What's New 2023
WHAT's NEW 2023 -- ENJOY :)
Click here to check 2020 additions :)
GOALS for 2023 - oh oh oh - love those DONES :) -- ALL COMPLETED - Whoopeee
Add at least 600 Obituaries -- DONE but expect some more :) This (because of the generosity of a couple of gals this ended-up being LOTS LOTS MORE and more to come for next year :) Love it !
Work more on finding Bibles, Churches, Marriages, divorces and other info - DONE but always use more :)
Add at least 5 Who's Who folks - DONE
Add more newspaper clippings - lots added but hopefully more coming your way - DONE
1850 & 60 Mortality Schedules - DONE
1850 & 60 Mortality Schedules - DONE
OBITUARIES 65__+ 72 - see below in Note One
see below for December Added:- 139 this month ( obits this year to date _1697__ & Total obits on the site: 17,179
Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: A-- B - C - D -D E - F G - Glascock (Allen B); Geisert (Kathy Lynn); Gilmore (John -- WWI); Gill (Joseph - WWII); Glaze (Estella Henning x 2); Goode (Kathleen x3) H -Hershberger, Clark; Hill (Philco); Holden (Noah); Higbee (Clifford; Joann; Lora); Hightower (John); Hunnings (Mary Margaret); Holstine (John C); Howard (Verna); Howell (*Harry Charles); Holman (Robert E) I -Ingersoll (Herschel - WWII; Lloyd - WWII; Paul Guy - WWII; Ralph - WWII) J - Jackson (Dottie Gertrude; Miss Grace); Jennings (Alice M); Jones (Frank R; Russell A - WWII) K - Keller (Robert - interesting story - should would like to know what happened); Kiger (Carrie Stout); Keeling (Vivian); Kinneer (Cedric - Ted); Knight (Joseph); Kline (Charles M - WWII) L - ; Mc - - M - - N - O - P - . S -
NOTE ONE -- added 72 more in December --A - Abernathy (Emma Richardson); Abney (Dolly - added to); Alexander (Delphina Pithoud - added to); Adkins (Mildred Smith; Alward (Leson, Bus; Imogene; Mary Gooding; Charlotte Steelman; Oliver; Earl; Kenneth - KIA WWII; Applegate (Ruth Biddle); Allen (Arista; Carl Wayne - WWII vet; Cyril Max; Cleveland; Ethan; Kathleen Shumaker). S - Simeral (Gerald Wayne - KIA WWII); Simms (Luther); Simpson (Bessie Babb; James D; James J;); Sleeper (Debra Ann); Smith (William Dale). T = Tinsley (Charles H; Della Glover); Timmons (Ezekiel); Tittle (Mabel). U - Utterback (Verma Watson). V -- VanDuyn (Blanche; Mac); Vanleer (Arthur); Vestal. W - Wann (Smith - added); Wethington (Glenn - WWII Vet); Weatherman (Otto Hopkins x 2); Whittington (Joe P x 2); White (Ared F - CW x 3) Wilhite (George Clarence x 2); Woods (Eva Wilson); Wulff Augusta Holmes x 2. Y - Young (Frank H; Leota; Vera); Yow (Gaston). Z - Zackmire (son of Earl; Clara Ratcliff x 3; James Arthur; Lon A - added).
BIBLE - ( YTD): added cleared up an entry -
Biographies _1__ Added (8040 to date) Sunday, Evangeline Billings
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : 1 Names include: --Year to date added _23___ (990 photos to date) = Kenneth Alward WWII - photo in obit
Photo Presentations of County Events:
Diaries: ____ = (27 images)
Divorces ____ - - (ytd= )
Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
War of 1812: ____
Civil War - 1- = White, Ared F.
Mexican American -____
WWI : __1__ -- - Names include: Gilmore, John
WW II _12_ Names Include: Added: Allen, Carl Wayne; Alward, Kenneth + photo; Kline, Charles M. Ingersoll (Herschel; Lloyd; Paul Guy; Ralph); Jones Russell A; Gill (Joseph); Gradu )Samuel Max); Wethington, Glenn ; Gerald Wayne - KIA - WWII
Korean War: _ :
Vietnam War :
MARRIAGES : _ _ = --(23,508 to date): Cottrell; Billings; Robbins; Sunday
Alumni (Schools) _ _ - (ytd = 5 ):
NEWS ITEMS 5 -- (951) Names: Booe, George (hurt loading logs); Dillman (Dr?) Jack - skips town; Jones, Isaac (breaks arm 2nd time); Mickels (Lucy DeBoy Slayton) - changes name 3 times in one day. Slayton - see Lucy
BLOG -- added
BUSINESSES (ytd= 6 )=
BRICK WALL ____ ==
Family Fact Sheets -- Clagett; Foster
Family Recipes = (YTD = 62 ) :
Churches = _2 = YTD=
Census -
Cemeteries = Added:
Poor Farm Cemetery
Miscellaneous Items = (ytd - ) >
Letters ____ -
Links = (YTD = ) =
Family Bibles = (YTD = ) =
Wills = (YTD = )
Blog and Facebook Pages: : (Total = X ) :
Town / Township Information : (YTD = 2 )
Who's Who ____ (YTD = - TD 55 ) -
OBITUARIES 100 + 102 + 50 + 50 +35 -+30 -+ 30 +30 + 8 more + 37 + 36= 548- ON 0OLL
see below for November Added:- 547 this month ( obits this year to date _1560__ & Total obits on the site: 17.042
Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: A-- Allen (Clara Shumaker; Marvis Henley; John J; Hiram); Auter (Elmore); Applegate (Lydia Redenbaugh); Atkinson (Fred); Ashley (Ernest); Applegate (Lydia Redenbaugh); Atkinson (Zimri); B - Banyz; Banta (Basle); Ballard (George Ray); Ball (Benjamin; Mary Bell); Balser (Lester); Baldwin (Louise); Basinger (Mary Wolfe); Bass (Sylvia Smith); Bassett (Lena); Bell (Addison; Rosa Hughes); Beal (Fred V); Bean (Clara Gilkinnson); Beach (Corwin); Bennett (Ira); Berlin (William Arthur; Vernon "Bud"); Boggs (Joe); Bever (Joseph; James L); Beedle (Leeida Pattengale); Bogart (Theodore Francis); Bingham (George F); Blankenship (Daniel); Borst (Emil); Bowman (Allen - KIA Korea); Brewer (Perle); Bowsher (Hillman); Bradley (Sarah Elizabeth); Borst (Emil); Bromley (William J); Brown (David; Hiram Milton; Gertrude Darling); Carnagey (Ada Chapin); Carr (Charles); Chezem (Rozilla Robbins); Cooper (Fred L - WWII; Ross); Culp (Harry); . C - D -Davis (George; J. Ray); Day (Ida; Russell; Samuel); Duke (Charles Franklin; Durman (Malinda); Drake (Eliza T; William Harrison); Dunklebarger (Henry); Dotson (Eliza; Marnda Barker; Sarah Prunty); Derringer (Raymond E); Dill (Ann K); Desutter (Robert Eugene); Debaun (Samuel); Delp (Emsley); Dillman (John); E -English (Kenneth); Ephlin (Margaret); Ellis (Faye A); Elwell (James Deneen); Embree (Rev. Isaac); Erwin (Louella Auglin Gilbert); Ewbank (Norman Lancelot; F -Farthing (John ANcil); Fanson (Rowena Horneman); Farner (John); Finch (Rachel); Fisher (Daniel); Fishero (Harry Clark); Fonner (James R); Fleenor (Lucy Rayl); Fine (David 1914); Fox (Anna Catherine 1947); Foster (Lowell); Furr (Mary Hesler; Jacob; Johnson and Lida); G - H - I - J - K - L - ; Mc -Added these later - M - - N - O - P - . S -
