, John Kenneth (2); Wilder, James Jess; Williams, Charles; Willett, Ivan H.; Wilkey, Raymond; Wilkey, Robert; Wilkey, Sherman; Wilkens, George; Wilkinson, Alonzo; Wilkinson, Bessie Clore (2); Wilkinson, Clifford C.; Williams, Hamilton; Williams, Lydia Hart Conner; Williams, W. Ray; Willa, Mabel Abernathy; Wilson, Charles Randall; Wilson, Clara Riggle; Wilson, Henry M.; Wilson, James-1958; Wilson, John L.; Wilson, Newton; Wingert, John C.; Wingert, Laura Robinson; Woodall Elijah E.;Worrell, Levi; Willett, Lela McFadden; Willaims, Anna Lawson; Williams, Bedford; Williams, Belmont Pleasant; Williams, Charles B.; Williams, Ethel Stevens; Williams, Eugenia VanVliet; Williams, Ruth Tinder; Williams, Ward S.; Willis, Alaline Perry; Willis, Paul M. (2); Willis, Ray; Wilson, Artie Ellis; Wilson, Bertha Bowman; Wilson, Clyde; Wilson, Elmyra Griner; Wilson, Iva Brown; Wilson, Otis (2); Wilt, Susie Napier; Winkler, Herman; Wilson, Flora Ann (added 1); Williams, Thomas D.; Williams, Ger. J. (added 1); Winters, Charles Wesley; Wise, Jesse Edwards (2); Withrow, George Harrison; Witsman, Albert Thomas; Witsman, Bessie Huffman; Witsman, Fred; Witt, Clint; Willt, William V.; Wolf, John (2); Wood, Alan Gene; Wood, Belle (2); Wood, Carrie Leighty; Wood, Charles; Wood, Emma Myer; Wood, Forest; Wood, Henry Wilbur; Wood, Homer; Wood, Lawrence (2); Wood, Maude Furr (3); Wood, Sylvia Middleton; Wood, Sina Tinsley; Wooden, Anna Hill (3); Woodrow, Charley; Woodrow, Herbert A.; Woodrow, Lawrence; Woodrow, Vina Harmon; Woodrow, William S.; Woods, Mable Hancock; Wooley, Arlie Bryant (2); Wooley, Frank; Williams, John S. (added 1); Williams, Ross (added 1); Woolwine, Curgy (2); Woolwine, Olivia Martin (2); Wooten, Elsie Witley; Wooten, Iven (2); Work, Myrtle Glover; Works, Robert; Wright, Gladys McKinny; Wright, Maude Fable; Wright, Obie Kenneth; Wrightsman, Loran; Widdop, William (added 1); Wilkinson, Frank (added 1); Wilson, Levi (added 1); Willson, Anna (added 1); Willson, Sarah; Yater, Bervie; Yater, James Carroll; Yerkes, Dafford; Yerkes, Ellen Jo; Yerkes, Eleanor Sowers; Yerkes, Grace Hendrix; Yerkes, Phyllis Ruggles; York, Floyd Addison;; Young, Ada; Young, Albert H.; Young, Clyde; Young, Cyrus Rush; Young, John Edward (2); Young, John Ray; Young, Marie Isley (2); Young, Oxford; Young, Paul; Young, Sarah Auter; Young, Elmer O.; Youngblood, Billie Pitts; Youngblood, Charles Frank; Youngblood, Kathryn Warrick; Youngblood, Parke; Youngblood, Worth; Younger, Aughtie Talbert; Yount, Priscilla Catterson; Young, Thomas Henry; Zackmire, Opal Woodrow; Zackmire, Thomas F (2); Zeigler, Bertha; Zeigler, Cyrus (2); Ziegler, John; Ziegler, Minnie Cunnerson; Zick, Lillian Schultz; Zimmerman, Frank; Zimmerman, George; Zimmerman, Earl G. (2);

Divorces _40   Added: _40 ytd_ Names : Sperry; Stout; Dill; Cramer; Dunham; Taylor; Coleman; Skaggs; Davis; Howell; Hamilton; Hoffa; Hughes; Ham; Woodworth; Frazier; Hunter; Tribby; Leffew; Little; Allen; Miller; Bennett; Miller; Vandehende; Downs; Gregg; Wright; Kenny; Fallen; York; Young; Wheller; Mullikin; Arnold;

