OLD KINGMAN COOKBOOK -- circa 1914-1926
Thanks so much to the Minnicks for sending this our way - it's soooo nifty - just wish it was ALL there - if you have one of these old cookbooks, I'd love the other pages - please contact me
The original cookbook has been taken apart and the sheets have been scanned. You will note the original page numbers in the upper left and right corners. The pages below are the number assigned to the scanned sheets of the book. Please enjoy!!!
Page 1 --AD -C.L. Steinbaugh
Page 2 -- MEATS -- Baked Ham by Mrs. F. R. Jones; Boiled Ham by Mrs. Dan Strader - Pot Roast by Nettie Strader - Scrapple by Edna Rowlett and Beef Loaf by Lulu Orahood -- AD - Robinson & Reath Palace Meat Market --
Page 3 -- MEATS Continued -- Swiss Steak; Creamed Chicken and Smothered Chicken all by Gladys Madden; Large Beef Loaf by Nettie Strader; Veal Loaf by Olive Glascock; Souffle by Florence Spencer and helpful Hints by Mrs. W.A. Moore --AD - Col. H.A. Clingan, Auctioneer - AD - Clingan & Dillon, Live Stock Buyers
Page 4 -- OYSTERS, FISH & EGGS -- Oyster Patties (Mrs. Dan Strader); Bake Fish - Sylvia Van Duyn; Salmon Loaf by Viola Baker; Ham Omelet by Mrs. S.E. Ratcliff and Escalloped Oysters by Nettie Strader -- AD - Ideal Grocery (RA Booe)
Page 5 -- BREAD -- Ginger Bread by Mrs. E.S. Booe; Nut Bread by Mrs. C.L. Steinbaugh - Bunns by Mrs. Lucy Sexton - Bran Gems by Dr. Wert - Fried Biscuit by Edna Rowlett and Aunt Mary's Ginger Bread by Mrs. M.E. Howrey -- AD - Kingman Grain & Milling Company
Page 6 -- BREAD Continued - Salt Rising Bread and Brown Bread by Mrs. C.M. Spencer - Parker House Rolls by Edna Rowlett -- Raisin Bread by Mrs. E.S. Booe -- Nut Bread by Jennie C. Glascock -- Soft Ginger Bread by Mrs. J.M. Cory -- AD - C.M. Spencer Furniture, Undertaking & Rugs
Page 7 -- VEGETABLES -- Baked Beans by Dinna Myer - Hominy by Lou Edith Shoaf -- Sweet Potato Marshmallow by Alberta Russell - Waldorf Potatoes - Elsie Clingan -- Fried Corn by Sylvia Van Duyn - Tomato Cakes by Mrs. W.A. Moore - Potatoes Au Gratin by Ella Steinbaugh and Cream Peas by unknown -- AD -Kingman Hardware
Page 8 -- VEGETABLES Continued - Escalloped Potatoes by Crete Cory -- Tomatoes and Onions by Ruth Hybarger; Chile-con-carne by Frances Hepler - Corn Oysters by Mrs. S.E. Ratcliff - Baked Beans by Goldie M. Little - Spaghetti by Mrs. Daisy Barker -- SPanish Beans by Edna Rowlett and Mrs. W.A. Moore's notation that onions chopped and put in baked beans gives a good flavor :) -- AD-- Cory-Moffett Hardware
Page 9 -- PICKLES -- Mixed Pickles No. 1 by Mrs. Dinna Myers - Mixed Pickles, No. 2 by Mrs. F.S. Cuthbert (NOTE: Dr. Frederick Cuthbert and wife, Carrie Peare were gone from Fountain County by 1915 when they moved to Savannah, Georgia with their two sons, Robert and Marvin. By 1920 they were in New York and passed away in 1953 (Fred Sheets Cuthbert) and 1969 (Carrie Peare Cuthbert) in Kokomo, Indiana. However, she may have sent this from one of the places she lived but you'll note Hattie Kopp Boord's has her current town of residence - but Carrie either sent it from wherever she lived at the time OR the cookbook is even earlier than I thought) -- Sour Pickles and Big Sour Pickles by Dinna Myer - Beef Pickles by Mrs. O.J. Copeland - Beef Relish by Jen Glascock - Spanish Pickles by Nell Nolan - Saccharine Pickles by Frances Hepler - Sweet Pickles by Mrs. R.B. Myers - Chili Sauce by Hattie Kopp Boord of Roseman, Montana - Chili Sauce by Mrs. Carrie Heath -- AD -- J.H. Ephlin Agent for Royal Tailoring
Page 10 -- SALADS -- Egg and Beet Salad and a Veal Salad by Frances Hepler - Potato Salad by Irene Steele - Excellent Salad by Olive Glascock - Chicken Salad by Daisy Barker - Salomon Salad by Nora A. Steele and Oyster Salad by Belle Nute Booe -- AD - Citizens Bank, Kingman