see below for November Added:- 547 this month ( obits this year to date _1560__ & Total obits on the site: 17.042
Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: A-- Allen (Clara Shumaker; Marvis Henley; John J; Hiram); Auter (Elmore); Applegate (Lydia Redenbaugh); Atkinson (Fred); Ashley (Ernest); Applegate (Lydia Redenbaugh); Atkinson (Zimri); B - Banyz; Banta (Basle); Ballard (George Ray); Ball (Benjamin; Mary Bell); Balser (Lester); Baldwin (Louise); Basinger (Mary Wolfe); Bass (Sylvia Smith); Bassett (Lena); Bell (Addison; Rosa Hughes); Beal (Fred V); Bean (Clara Gilkinnson); Beach (Corwin); Bennett (Ira); Berlin (William Arthur; Vernon "Bud"); Boggs (Joe); Bever (Joseph; James L); Beedle (Leeida Pattengale); Bogart (Theodore Francis); Bingham (George F); Blankenship (Daniel); Borst (Emil); Bowman (Allen - KIA Korea); Brewer (Perle); Bowsher (Hillman); Bradley (Sarah Elizabeth); Borst (Emil); Bromley (William J); Brown (David; Hiram Milton; Gertrude Darling); Carnagey (Ada Chapin); Carr (Charles); Chezem (Rozilla Robbins); Cooper (Fred L - WWII; Ross); Culp (Harry); . C - D -Davis (George; J. Ray); Day (Ida; Russell; Samuel); Duke (Charles Franklin; Durman (Malinda); Drake (Eliza T; William Harrison); Dunklebarger (Henry); Dotson (Eliza; Marnda Barker; Sarah Prunty); Derringer (Raymond E); Dill (Ann K); Desutter (Robert Eugene); Debaun (Samuel); Delp (Emsley); Dillman (John); E -English (Kenneth); Ephlin (Margaret); Ellis (Faye A); Elwell (James Deneen); Embree (Rev. Isaac); Erwin (Louella Auglin Gilbert); Ewbank (Norman Lancelot; F -Farthing (John ANcil); Fanson (Rowena Horneman); Farner (John); Finch (Rachel); Fisher (Daniel); Fishero (Harry Clark); Fonner (James R); Fleenor (Lucy Rayl); Fine (David 1914); Fox (Anna Catherine 1947); Foster (Lowell); Furr (Mary Hesler; Jacob; Johnson and Lida); G - H - I - J - K - L - ; Mc -Added these later - M - - N - O - P - . S -
Added 102 more - B - Burns (Joyce); Bunnell (Clara; Iramenta; James, Lee; Ruby); Bull (John); Burk (Sarah Hollingsworth); Bush (Alice Ennis). G - Ganley (Amanda Briggs Downey); Grimes (Sophia; child of Mark); Grismore (Golda); Griffith (Rosa); Greer (Peter H); Gookins (Mary McGilvrey); Good (Richard); Gunn (Harry); Griffin (William); Golladay (Wesley Allen); Glascock (Mollie Caldwell; Sarah Booe); H - Harvey (Cora; Eliza; Luella; William; Mahala Doan: Chloe); Hall (Nellie May); Hagley (Jesse); Heath (Elbert, Orris); Hallett (Linnie Clodfelter); Haniford (Vernon); Harper (Bert); Hadley (George T); Hansford (Frank); Harris (Nellie); Hegg (Maude); Helms (Dorothy Maree); Hawkins (Hazel); Hathaway (Dorothy); Ham (David); Hargis (George Allen); Hensley (William Earl - WWII); Hartman JP; Hinner (John); Hobson (Ira); Holton (Elva); Holycross (James); Hubbard (Keith Tilman); Hess (Ada); Horn (Lucille); Houser (Frances Harding); Hughes (Terzah May); Hughey (Robert); Hybarger (Nancy); Hibbs (Philip); Hesler (Ralph). J - Jackson (Charles Theodore "Pete"); Janeway (George Newlin); Johnson (Lambert; Carl Leonard - WWII Navy; America Barker; Ernest O); Jones (Grover; Howard; Lola Whitaker). P - Phelps (Howard, Paul); Patton (Flora); Palmer (John); Price (Clara Terry); Peterson Erwin W; Purnell (Cora). R - Russell (Mary L; Sylvester Wright); Runey (Andy); Rowlett (Maurice Preston); Rooker (Ruth); Romine (Marvia; Lydia Nolen); Roach (Jane); Robbins (Enoch - CW; Solomon)
Added 50 more - R - Ratcliff (Andrew; Anna Viola Lindley; Myrtle Ephlin); Reath (Benjamin L; Emily Hershberger); Redden (Elsie); Rector (Ira H); Ricketts (Leonard; M. Frances Tanner; George); Rice (Julia Crisp Hockett; Sherman T); Richardson (Jane Adamson); Riley (Paul Keith; Margaret Teegarden); Robbins (Enoch); Russell (Sylvester Wright). S -- Samuels (dau of Verner and Almeda); Sams (Louie); Sanders (Bela Fay; Bertha Schoen); Salts (Mary Eleanor Cates); Scott (Charles); Sappenfield (Edgar E; William); Servies (Franklin Edgar); Songer (Robert C); Sowers (Clarence; Dorvan Leon; Harold; Samuel 1914); Squire (Sarah Sowers Cotton); Starns (FC); Standiford (Nettie); Stockdale (Estel Spragg); Stevenson (Harry L); Stewart (Lee E); Sturm (Paul B); Stockdale (Eleanor Booe); Sunday (Esmond Keyser); Swank (Rev Goldie); Swim, Robert M - added
Note 3:
Added 50 more - B - Brown (Charles 1948; Cora Brooks; Ernest Alfred; John R; John WEsley); Bush (Morris); Bryant (Almeda) H - Hagel (Mary Catherine); Hamilton (Ada); Hannah (Lena Leota Gouty); Harden (Elmer E); Harper (James B - added); Hack (James Robert - WWII Vet); Hambright (Clarence) ; Harvey (Lloyd); Haines (Carl W); Helms (Sarah Teegarden Hathaway); I - Irwin (Lewis) - J - James ( Wanetah Stockdale, Lydia Ruth); Jackson (Marvin); Johnson (Earl A); Jenkins (William T); Jones (Harry J) K - Keller (Clarence 1949; Harry Lee); Keerns (Floyd); Keeling (Bart added; Carl; Gordon); Kietzman (Edna Lucille); Kingan (Margaret McDole); Kuhlman (Sarah Gaskill). L - Lister (Dan); Lewis (Dorothy); Largent (Virgil); LaBaw (Gordon; Lonzo); Leonard (James R); Lindley (Milton added 2); Ludlow (Carolyn); Lunger (Laura.
Added 50 more - B - Brown (Charles 1948; Cora Brooks; Ernest Alfred; John R; John WEsley); Bush (Morris); Bryant (Almeda) H - Hagel (Mary Catherine); Hamilton (Ada); Hannah (Lena Leota Gouty); Harden (Elmer E); Harper (James B - added); Hack (James Robert - WWII Vet); Hambright (Clarence) ; Harvey (Lloyd); Haines (Carl W); Helms (Sarah Teegarden Hathaway); I - Irwin (Lewis) - J - James ( Wanetah Stockdale, Lydia Ruth); Jackson (Marvin); Johnson (Earl A); Jenkins (William T); Jones (Harry J) K - Keller (Clarence 1949; Harry Lee); Keerns (Floyd); Keeling (Bart added; Carl; Gordon); Kietzman (Edna Lucille); Kingan (Margaret McDole); Kuhlman (Sarah Gaskill). L - Lister (Dan); Lewis (Dorothy); Largent (Virgil); LaBaw (Gordon; Lonzo); Leonard (James R); Lindley (Milton added 2); Ludlow (Carolyn); Lunger (Laura.