MARCH 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

OBITUARIES: __610___ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Sackmire, Charles J.; Sackmire, Mary Mitchell; Sadler, George S.; Sackmire, Nellie Whitew; Sage, Joan St. Clair; St. (Saint) Clair, Gordon; Saltsgaver, Lenna Newlin (2); Samuels, Mildred Randolph; Sanders, Deryl Lee; Sanders, Elizabeth Parks; Sanders, Ellen; Sanders, Eva Sowers; Sanders, Fay (2); Sanders, Vern O.; Sandlin, Olin; Sanford, Olphonso; Sare, Willis; Sarjent, Ruby Alexander; Sayers, John; Schlosser, Joseph; Scott, Nancy Galey; Sawyer, (Old Lady) (2); Schleppy -Twins of Roland; Schenck, Forrest (added 1); Scott, Ethel; Schemerhorn, Ethel V. Gebhart; Schultz, Chalmer; Schultz, Emma Garner; Scott, Ethel (added 1); Scott, Leroy; Scott, Alexander; Scribner, Eliza; Sealy, Alta; Sellenberg, Mica; Sentman, Lillie Mattox; Sering, Dale (3); Sewell, Opal Collum;Seeward, Alice Baysinger; Seeward, Della; Shade, Edith Carpenter; Shade, Ernest; Shade, Florence; Schlemmer, George; Schlemmer, Olga; Schlemmer, Will (2); Schlemmer, F. Louis; Schwartz, Mary harvey; Schultz, Rosa Haas; Shade, Garfield; Shade, HomerWinfred; Shade, John W.; Shade, Mary Gray; Shade, Moses; Shade, Sarah Hibbs; Shade, Sherman; Shade, Vera Gegner; Shade, William; Shade, Stella Corbin; Coats, Homer (2); Coats, Ruth E.; Coons, Albert L.; Coker, Sarah; Schmidt, John; Scott, Anna Boswell (added 1); Scott, Amy VanHook; Scott, Jeanette (Reeves?); Scribner, Nelson Fordice; Shaffwer, Jennie Robinsom; Sharp, Mary Davidson (2); Shaw, Juanita Meeker Morgan (2); Shaw, Roscoe; Sheehan, Joseph T.; Sheets, Albert; Sheets, Pearl McKinzie; Shell, Wallace; Shell, William Elsworth; Shelley, Everett E.; Shelley, Walter D. (2); Shelton, Joseph C.; Shideler, Fred W.; Shideler, Wayne (2); Shidler, Lucille Cartwright; Shirley, Jewell (2); Shirling, Motie; Shoaf, Claude V. (2); Shoaf, Dorothea Clore; Shoaf, Elizabeth Livengood; Shoaf, Elizabeth Vanetta; Shoaf, Elsie Cory; Shoaf, Ernest; Shoaf, Eunice Givens; Shoaf, Francis Arista-Dr.; Shoaf, Freeman; Shoaf, Guy (2); Shoaf, Iva Hole; Shoaf, James Everett; Shoaf, Madison Henry; Shoaf, Mary Stewart; Shoaf, Merle Brook; Shoaf, Rosie; Shoaf, Troy; Shobe, Andrew; Shoemaker, May Belle Franklin; Shoemaker, Sabrina; Shook, Gordon; Shook, Rachel Quiggle; Short, Bruce (2); Short, Charolle Haas (2); Short, Lawrence; Short, Marguerite Hatt; Shrigley, Georgia McAdams; Shrigley, Julius C. (2); Shuler, Lillian Brewer (3); Shular, William David; Shuler, Anna G. Rudisill (2); Shuler, Charles Manson; Shular, Rachel McKinsey; Shuler, Samuel R.; Shultz, Abigail, McCauley; Shultz, Andrew; Shultz, Bertha McCauley; Shultz, Chalmer; Shultz, Evelyn Foster; Shultz, Frances (2);  Shultz, Frank; Shultz, John Monroe; Shultz, Lester; Shultz, Murray; Shultz, Percy; Shumaker, Hannah A.; Shumaker, Lloyd Dean; Shumaker, Ruby Orahood; Shute, Edna Galloway; Shute, Mabel; Shute, Raymond; Shanon, Jules Ingram; Shell, John W.; Shell, Ralph (added 1); Shell Elwood (added 1); Sherfy, W. H.; Ray, Frances M.; Shell, Winston Elsworth (added 1); Sherritt, James; Shepherd, Taylor; Shirk, Mary Clore (added 1); Shoaf, Harold Edward; Sutton, Oscar; Spilman, Mary Helen; Sprow, Annie; Squires, Alfred; Starnes, Minta; Stivers, William; Stonebraker, Elizabeth G.; Stoner, John (added 1); Stanford, Lucy (added 1); Skagges, Harold Lester; Sloan, Mary (addewd 1); Smith, Dan; Smith, Elias-1898; Smith, Harry; Smith, Wanetah Sink; Smith, Sallie Cheek; Smith, Izola (2); Smith, Anna Otterman; Smith, Pearl (added 1); Smith, Fred; Smith, Geneva Dale; Short, James-1887; Shotts, Jennie; Sims, Sallie Nelson (2); Sisk, Mayme Martin; Sicks, Marshall "Jack"; Simerl, Martin; Simmons, Beatrice Ywiddy; Simmons, David R.; Simmons, Ernest Manford; Simmons, Flossie Keller Krout; Simmons, Glen F.; Simmons, Ira "Manson"; Simmons, Kate Short; Simmons, Leroy; Simmons, Lewis G.; Simmons, Lizzie Swindler; Simms, James L.; Simms, Melvin (2); Simpson, Carrie Roberts; Simpson, Guy M. (2); Sipes, Cletus; Simpson, Charles William (includes photo); Simpson, John (added 1); Sloan, William (added info); Slazas, Fannu Witt; Slavens, Elva Rice; Slazas, George R.; Slazas, Joseph; Sloan, Agnes Clouse; Sloan, Ellie Brant; Sloan, Gusta Cates; Sloan, Ida Tunin (2); Sloan, Kenneth; Sloan, Lois Cain; Sloan, Oral (2); Slusser, Catherune Sutton; Slusser, Elton; Slusser, William D. (3); Slavens, Nancy Webb; Slavens, Thomas Jay; Smith, Bessie Dale; Smail, Melissa Martin; Smith, Anna Sargent (2); Smith, Claude Carl; Smith, John O.-1915; mith, Maria Conklin (2); Smith, Martha Cox; Smith, Rachel Bridges; Smith, Rebecca Grimes (2); Smithson, Nora Roberts; Smith, Bertha Rogers; Smith, Blanche Miller; Smith, Caroline; Smith; Carson; Smith, Charles - 1928; Smith Charles-1964; Smith, Cora Quiggle; Smith, David-1924; Smith, Dora McDonald; Smith, Elberson Clair (2); Smith, Elsie Evans; Smith, Estelle Hall; Smith, Garcie Earl (2); Smith, Guy-1968; Smith, Harley C.; Smith, Harold; Smith, Hattie Haas; Smith, Hattie Heath; Smith, Iva Stonebreaker (2); Smith, James Albert; Smith, Jesse; Smith, Lucretia Miller (2); Smith, Marguerite Ansberry (2); Smith, Mary McMasters; Smith, Porter (2); Smith, Ruth Davidson; Smith, Sarah-1880; Smith, Sarah Krout; Smith, Vada (2); Smith, Wilmer; Snelling, Byron; Snodgrass, Courtney; Sowers, Ralph W.; Staggs, Jesse C.; Sowers, Ella Foltz (2); Stags, William B.; Stith, Catherine; Stutlz, Goldie Trout; Spitznagle, Clara Parnell; Sorrels, Edward C.; Stonebraker, Frances Keedy; Stedman, S.S.; Stein, John; Snoddy, Leona Vanicka; Snoddy, Lucille Allen; Snoddy, Raymond (2); Snoddy, Ruth, Diffendeifer (2); Snoddy, Walter O.; Snyder, Albert Edwin; Snyder, Alva; Snyder, Clarence; Snyder, Dan; Snyder, Ellsworth; Snyder, Hannah Phillips;Snyder, Lela Law; Snyder, LeMoyne Elmore; Snyder, Mary Hightower; Snyder, Pearl Walkup (2); Snyder, Vance (2); Sommer, Howard; Solomon, Flora Cornwall; Songer, Della Mullen; Songer, Guy; Songer, Hardy Ray; Songer, Marie Berlin Frances; Songer, Mary Brisco; Sowers, Addie Arvis; Sowers, Beulah Hadley; Sowers, Clayton; Sowers, Eleanor Keller; Sowers, Everett Solomon; Sowers, George V.; Sowers, Gilbert Leroy; Sowers, Goldie L. Thomas; Sowers, Jessie Cowgill; Sowers, Lillian Haughee; Sowers, Marney; Sowers, Martha Bannon (2); Sowers, Minnie Grimes; Sowers, Vernice Russell; Sowers, Victor C.; Soear, Joseph Clarence (2); Spear, Rog; Spear, Velma Mattox; Spencer, George Miller (added 1); Spencer, Gilbert W.; Spencer, Gladys; Spencer, Nancy Alezander (added 1); Spencer, Warren Russell; Spinks, Jasper; Springer, Brooke Owen; Spinning, John N.-Dr.; Spinning, Lura; Spinning, William; Spragg, Oral (3); Sprague, Barbara Phillips (2); Sprague, Roscoe W. (2); Sprouls, Wilbur; Stark, Clarice Mater; Starkey, Ella; Steele, Elmer; Steen, Gordon; Stewart, George W.; Stewart, Moses; Stites, Roy O.; Stivers, William; Stonebraker, Elizabeth G.; Stoner, John; Straughan, John (3); Straughn, Mary "Mollie"; Stringer, Mary Stewart; Stafford, Juanita; Staggs, Abraham-1947 (added 1); Stalnaker, Leonard (added 1); Starkey, Eston Earl; Starkey, Joseph James (2); Starkey, Sallie Brown; Starkey, William E.; Spilman, Kirrie; Staton, Bettie; Starnes, Arthur Ellsworth; Starnes, Carl; Starnes, Charles; Starnes, Elmer Faris; Starnes, Faris Jack; Starnes, Flora Temple; Starnes, Gillespie Reid; Starnes, Harold F.; Starnes, Harry Temple; Starnes, Lewis (2); Starnes, Mary Tanner; Stilwell, George W (added 2); Stites, Roy O. (added Photo); Steinbaugh, Genevieve Booe; Stephens, Carl P.; Stephens, Golda Waleland; Stephens, Jesse C.; Stephens, Wayne; Sterns, Zora Jane; Stevens, George Edward; Stillman, Ruth Ann; Stockdale, Rex; Stonecypher, Elizabeth (added 1); Stoup, Frank; Stringfield, Andrew "Jack"; Stuart, Anna Ilett; Stucker, Alta Goddard; Stull, Effie Fruits; Stull, George; Stull, Joseph Raymond; Stull, Nora Thompson; Straub, Ida;Stringer, Nancy Broadstreet; Stultz, Alvah Lawrence; Stultz, Clay; Stultz, Roy; Stockdale, George Sither; Stockdale, Guy H.; Stockdale, Leona Wilson; Stockdale, Lydia E. Fouts; Stockdale, Martha Livengood; Stockdale, Max; Stockdale, Paul Robert; Stonebreaker, Lula Crowder; Stonebreaker, Susie Allen; Storm, Fred Owen; Stoup, Clyde D. (2); Sullivan, Henry J (2); Sullivan, John F.; Sudrannski, Charles; Summers, Mable Dorsett; Summers, Bessie Ann Smith; Summers, Byron E.; Summers, Charles Joseph; Summers, Cyril; Summers, Delia Redenbaugh; Summers, Icie Huffman; Summers, Lear Wagoner; Summers, Luella Day; Summers, William Elijah; Summers, Manford; Summer, Alvah (added 1); Sumner, Fred Dunn; Surber, Drusilla Hubbard; Sutherlin, Gale; Sutherlin, Lucy Gentry; Sutton, Edith Grimes; Swope, Burdett; Sutton, Clyde; Sutton, Martha Dotson; Sutton, Ruth Furr; Swaim, Fred; Swaney, Margaret Peck; Swank, Mary; Swearingen, Homer; Swindler, William-1914 (added 1); Swisher, Susan Caplinger; Switzer, Dora Youmans; Switzer, Florence White; Switzer, Martin G.; Switzer, William Orth; Switzer, James (added 2); Schwenck, Aaron; Sering, William D.; Tuttle, Joseph F. (added 4); Terrill, Truman; Thomason, Frank; Todd, Frank; Truax, Ralph E.; Thomas, William-1916; Thompson, James "Maurice"; Thomas, Doris (2); Thompson, Ida May (2); Thompson, Walter A.; Tallman, Cecil R.; Tanner, Charles; Tanner, Katherine Belle Merryman; Tanner, Nina Allen; Tanner, Tiffle; Taylor, Charles M.; Taylor, Effie Hayes; Taylor, Gordon; Taylor, Ida Moore; Taylor, Miriam Sandell; Taylor, Stephen; Tapp, Robert L. (added 3); Taylor, Dallas; Taylor, Kate; Teegarden, Noah; Teegarden, Barton; Thomas, Ed; Thomas, Abigail Barker; Thomas, Amanda; Thomas, Charles Albert; Thomas, Chauncey R.; Thomas, Clarence Elbert; Thomas, Edith Middleton; Thomas, Gladys Epperson; Thomas, Harry G. (2);Thomas, Harry M.; Thomas, Helen Patton; Thomas, James E.; Thomas, Levi-1934; Thomas, Mary Davidson; Thomas, J. M.; Thomas, Vern; Thompson, Bernice Larson; Thompson, Daniel (2); Thompson, Clarence; Thompson, Cora Nae; Thompson, Elmer; Thompson, Frank-1966; Thompson, Olive; Thompson, Minnie; Thompson, Randall; Tiffany, Myrtle; Titus, Nat; Tracy, Veezy; Thomson, George (added 1); Thornton, Joseph; Tibbett, Mary Givens; Tillotson, Alma Clemo; Tillotson, Jesse Warren; Timmons, Artie Richardson; Timmons, Charles E.; Timmons, Harry Stanley; Timmons, Jasper; Tinder, Ida Cory; Tinsley, Grace Williams; Tinsley, James G.; Tinsley, Josephine Thompson (2); Tittle, Charles A.; Tittle, Jacob; Towell, Gertrude Bullock; Towell, Grace Swaim (2); Towell, Thad; Townsend, Ben (3); Townsley, Harley; Tremaine, Mae Coleman; Trinkle, Dora Butt; Trueman, Edward; Trueman, Mattie Leach; Tunin, Cecil; Tunin, Charles Irl (2); Turner, Phyllis Coffman; Twiddy, Elizabeth Murphy; Tobin, Fred; Trail, Ora; Trout, William; Turner, Delbert; Turner, Roscoe (2); Timmons, Nora Titus; Twiddy, Lloyd Lester; Sikes, Samuel;Todd, Elizabeth; Toss, Hubert; Todd, Oscar; Todd, Will; Todd, Harvey Allen;Uplinger, Mary Emsley; Utterback, Ann Bybee; VanCleave, Ruth Nichols (2); VanHook, Olivia Applegate; Vermillion, Frank; VanDeVenter, Grace Wilkinson; VanDorn, Edward; VanDuyn, Cloyd; VanLear, Nathan; Vansickle, Dolly; Verhey, Alphonse; Verhey, August; Verhey, Ralph G.; Vorhees, Donald Hobart; Vorhees, Floyd; Vyse, Bonnie Goodson; Vuse, Mary Deever;

