Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Welcome, to the newly revised Fountain County Genweb Site

!!! Something New!!!  To help facilitate moving between sub-sites, I have added what I call the "Get Around Links"  I have placed a link at the top of all the Projects Main Page's for the "Get Around Links".  I recommend opening one in a separate "TAB" and leaving them open for easier access.  Also, do not forget to check the "Pull Down Menu" in each Project, for smaller items of interest.  Also, on the "Get Around Links" Page, I have added a link to a more recent map of Fountain County, thanks to Jeff Bossaer.

I have tried hard to give the Genealogists of Fountain County something to be proud of.  If you discover a problem, let Karen know.  Everyday I am learning something new about this procedure. Please be patient, Thanks, Jim!

..............FEATURED PHOTO...........

Unidentified Church
with a 1917 Dodge automobile
Thanks to whoever sent this in.
We have had it to post for a long time sorry.
Can anyone help to identify?
We are not sure whether it is Montgomery or Fountain County
See a large view of the photo in Montgomery County  "Churches"
Feel free to use the site search engine, the nice people at FreeFind have graciously indexed our website for free for several years now, and it indexes about 85% of all words- (some it skips because they may be common, or the engine runs out of time to index us.)

Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind

Site search     Web search

Thanks to all my helpers -
I have a FANTABULOUS bunch of contributors -
it's awesome to see the site grow with their super help:
Barbara; Beth (RIP - loved that lady); Betty; Cathy; Chris; Christi; Cheryl; Debbie; Debby; Ginny; Glynnis; Jack (who is sending obits faster than I can up ‘em); Jamie; Jennie (lots of photos, too); Kelly; Kim; Lena; Melissa; Roselyn; "S"; Tom; Vickie; Walt (did a large amount) Bless you all !!!!!
KZ & all our Fountain Co INGenWeb users

Note: The current additions for the month are on the bottom of this page -- If you click on the word, "What's" above, it will show you what we have put on the Fountain GenWeb site this year :)
Click above "What's" -- New -- to see the year review -- see bottom of page for what has been added this month :) ENJOY !!

See a range of Historical Photos collected by Jeff Bossaer and Historical Organizations he is associated with in Fountain County.  This includes Fountain Trains and Railroads, Attica  of Yesteryear, Attica NOW, Sesquicentennial Events, Founty County Bicentennial and AHS Alumni Slide Show ( 7-13-2019).  Check back often, because this Project is "UNDER CONSTRUCTION"

Fountain County History - working on it continuously :) Should be fairly good when it's finished - my intent is NOT to make it lengthy but short, informative data :) Wish me luck - kbz

Kingman Photo Album (it's growing big-time - thanks mainly to James Patton - ya' rock, kiddo) PLEASE send me more pics :)

Reed Family Pictures - thanks Jenny A - these are soooo nifty! -- under, "Reed"

Old Kingman Cookbook - _This is sooo neat - thanks so much to the Minnicks for this one :)

GOALS for 2024 -

Add at least 500 Obituaries  -- hopefully can hit 18,000 online obits but might be a pipedream :) 500 - ACCOMPLISHED ALREADY Feb 13, 2024 - YES & still adding :)
Work more on finding Bibles, Churches, Marriages, divorces and other info -
Add at least 5  Who's Who folks -
Add more Businesses - a TOP priority
Add more newspaper clippings  -
Bios or obits for War of 1812, Black Hawk; Civil; WWI; WWII and Korean soldiers

What's NEW In 2024

See below for what's been added so far  this month,

Click here to see what has been added so far earlier in 2024

Click here to see what has been added in 2023

Click here to see what has been added in 2022

Click here to see what has been added in 2021

Click here to see what has been added in 2020

Click here to see what has been added in 2019

Click here to see what has been added in 2018

Click here to see what has been added in 2017

Click here to see what has been added in 2016

Click here to see what has been added in 2015

** ADDED THIS MONTH **  ** JULY 2024 **

OBITUARIES    101  Added  ( obits this year to date _2087__  & Total obits on the site:  19,304:  = - plus another 45 = -- see R, S && W list below -- added 44 more - and another 50 =added another 25 - added 27 more 317 this month -- see bottom of obit listing below