Note 4:
Just 35 -- I got super sleepy but here are the ones I added :)
M -- Mahoney (Thomas); Mason (Joseph); Marquess (James C); Marsh (Wayne); Mast (Marion E); Marsh (Wayne T); Massey (Mary Vaughn); Marsh (Daniel); Martin (Charles):McMasters (Myrtle Lewis); McAlister (William); McCollum (Jasper); McGaughey (Oliver - Rev); McKee (Gwendolyn) ; McMahan (Lillie Belle) R -- Rabb (Frank); Ratcliff (Mary Whitaker; Clem); Reed (Maude McKinney. Ralph W - KIA WWII); Redenbaugh Tessie; Reed(Ralph W - KIA; Maude McKinney); and more :)
Just 35 -- I got super sleepy but here are the ones I added :)
M -- Mahoney (Thomas); Mason (Joseph); Marquess (James C); Marsh (Wayne); Mast (Marion E); Marsh (Wayne T); Massey (Mary Vaughn); Marsh (Daniel); Martin (Charles):McMasters (Myrtle Lewis); McAlister (William); McCollum (Jasper); McGaughey (Oliver - Rev); McKee (Gwendolyn) ; McMahan (Lillie Belle) R -- Rabb (Frank); Ratcliff (Mary Whitaker; Clem); Reed (Maude McKinney. Ralph W - KIA WWII); Redenbaugh Tessie; Reed(Ralph W - KIA; Maude McKinney); and more :)
Note 5:
Added 30 this time -- N: Nixon (Mary Cade); Nanni (Ida); Neal (Edward); Newnum (Ida; Elanor; Marcius C); Norman (Lillie Herron; Oscar). P: Pardue (George Lee; Pauline Evelyn; Pauline Patricia; Penny Sue); Ping (Irodel Thomas); Parker (Alfred R; Charles Clinton "Bud"); Pratt (Ross); Pyle (Ernie). S: Shular (William "Uncle Billy); Shuler (Anna Allgood); Shobe (Catherine Gebhart); Shoaf (Loren); Shultz (Morris H); Shell (Marion Everett); Shelby (John W); Shoaf (Mildred English Best).
Added 30 this time -- N: Nixon (Mary Cade); Nanni (Ida); Neal (Edward); Newnum (Ida; Elanor; Marcius C); Norman (Lillie Herron; Oscar). P: Pardue (George Lee; Pauline Evelyn; Pauline Patricia; Penny Sue); Ping (Irodel Thomas); Parker (Alfred R; Charles Clinton "Bud"); Pratt (Ross); Pyle (Ernie). S: Shular (William "Uncle Billy); Shuler (Anna Allgood); Shobe (Catherine Gebhart); Shoaf (Loren); Shultz (Morris H); Shell (Marion Everett); Shelby (John W); Shoaf (Mildred English Best).
Note 6:
Added 30 more on the same day as above - I'm so excited seeing this grow so much :)
W -- Wakeland (Beulah "Hazel); Walters (James E); Warner (William Charles); Watkins (Mildred Kinn); Wallace (Connie, Grover Cleveland - added to his); Weddle (Mary H); Whelan (Josephine); Westfall (Iva); Wildman (James "Fenton - added); Wilson (Emma; Lura; Michael D); Williams (David; James 1948; James J); Williamson (Anna Eliza Smith + her baby; Mary Madden - added to); Wood (India Baldwin); Wolfe (Sarah Olive); Witchman (Myrtle Evelyn); Woody (James 19014; John 1915).
Added 30 more on the same day as above - I'm so excited seeing this grow so much :)
W -- Wakeland (Beulah "Hazel); Walters (James E); Warner (William Charles); Watkins (Mildred Kinn); Wallace (Connie, Grover Cleveland - added to his); Weddle (Mary H); Whelan (Josephine); Westfall (Iva); Wildman (James "Fenton - added); Wilson (Emma; Lura; Michael D); Williams (David; James 1948; James J); Williamson (Anna Eliza Smith + her baby; Mary Madden - added to); Wood (India Baldwin); Wolfe (Sarah Olive); Witchman (Myrtle Evelyn); Woody (James 19014; John 1915).
Note 7:
And, here is another 30 - WOW - love it -- P : Pearson (Delcy Pithoud - added 2); Peters (Ronald Duane - ahhhh); Porter, Carol Jean, Florence, William); Parish (Margaret); Ricklehoff (Irvin); Ross (Martha Kerr x2; Victor); Rogers (Burton - added); Rosenbaum (Mary Taylor); Rosenbarger (Della); Royal (Halbert x 3 - WWI Vet); Russell (Thane). S : St. Clair (Labert - added); Sample (Sarah Carter); Sams (Hazel Williams - added); Sawyer (Harry); Schoonover (Magdalena); Sering (Herber, Ralph); Schlosser (Arthur, Joseph); Searle (Joseph Henry)
And, here is another 30 - WOW - love it -- P : Pearson (Delcy Pithoud - added 2); Peters (Ronald Duane - ahhhh); Porter, Carol Jean, Florence, William); Parish (Margaret); Ricklehoff (Irvin); Ross (Martha Kerr x2; Victor); Rogers (Burton - added); Rosenbaum (Mary Taylor); Rosenbarger (Della); Royal (Halbert x 3 - WWI Vet); Russell (Thane). S : St. Clair (Labert - added); Sample (Sarah Carter); Sams (Hazel Williams - added); Sawyer (Harry); Schoonover (Magdalena); Sering (Herber, Ralph); Schlosser (Arthur, Joseph); Searle (Joseph Henry)
Note 8:
40 this time :) Making that 467 this month and who knows - might not be done yet - lol.
40 this time :) Making that 467 this month and who knows - might not be done yet - lol.
S: Siekerman, Carole; Slavens (ZM); Smith (Frank; Lula Robbins; Martha M; Mollie; Patricia Jean; Ralph; Sharon Kay); Stanton (Fred Lowe); Songer (Robert C; Millie; Eileen x2); Solomon (Flora Cromwell); Starkey (Harry R); Sowers (Lydia Bodine; Sylvester); Sparks - Ben - Civil War; Stevens (Helen M); Sweitzer (Mary Ann Paddock); Sutton (Roscoe; Daisy Stoup); Stenger (John); Steele (Clella); Stout (Frank; Martha Atkinson); Stephens (Edwin); Stoup (Wilbur; Summers (Zura Leonard); Stuart (Dorothy); Stull (Anna Ross; Sweeny (Caroline Sanders)
Note 9:
37 more added making the total for the year but pretty sure we'll make it to 17,000 this year :) Also our goal was to put up 500 and I just did 504 just this month thanks to my super amazing typists
Added: M: - Morrison (Mary Ellen); Myers (Mary Sophia); Moore (Rueben; John E; Raymond M - added; Sarah Campbell - added; Ralph; Pearl Gott; Myron James). S: - Schoonover, Margaret Yeager; Sangster (Harriet); Scott (Marion). T: - Teague (Clarence Leonidas; Rebecca); Thompson (Charlie E; Thornton- Civil War; Clay; William Homer; Pearl McHargue); Thomas (James; Milton - Civil War; Rhoda Wilson); Tharp (Bobby Lee); Thurman (Charles Hayes); Tinkey (Grace); Timmons (Ezekial); Tharp (Bobby Lee); Turner, Arthur J. Tooker (Frank); Tunin (Woodford).