Alumni - Schools -- UPDATED TO NEW SITE SOFTWARE = _1    Added - 1913 History of Waynetwon School from "Waynetown Dispatch";

Bibles __1__ - 76 bibles - (LOVE more): John Dilling Bible (2 Images);

Revolutionary War
Civil War (Causalities and Other Data)__13__Added - Ayres, David; Brewer, Noah J.; Campbell, Elishaw; Fuson, George P.; Hunt, James D.; Knox, James C.; Parker, Edmond G.; Slater, George W.; Taylor, William; Thomas, Zebe; Williams, J.W.; Wood, James; Wright, Charles;
Spanish American War
World War I
World War II
Korean War
Viet Nam

PHOTOS -- __2_- Added -- PHotos: Jake, Ben, Nettie and Ada Zachary early 1950's thanks to Marilyn Minnick; Chesterson, Ada Zachary added to her Obituary;

Reunions -- _2_ ALL NEW "REUNIONS" WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS"  Added - McLoed Family 1909 (2 Photos), thanks Marty; Deer Family;

February 2019 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

Alumni - Schools -- _Added - UPDATED TO NEW SITE SOFTWARE

Divorces _2_ Added - Clark (2) - 1891; Shotts - 1892;

OBITUARIES: ___1004__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - McCollum, James T.; McCollum, James W.;McCollum, Joseph A.; McCollum, Samuel Tilden; McComas, Samuel (added 2); McConnell, Lydia Young; McCord, Carl B.;McCord, Emily Heath; McCorkle, Charles A.; McCormack, Jackson (added 1); McCormick, Anna Hoagland; McCormick, Donald P.; McCormick, Icyl Shular, McCoy, James Volna; McCutchan, Mary Mankin; McCutchan, Samuel; McDaniel, William (added 1); McDonald, Paul Duncan; McDonald, Pearl McCoy; McElwee, Abbie Glover; McElwee, Albert; McElwee, David (2); McElwee, Helen Lindquist; McElwee, Jennie Cory; McElwee, John W.; McElwee, Munson; McElwee, Orpha (2); McElwee, Oscar; McGaughey, Elmer; McGaughey, Fred A.; McGaughey, Nellie Bridges; McGaughey, Pleasant; McGaughey, Rafe E.; McGill, Ethel Kincaid; McGaughey, Ardella Inlow; McGaughey, John Max; McGinnis, Bessie Atkinson; McGinnis, Henry Elza (added 2); McGinnis, Johnson; McGinnis, Lillie May Bowman; McGinnis, Mazenna Dove Barker; McGinnis, Ora Oscar; McGinnis, (Austa) Parvin; McHargue, John M. (2); McGraffe, Lucinda Wilson (added 3); McGill, Ester; McIntosh, Henry (added); McKee, Carrie Briner; McKee, Elbert (2); McKee, Ransom (2)McKee, Elwood S. (2); McKey, Arthur Dale; McMains, Samuel; McKinley, Leo; McKinney, Georgia; McKinney, Virginia Pearce (2); McKinsie, Harry; McKnight, Charles H.; McKnight, Theodore (2); McKnight, Mabel Applegate; McKnight, Stuart; McKnight, William Q.; McLain, Ronald E.; McLean, Grady; McLean, Marie Marlatt (2); McLean, May Grady (2); McMahan, Larence William; McManamy, John; McMasters, Cyrus; McMasters, Earl V.; McMasters, Eugene; McMannomy, James;Meade, Harlan J. (2); Meade, Harold Wayne (2); Meadows, Charles; Meadows, Nola (2); Mears, John Lee (2); Meeker, Barcie Galloway (2); Meeker, Frank (2); Meeker, Joseph Ross; Meeker, Theodore Marston (2); Meharry, Anna; Meharry, Greenlief (2); Meharry, Hugh; Michael, Floyd; Milligan, A. B. (added 1); Milligan, Jennie Cooper; Mitchell, Earl; Miller, Isaac N.; Miller, Mary Shelladay; Means, Mary J.; Miller, Charles P.; Mitchell, Ruby; Miles; Gordon; Miles, Roberta; Miles, Edith Bryant; Miles, Rhoda; Michael, Bert; Mellott, Elda Campbell (2); Mellott, Guy; Melvin, Tessie Martin; Mendenhall, Embert (2); Merrill, Harry "Cobb"; Merrill, Oscar; Merrill, Thomas; Merritt, Virgil; Merryman, Benjamin; Merryman, Leroy; Merryman, Mary Snoddy (2); Mettee, Samuel J.; Messmore, Abigail Hunt; Michael, Clora Coyner (added 1); Michael, Fred (added 1); Michael, Daisy Bruner; Mikels, Hannah (added 1); Miles, Donald E. (2); Milford, Jenny Ramey; Miles, Ora Lee; Miller, Bessie Lundgren; Miller, Bluford Max; Miller, Carrie Lewis; Miller, Charles O.; Miller, Clarence; Miller, Edward B.; Miller, Francis Hugh; Miller, Harry R.; miller, Ida Barnes; Miller, Jesse Lee; Miller, Josephine; Miller, Leona Abolt (2); Miller, Mabel Lucas; Miller, Margaret; Miller, Margaret Garriott (2); Miller, Keller; Miller, Mary Moore; Miller, Mary Robison; Miller, Paul W.; Miller, Rose Wood (2); Miller, Roy J. (2); Miller, Ruby Smith; Miller Thomas H.' Miller, Wayne L.; Miller, William Allen; Millikan, Bertha Malone; Mills, Mary Swick; Mills, Ora Vern; Milligan, Clarence (added 1); Mills, William Morton (added 1); Minick, Goldie Drollinger; Mitchell, Cassie Everson (2); Misner, Cleve; Misner, Clyde B.; Misner, Margaret Baker; Misner, Martha Alice Mastin; Mitchell, Donnell (3); Mitchell, Earl "Cherry"; Mitchell, Effie Beaver (added 1); Mitchell, Fay Keller; Mitchell, Gray; Mitchell, Hattie Clark; Mitchell, Leslie; Mitchell, Mary Della Blue; Mitchell, Ruby Truman; Mitchell, Russell Hiram; Mitton, Orval; Minnich, Grace Duke (2); Moffett, Henry; Modlin, Elzie; Moffett, Martha Cade (3); Moody, Rapha; Moffett, Rose Lindley (2); Moffett, Stephen; Montague, Phillip; Montgomery, Ellen; Moody, Ruth Allen; Moody, Edward; Moore, Bertha Petro; Moore, Charles E. (added 1); Moore, Delia Lucas; Moore, Columbus (2); Morrison, Susan; Morgan, Nathaniel;Moody, Dwight C.; Moore, Ethel Smith; Morgan, Polly; Murdock, Glenn T. (added 1); Murphy, David L.; Montague, Star; Myers, Georgia Horton (2); Muck, Mary (2); Moody, Dwight L.;Morris, Charles; Moore, Mildred Menefee; Moore, Helen Phelps; Morgan, Thomas M.; Moore, Sarah Campbell;Moorhouse, Oliver (2); Moran, Cecil Emerson; Morehouse, Lizzie Yount; Morris, Charles Logan (added 1); Morgan, Aurel Bumgardner; Morgan, Flossie A. Barker; Mount, John E.D. (added 3); Mullen, Kate Songer; Murdock, Carl (3); Murphy, Edna; Murphy, Joan Ratcliff; Murphy, Maude Armfiels; Murphy, Paul; Murray, Alvin; Murray, Bessie Smith; Murray, James (added 2); Moyer, Laurabelle Glascock; Murrin, Lena Bellah; Murrin, Mary Crowder (2); Mycroft, James H. (2); Mycroft, Willard; Myer, Anna Butts; Myer, Deborah Long (2);Myer, Ernest; Myer, Estin;Myer, Hyson; Myers, Ada Catherine Lowe; Myers, Albert M.; Myers, Anna Cory; Myers, Meek (3); Myers, Ared F. (added 1); Myers, Beulah Myers; Myers, Carol; Myers, Charles E.; Myers, Clifford L.;Myers, Columbus Lane; Myers, Conrad; Myers, Cordes Allen; Myers, Deward; Myers, Ditha Thompson; Myers, Emanuel (added 1); Myers, Emma Patterson (2); Myers, Eston F. (added CW Flag); Myers, Grayce Edwards; Myers, hamilton (3);Myers, Harold; Myers, Henry Alward; Myers, Henry J.; Myers, Homer Roy; Myers, Irene Puett; Myers, Ivy Livengood; Myers, James Daniel; Myers, James