Part of the InGenWeb & USGenWeb Projects
submitted by Jo-Ann Seitzinger
Descendants of Johann (James) Philip Schlauch
Generation No. 1
1. Johann (James) Philip1 Schlauch (???A) was born 24 Jun 1830 in Marjoss,
Kur Hessen Germany, and died 12 Mar 1894 in Evansville, IN; Hospital for the
Insane. He married Katherina (Catherine) Sellman 18 Feb 1854 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN. She was born 06 Nov 1829 in Reimertshausen, Hessen
Darmstadt Germany, and died 15 Dec 1904 in Evansville, IN; 101 Upper 7th
More About Johann (James) Philip Schlauch:
Baptism: 06 Jul 1856, Sponsor: Nicolaus Cang; St. Paul's UCC, Evansville, IN
Burial: 14 Mar 1894, Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr.2), Evansville,
Cause of Death: Acute Bronchitis
Funeral: John Klee Funeral Home, Evansville, IN
Immigration: 10 May 1852, "Ernestine" Ship from Bremen, Germany to New
Orleans; Cptn. E. Frierichs Mfst. 00018100 Steerage; Destination MO;
Occupation: Tailor
Naturalization: 03 Apr 1876, Oath of Allegiance signed, Vanderburgh Cty, IN;
First papers filed same date; BK 2, P 22; Docs. 1479636
Occupation 1: Bet. 1860 - 1883, Tailor
Occupation 2: 01 Jun 1860, Tailor
Occupation 3: 01 Jun 1880, Tailor
Occupation 4: 1906, Tailor
Probate: 26 Mar 1894, Clerk Entry of Will handwritten in German, dated,
February 1, 1873 in Bk/Vol. F, Pg 564; Witnesses were Charles Schlauch &
Charles H. Ritter.
Real Estate 1: 11 Apr 1885, John & Henry Stockfleth purchased Lots 1-7 of
Ballard's Division, Evansville, IN from Isaac H. O'dell for $2,500.
Real Estate 2: 17 Apr 1889, John Quit Claimed Lots 2, 5, 6 & 7 of the
Ballard's Division, Evansville, IN to Henry Stockfleth for No Value.
Real Estate 3: 17 Apr 1889, John sold to Henry Stockfleth Lot 1 of Ballard's
Division, Evansville, IN for $2,000.
Residence 1: Bet. 1860 - 1861, Tailor living at the S. Side of Vine between
3rd & 4th Sts., Evansville, IN
Residence 2: Bet. 1863 - 1873, SW Corner 7th & Vine Sts., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: Bet. 1874 - 1892, 101 Upper 7th St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Source 1: 1860 & 1880 U.S. Census
Source 2: "Ship Passengers Arriving New Orleans-Destination Missouri",
Michael Cassady; Missouri State Genealogical Association Journal, Columbia,
MO; Vol. 4:1 (Winter, 1984), Pg. 45-47.
Source 3: Burch & Polk's City Directories
Source 4: Certificate of Death No. 19900044 signed by E.B.Busee, M.D.
Source 5: Copy of Final Naturalization Document.
Source 6: Evansville, IN Health Department Death Records; Bk CH4A, Pg 190
Source 7: General Social Journal Vol. 5.2, Spring 1985, P. 100, 109-111;
National Archives Film M237, Reels 165, 167 and 315; Michael Cassady, MO
State; Source 8426.1
Source 8: Indiana Death Index
Source 9: Oak Hill Cemetery Records, Evansville, IN
Source 10: The "Ernestine" Ship Manifest
More About Katherina (Catherine) Sellman:
Burial: 18 Dec 1904, Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 6), Evansville,
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Children: 01 Jun 1900, Catherine had 8 children; Only 4 were living on this
Funeral: St. John's Evangelical Church; John Klee Funeral Home, Evansville,
IN; Rev. Lange, Officiating
Immigration: 1852, From Germany
Parents (Facts Pg): Parents Born in Darmstadt, Germany
Place of Birth: Son, John N. Schlauch's, Certificate of Death indicates that
"Catherine Sellman" was born in KY; this is probably incorrect.