Note 10 :
35 more totally 539 this month
B: - Babb (John R; Gertrude); Bain (WilliamH); Barfell (Franklin E); Babb (Forrest); Barker (John W); Barlett (Dorothy Hartman); Barr (Carol); Barnhart (Emma); Brewer (Emma); Bounnell (Bernice); Bowman (Nina; Lulu); Bonebrake (Ira Lincoln; Glen L - WWII - KIA); Briney (Robert L); Brown (Elizabeth 1925; Floyd - 1954; Mercedes Furr; Ruby Hazel; William Albert; Ruby Hazel; Sheldon Chapman); Bruner (Harry; Mary Cook; William Russell - WWII)
35 more totally 539 this month
B: - Babb (John R; Gertrude); Bain (WilliamH); Barfell (Franklin E); Babb (Forrest); Barker (John W); Barlett (Dorothy Hartman); Barr (Carol); Barnhart (Emma); Brewer (Emma); Bounnell (Bernice); Bowman (Nina; Lulu); Bonebrake (Ira Lincoln; Glen L - WWII - KIA); Briney (Robert L); Brown (Elizabeth 1925; Floyd - 1954; Mercedes Furr; Ruby Hazel; William Albert; Ruby Hazel; Sheldon Chapman); Bruner (Harry; Mary Cook; William Russell - WWII)
NOTE 11: Eight obits have been added that were formerly located in the "Military Section" being Obituaries of Veterans and some "KIA", they are: Green, H. J. - 1918; Jacksob, Gordon; Patton, Fay; Rice, C. Richard; Rinn, Robert; Smith, Orel Austin; McLinney, Charles W. - 1918; Williams, Harry - Bud;
BIBLE - ( YTD): added cleared up an entry -
Biographies _3__ Added (8039 to date) Purnell (Fred S - added); Wallace, Forest and John M. Birdcell
WPA Deaths: ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : Names include: --Year to date added _22___ (989 photos to date) =
Photo Presentations of County Events:
Diaries: ____ = (27 images)
Divorces ____ - - (ytd= )
- Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
- War of 1812: ____
- Civil War - 5- = William Conover; Enoch Robbins; Ben Sparks; Thomas, Milton; Thompson, Thornton
- Mexican American -____
- WWI : __1__ -- - Names include: Steinbaugh, Robert George
- WW II _9_ Names Include: Added William Hensley; Carl Leonard Jones; Hack, James Robert ; Brown, John R; Peyton, Charles; Pugh, Glen V; Robert George Steinbaugh; Bruner, William Russell; Bonebrake - WWII - KIA
- Korean War: _ :
- Vietnam War :
MARRIAGES : _4 _ = --(23,508 to date): Cottrell; Billings; Robbins; Sunday
Alumni (Schools) _ _ - (ytd = 5 ):
NEWS ITEMS 3 -- (946) Names: Big 4 RR - Veedersburg requests $227,000 - Veedersburg-ball articles; Teddy Roosevelt campaigns here
BLOG -- added
BUSINESSES (ytd= 6 )=
BRICK WALL ____ ==
Churches = _2 = YTD= Presbyterian - Covington; Salem Methodist
OBITUARIES 98 + 40 more (see K, L, Mc, Mas + 40 more - see B's (total 178) + 40 more (see bottom) + 42 more - see C's = 260 for October Added:- ( obits this year to date _1063__ & Total obits on the site: 16,515
Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: A B - Babb (Vernon); Bailey (Franklin P); Baldwin (Betty Lou Krout; Edwin; Elizabeth Dade; Joseph A 1918; Lula Burks ; Barker (Jesse 1915; Lucinda Cotton). Beck (Kate); Berry (Charles 1915); Best (John); Bean (TH); Bingham (Elizabeth Remster); Billings (Harley D; Hiram H - CW); Blacker (Louise); Bodine (Robert). Booe (James, Maria); Bone (Joseph O); Bonebrake (Jennie); Boyer (William); Brant (Nancy Murray); Bradley (Sarah E). Bundy (Ella); Burk (George Wesley); Butts (Abraham Lincoln); Brown (Benjamin; Cheryl Kay; Donald R - WWII Navy; Elizabeth 1949; Gertrude Hill; Homer 1931; Joseph 1915; Vina Zenor). C - Canan (George -CW); Caldwell (Harvey M); Campbell (Albert); Carter (Malinda Weeks added; WB); Carver (Mary Louise Phillips); Cate (Garry); Cates (Joshua - added; William Henry); Clark (Edna S); Clawson (Philander); Clickiner (Susan); Clore (Austin); Coats (William); Coffing (H.; Kennith Margaret Diehl); Cowan (John); Corbin (Nancy Myers); Coontz (Vallerie); Courtney (Rosannah Manly - added); Cooper (Jacob Preston - added); Cronk (Ethel Graham); Cramer (Della; Frederick; Harry; Herman; Mary Moore; Mary Keerns); Crowder (Etta and Mike); Cuthbert (Marvin - WWII - very interesting fellow); Cunningham (Earl B); Curry (Truman). D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - Kibby (Charles); Keller (William Frances; Laura Ham; John Taylor; Nancy Cox; Kay (Edward Stanley - KIA WWII); Kaufman (Rev ?); Keerns (Guy); Kennedy (Surrilda Gilkison); Krug (Billie - KIA WWII); Keeling (Arthur); Kirts (William Glenn - WWII - KIA) L - Laird (Rebecca); Lewis (Hon. Olivier P); Little (George Allen; Joseph - CW); Light (Velma); Lindley (Manley; William L); Lowe (John); Lusk (John); Mc -Added these later - McFerrin (Melvina); McAlister (Nannie; Roland; Ruth; McMasters (Perly Bailey; Cora Clemenz); McClure (Freemont). McCollum, Charles, Fleeta; McCorkle, Charles Leland; McCracken, Sylvester Basil - WWII Navy vet; Ed - added; McMaster (OH); McMahon (Joe); M - Added these later - Mann (Bertha Drake; Marks (James G); Martin (John W "Shoaf); Marsh (Perry - 1914 - train) Metcalf (Esther); Mitten (Walter - added); Misner (William - KIA WWII); Meeker (Julia McKnight) - M -- Madden (Lydia Marks); Martin (Karnea - added; Ella; Nora Payne); Massey (Alonzo; Martha Helton); Mayer (Michael); Marshall (Olive - added); Marsh (Wayne - WWII KIA). N - Norris (William; Sarah Bowsher x2). O - O'Connor (William); Orahood (Maggie Fox); Ory (Marion); Ottinger (Clifford Charles Navy Vet; Orval "Bun"); Orvis (Emma); P - Patterson (William J); Parent (John - 1906); Parnell (Della Elizabeth, Frank); Payton (Zula); Pavey (Martha Ann); Pence (Charles E - WWII Vet); Pevler (Chris); Phipps (Ada Lawson, Ruby); Penick (Helen); Pender (Bruce); Pickard (Eliza Hunt; Rosabell); Pixley (Lida A); Philpott (Ann); Poke (Barnard); Pratt (Golda; Herman); Price (Henry); Puckett (John M x 3) Pugh (Jesse Levi); Purnell (Henry; William L); Pyke (Gilbert). S - Sheridan (Hugh); Shell (Lena; Oliver G); Shanks (Celia Drullinger); Shoaf (Dee); Simmons (Mary Evans - added; William Edwards - added); Sinclair (Lee W); Smith (Hildred Tomlinson); Smith (Clifford Col. John T - CW x 3 + photo); Solomon (Charles Marion x2 - WWII); Sowers (James Miles added; Cora Campbell; Thomas (added); Francis Valentine) Swaim (Daniel C); Swim (Robert M - KIS b Montezuma - WWII); Swindler (John); Stambaugh (Solomon Brown); Starkey (William E - added); Stonebraker (Nina - added); Taylor (Simon Arthur; Teegarden (Henry W -a dded); Thompson (Winfield Scott); Tomlinson (Charles D; Towell (George; Elizabeth Cox); W - Wall (Leonard); Waclaw (Edward); Walton (Favor); Ward (Leota); Wasson (Howard, Manford, Parmelia); Walton (Favor); Weidman (Emma); Welch (Leah Woody Manwaring); Whilhite (Jesse); Wheatley (Lydia Mayes).