H.; Myers, Jewel Starnes; Myers, John Raymond (2); Myers, Lens Beeson; Myers, Leslie Glen; Myers, Lonnie (2); Myers Mary Harvey; Myers, Myra Wishard (2); Myers, Orma Jackson; Myers, Perry (2); Myers, Ray William; Myers, Robert "Robbie" (2); Myers, Ruby Ratcliff; Myers, Susie Elliiott (2); Myers, Sylvia Parrett; Myers, Verna Stockdale (2); Nance, Ruben; Nolan, Mary; Neal, Ida Simpson (2);Neff, Samuel (2); Neff, Willis G.; Nelson, Sam G.; Newton, Lena McMullen;Nichols, William; Nicholson, Louise Lyons; Nixon, Mary Shafer McKinsey; Norman, Myrtle Grimes; Nutter, Fred; Neal, James Alva (2); Nehemiah, Wilbur; Nelson, Mabel Fishero; Neuman, Marshall; Newcomb, Geraldine Brooks; Newcomb, Homer; Newkirk, Joseph; Newkirk, Maria Gooding; Newkirk, Merle Trosper (2); Newlin, Emerson; Newlin, Joseph; Newlin, Mylintia Beckett; Newlin, Nancy Rivers; Newman, Blanche, Boord; Newman, Clarence; Newman, Myrtle LaBaw; Newnum, Anna Fisher (2); Newnum, Claude; Newnum, Daisy Smith; Newnum, Daniel Harold; Newnum, David Edward; Newnum, Edgar O.; Newnum, Francis Marion; Newnum, Glenwood, Wilson; Newnum, Grace Alward; Newnum, Guy Eston; Newnum, Harvey; Newnum, Harvey Harley; Newnum, Hazel Brown;Newnum, Ida Ann Algood; Newnum, James Earl; Newnum, Milford; Newnum, Robert; Newnum, Ura Simmons; Newnum, William O.; Neidstadt, Herman (added 1); Nickals, Ethel Kelly; Nickals, Edward Fred; Nickals, Florence; Nickals, Lulu Thomas; Nixon, Marshal; Nixon, Samuel Howard (4); Nicholson, Clara McClain; Nine, Bessie Boord; Nine, Grace Boord; Nine, William Benjamin; Nine, Rosa Catherine (2); Nixon, Anna Helmick (2); Nixon, Donald; Nixon, Esther Stambaugh; Noggle, Carl; Noggle, Vernon; Nolan, Bertha; Nolen, Tobias; Nolen, Warren Henry; Norman, William Ott; Norris, Charles "Pete"; Norris, William Pavey; Oakley, William M.; Oblinger, Edna Shoaf; Oblinger, John Asa; Ocheltree, Braize; Ocheltree, Cletus (2); Ocheltree, Elizabeth Meharry; Ocheltree, Flossie Jones; Ocheltree, Raymond; Oden, Anna Warrick (2) Oden, Eulalia Reichard; O'Connor, Mary Sweeney; O'Dell Nannie Warrick (2); Odel, William William Theodore; Ogle, Blanche Carpenter (2); Ogle, James Everett; Ogle, Lowell; O'Hair, Bascom; Oliver, Henry Clay; O'Rear, Lew; Oliver, Jackson (added 1); Oliver, Clarence (added 1); Osborne, Carl;O'Neal, Jesse V.; Orahood, Harold (2); Orahood, Lamont; Orahood, Lulu Ratcliff; Orahood, Martha Lewis; Osborn, Asa; Osborne, Hazel Lee Schweitzer; Owens, Effie Catherine Hyten; Osborn, Cecille Lawton; Osborn, Dale; Osborn, Emma Robbins; Osborn, Frank; Osborn, Fred (2); Osborn, Herschel; Osborn, Hugh; Osborn, John Richard; Osborn, Olive DeAth; Osborn, Ralph M.; Osborn, Robert Marion; Osborn, Thomas Noel; Oteham, Bernice Carlson; Oteham, Mary Stanglemeir; Otter, Peter; Owens, James (aaded 1); Rominger, Eva Hawkins (added 1); Payne, Raymond Eugene (added 1); Pence, John P.; Patterson, Thomas (3 + photo); Patton, Sarah Lofling; Padgett, John Emmett (2); Padgitt, Jane Byerly; Painter, Zara Anderson; Palin, Carl; Palin, Hallie Stockdale (2); Palin, Harrison Scott (2); Palin, Harry Willis; Palin, Ozark; Palin, Retha Haverstick (2); Palmer, Clyde; Palmer, Glen Wayne; Palmer, Mabel Furr; Palmer, Lulu Hutchins; Pardue, Evelyn; Pardue, George Lee-Jr: Pardue, Patricia, Pardue, Penny Sue; Parham, Minnie Harris (2); Parish, Laroy;Parker, Arthur J.; Parker, Carl B. -Dr.; Parker, Charles Lester (2); Parker, Clifford D.; Parker, Elizabeth Davis; Parker, Harry Otis; Parker, John - Dr.; Parkerson, Dale (2); Parkerson, William; Parks, Dallas; Parks, Eliza Downing; Parnell, Cecil; Parnell, Fisk; Parnell, Lellean Brown; Parnell, Lucille Robbins; Parnell, Robert Lee; Patterson, Delana Robinson; Patton, Edgar; Patton, Isaac; Patton, Mary Kemble; Patton, Robert W.; Paugh, Mary Briner; Pavey, Delores Clift; Pavey, Lacie Witsman; Payne, Kyle (2); Payne, Ora Edgar; Payton, Gerald Wayne; Payton, Glen; Pearlman, Albert; Pearson, Hazel Helms; Pearcy, Hugh (2); Pearcy, Mary; Pearcy, Melissa Jane; Pearson, Raymond; Peaveler, Clara Ellen Garrison; Peck, William Edwin (added 1); Murphy, Richard; Quigg, Emma Fay; Quigg, Francis; Quigg, Francis Karl; Peevler, Anna Fletcher; Peevler, Carl; Peevler, Edward; Peevler, John; Peevler, Marie Robinson;Peek, Mairam Woods; Pefley, David III; Pefley, Helen Squires; Pefley, Albert D.; Pefley, Amagene Fogel; Pefley, Amanda Pearson; Pefley, Ellen Pickering;Pefley, Elmer C.; Pefley, Flossie Lewis; Pefley, Gertrude; Pefley Homer Hanley; Pefley, Homer Udene; Pefley, Joseph; Pefley, Lynn H.; Pefley, Myra; Pefley, Rose Tucker; Pefley, Roy M.; Pefley, Sherman; Pefley, Wallace B.; Peffley, Marilyn Rhodes; Peffley, Martha Wells; Peffley, Morris G.; Peffley, Roland; Pefffley, Wnifred J. Trunck; Peffley, Herbert; Peffley, Beatrice G. Collier; Peffley, George; Pefley, Gladys Adams; Pefley, Harriet McDaniel; Pefley, Helen Kenworthy; Pefley, Glendwyn; Pefley, Paul-Sr.; Peffley, Samuel - 1901; Pender, Margaret H.; Pender, Roland "Ollie"; Penick, Alma Jaynes; Penick, Helen Links; Pence, Elsie Fern McCloud; Pierce, R.B.F.; Peterson, Lorinda Dain; Payton, Cecil Leon; Peterman, William H.; Penner, Etta Smith (2); Perigo, Estel Keller; Perrin, Anna Mairah Morris (3); Perkins, Lurie Johnson (21); Perry, John D.; Perry, Luther Elmo; Perry, Minnie Allen (20); Peterman, Hazel E. Russell; Peters, Pearl V. Roach; Perterson, Richard C.; Petet, James; Petit, Milton; Pevler, Omer George; Pevler, Esther Campbell (2); Pevler, Carl; Phebus, Oscar; Phelps, Cecil; Phelps, Doris Heine; Phelps, Ruth Crumley (2); Phillips, Benjamin Harrison; Phillips, Firma E. Duchene; Phillips, Glen (2); Phillips, Mary Purple; Philpott, Elliott (2); Philpott, Max; Philpott, Elizabeth A. Poole;Philpott, Ella Alward; Philpott, Carol W. (2); Philpott, Charles Donald; Philpott, Flora Lough; Philpott, Glen (2); Philpott, Herschel; Philpott, Lee; Philpott, Myrtle Leland; Philpott, Narcissa Keller; Philpott, Paul H. (2); Philpott, Paul Shirley; Philpott, Russell Cliston; Philpott, Stephen; Philpott, Ted (2 and Photo); Philpott, William; Phipps, Arthur; Phipps, Dot Isley; Pickel, Joseph; Pickel, Oliver B. (2); Pickard, Addie Frances Isaacs; Pickell, Cathy Beal; Pickard, Lavina Crutchfield; Pickett, Carrie M. Florey; Piearcen, Martha Jane Prevo; Pierce, Dessie B. Hedge; Pierce, John L.; Pierce, Richard V.; Ping, Degare-Jr.; Pithoud, Cluster; Pithoud, Henry, L.: Pithoud, Myron "Pete"; Pithoud, William