Real Estate 1: 03 Apr 1905, Katherine purchased the Fit. Public Square,
Evansville, IN from Phelps F. Darby for $11,510.
Real Estate 2: 05 Jan 1910, Katherine purchased Lot 2 and Pt. of Lot 1, Blk
7 of Elliott's Division, Evansville, IN from Kate Hardin for $900.
Religion: Member of St. John's Evangelical Church
Residence 1: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1860, Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN; Living in the
home of G.H. Schmittz with her Husband, John or James.
Residence 3: 01 Jun 1900, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: Bet. 1900 - 1904, 101 Upper 7th St., Evansville, IN
Source 1: 1860, 1880 & 1900 U.S. Census
Source 2: Evansville Courier Obituary
Source 3: Evansville, IN Health Department Death Records; Bk E12, Pg.36
Source 4: Indiana Death Index
More About Johann Schlauch and Katherina Sellman:
Justice of Peace: James G. Walker,JP
Marriage: 18 Feb 1854, Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN
Marriage license: 16 Feb 1854, Signed by Jacob Lankenheimer, Clerk,
Vanderburgh County, IN
Source: Vanderburgh Cty Marriage Records; Vol VII, Bk. 2, Pg. 672
Children of Johann Schlauch and Katherina Sellman are:
2 i. Tillie2 Schlauch.
More About Tillie Schlauch:
Residence: Bet. 1889 - 1891, 101 Upper 7th, Evansville, IN
Source: Evansville City Directories
3 ii. Johannes (John) Nicholas Schlauch, born 02 Dec 1855 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died 01 Jul 1904 in Evansville, IN; 7th & Vine
Streets. He met None.
More About Johannes (John) Nicholas Schlauch:
Affiliations: The Elks Lodge and the Eagles Lodge
Baptism: 06 Jul 1856, St. Paul's UCC; Witness: Nicolaus Cang, Evansville, IN
Burial: 03 Jul 1904, Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 1), Evansville,
Cause of Death: Nephritis; Died suddenly of a chill..unexpected death
Funeral: John Klee Funeral Home, Evansville, IN
Medical Information: Was partially paralyzed most of his life.
Occupation 1: 1871, Laborer at Tobf,Long & Co, Evansville, IN
Occupation 2: Bet. 1875 - 1904, Cigar Merchant; Owned Little Blackwood Cigar
Factory on 3rd St. between Locust & Walnut Streets
Occupation 3: Bet. 1881 - 1904, Cigar Merchant at 414 Upper 3rd St.,
Evansville, IN
Occupation 4: Abt. 1885, Cigar Store at 414 Upper 3rd, Evansville, IN
Occupation 5: 01 Jun 1900, Cigar Manufacturer
Probate: Sep 1904, Court Ordered Sale of the Cigar Manufacturing Business to
Charles S. Woods.
Residence 1: 1871, NE Corner of 7th & Vine, Evansville, IN
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1860, Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN; Living with G.
H.Schmittz, age 32, a Watchman from Oldenberg; Peter Schlauch, 21, a Tailor
from Hesse; Catherine Schlauch, 29; and Catherine Schlauch, 6. John's name
is spelled "Schlaack".
Residence 3: Bet. 1875 - 1904, 101 Upper 7th at 7th & Vine, Evansville, IN
Residence 4: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with his
Source 1: Evansville Courier Obituary
Source 2: 1860, 1880 & 1900 U.S. Census
Source 3: Burch & Polk's City Directories
Source 4: Certificate of Death No. 20000005; Signed by James Welborn, M.D.
4 iii. O. Schlauch, born Abt. 1858 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died
18 Feb 1859 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About O. Schlauch:
Burial: 18 Feb 1859, Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, IN; Burial No. 890
Cause of Death: Inflammatory Fever
Medical Information: Dr. Mulhaussen, Officiating.