ABBOTT, (Audrey); Adams (Lena); Adler (Levi 1860); ABOLT (Harry C -a dded); ALBRIGHT (Roy); ALDRIDGE (Julius x 2); ALBERT (Josephy); ALLEN (Ivan M; Deward - WWII; Rena; Barbara; Kenneth W);
B - Beamer Reuben - CW; Lucy; Benson (Ray); Biddle (Loren); Black (Myrtle); BOATMAN (Mont); Bever (Martha - added); BLUE (Elizabeth Rector); BECK (John Paul); BERGSTROM (Homer).   C - CATE (Garry);  CARRINGTON (Nona; Mary Frances); CARPENTER (Wilbur); CHEESMAN (Alva x2); COX (Sylvia; Jack; Lois; Raymond; Wayne); CORK (Ethel, Jennie, John); Craig (Roger, Ruby); Craft (Robert Michael, Victoria); CRAMER (Gertrude); CONOVER (Pauline); Cory (Marion); COMPTON (Norma Allen); Conrad (Dean E); CONKLIN (James H); CONNELL, Edward E; CRAW (Lyle); CRUMLEY (Naomi; Irene Tibbett); Crowder (Mildred); CUMMINGS (Ethel); CROW (Theodore); CRIST (Clara Edna - added); CROSS (Debbie, Dottie); CRUEA (Guy, George - added); CUSHMAN (Alice Schwin); CUNNINGHAM (Georgiana)   
S - Schwartz (Belle Plaut); Schumacker (Fred John);  Schumaker (Ida); Sennett (Blanche, Clarence, Merle); Scarlett (Arthur); Schefke (Peter - Added); Scheidler (Cecelia (Sadie); Sheets (Lawrence Leo - WWII); Shoaf (Guy, Cedric - added to both); Shook (Rachel); Shuman (Ruth Pratt); Shultz (Rome); Shores (Maye Ewing); Shadowens (H Ray); W -- Williams (Mary Katharyn Crowder; Merle Lillian Smith); Wilkinson (Lavern); Wilson (Eva Ricketts, Fred); Wildman, James F - 1982; Witsman, Fred - added; Wilgus, Mary B; Wiemken (John) Y - YOUNG, Evadna Young

Added 25 more
-- Carlson, Lola; Campbell, Bessie, Carol; Cates, Keith H; Carns, Alma - added; Carr, Wilma Jones; Casey, Ethel Graham added; Cheak, John Frank (added); Chrisman, Donald - added; Chavez, Elias; Chambers, Cleon; Chiaffredo, Thomas; Clark (Mary Hiday - WWII Nurse); Claycomb, Gilbert; Clayton, Everett; Claypool, Wilson; Coake, Gladys Rice; Clifton, Thomas L. Cole, Orville - added; Colvert E, Louise, E. Katharine, George; Coleman Lois & Mot;

Added 45 more
R - Ratcliff, (Bertha, Everett); Ralston (William M); Rennick (Bobby Lee); Reed (Aline Jones); Redenbaugh (Alva - added); Reid (Grace Carlile); Rhode (Myron); Reynolds (Archie); Rhodes (Joe F - WWI)
S - Smith (Edith Regttinger; Eleanor Meek; Esther Karst; Louis E; Louis W; Robert - 1964; Steven G - Vet; Keith Aaron; Robert  1967); Slattery, Thomas B (WWI)
W - Weatherman (Flossie Ditto); Weaver (Robert 1982); Wheaton (Suzanne); Whitford (William G); Whitington (Charles E); Welton (Edwin Charles); Wertz (Lela Keller); Westfall (John W); WHitcomb (Caroline Linn); Wilson (Faye Darling; Joseph Henry); William (Ralph); Wilt (Napier - WWI; WInslow, Emma Booe Woodrow (William Lee - WWII); Wolfe Stephen - Vet; Wolfe, George Jr - WWII; Worley (Nevada); Wolcott (Louisa Setser Cotton);Wyatt (Clell); Wright Leigh (Rev - WWII)