Page 11 -- SALADS Continued -- Marshmallow Salad by Daisy Spencer - Corn Salad for Canning, Cheese Salad and Cabbage Salad by Frances Hepler - September Salad by Bell Reath - Fruit Salad by Ivy Lewis - Apple Salad by Lola Hybarger - Vegetable Salad and Cold (sic) Slaw by Nettie Strader - Fruit Salad by Opha Philpott - Dressing for Slaw by Mrs. Albert Furr - Hot Slaw by Katherine Van Duyn - Bean Salad by Alberta Russell - Tomato and Celery Salad by Mrs. Dan Strader - Coral Salad by Elsie Clingan and Salmon Salad by Bertha Shoaf Ratcliff
Page 12 -- PUDDINGS -- Suet or Plum Pudding by Mrs. F.B. Torbert, Terre Haute -- Tapioca by Crete Cory -- Cottage Pudding by Mrs. J.M. Cory; Persimmon Pudding and Marshmallow Pudding by Lou Edith Shoaf -- Date Pudding by Gladys Madden -- Fig Pudding by Mrs. Horace Ephlin -- Orange Pudding by Mrs. H.M. Brown -- Fruit Pudding by Opha Philpott -- Baked Bananas by Mrs. R.B. Myers -- Roll Pudding by Mrs. Florence Spencer -- Woodford Pudding by Etta Hutton and BIrd's Nest Pudding by Frances Hepler
Page 13 -- SANDWICHES -- Mexican Sandwiches - Opha Philpott -- Apple and Celery Sandwiches by Lenna Robinson - Favorite Sandwiches, Dressing for Sandwiches and Bonita Sandwiches by Frances Hepler -- Ham Sandwiches and Brown Bread Sandwiches by Mrs. Dan Strade and Sandwich Filling by Mrs. E.S. Booe -- PASTRY -- Mince Meat by Olive Glascock -- Green Tomato Mince Meat by Mrs. B.O. Hudler - Lemon Pie by Mrs. R.B. Myers - BUtter Scotch Pie by Eva Sanders -- Sunshine Pie by Daisy Barker - Pumpkin Pie by Mrs. C.W. Holman -- Chocolate Pie by Mrs. J.M. Cory
Page 14 -- PASTRY Continued -- Creamed Peach Pie by Ivy Lewis -- Mock Cream Pie by Lulu Brown - Cream Pie by Mrs. S.E. Ratcliff, Mrs. J.W. Bennett and Vena Howrey -- German Cream Pie by Blanche Ewbank -- Lemon Pie by Ethel Madden - Butter Scotch Pie by Nora A. Steele -- Chess Pie by Myrtle McCrary -- Dutch Apple Pie by Crete Cory -- Imperial Pie by Mrs. B.O. Hudler -- Chocolate Pie by Mrs. M.E. Howrey -- Cherry Roll by Belle Nute Booe -- Baked Apple Dumplings by Anna Copeland - Strawberry Shortcake
Page 15 -- DESSERTS -- Fig Tapioca by Sylvia Van Duyn - Tapioca by Goldie M. Little -- Snow Balls by Helen Flesher -- Float by Mrs. George A. Keller -- Russian Cream by Edna Rowlett - Orange Marmalade by FLorence Spencer - Iced Grapes by Lenna Robinson - Orange Charlotte by Mrs. S.D. Alexander - Rose Apples by Daisy H. Spencer and Dipped Grapes by Helen E. Flesher -- ADS for G.G. Bales & H.P. McCrary
Page 16 -- FROZEN DESSERTS -- Ice Cream by Dinna Myer, Crete Cory and Lulu Orahood -- Raspberry Ice by Nettie Strader -- Frozen Pudding by Mrs. E.S. Booe -- Junket Ice Cream by Sylvia VanDuyn -- Sherbert by Dinna Myer - Apricot Ice by Vena Howrey - Pineapple Sherbert by Blanche Ewbank -- Lemon Ice by Mrs. M.E> Howrey and Frozen Pudding by Bell Reath -- AD for Dr. F.S. Cuthbert
Page 17 -- CAKES -- Angel Cake by Mrs. O.J. Copeland - Mock Angel Food by Mrs. M.E. Howrey - Devil's Food by Elizabeth Wilkey -- Bride's Cake by Mrs. Horace Ephlin - White Cake by Mrs. Geo. Keller -- Delicate Cake by Mrs. E.S. Booe - Sunshine Cake by Gertrude McCord -- Jam Cake by Lenna Robinson - Ice Cream Cake by Eva Sanders -- Burnt Sugar Cake by Dot Rector -- Lemon Cake by Florence SPencer - Lemon Jelly Cake by Ella Steinbaugh - Hickory Nut Loaf Cake by Armilda Marks - Nut Cake by Ethel Madden and Mrs. Ellen Whitaker
Page 18 -- CAKES Continued -- Spice Cake by Mrs. J.W. Bennett -- Spice Cake by Sina Inlow -- Spice Cake by Mrs. Dan Strader - White Fruit Cake by Mrs. John Ratcliff -- Coffee Cake by Mrs. M.E. Howrey - Quick to make Fruit Cake by Elsie Marks and Fruit Cake by Mrs. C.M. Spencer - also a small article/ad about Royal Baking Powder (wonder if they were part sponsors of the cookbook?