Jackson; Pitman, Gertie Ellis; Pittman, Estil; Pierce, John (added 1); Philpott, Flora Jonah Willis; Pierce, Lydia Tracy (added 1); Porter, Mary Laurene; Proffitt, Gene; Purcell, Finley; Purcell, Sidney; Potter, Forrest W.; Pollitt, Walter J.; Powers, Ira; Proctor, Bernice Thompson (added1); Pitzer, Dale R.; Pogue, Clifford E.; Pogue, Ora; Pool, Ralph; Potts, Frances, Timmons; Powell, Harry E.; Poynter, Gerald; Presslor, Lee; Presslor, William; Presslor, James; Price, William A.; Proctor, George W. (added 1); Pugh, Naomi L. Bartlett; Purnell, Malida Livengood; Purnell, Fred Sampson (2); Purnell, Odessa Furr (2); Pursley, Mary; Pyke, Gilbert C. (2); Pyle, Vera Sanders; Pulliam, Rose A.; Pyle, Donald Eugene; Rector, Thomas; Rector, Hezekiah; Rector, Granville; Reynolds, Jesse; Rhoads, Mattie Faust; Rice, David; Remley, Infant of Frank; Rakestraw, Hannah; Reedy, Alvin; Raborn, child of Hi; Remley, Sarah McCain (added 1); Ritter, Anneter Talbor; Ritter, Mary Shears; Ritter, Thornton; Ritter, May; Ritter, Eli; Ritchie, Anna Rabb, Katie Cory; Rabb, Laura Sowers; Rabb, William I. (2); Rafferity, Ruth Burrows; Radford, Mildred Lines; Rahn, Hans; Rains, Sarah Gregory; Rambo, Susie Johnson (2); Ramsay, Charles Henry (2); Ramsay, Gertrude Dorbecker (added 1); Rich, Mary; Ramsey, Dot Anderson; Ramsey, William Henry; Randolph, Aaron; Randolph, Allen; Randolph, Charlotte Sager; Randolph, Stephen; Ranson, Myrtle Wills (2); Ratcliff, Albert G.; Ratcliff, Alice Pavey; Ratcliff, Bertha Wilkey (2); Ratcliff, Claude; Ratcliff, Dale Wayne (4); Ratcliff, Dale Wilkey; Ratcliff, Donald; Ratcliff, Donald B. (2); Ratcliff, Elsie Briggs; Ratcliff, Essie Hunt; Ratcliff, Everett; Ratcliff, Everett Edward; Ratcliff, Gleela; Ratcliff, Gordon Jennings; Ratcliff, Harry; Ratcliff, James Fredrick; Ratcliff, Joseph; Ratcliff, Josephine Frazier; Ratcliff, Julia Allen; Ratcliff, Laurena McHenry; Ratcliff, Mary Ewbank; Ratcliff, Maxine Glascock; Ratcliff, Mary Whitaker (2);Ratcliff, Nettie Livengood (2); Ratcliff, Ola Wright; Ratcliff, Omer; Ratcliff, Otis; Ratcliff, Raymond Earl; Ratcliff, Robert A.; Ratcliff, Scott Ezra Sowers (2); Ratcliff, Sylvester; Ratcliff, Vivian Long (2); Ratcliff, Warren (3); Ratcliff, William (added 1); Ratcliff, Zachariah; Ray, Ear; Ray, Ed; Ray, Harry (2); Ray, Hattie Moffet (added 1); Ray, Minnie; Ray, Opal Dell (2)Ray, Paul; Rayphole, Harley; Ream, Elmer Washington; Reed, Adora Wing; Reath, Belle Inlow; Redenbaugh, Alva; Redenbaugh, Claude; Redenbaugh, Donald L.; Redenbaugh, George; Redenbaugh, Hazel Keller; Redenbaugh, John Frederick; Redenbaugh, Stewad; Redenbaugh, Walter; Redenbaugh, Willard; Redmon, J. T. (2); Reece, J.W.; Reed, Charles A. (2); Reed, Clarence Wolford (2); Reed, Clifford A.; Reed, Edith Bell; Reed, Forrest; Reed, Harry; Reed, J.C.; Reed, John Stewart (2); Reed, Margaret Robbins; Reed, Opal Davis; Reed, Otto; Reed, Worth; Reeise, Albert Wm.; Reynolds, Amanda Kedwell; Renolds, Carol Houser; Reynolds, Floren; Reynolds, Harrie; Reynolds, Nora Kerr; Reineker, William (2); Remster, Eldon (2); Remster, Holford (2); Remster, Marvin R.; Renick, Emma Chatt; Renick, Winfield (2); Rennick, Kathryn Bodine (2); Reiter, Matilda Neier; Reiter, Monroe; Reynolds, Clarence (added 2); Rennick, Lee; Rennick, Manine Dark; Rhoads, Margaret Osborn (added 1); Rhodes, Carroll; Rhodes, Hortense; Rhodes, Samuel Clint; Rice, Claral E. (added 1); Rice, Clarence J.; Rice, Ira; Rice, James W. (2); Rice, John-1908; Rice-1916 (added 1); Rice, Mary Evelyn; Rice, Melvin (2); Rice, Rachel Stevens; Rice, Rubinette; Rice, Ruth McAlister (2); Rice, Tessie Hybarger; Rich, Raymond; Rich, Ruby Day; Rich, Sylvia Manwaring; Rich, Wilma Keller; Richardson, John; Richardson, James; Richardson, May Raschal; Richardson, Noah Henry; Rider, William E. (added 1); Riester, Hazel Morphew; Riddle, Charles; Riester, Homer Glen; Riggs, Chauncey R.; Riley, Albert C.; Riggle, Teresa Clark; Riley, Crystal L. Foxworthy; Riley, David C.; Riley, Franklin, M.; Riley, Irvin; Riley, Stephen; Rinehart, Laura (aaded 1); Risk, Pearl Ozella; Ritchey, George; Roach, Broason; Roach, Hattie Lashbrook (2); Roach, Patrick; Roach, Ralph (2); Roach, Williwm -1918; Roach, William-1944; Robbins, Elswoth; Robbins, James Darrell; Robbins, Nora Belle Hall; Robbins, Wallace LeRoy; Roberts, Alvh; Roberts, Gertrude; Roberts, Hiram A.; Roberts, Luella Gates; Roberts, Netttie Bruce; Robertson, Anna R. Smith (2); Robinson, John; Robinson, Richard; Robinson, Thomas; Robinson, Amy Underwood; Rogers, Martha Grimes; Ryker, Iva Brackett; Russell, Hallie L. Flannigan; Rush, James 1966; Robinson, Arnold R.; Robinson, Charles A.; Robinson, Charles Daniel (2); Robinson, Elizabeth Hyland; Robinson, Muriel Martin; Robinson,Della LaGue; Roby, Maude McBrayes (added Death Record); Roe, Mae Mellen; Rodgers, Delbert (2); Rodgers, John; Rogers; Alden (2); Rogers, Alma Boord; Rogers, Charles Ernest; Rogers, Creety Frazier; Rogers, Reba Bettice; Rogers, Thomas Marcus; Rolan, Bertha E. Wantland; Romine, Jesse Roy "Jack"; Romine, Lenora Nole Johnson; Romine, Margaret Douglass; Romine, Roy Lewis (2); Rose, Raymond; Roy, Oral; Royal, Carl (3); Royal, Christel Jones; Royal, Clinton Campbell; Royce, Richard; Royer, Lucille Wood (2); Royer, Phyllis VanHook; Canine, Richard; Canine, Blanche Haines; Canine, Albert N.; Caldwell, Frank; Cain, Patricia Brann; Carroll, Andy; Carroll, Joseph A.; Casey, Patrick; Corey, Charles; Corey, Mary Ransdell; Cook, Paul J.; Cook, Ethel Genaden; Cohee, Russell; Comer, Hop (2); Comingore, Charles D.; Cowan, L.(Lawrence) Scott (added 1); Cox, Lora Patton (added 1); Rusk, George; Rudolph, Elsie Smith; Rush, LaVerna Alderson; Rusing, David A.; Rusk, Adah Laird; Rusk, Burton D.;Rusk, Clara Booe; Rusk, Court; Rusk, Edgar (2); Rusk, Edna, Campbell; Rusk, Fred; Reusk, Ralph; Russell, Bonnie; Russell, Elberta; Russell, John Everett; Rutledge, William Albert (2); Rynearson, Rose Wilkerson (2); Rush, Richard Louis (added 1); Rush, Russell; Rutledge, Sallie Johnson; Moore, Austin P.;  Myers, John K.; (added 1); Moore, Alexander (added 4); Moore, Minnie Copus (2); Kostanzer, Anthony; Kostanzer, Eugene; Kostanzer, Jennette; Kincaid, Mayme Arnold; Kennedy, John C. (added Notes & Flag); Kostanzer, Anna Gertrude; Kleiser, Mary; Johnson, Blanch Hanna; Johnson, Joseph D.; James, Susan Connor (added 1); Jarvis, John; Johnston, Charles; Jett, Helen Merrell; Jennings, Edward T. (added 1);