Added 44 more
B -- Ball, Harry; Baker (David, Margaret Jackson); Baity (Arley - WWII; Bantz (Harold - and Taylor WWII); Bainbridge (Charles E); Barker (Robert F - added 2); Barkley (Nell); Bayless (Abijah - added 3); Bales (Melvin K - added; Bayless (Goldie - added);
D - Day (Ollie Wayne added; Minnie Micahel added); Davis (Fred, James R - added; Harriet Caldwell); Dawson (Manford "Dutch") ; Dean (Beola); Dark (Oscar J -added; Effie - added); Deck (Cora Allison); Derringer (Nellie - added); Delp (Stella Fogleman); Denny (Marilyn); DeHaven (Audrey - added; Helen Hall; Margaret Martin; Robert; Ruth Hetfield); Dickerson (Dorathy Meadows); Dickason (Fred, Jennie - added); Dinsmore (Robert -a dded); Dixon (Ival FOrrest - added); Dobbles (John Francis); Dotson (Dorathy Hayman added; Russell).  

Added 50 more - all F's
FAY (Bessie, Charles "Chuck" James Sr); Farren (Mark - KIA Vietnam). Fenters (Fran B; Mark O; Rut) Felgenhauer (Mathew); Ferguson (Grace; Foster (James M - WWI; Nina Rush; Jessie Busenbark; Grace Riffle; Dorothy E); Fox (A Glenn; Jacob William; Nellie Hull; William E; Foxworthy (Herman, Frances Wisehart); Foreman (Roy Dowdell); Ford (Harry Raymond); Fretz (Howard); Furr (Georgia); Fulton (Charley);  FinnegFurr (Freeman); Frye (Louis Jesse); Funk (Belva Snider); Francis (Richard); an (Nora Catterlin); Fine (Clarence); Fields (Virgie Death); Fisher (John); Fink (Charles "Red"); Filicksky (Betty Dudley); Fultz (Ruth).

Added 25 more - all S's
Simpson (Chester; John A; James Melvin; Guy M - added); Smith (Addie Clifton, William 1890 - murdered); Sparger Etta Slusser - WWII Army Air Force - WOW; Starnes (Charles C x 2; Fredrick - WWI); Faris :Jack - added -- WWII; Faris 1973); Stephen (Robert F); Stutler (Roy Wayne); Strader (Orville WWI & WII x4); Strawser (Earl, Dale, James D x 2);

Added 27 more - A-Cs
A - Auter (Eula - added); Allison (Viola Pittman); Anderson (John) Anders (Mary Day added); Asbury (Carrell - added); Ashton (Richard "Dick).  B -Bracken (Lila Dunkerly); Boyd (Lawrence D); Bowen (Julia); Boutwell (Lt. Col. Allie - WWII+ total of 30 years - wow bless you sir); Bratton (James Michael); Brewer (Kilsta added); Boord (Fred Rice - added); Bowling (June Stockdale); Bowen (Maude Hamilton); Bowles (Lance Connor); Brant (Fred F); Boord (Lena Bever -- added).  C - Cade (Lena - added); Clark (Mary; Taylor; Samuel; Isaac Cass - CW; Robert Samuel); Clements (Louis E - WWII; Clawson (Ollie - added)

BIBLE -    ( YTD =1):

Biographies  __ Added   (8050 to date)  

WPA BIRTHS:           ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING)  Additions, corrections and/or updates:   To include:

WPA Deaths:        ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates:  To include:  

NEWS __10 __ = -- 60 this year to date --Hamilton, John - added to; Nixon, Grant - added 4 ; Vice, William - 1st newspaper at age 50; Gore, Wm - fire; Krout, Thomas & Henry McKenzie - added two articles to their fight and near killing

TOWNS -      - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :)  -

PHOTOS :  1  Names include: --Year to date added __1__  (997  photos to date) see biographies Beamer, Reuben


Diaries:  ____    =  (27 images)

Divorces ____ - - (ytd=  6 )

  • Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
  • War of 1812:  ____
  • Civil War - 2 -  = Reuben Beamer; Isaac Cass Clark
  • Mexican American -____
  • WWI : __4__ -- - Names include:  Joe Rhodes; Thomas Slattery; Napier Wilt); John M. Foster
  • WW II _10__  (293  this year) Names: ALLEN, Deward J; Sheets, Lawrence Leo; Clark, Mary Hidy - WWII Nurse); Woodrow, William Lee; Wright, Leigh (Rev); Wolfe, George Jr; Baity Arley ; Bantz, Taylor; Boutwell, Lt. Col. Allie; Louis E. Clements
  • Korean War: _ :  (5 this year) Names include:
  • Vietnam War  1     : (2 this year) -Mark Farren - KIA (bless you young man)