5 iv. Johannes (Karl) Schlauch, born 26 Mar 1858 in Evansville (Vanderburgh
Cty), IN; died 18 Feb 1859 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About Johannes (Karl) Schlauch:
Baptism: Mar 1858, St. Johns Church, Evansville, IN; Sponsor: Johannes
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, IN
Source: St. John's UCC Church, Evansville, IN
6 v. Maria Katherine ("Katie") Schlauch, born 18 Jan 1860 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died 31 Aug 1937 in Evansville, IN; Welborn-Walker
Hospital.. She met None.
More About Maria Katherine ("Katie") Schlauch:
Burial: 02 Sep 1937, Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 8), Evansville,
IN; Buried in Steel Vault.
Cause of Death: Fell down basement steps & died in Walker Hospital
Funeral: St. John, Rev. A. Sussott, Zion; Klee & Burkhart Funeral Home
Medical Information: Arterio Sclerosis
Occupation 1: Bet. 1879 - 1880, Box Maker at 310 1/2 Upper 1st St.
Evansville, IN
Occupation 2: 01 Jun 1880, Box Maker
Occupation 3: Bet. 1880 - 1885, Box Maker at 101 Upper 7th St., Evansville,
Occupation 4: 11 Apr 1910, Keeping House
Probate: 15 Sep 1937, Clerk Entry of Will dated July 21, 1930 in Bk/Vol. S,
Pg. 258; Will witnessed by Hattie M. Falk, Henry & James Walker. Bequeathed
her Estate to Sisters, Helen Schultz & Elizabeth S. Ohning and Nephew,
Sellman Schultz.
Real Estate: 01 Jun 1900, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Religion: 1911, Member of St. John's Evangelical Protestant Church, 3rd &
Ingle Sts. & 2nd Ave., Evansville, IN. She was a contributor member.
Residence 1: Bet. 1879 - 1904, 101 Upper 7th at Vine, Evansville, IN with
her mother.
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: 11 Apr 1910, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with
Sister, Elizabeth, & her Husband, Robert Ohning.
Residence 4: 1911, 101 Upper Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 5: 01 Jan 1920, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Sister,
Elizabeth, and Brother-in-Law, Robert Ohning, are living with Katie.
Residence 6: 01 Apr 1930, 1006 Adams St., Evansville, IN; Living with her
sister, Elizabeth Ohning.
Residence 7: 1937, 1006 Adams St., Evansville, IN
Source 1: 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930 U.S. Census
Source 2: Browning Funeral Home Index
Source 3: Evansville City Directories
Source 4: Oak Hill Cemetery Records, Evansville, IN
Source 5: 1911, St. John's Church Membership Directory
7 vi. Peter Schlauch, born Abt. 1862 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN;
died Abt. 1864 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About Peter Schlauch:
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 4), Evansville, IN
+ 8 vii. Hellene ("Helen") Elizabeth Schlauch, born 25 Nov 1867 in
Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died 28 Apr 1941 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
9 viii. Elisabetha ("Lizzie") S. Schlauch, born 19 Dec 1868 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died 18 Sep 1950 in Deaconess Hospital, Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN. She married Robert F. Ohning 05 Dec 1906 in
Evansville, IN; born 08 Sep 1874 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN; died
21 Sep 1946 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About Elisabetha ("Lizzie") S. Schlauch:
Date born 2: Alternate Date: 12/19/1864
Baptism: 19 Jan 1864, St. Johns Church, Evansville, IN
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 10, Evansville, IN
Cause of Death: Due to broken leg.