NOTE: Since I added these in the letters above (dummy me I had C-K left but ...) - here are the new ones added M -- Meeker (Orville); Minnick (Simon); Mellott (John) Miller (Charles, Dean, Nellie, Rena, Robert, Ruth); Mitchell (Elmer, Fay); Moffitt (Jesse); Moore (Bertha Petro; Donald; Eula; Paul; Morgan (Robert G). N - Nay (Bavis); Noggle (Sylvia); Noland (Elizabeth Day - added 2); Norris (Nell). P - Pickard (John); Peck (Florence); Pearl (Lillis); Perry (Patricia Henry); Pitts (Sarah Shelby); Pithoud (Elisha added); Perigo (William H); Pugh (Kathleen Newnum). R - Ratcliff (Frances - added; Mary; Thomas R added).
BIBLE - ( YTD): added cleared up an entry -
Biographies __ Added (8036 to date)
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : 3 Names include: --Year to date added _22___ (989 photos to date) = Richard Isley Family circa 1889; Cornelius & Phoebe Bonebrake family - update - thanks to those who have sent great photos :); Rice, George Washington and son William Low Rice;
PHOTOGRAPHERS - _1__ =-Oliver G. Shell
Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
War of 1812: ____
Civil War - 4 - = Grady Garrett; Dawn R. Thomas; Hiram H. Billings; George Canan
Mexican American -____
WWI : ____ -- - Names include:
WW II _4 _ Names Include: Added Martin, Willard D and William Leroy Misner (plus his obit); Donald R. Brown (Navy Vet); Cuthbert (Marvin - quite an interesting fellow)
Korean War: _ :
Vietnam War :
MARRIAGES : _ _ = --(23,503 to date):
Alumni (Schools) _ 1 _ - (ytd = 5 ): Mill Creek Township School History;
NEWS ITEMS 10 -- (946) Names: Hall, Billy (cost of inquest); Harper, Joseph - same; Shanks, Clara - added six articles about her murder; McBroom boys - added 1; Allen Curts - added 1
Family Fact Sheets -- Clagett; Foster
Family Recipes 1 = (YTD = 62 ) : Added: Homemade Banana Cream pie that can be adapted for other kinds - yum for all (Butterscotch and Coconut)
Churches = _1 = YTD= Antioch Free Methodist article
Town / Township Information 1 : (YTD = 2 ) added much more to Antioch
OBITUARIES 314 Added:- ( obits this year to date _803__ & Total obits on the site: 16,255 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: A -Alward, Otis; Adair, Virgil; Abernathy, Chauncey; Anglemeyer, Robert G (KIA - WWII); Armstrong, inf. of Roscoe. B - Baker (Andrew, Amanda Lindley, Ira); Banning (inf of Charles); Bannon (Dora Michael); Barkley (Sarah); Boswell (Everett); Brandenburg (Daisy); Brewer (Roe); Booe (Arthur, Elmer); Brown (Gertrude); Brissey (James W); Brown (Elizabeth, Franklin, Newton. C -; Carnahan (Joseph); Carr (Amos, Delphine); Coffing (Ira Allen; Ordin); Coen (Caroline, John); Coddington (Ray); Clodfelter (Hattie Groves); Crowder (Alice); Cory (David W); Copeland (Cora); Cunningham (Margaret); D - Davan (Kathryn); Dennis (Bertha); Darnell (Robert); Davis (Monroe); Deck (Zachary); Davis (Robert E); Dantz (Katherine); Dodds (Catherine Cosett; Downing (Aurelia Ritchey; Dusman (Benjamin Franklin); Demotte (Harriet); Devaun (Maggie - added); Drollinger (Frank; Herbert). E - Epperson (Gertrude); Ephlin (inf of JH; Lucy); Evans (Lou); Ewan (Ruth). F - Fauth, Lola; Farley (Joseph); Florey (Clifford); Fortner (Mabel Staggs); Foster R(Robert John). G - Gardiner (Dale, Oliver); Galloway (Wendell); Glascock (Norris); Goddard (Henry K); Goodin (Garret); Gouty (Gerald); Green (Elmer); Gray (Harry). H - Hagley (Thornton); Halpren (Connie); Hall (Bertha Hyatt); Herrick, Edward Melvin - WWII; Hegg (Quinton); Harris (Edna Smith Price); Holden (Paul); Hoffhaus (Edwin - WWII); Hinton (William); Hiatt (inf son of John); Hershberger (Lee); Hobson (inf of Ulysses); Hudson (Frank); Hunter (Sam); Holycross (Roscoe); Hybarger (Clyde). I - Ingram (Charles); Inlow (Rebecca); Ingersoll (Clayton, Alice Myers); Irwin (Mary). J - Jones (Elizabeth - murdered 1869); Janeway (Anna); Jackson (Susan Pavey added 2); Johnson (Hattie May). K - Keller (Mary Keller; Kenneth Ray); Kellogg (Ollive); Kelly (Clyde); Keefer (Ralph); Kerns (Madge); Kerr (George); Kerns (Madge); King (Ethel).
Added 70 more - names are here -- LaBaw (Jacob; Mary); Leming (Mary Anglin); Lewis (Martha, Minnie); Liggett (Donald J); Lindley (Edna); Livengood (Mary Williams); Linville (Mattie); Linker (Richard); Livengood (Mary Williams); Longacres (Henry); Lyday (Mark). MacGregor (Jessie); Maffett (Ladoska); Marlatt (John Ollie; Mont); Martin (Guy Henry); Mann (Frank Cleo); Manning (Henry Goble); Manwaring (Floyd); Maris (Charles; Thomas; Elmer). McCormick (Carrie); McCollum (Manford); McCrary (Willam Elry); McDonnell (John H); McGill (Charles); McGowan (Nora Truhart); McGinnis (Bessie Atkinson); McKinney (Virginia); McKinsey (Annie); McFerran (Catherine); McMasters (Eugene); McNett (Carl "JacK"); Meadows (Basil; Jesse Cortland); Mendenhall (Jacob, Erastus, Orval); Mennen inf of Levi; Miller (Gene Dale - Korean War); Mills (Mary Louise); Mitchell (Dallas; Ronald Louis); Morgan (David); Moffett (Thomas D); Moore (Francis Alderson; Minnie Phipps; Ralph L); Morehouse (Eva); Myers (John C; Beulah Myers; William Bloomer; Mary Jane); Moudy (Ernest); Murray (James Vernon). Nelson (John A); Newlin (William H); Nine (Archie); Newnum inf of Joseph; Nixon (Henry V); North (Edward). ENJOY
And we added 74 more - likely it for the month :) Ranier (Myrtle); Ramey (Donna); Rater (Ruth); Redenbaugh (Martha Brissy); Rabb (William); Ratcliff (Ann Barkley; Miles; Ethel Hadley Towell); Reath (Henry A; Redden (Laura Meharry); Redenbaugh (Francis, Willis); Redman (Willis); Reed (Alina); Reeves (William L); Rogers (Ralph, Clement); Romack (Kathleen Sare; Rupert (Archie -WWI Major); Rice (Francis, James); Richards James L - WWI; Riley (William); Robbin J. Warren; Royal William R; Rusk, Cecil (added); Sandlin (Pearly); Sangster (FP)); Sering (Beverly); Short (Clarence; Walter); Shoaf (John O - fixed); Shirk (Harriet Sangster); Shell (Frank) Sherrill (Rev MF - added); Simmons (Mary Evans); Sloan (Elmira Smalley - dded); Smith (inf d/o Wayne; Charles; Gerry; Chester L - WWII); Sowers (Benjamin & Martha Shanks). Sprouls (Albert); Starnes (Harold); Stonebraker (Gordon - KIA WWII; Helen; Nina); Stonecipher (James Clem); Strader (Sherman S - added); Starkey (Henry R; William E). Tanner (Katherine Merryman); Taylor (Fred); Thomas (Dawn R - CW; John A; Robert; Lulu;); Vonberg (Henry F); Vaughan (James F); Vessells (William G (Rev); Thompson (Jesse); Todd (Donald); Trobaugh (Frank); Turner (Robert Earl).