PHOTOS -- _3__- Added -- PHotos: Moore, Henry Clinton (3)<thanks to Rob Surface>;

January 2018 --Additions on Montgomery County INGenWeb

BLOG -- new -- Karen's Gen Blog --  "NEW POSTING"

Diaries --___ -  Added 3 more photos to the Goshorn Diaries, thanks Judy;

MILITARY --__1__Added - Hartley, Joseph L. (WW II-updated);

OBITUARIES: ___620__ -- ALL NEW OBITUARIES WILL BE FOUND IN THE NEW PAGES THRU THE "GET AROUND LINKS" Added - Alexander, Margaret M. Salman; Kadinger, Clara Duffy; Karnes, Hazel Harper Lawson; Kay, Everett; Kay, Forest (2); Kay, Julia Smith; Keedy, Pauline Kincaid;Keller, Elizabeth White (added 1); Kelson, Dorothy Eliza; Kirpatrict, John W.; Kleiser, James; Keefe, Byron; Kelling, Charles Edward (2); Keeling, Dick;Keck, Lucille Clark Perkins; Keeling, James C.; Keeling James William; Kelling, John Daniel; Keeling, John H.; Keeling, John L.; Keeling, Leslie Carlisle; Keeling, Lucietia Starnes; Keeling, Paul M.; Keeling, Aquire (2); Keller, Amy Ross (2); Keller, Anna Mae; Keller, Billy Dean; Keller, Charles; Keller, Charles Jackson "Shof"; Keller, Cluster Dewitt; Keller, Clyde; Keller, Cora Lighty; Keller, Dwight Eugene (2); Keller, Devit Aldridge; Keller, Earl A.; Keller, Edna Riley; Keller, Ephraim; Keller, Frank; Keller, George Roscoe; Keller, Grace Bodine; Keller, Guy; Keller, Herbert Lee; Keller, Hiram R.; Keller, Ira Eston;Keller, Iva Croak; Keller, Jesse F.; Keller, Joe; Keller, John "Mamson" (2); Keller, John Taylor (3); Keller, Keith Earl; Keller, Leslie Lee; Keller, Lucinda Combs; Keller, Lucy Jackson; Keller, Martin L. (2); Keller, Marx (2); Keller, Mary Etta Brewer (2); Keller, Myrtle A.; Keller, Nanct Tate; Keller, Nijel; Keller, Rex V.; Keller, Rosa Livingood; Keller, Vernell "Mike"; Keller, Vora Nelson; Keller, Wilmer "Pat" (2); Keller, William Frances; Kelly, Kenneth R.; Kelley, Lelan Carl (2); Kelley, Dr. William -Civial War; Kemble, Raymond; Kennedy, Mary Wainscott; Kerr, Arthur; Kerr, Catherine Lough (2); Kerr, Fletcher (2); Kerr, Isabella Beatty; Kerr, John G.; Kerr, Percy; Kerr, Ralph Cooper (3); Kerr, Samuel d-1907; Kesner, John William; esner, Raymond Donald (2); Kester, Minnie Anderson; Keys, Carl Frances; Keys, Eva Hicks (3);  Kibler, James (2); Kincaid, Ethel Forest Moreland; Kieran, Ruth McMahon; Kiger, H. Reid; Kiger, Ia Delp; Kiger, Margaret Kolaiser; Kiger, Miranda Simmons; Kiger, Verna Allen; Kiger, William Mckinley; Kilby, Neil; Kindell, Beulah; Kindell, Hurschell; King, Celia Vancleave;Kinneer, Clyde (2); Kinneer, Elizabeth Keeling; Kineer, Jacie Stonecipher; Kinner, Percy; Kinner, Perry; Kirkpatrick, Mae Stokes; Kirkpatrick, Thomas Farel; Kiser, James Franklin; Knee, George Wesley (2); Knauer, Dennis L; Knowles, Albert; Knowles, Freeman; Knowles, Louise Fink; Knox, Bea Bailey; Kolaiser, Florence Drollinger; Kromm, Franklin (2); Krout, Edith Allen (2); Krout, Ernest (4); Krout, Ivan (2); Krout Kenneth Ray; Krout, Lottie; Krout, Nora Stephens; Krout, Ora Woodrow; Krout, Zenith L. (4); Krug, Gladys May; Krug, Billy; Krug Herbert L.; Krug, Josephine Shade; Kunkel, Elmer; Kunkle, John W.; Lady, Maude Smith Simmerman; Lady, Robert R.; LaBAW, Dorothy Graves; LaBAW, Ralph; LaBAW, Simon; Laube, Ruth Ferling; Laird, Andrew Ray; Laird, Dorothea Clore Shoaf; Laird, Harry; Laird, James (2); Lane, Della Allen; Lake, Dora Medows (2); Lamb, Elza F.; Lamb, Samuel Leroy; Lambdin, Della Wilkinson; Lambdin, Elmer P.; Lambdin, James Franklin (2); Lane, Walle, Shoup; Lang, Bessie; Lang, Cecil; Lang, Edward Glenn; Lang, Guy; Lang, Kathryn Briles; Lang, Mary Alice Baldwin; Lang, Robert David (KIA Korea); Lang, Stella Shoup; Lang, William D.; Lape, Owen E.; Lape, Thelma Marie Glover (2); Laudeman, Estella Gowen Brown; Larson, Carl William; Zeigler, Phoebe Jane LaBAW (added 1); Young, Nellie; Young, Mary Fine; Young, Lucille Elizabeth Fishero; Young, L.B. "Brig"; Young, Julia Dunjam (2); Young, John M.; Young, James Douglas (Viet Nam War); Young, Elpha L. Stockdale; Zachary, Crystal Runion; Zeller, Mike; LaRue, Basil E.; Lasley, Guy W.; Latourette. Catherine Cooper; Lawson, Ada Carpenter; Lawson, Alva Harold (2); Lawson, Dan; Lawson, Dora Mann; Lawson, Elmer G.; Lawson, Goldie Smith (3); Lawson, John Davis; Lawson, Walker Thomas; Lawson, Marion Emmett; Lawson, Maurice Lee; Lawson, Minnie A, Hyatt; Lawson, William Albert; Layman, Miriam Boord; Leech, Ellerslie W. (2); Leckner, John; Leighty, Alta Porter; Leighty, Carl; Leighty, Effie Keller Simms (2); Leighty, Everett; Leighty, Harry F.; Leonard, Ella; Leonard, Perry S.; Lewis, Andrew J.; Lewis, Brantley J.; Lewis, Elmer; Lewis, George; Lewis, Iva; Lewis, Martha Jane Bond; Lewis, Minnie Lamb Edwards (2); Lewsader, Daisy Smith Vickery Chezem; Lewsader, Elmer (2); Lewsader, Richard C.; Lewsader, Ruth Pearl Meharry; Lewsader, Sherman;Lewellwn, Mary Leigh Pickett; Lewellen, John Ralph; Lewellen, Robert F.; Lewellen, Harve; Ayers, Alonzo J.; Bryant, Col. Robert E.; Litsey, Juliet "Julia" Orpha Dooley; Litsey, Myrtle Thompson; Liebrandt, William Edward; Lightle, Eva Robbins; Lightle, Gilbert; Lightle, Guy (2); Lighty, Archie Estel; Lighty, Archie E.-Sr.; Lighty, Essie Keller; Lighty, James M.; Lighty, James R.; Lighty, Virgil (2); Lilley, Teddy; Lindley, Bernard Aaron; Lindley, Charles E.; Lindley, Clyde; Lindley, Fred; Lindley, George M,; Lindley, Grace Harmon; Lindley, Hannah Woody; Lindley, Herbert (2); Lindley, Icy Parrent (2); Lindley, Icy Pickard; Lindley, Jane Barker;Lindley, Juanita (added 1); Lindley, Miles (with picture); Lindley, Patrick William; Lindley, Perry (3); Lindley, Ruby Vaughan; Lindley, Samuel; Lindley, Virgil Byron (2); Lindquist, Fern; Lindquist, May Miller; Lindquist, Sadie Gilbert; Lith, Nicholas; Linton, Dora Huber; Linton, Guy Wilbur; Linton, Odetta Westhoben; Linville, Alma Fretz; Linville, James Taylor; Linville, John D. (3); Linville, Maude Neal; Lister, William; Mason, Thomas D.; McCrea, Edward T. (Capt); McGilliard, George W.; McIntire, Forgison; Montgomery, Simpson; Moody, Foster: Neff, William H. (Capt); Nelson, Clark