Funeral: St. John's Evangelical Church, Rev. J. R. Haas; J. Max Lowe
Colonial Chapel, Evansville, IN
Medical Information: Broken leg previous July, 1950
Occupation 1: 01 Jun 1880, Box Maker
Occupation 2: Bet. 1885 - 1895, Book Folder & Book Sewer & Paper Ruler
Occupation 3: 01 Jun 1900, Book Binder
Religion: St. John's Evangelical Church
Residence 1: Bet. 1880 - 1904, 101 Upper 7th at 7th & Vine, Evansville, IN
with her mother.
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: 01 Jun 1900, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: Dec 1906, Evansville, IN
Residence 5: 11 Apr 1910, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with her
Husband, Robert, and her Sister, Katie.
Residence 6: 01 Jan 1920, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with
Sister, Katie, and Husband, Robert Ohning.
Residence 7: Bet. 1930 - 1950, 1006 Adams Ave., Evansville, IN; Living with
her sister, Katherine Schlauch in 1930.
Residence 8: 1950, 1006 Adams Ave., Evansville (Vanderbugh Cty), IN
Source 1: 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930 U.S. Census
Source 2: Browning Funeral Index Records
Source 3: Evansville Courier Obituary
More About Robert F. Ohning:
Occupation 1: 01 Jan 1920, Book Binder in a Bindery.
Occupation 2: Retired as a Book Binder
Occupation 3: 1891, Book Binder
Occupation 4: 1892, Book Binder; Located at 429 E. Illinois St., Evansville,
Occupation 5: 01 Jun 1900, Book Binder.
Occupation 6: 11 Apr 1910, Book Binder in a Factory.
Occupation 7: 01 Apr 1930, Book Binder
Probate: Mar 1938, Robert was Administrator of Will of Ida Dahl Ohning,
Real Estate: 01 Apr 1930, Valued at $2000
Residence 1: Dec 1906, Evansville, IN
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1880, Evansville, Pigeon Twp. (Vanderbugh Cty), IN
Residence 3: 1891, 220 Upper Fourth St., Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN
Residence 4: 1892, 220 Upper Fourth St., Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN
Residence 5: 01 Jun 1900, 429 E. Illinois St., Evansville, IN
Residence 6: 11 Apr 1910, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with his
Wife and Sister-in-Law, Katie.
Residence 7: 01 Jan 1920, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN; Living with
Sister-in-Law, Katie, and Wife, Elizabeth.
Residence 8: 01 Apr 1930, Evansville, Pigeon Twp. (Vanderbugh Cty), IN
Residence 9: 1934, Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN
Residence 10: 1940, Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN
Residence 11: 1946, Rt. 10, S. Kentucky Ave., Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty),
Source 1: 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930 U.S. Census
Source 2: Browning Funeral Index Records
Source 3: 1891, Evansville City Directories
More About Robert Ohning and Elisabetha Schlauch:
Divorce: Bef. 01 Apr 1930, 1930 U.S. Census Source
Marriage: 05 Dec 1906, Evansville, IN
Marriage Application: 05 Dec 1906, Witnessed by C. W. Ohning; Indicates Date
of Birth of Elizabeth as 12/19/1868
Minister: Rev. Paul Pfeiffer
Source: Vanderburgh Cty Marriage Records; Vol VII, Bk. 30, Pg.10
10 ix. Carl Wilhelm Schlauch, born 18 May 1870 in Evansville (Vanderburgh
Cty), IN; died 17 Aug 1871 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About Carl Wilhelm Schlauch:
Baptism: 17 Jul 1870, St. Johns Church, Evansville, IN
Burial: 18 Aug 1871, Oak Hill Cemetery (Sec. 19, Lt. 36, Gr. 3), Evansville,
Generation No. 2
8. Hellene ("Helen") Elizabeth2 Schlauch (Johann (James) Philip1, ???A) was
born 25 Nov 1867 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN, and died 28 Apr 1941
in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN. She married Charles G. Schulz 31 Dec
1895 in Evansville, IN, son of F. Schulz and M. Krebel. He was born 21 Jun
1862 in Evansville (Vanderburgh Cty), IN, and died 12 May 1929 in Evansville
(Vanderburgh Cty), IN.