Added 55 more plus a few other items - Who's Who to make that goal - YES! --Added -A -- Allen, Maldon and Jesse; Alward (Earl - added); Anders (Fred - added); Arehart (Alva); B -- Babb (Forrest - KIA - WWII - rest in peace); Baldwin (Stanley); Barrett (Merle - KIA - WWII); Best (son of Charles); Beavers (Lawrence "Buz"); Bingham (George - added); Bilsland (Benjamin); C -Cox (Cecil, David Eugene - so sad; Mae); Crane (Lawrence "Bill"); Crawford (Alma) Cord (inf of Sterling); Crowder (Freeman Clark). D - Day (Clellie - added); Deal (Oliver); DeSutter (Richard); Drollinger (Mary - added); Dowden (Frank); Drummond (Joseph W); Durham (Louiza Myers) W - Williams (Charles - 1906); Winslow (Ezra); Wilson (Amos; Jerry Wayne); Witsman (Claude); Wolfe (Sarah Lee); Wooliver (Sarah; Sarah Eastlack); Wood (Wilbur - Drowned WWII); Wright (Betty Belle); Wykoff (Susanna); Y - Yates (Alta Waggoner - added) Z -- Zigler (Glenna); Zachery (Ouida); Zackmire (Alvah - added); Zink (Clyde - WWI Vet); Zimmerman (Anne E).
Biographies _1_ Added (8036 to date) Townsley, Nancy
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : 6 Names include: --Year to date added __22__ (986 photos to date) = see bio additions this month - each has one photo and Gaumey Neal has two
- Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
- War of 1812: ____
- Civil War - 2 - = Grady Garrett; Dawn R. Thomas
- Mexican American -____
- WWI : ____ -- - Names include:
- WW II __6 _ Names Include: Anglemeyer - KIA; Gene Dale Miller; Gordon Stonebraker - KIA; Babb, Forrest - KIA; Barrett, Merle - KIA - WWII; Wilbur Wood - drowned during WWII
- Korean War: _ :
- Vietnam War :
MARRIAGES : _ _ = --(23,503 to date):
Alumni (Schools) _ 1 _ - (ytd = 4 ): October 27 in 1905, the Covington Republican listed the officers and teachers for the upcoming school year with J. W. Wilkey, County Superintendent;
NEWS ITEMS 3 -- (936) Names: Quick, Griffith & Grace - 50th anniversary - Epidemics - 1900 fevers; Indian Burial Mounds on Jacob Luse Farm;
BUSINESSES (ytd= 6 )=
Family Fact Sheets -- Clagett; Foster
Family Recipes = (YTD = 62 ) : Added: SHUCKS - I'm ALL OUT - anyone have any super family recipes you got at a family dinner; reunion; you loved of your mom's or gma's - LOVE 'EM -- a
Blog and Facebook Pages: : (Total = X ) :
Town / Township Information 1 : (YTD = 2 ) added much more to Antioch
Who's Who __5__ (YTD = - TD 55 ) -Bingham (James - politician); Bogue (Zelma (1st female mayor in Glendale, California); Fairchild (Hiram Orlando- minister/politician); Meeker (Jacob Edwin minister/Congressman) Neal, Ray "Gaumey" - DePauw long time great coach
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** AUGUST 2023 **
OBITUARIES 48 Added:- ( obits this year to date _490__ & Total obits on the site: 15,936 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: Bible, Mary (added to hers); Biddle (Margaret J - added to hers; Maggie Gray); Briles (Martha Lang x 2; Elizabeth Bannon x 2; Sam); Carson (Ralph); Carpenter (Minnie); Mitten (Walter); Mitton (Billy Virgil - Korean War; Lois Newman); Mitman (Oliver "Ben"son; Ursula); Miller (Lucy Dell - added; Robert Lawrence);' Mitchell (John 1945). Murphy (John - murdered; Murray (Sarah jane "Jennie"; James Vernon; George Anthony); Moore (David added 2; Dennis Carlton; Moody (Blanche); Myers (Glen, Mary Jane Clore, Smith, Thomas M); Morgan (David x 2; Ora Heath); Mospellar (Jemima Bean); Reed (Ralph; Trula x 2); Reese Thelma Mickle; Reichard (John d 1953; Sylvester x 2); Smith; Louis x 2 (Major WWII; Randy W; Roberta Dean).
Biographies _4_ Added (8035 to date) Grimes, Charles H (2 articles); and George L, his brother). William Conover
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
PHOTOS : Names include: --Year to date added __16__ (980 photos to date) =
- Revolutionary War= ____ - Added
- War of 1812: ____
- Civil War - 1 - = Grady Garrett)
- Mexican American -____
- WWI : ____ -- - Names include:
- WW II __ _ Names Include:
- Korean War: _ :
- Vietnam War :
NEWS ITEMS 3 -- (933) Names:1905 US Rural Mail Carriers (did not include individually but the index program should find 'em for you) -- Madden, daughter born to M/M Fred; Orr, Charles Walton b in Kansas
BLOG -- added
BUSINESSES (ytd= 6 )=
BRICK WALL ____ ==
Family Recipes = (YTD = 62 ) : Added: ALL OUT - anyone have any super family recipes you got at a family dinner; reunion; you loved of your mom's or gma's - LOVE 'EM --
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** JULY 2023 **
OBITUARIES 77 Added:- ( obits this year to date _442__ & Total obits on the site: 15,888 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: Arnold (Laura Clark); Abernathy (Elizabeth McGlade) Alexander (SD); Clawson (Jennie); Coffing (James); Davidson (Thomas); Donaldson (Cy - Civil War); Ellis (Doris Dwyer Harrington); Ellison (baby of Harry); Etter (Mary); Fisher (John Hartman - added); Fleming (John); Grady (Garrett - CW; Grace; William); Gooden (Lucy); Gritton (Bessie; Helen; Ivan; Paul; Ruth - 1922 tornado); Hall (Mettie); Heistand - Hiestand (Mrs John; John Wesley); Harris (Ethel Rice); Hershberger (Levi); High (Gladys, Joseph 1922 cyclone); Hushaw (Samuel (added); Hupe (Alice); Kirkpatrick Edwin J (added 2 obits); Knoth (August); Kuntz (Florence Katie - 1922 cyclone); Martin (Olive Moore; Charles 1950); Maris (Albert) - Maris ? Marsie (Mrs. John killed in the 1922 cyclone in Hedrick - ANYONE KNOW WHO SHE IS - I've never seen the name Marsie nor could I find her - HELP ON THIS ONE); Merryman; Milligan (Sanford); Minton (Delores Louise); Nebeker (Rinda); Nodruft (Claire); Parish (William); Pettit (Hattie - poisoned by her minister husband); Pittman (Jennie Goben); Ringle (Adam); Rivers (Raymond Daniel); Ross (Jesse Warren); Smith (Goldie - killed in 1922 cyclone in Hedrick; William 1890); Thomas (Wreatha Coffing); Tilton (Olive); Tinsley (Matilda Simpson); Verhey (Bernard; Vickery (Mary Louise); Waldrip (Henry - CW); Whiting (Lucy); Wear (Rote); Weisenberger (Anna)
BIBLE - ( YTD): added cleared up an entry -
Biographies Added (8031 to date)
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: 2 ( 11 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include: Martin (Olive Moore - see also obits); Ryder (Mary)
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : Names include: --Year to date added __16__ (980 photos to date) =
Revolutionary War= __5__ - Added Olinger (Jacob; John); Blue (John added 2 articles); Farmer (Nathaniel);
Civil War - 1 - = Grady Garrett)