MARRIAGES : _ _ = --(23,514 to date):

Alumni (Schools)  _  _  - (ytd = 5  ):

BLOG -- added

BUSINESSES   __ (ytd= 20 )=

BRICK WALL ____ ==  

DEATH RECORDS:      = (YTD  =  ) :

Family Recipes       = (YTD = 62  ) :

SURNAMES:    = ( YTD ) :
Churches = _  = YTD=    2

Census -

Cemeteries      =  Added:  

Poor Farm Cemetery

Miscellaneous Items        = (ytd - ) >

Letters ____ -  

Links       = (YTD =  ) =  

Family Bibles      = (YTD  =  ) =

Wills      = (YTD =  1 )  

Blog and Facebook Pages:      :  (Total = X ) :   

Town / Township Information      :  (YTD = 2 )

Who's Who __1__ (YTD =  - TD 59 ) - Beamer, Reuben

Fountain County History -- work in progress -- kbz -- added quite a bit lately but STILL - work in progress :)

If you've not seen the Fountain County Genealogy Society's facility, you'll want to check out their website before visiting - great place for Fountain Co. genealogy researching and the people are soooooooo helpful and nice :)

Try this Fountain County Historical Markers -- thanks to Al Wolf for this link :)



Beth (RIP - loved that lady)


















Sara Mc




Bless you all !!!!! KZ & all our Fountain Co INGenWeb users

Fountain County, a part of the INGenWeb Project

See the Fountain County History I'm working on :)

---- NOTICE ---

This site is dependent upon transcribing efforts by a corps of volunteers. No one person can possibly "know it all" including the site manager. If you are using this site, please be aware we try to get data up within 10 days of submission, BUT often things change our priorities, like getting food, sleep and some time for our families... SO if it takes a bit longer, be patient, it IS coming.

Volunteers are needed to transcribe data for this site. If you are interested in helping out please drop me a line: Karen Zach, County Coordinator.

PLEASE use the search engine, and compile the data on your family, be assured that there is a 99.99% possibility that every bit of data we have is UP on the website already, we try to keep caught up. IF your research in the resources available here fail to gain the information you are seeking, PLEASE do not ask us to look for it on the site. If you can't find it here, Please post a QUERY to The Mail List. You can join the Mail List by clicking this link, and just sending the email that pops up.Conversely, you may also use the Message board for this county, That also gets sent to the list automatically. The PURPOSE of the list is two-fold, spread data, and connect people.

Thanks! to Ed Moyer, who, for ten years maintained the Fountain County site, for this Project. It is with great thanks that we have been honored by his trust in taking it over, and we will still be working closely with Ed.  Note: Ed has recently passed - miss ya' fella' !!

Thanks Ed. We will take good care of it.

Thanks to ALL my helpers.

You might also like to check out the: Family Fact Sheets

Fountain County Genealogy Society, Inc.
405 North Mill Street
PO Box 273
Veedersburg, Indiana 47987-0273
Note: These folks are SUPER helpers :-)

About this site: Please report any link problems to Karen Zach

Places in Fountain County (this was here and I liked it here but it got too big & cumbersome for the opening page so enjoy). If you know of any not listed or can give me more info on one, please contact me - kz

In Memory and Honor of our past State Coordinators of INGenWeb:

1996-1998 - Betty Sellers

1998-2000 - Fred Finkbiner

2000-2002 - Patrick Hays

2003-2004 - Gene Andert

2004-2011 - Debra Behler

2011 - 2012 - Katy Hestand

2012 - 2016 - Denise Wells

2016 - 2017 -- John Peck

2017 -           --Lena Harper (congrats, Lena)

NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project -- PLEASE GIVE CREDIT if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)

Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2021 (and beyond), Fountain County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach

My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and my wonderful husband, Jim - we are your Coordinators for Fountain County. Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper. Her assistant state coordinator is: Jim Cox
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