Page 19 -- CAKES Continued -- Velvet Sponge Cake by Jen Glascock -- Butterless, Milkless, Eggless Cake by Mrs. F.S. Cuthbert -- Chocolate Cake by Mrs. L.C. Ewbank -- Potato Cake by Katie Rabb -- Jelly Roll by Edna Rowlett -- Chocolate Cake by Lulu Orahood -- Chocolate Divinity Cake by Mrs. Horace Ephlin -- Eggless Cake by Mary Ratcliff -- Rolled Jelly Cake by Mrs. Horace Ephlin -- Buttlermilk Cake by Daisy Spencer -- Apple Sauce Cake by Mrs. J.L. Flesher -- Fig Cake by Ruth Hybarger - Jam Cake by Eva Cramer Sowers -- Raisin Cake by Mandy Wilkey and Scripture Cake by FLorence Spencer
Page 20 -- CAKES Continued --White Cake by Mrs. H.M. Brown -- Icing by Mrs. Dan Strader -- Eva Sanders and Elizabeth Wilkey -- Marshmallow Filling by Frances Hepler - Carmel by Ethel Madden - Chcolate Frosting by Mrs. Horace Ephlin and Lemon Filling by Ella Steinbaugh - COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS -- Cookies by Lucy Briggs -- Ginger Cookies and "Aunt Flo" Crullers by Jen Glascock -- Lemon Crackers and Currant Squares by Florence Spencer -- Chocolate Bars by Mrs. F.R. Jones -- and Nut Crisps by Opha Philpott
Page 21 -- COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS Continued -- Cookies by Olive Glascock -- Sugar Cookies by Lola Hybarger -- Oatmeal Drop Cookies by Edna Rowlett -- Chocolate Cookies by Gladys Madden -- Rocks by Mrs. E.S. Booe -- Hermits by Elsie Cramer - Cookies by Grandma Miller -- Rolled Oat Cookies by Mrs. J.L. Flesher -- Doughnuts by Mrs. B.O. Hudler - Raised Doughnuts by Helen E. FLesher -- Doughts by Katie Rabb, Nettie Strader and Mrs. C.W. Holman -- AD - Gray's Livery
Page 22 -- BREAKFAST DISHES -- Cream of Wheat with Pineapple, Toasted Corn Flakes and Bread Fritters by Nettie Strader -- Fritters by Blanche Ewbank -- Creamed Ham or Beef by Sylvia Van Duyn and Corn Meal Muffings by Mrs. B.O. Hudler -- AD - Kingman Star
Page 23 -- BREAKFAST Continued -- Waffles by Della Ratcliff -- Oatmeal with Sliced Apples by Nettie Strader - Molasses by Ruth Furr and Oranges by Mrs. Dan Strader -- AD -Bank of Kingman - AD-A.L. Ratcliff, MD -- AD - ALice Howell Women's High Class Wearing Apparel representing Victor Ladies Tailoring Co.
Page 24 -- BEVERAGES -- Mint Cocktail, Syrup for Lemonade, Pineapple Cobbler and Pineapple Lemonade by Mrs. Dan Strader and Grape Juice by Nettie Strader -- AD - H.J. McAlister's News Stand
Page 25 -- PRESERVES -- Cherry Honey by Lucy Briggs -- Grape & Qince Honey by Mrs. O.J. Copeland and Spiced Plums by Mrs. Bell Reath -- AD - R.B. VanDuyn, Blacksmithing