MARRIAGES : _ 13_ = --(23,503 to date): Larson-Swanson; Rosenberger-Bunnell; Cooper - Death; Gookins - Bodine; Macrh-Redenbaugh; Ray-Rivers -; Compilation of Indiana Marriage Laws with regard to "Age";
NEWS ITEMS 26 -- (930) Names: Henderson Lewis (suspended basketball player); Babb (Gladys injured); Jones (Elizabeth - killed); Beckelheimer (Clarissa); Cruea (Wm - 23# catfish); Knapp, Charley (catfish); Cash Colwell (Barn burned) Tice, Jacob - stable burned); Peak (Gerald - accident); Welch, Leo - wreck. Covington Friend turns 50; Claypool HR - visits mother) Small pox 1909 (added); Minick, Simon - 70th Anniversary); Remster, Frederick - shooting rampage - kills Eliz Jones wounds Clariss Beckelheimer); Mayor WR Massey sells property
BUSINESSES (ytd= 6 )=
Family Recipes 29 = (YTD = 62 ) : Added: ALL OUT - anyone have any super family recipes you got at a family dinner; reunion; you loved of your mom's or gma's - LOVE 'EM -- added today Salted Peanut Chews; 4-hour stew; Brownie Cheesecake; Dulce deLeche Pie; Fruit Pizza; Fruit Dip x2 (Cranberry and Raspberry ones; 22 images of the Waynetown Christian Church Cookbook of 1906;
Churches = _2 = YTD= 2 = Forest Chapel dedication; Wolf Creek - super article
Town / Township Information : (YTD = 1 )
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** JUNE 2023 **
OBITUARIES 92 Added:- ( obits this year to date _365__ & Total obits on the site: 15,811 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: Babb (Frana; Wallace); Baker (Ira B); Cooper (Archie, Joe, Mary Ellis); Ehrie (Anna); Green (Jesse Ray); Gross (Mary); Hancock (John Earl); Harvey (Leonard); Hoover (Margaret; Ralph Clayton; Vera); Hysong (Harriet); Howard (Leslie + photo); Jones (Joanna); Johnson (Joan Kennedy)
Krout (Fannie; Henry; Jacob; John); Marshall (Olive); Martin (America Osborn; Ella Planett; Henry; Karnea; Orville; Theodore L); McCracken (Ed); McAllister (Charles added); McElwee (Mary A); McBroom (Elldrige added; Elam Rowland; Vertie); McDermond (J. Frank added); McLain (Preston); Merrill (Ora); Meek (Elijah); Meadows (Edith); Messmore (Andrew); Miller Tom); Meek (Elijah); Mitchell (Dwight - WWII died from wounds from battle); Morehouse (Eva); Murphy (John added); Rice (Alice added); Roembke (James - WWII Vet); Rusing (Ruth Anna -a dded); Smith (Julia Keller; Mary Church; Sarabel); Smithson (Frederick C); Towell (Mary Marshall); Underwood (Albert Cleveland); Verhey (Mabel Martha);Westfall (Alexander; Charles Allen; Christopher Columbus; Clara; Enos; Judith Thomas; Ora R); Young (Elpha);
Biographies 1 Added (8031 to date) MORGAN, Nathaniel
PHOTOS : 1 Names include: --Year to date added __16__ (980 photos to date) = Leslie Howard - see his obit);
- WW II __6 _ Names Include: six articles on John Thomas Ehrie
- Korean War: _ 1 : Added article on Ernest Krout
MARRIAGES : _ 4_ = --(23,490 to date) to date: -Grismore (Geraldine to Lawrence Branham and Robert to Eileen Shimp)
Alumni (Schools) _3 _ - (ytd = 4 ): articles on Ingersoll Corner; Sulphur Spring;
NEWS ITEMS 4 -- (904) Names: BWager between Ingersol Corner and Sulphur Spring schools; Jesse Booe pleads guilty;
Family Recipes 5 = (YTD = 33 ) : Added: Tuna Mushroom Casserole; No-Peek Chicken (yummy); Dirt Pudding; Mala Moody's Marvelous M&M Bars; Strawberry Refrigerator Cake
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** MAY 2023 **
OBITUARIES 51 Added:- ( obits this year to date _273__ & Total obits on the site: 15,719 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Names are: DeBelle (Jerry); Davis (Irvin, Manning, Ruth Powell, Thelma Keys); Dazey (Pauline - added); Dearing (Mattie); Kerr (Orson, Timothy); Kiger (Billy Ray); Kingan (George Thomas - added to his); Kinnamon (Homer Alexander); Leatherman (Carrie); Leath (Edward - added); Lee (Elsie Ottinger); Leming (Mary Elizabeth - added to hers); Leonard (Ella - added); Longacre (Henry); Lyons (Joseph W); Mallory (Harry Le"Roy"); Macey (Charles Edward - WWII - lost at sea); Madigan (William - added); Manson, Anson (added); Maltsbarger (Lily - added); Maris (Elmer); Shaw (Mattie); Shapiro (Leo + Photo and Rona - added); Shelby (Frank Y; John B); Sherrell (Harley); Wingert (Henry J); Winger (Dorman + photo) ; Cronk, Freeman-added photo;
Biographies 4 Added (8031 to date) Bingham, James - added to his; Sowers, Lewis - added 3 articles
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 9 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - 1 - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) - added great info on Harveysburg from the new Fountain History book done by the Genealogy group a few years ago - love that book !!
PHOTOS : 3 Names include: --Year to date added __16__ (980 photos to date) = Shapiro, Leo (on obit); Dorman Winger - super fellow + photo; Wood (Bell - added; Henry Wilbur - added; Sina Tinsley); Woodard (Lela; Olive); Work (Howard); Woodruff (Mildred Ingersoll); Wright (Obie Kenneth - added; Mary Lucille Brant); Cronk, Freeman and wife Goldie Butts Cronk;
WW II __1 _ Names Include: Macy, Charles Edward - WWII - lost at sea)
Alumni (Schools) _ 1_ - (ytd = 1 ): A photo of Sterling School 1940 Fifth and Sixth Grade Class with names;
NEWS ITEMS 8 -- (900) Names: Booe - Alvah (arrested); Que Allen (oh wow that boy can run); Cook, Orrie (typhoid fever); Pearson Billie (loses sight in one eye); Parrish (shot in hand); John Shaffer (Poor Farm); Hamilton (John - arrested); Kessler (Jane - shot)
Family Recipes 5 = (YTD = 28 ) : Added: Peanut Butter Fudge (Appetizer - along with Cheese Ball; Wedding Mints - best ever_ and two Cakes (Pistachio Marble and White Chocolate)
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** APRIL 2023 **
OBITUARIES 54 Added:- ( obits this year to date _222__ & Total obits on the site: 15,668 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Beckley (Perry J); Benson (William); Berry (Lucille); Hatch (Freeman); Harvey (Bonnie - added - Toby); Hathaway (Madge; Margurite Hannon; Sarah Woodrum); Hayn (Ruth Pauline); Haupt (Ralph Edward); Hatt (Joseph William); Hayes (Evah Richardson; Frances House; Elvis; Janet); Hayman (Jack; Mary McLaughlin); Hatton (Frank, Lucille Welch); Haworth (Martha; William Max); Inskeep (Cora); Ingersoll (Anna; Dora; Robert; Victor); Jackman (Michael; Thelma); McBroom (Bert); McBride (Gayneslle; Horace); McCall (William); McCance (Floyd Otis); McDaniel (Anna); Monroe (Aaron, Rolla); Moore (Bertha Quick; Carrie Johnson); Ponder (Freda, Mildred); Price (Harold); Pritchard (Frank); Roach (Virginia Weaver; Roebling (Carl H); Roemer (Grace); Rindfleish (Clara Cox); Snider (George Davis); Snouwaert (Minnie); Spencer (Vivian); Spivey (Theron "Bud" -- WWII); Stonebraker (Jackie D); Fisher, John Hartman;