More About Hellene ("Helen") Elizabeth Schlauch:
Baptism: 17 Dec 1868, St. Johns Church, Evansville, IN
Burial: 01 May 1941, Oak Hill Cemetery, Sec.19, Lt 36, Gr. 9, Evansville,
IN; Steel Concrete Vault
Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage
Funeral: 01 May 1941, A. Johann & Sons Funeral Home, Evansville, IN
Religion: 1911, Member of St. John's Evangelical Protestant Church, 3rd &
Ingle Sts. & 2nd Ave., Evansville, IN. She was a communicant and a member of
the Home Department.
Residence 1: Bet. 1880 - 1896, 101 Upper 7th at 7th & Vine, Evansville, IN
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1880, 101 Seventh St., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: 01 Jun 1900, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: 11 Apr 1910, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 5: 1911, Vine & Division Sts., Evansville, IN
Residence 6: 01 Jan 1920, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 7: 1929, 17 Mary St., Evansville, IN
Residence 8: 1937, Evansville, IN
Source 1: 1880, 1900, 1910 & 1920 U.S. Census
Source 2: 1911, St. John's Church Membership Directory
More About Charles G. Schulz:
Burial: 14 May 1929, Oak Hill Cemetery, Sec. 19, Lt 36, Gr. 7, Evansville,
Cause of Death: Carcinoma of Stomach
Funeral: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Evansville, IN; A. Johann & Son
Funeral Home
Medical Information: I.C. Barclay, M.D., Officiating
Occupation 1: Bet. 1905 - 1929, Druggist; Owned his own Drug Store at 8th &
Walnut Sts., Evansville, IN
Occupation 2: 01 Jun 1900, Druggist.
Occupation 3: 1905, Druggist at McCurdy Drug Store, Evansville, IN; Employed
by Henry Tepe.
Occupation 4: 11 Apr 1910, Druggist; Owns his Shop.
Occupation 5: 01 Jan 1920, Retail Merchant in Drug Store
Religion 1: St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Religion 2: 1911, Voting Member of St. John's Evangelical Protestant Church,
3rd & Ingle Sts. & 2nd Ave., Evansville, IN
Residence 1: 1911, Vine & Division Sts., Evansville, IN
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1900, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: 11 Apr 1910, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: 01 Jan 1920, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 5: 1929, 17 Mary St., Evansville, IN
Source 1: 1900, 1910 & 1920 U.S. Census
Source 2: Evansville Courier Obituary
Source 3: 1911, St. John's Church Membership Directory
More About Charles Schulz and Hellene Schlauch:
Marriage: 31 Dec 1895, Evansville, IN
Marriage license: 31 Dec 1895, Signed by Charles F. Boepple, Clerk,
Vanderburgh County, IN
Minister: Rev. Julius Blass, Pastor St. John's Church, Evansville, IN
Source: Vanderburgh Cty Marriage Records; Vol VII, Bk.18, Pg. 315
Child of Hellene Schlauch and Charles Schulz is:
11 i. Sellman C.3 Schulz, born Mar 1898 in Indiana; died Aft. 1929 in
Evansville, IN. He married E. Henderson 18 Mar 1920 in Knox Cty, IN.
More About Sellman C. Schulz:
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, IN
Children: Had one son, name unknown
Residence 1: 1929, Chicago, IL
Residence 2: 01 Jun 1900, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 3: 11 Apr 1910, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 4: 01 Jan 1920, 1048 Vine St., Evansville, IN
Residence 5: Bet. 1937 - 1950, Evanston, IL
Residence 6: 1950, Evanston (Cook Cty), IL
Source: 1900, 1910 & 1920 U.S. Census
More About Sellman Schulz and E. Henderson:
Marriage: 18 Mar 1920, Knox Cty, IN
Source: Index to Marriage Records, Knox Cty, IN; WPA County Clerk Records,
C-30, P. 337.