B.; Newton, Horace E.; Nicholson, Elihu; Nicholson, Samuel; Osborne, Isiah Jackson; Pattison, Loren G.; Pearson, Richard S.; Phillips, William O.; Pittman, William; Pratt, Hiram Austin; Little, Ken; Little, Warren "Shorty"; Little; William I. (2); Lively, George; Livengood, Albert; Livemgood, Albert E.; Livemgood, Andrew; Livengood, Arista; Livengood, Austin; Livengood, Charlene Jones; Livengood, Charles Andrew (2); Livengood, Elias (added one); Livengood, Elizabeth Day; Livengood, Isa Miller; Livengood, Jessie Warfield; Livengood, Levi; Livengood, Manford; Livengood, Mary Williams; Livengood, Omer; Livengood, Ora M.; Livengood, Solomon; Livengood, Winford W.; Livengood, Zula Bowman; Livings, Velora Mitchell; Livingdton, Dallas; Livingston, Mildred McElwee; Livingston, Susan Swank; Lloyd, Sallie Morgan; Ross, Col. James; Ross, William; Sanders, James Noleman; Shaw, Jasper Newton; Shipman, Issac; Simpson, (Capt.) Joseph; Smith, Peter; Smith, Thomas A.;Locke, Otis Harlan (2); Lockwood, Opal Ford; Loeb, Julius; Logsdon, Isaac; Logsdon, Jennie Logsdon; Long, Alonzo Newton; Long, Charles Franklin; Long, Chloie Clodfelter (2); Long, Elizabeth Read Dearing; Long, Jerome; Long, Paul (added 1); Long, Ellen Myers (added 1); Long, Everett B. (2); Long, Mabel Greenley; Long, Ruby Florence; Long, Pearl; Long, Thurman (2); Long, Volney Alexander "Ecke"; Long, Walter Francis; Longden, Cleo Kirkpatrick (2); Long, Clara Keck; Longnecker, William E.; Long, Mary Ann Scott; Lookabill, Arthur "Pete"; Loudermill. Joe (added 1); Lough, Arnett (4); Lough, Arnett Lee (2); Lough, Rheuben; Lovell, Walter William; Lowe, Charlews; Lowe, Cora Thomas (2); Lydick, Catherine Hicks; Lydick, William (added 1); Lynch, Benjamin; Lowe, Gertrude Brumer; Lowe, Isaah; Lowe, Leslie Earl; Lowe, Martha Dinsmore; Lowe, Sidney; Lucas, Bertha Myers Knight; Lucas, Charles E.; Lucas, Claude C.; Lucas, Geroge Raymond; Lucas, Ruth Adamson; LaFollette, Melinda Kennedy; LaRue, child-1869; Lydick, Charles Andrew (added 1); Lydick, Catherine Hicks; Lyons, Nannie Clasby; Lyon, Mary Jennie Willis; Lyon, William;Lyon, Emerson (2); Lyon, Pauline (2); Lowery, Daniel; Lowery, Frank; Loyd, Owen; Lee, Henry K.; Leslie, Miles; Lewellen, Maggie; Leonard, Carrie Long (added 1); Lyons, Ora; Ludlow, Alice LaBaw French (2); Ludlow, Charles; Ludlow, Ernest; Ludlow, Marvin (2); Ludlow, Paul Leroy; Lydick, Adam; Luke, Della Cade; Lusk, Claude (2); Luzader, Clara Reath Darwactor; Linn, Mary; Linn, Susannah Fender; Leech, Thomas Franklin; Lampe, Mollie (added 1); Layne, Sarah (added 1); Lough, Thomas (added 1); Landis, Christopher; Long, Cecil G.; Lucas, Alta Record (2); Lucas, Catherine Smith (1st female born in Fountain Cty); Southard, William (Capt.-KIA); Sprague, A.A.; Stallard, James P. (3); Stillwell, Stephen (Capt.); Streight, Jesse; Tague, Johnson; Tate, Joseph; Thomas, Dr. Charles Lambert; Walker, A. B. ; Warbriton, Andrew; Warren, Henry; Watson, James H.; Weeks, Robert; Wilson, John Ward; Wilson, Samuel McKee, Wilson, William C.; Zachary, Elijah B.; Zachary, Milton Hezekiah; Westfall, Jacob I.; Watkins, George; Oldshue, Jacob (2); Owens, James; Smith, William E. L. -1904; Thomas, John E.; Britton, Benjamin F.; Maxwell, John Milton; Moore, Walter A.; Machledt, John H.; Machledt, Jeanette Reffett; Martin, Joseph; Matney, William; Matthews, Edna Berry (added 1); Mahoy, Robert Joseph (photo); Macy, Cecil (2); Madden, Aason (2); Madden, Fred (2); Madden, Glenwood; Madden, Lloyd (2); Mahony, Anna; Madigan, Nellie McComas; Maffett, Elmer Charles (2); Maffett, Ladoska Dearing; Maffitt, Ruby Young; Mahoney, Cain (added 1); Mahoney, Mary (added 1); Mahan, Bertha; Mahorney, Frank; Malott, Wreatha Warrick; Maltsbarger, Andrew Jackson; Maltsberger, Amy Hershberger (2); Maltsberger, Jacob A.; Maltsberger, Robert T.; Maltsberger, Virgil Ernest; Manlove, Edwin O.;  Mann, Marie Booe; Mann, Sylvia McGahan; Manners, George; Mapes, Elizabeth Patterson; Mapes, Earl; Mapes, Laura Langford; Mapes, Leonard Daniel; Marana, Michael; Maris, Elizabeth Davis; Maris, Ethel Moffett; Maris, Frank; Marks, Armilda Allen; Marks, James Scott; Marlatt, Alma Wineniger; Marlatt, Pearl Lydia Martin; Marlatt, Maxine Cronk; Marlatt, Ruth Kerr; Marques, Emma Lawson; Marquess, Glenn; Marquess, Gwendyth Swaim; Marr, Eliza McCloud; Marr, David; Marsh, Katherine Robinson; Marsh, Esta, Gookins; Marsh, Nellie Stephens; Marsh, Rollie Delmar (2); Marshall, Eleanor Furr (2); Marshall, Grace Busard; Marshall, Leora (2); Martin, Alta Ratliff; Martin, Arthur Henry (2); Martin, Basil; Martin, Ben C.; Martin, Carrie Young; Martin, Cassie; Martin, Donald; Martin, Helen E.; Martin, James P.; Martin, Jerome; Martin, Joseph E.; Meadows, Kenneth W.; Sechman, Donald R.; Teague, Kenneth J; Martin, Opal June (1 added); Martin, Riley Morris; Martin, Virgil M.; Martin, William C.; Marvin, Edward J.; Maynard, Jonah; McKey, Angie (2); McKey, George Adam; McCormick, Hugh (2); McMurray, Frank; McCall, Badger; McCampbell, Anna Cummins (added 3); McClellan, Alexander; McCloud, William A.; McAdams, Glenn (2); McAlister, Dorothy Reichard; McAlister, Lloyd; McAlister, Louisa Ray; McAlister, Minnie Copper; McAlister, Orpha Parent (2); McAllister, James A.; McBride, Effie Willhite; McBride, Gertrude Mapes; McBride, Louis Eugene (added 1); McBride, Solon; McBride, Verniece Hershberger; McBroom, Daisy Fenton; McBroom, Eldridge K.; McBroom, Laura Follick; McBroom, Margaret Claman; McBroom, Margaret Laird; McCalip, Curtis (added 1); McCall, Alice King; Remley, Harry C.; McCann, Harold Edward (2); McCarty, Bertha Roush; McCarty, Ella Roush; McClain, Bonnie Hall; McClain, David P. (added 1); McClain, Morgan (added 1); McClamrock, James O. (added 1); McCloud, Catherine Morphew (added 1); McClure, Beverly Joan; McClain, Albert V.; McClure, Cecil Wilkinson; McClure, Luther; McClure, Will (added 2);

PHOTOS -- _ 4__- Added -- PHotos - Donald L. Davies (picture added to Obit.); Christian Church; Methodist Church; Back to school photo;

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