Biographies 2 Added (8030 to date) Barker (Rev) GH (2 articles) ; William Cruea (2 articles)
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 9 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
PHOTOS : 2 Names include: --Year to date added __13__ (977 photos to date) = Fisher, John Hartman;
- Revolutionary War= ____ -
- War of 1812: ____
- Civil War - - =
- Mexican American -____
- WWI : ____ -- - Names include:
- WW II __1 _ Names Include: Spivey, Theron
- Korean War: _ :
- Vietnam War :
Alumni (Schools) _ 8 _ - (ytd = 10 ): Harveysburg School 1906 Teacher Souvenir Pamphlet listing student name and and class (8 images total);
BUSINESSES 3 (ytd= 6 )= McComas & Sullivan Grocers; James M. Duncan - Mammoth Store; Hillsboro Creamery (didn't know they had one :)
Family Recipes 6 = (YTD = 23 ) : Salads: Banana Salad ; Main Dishes: Desserts: Cakes - Sour Cream Cocoa Cake; Appetizers, Breads ... short one on Quick and Easy Biscuit (kind of recipe I need); Uncle Terry's Rustic Rub (best stuff ever if you enjoy cooking outside, in a forman or the like); Cookies - Caramel Drop Cookies. Breakfast - Egg Casserole
Census - added 1850 & Mortality Schedules - YES they're done
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** March 2023 **
OBITUARIES 75 Added:- ( obits this year to date _168__ & Total obits on the site: 15,614 Names: Note some have multiple obits -- Allen (Frances Derrington; Isy Babb; Grace Clore); Alexander (Donald L); Bell (Benjamin 1938; Ira Herbert; J. Estel; Margaret ; Martha Hatt; Phrane; William E.; Wilmer) Bowman (Ethyl; Ferris; Marion); Clore (LaRoy; Laurel); Coontz (Vallerie); Curtis (Homer; Levi); Crowder (Elijah; May Childers); DeHaven; Abner; Arthur); Easter (Thomas Wesley); Edward (Eli); Filkins (Benjamin - Philkens); Foxworthy (George; Fanny Patton; Herman); Glenon (Mary); Glascock (Francis Jackson); Hardesty (Elmer - WWII); Harlan (Lily "Rena" Ingersoll) Howard (Dennis); Hudson (Charlotte); Ireland (Earl - WWI Casualty); James (Clara); Largent (George William); Lang (Frank) Latourette (Bertha Bergdahl); Leonard (Blanche); Lewis (Elmer Jackson); Leath (Joe, Edward); Light (Mary Mayhew); Lindley (Maggie Boner; Lot); Morgan (Jimmy Lee); Moore (Clarence); Newman (Edward - WWII); Newkirk (Arthur); Roberts (Lee); Rubel (Sarah); Saltsgaver (Ida); Talbert (James); Thomas (George 1928); Welch (Tom); Wagoner (Genevra)
Biographies 2 Added (8030 to date) Barker (Rev) GH (2 articles) ; William Cruea (2 articles)
WPA BIRTHS: ( 3,373 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
WPA Deaths: ( 9 SINCE REBUILDING) Additions, corrections and/or updates: To include:
TOWNS - - - ( 112 to date ) - LOVE MORE :) -
PHOTOS : Names include: --Year to date added __11__ (975 photos to date) =
MARRIAGES : _ _ = --(23,486 to date) to date: -
NEWS ITEMS 4 -- (892) Names: Grover, Leonidas - James E. Cowan; Addison Bell (M/M 50th); Meteorite
BUSINESSES 3 (ytd= 3 )= Wabash Petroleum & Coal Mining; Brunswick Bowling Alley; Cadwallader Bowling Alley
Family Recipes 5 = (YTD = 17 ) : Salads: Vegetable & 7-up; Main Dishes: Rice & Sausage Casserole; Lazy Man's Stew; Desserts: Pecan Pie Bars (OH YUM)
** ADDED THIS MONTH ** ** February 2023 **
OBITUARIES 53 Added:- ( obits this year to date _93__ & Total obits on the site: 15,539 Names: Adair (Flossie); Armbuerts (Frank); Barnhart (Elizabeth); Barnett (James); Campbell (Robert W) + Photo; Carnahan (Catherine Greene); Diehl (Jennie Lou); Dooley (Thomas); Draper (J. Harry); Earl (Enoch); Elliott (Lillie Stull); Graff (Ignats "Notsy"); Groves (Jessie - added to hers); Jenks (Barbara Jean); Janzen (Beulah Hancock; Jacob); Kale (Henry); Keiffer (William); Kenny (Emma); Keiffer (William); Kincade (Doyal); Lake (Donny, James W); Lacey (Bertha (added); Lane (Leo Ambrose - WWII died in training); Laube (William F); LaBaw (Jacob W); Lewis (James, Minnie Lacey); Liggett (Daniel); Lighty (Eileen); McCartney (Samuel); McCowan (John); Marquess (Charles x 2); Myers (Jeanette x 2; Ransom x 5); Parker (Eileen Campbell); Philkins (Ben); Randolph (Margaret Wright - added); Ratcliff (Ernest Edward - added); Riley (Isaac); Ryan (Minnie)
PHOTOS : 5 Names include: --Year to date added __11__ (975 photos to date) = Robert W. Campbell (see his obit); Rice, Ferman Herman "Fuzzy", Brown Don and his sister;
- WW II __3 _ Names Include: Lane, Leo Ambrose died in training) - added to Walter Gross; newspaper article 75 bodies returned including Walter Gross
NEWS ITEMS 11 -- (888) Names: Fountain County Poor Farm (in F Miscellaneous) - 11 articles (Ewing & Warrick; Sowers; McCartney, Pugh, Graff, McCowan and hopefully Eliza Ewing
Family Recipes 11 = (YTD = 12 ) : Household hints - Linday Kay's delicious, easy salad; Orange Pineapple Salad; Bagna Cauda; Microwave Meat Loaf; Microwave Peanut Brittle; Most Amazing EVER Apple Dessert; Abby's Pecan Pie; Caramel Pecan Sticky Bun Cookies; Peanut Butter Shortbread; Peanut Butter Fudge
OBITUARIES 40 Added:- ( obits this year to date _40__ & Total obits on the site: 15,486 Names: Harris (Ruth); Hartman (Edward; Kizzie); Haniford (Vernon); Hadley (Martha Maris; son of Charles) Haworth (George Hiram); Harrison (Myrtle); Ingersoll (Clayton - added to); Isley (Charles); Inlow (Rebecca); Jackson (Jessie, Grace, Susan - added); Jollief (John H); Jackson (Alberta Wolfe; Jessie; Mervin - KIA - WWII); Jollief (John H); Keller (Fred, Douglas - KIA WWII); Kellogg (Ollie); Krug (Gladys; Billie - KIA WWII; Russell); Knecht (Albert); Keefer (Ralph - added); Kelly (Clyde); Kisack (Mrs Birgis); McCaw (Alfred, Ota); McCance (Jeanette Walter); McClain ( Albert)
Biographies 3 Added (80238 to date) Lyron Ford (5 articles + photo); Charles R. Henderson (4 articles + photo; Photo of Frederick French during his time in the US Marines;
PHOTOS : 6 Names include: --Year to date added __6__ (970 photos to date) = John Thorn and wife Emma Johnson; Image of Wedding License of John Thorn and Emma Johnson; Photos in Bio - for Lyron Ford and Charles Henderson; Annis Martin Gray and Daniel Gray;
Alumni (Schools) _ 2 _ - (ytd = 2 ): Hillsboro High School Perfect Attendance Pin; List of Kingman High School Alumni from 1898 thry 1927, Taken from the 1928 Yearbook;
Recipes 1 = (YTD = 1 ) : Carrot Cake - I've tried many - this is the best :)