Vanderburgh County, Indiana
M704 Roll 96
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Transcribed and Indexed by
Evelyn PFINGSTON Dismore
PO Box 206, Gilbertsville, KY
Total Population 6250
Total White Population 6136
Total White Male Population 3255
Total White Female Population 2881
Total Free Colored Population 114
Total Slave Population 0
White males under 10 1081
White males 10-19 710
White males 20-59 1398
White males 60 and over 66
Total White Male Population 3255
White females under 10 1006
White females 10-19 673
White females 20-59 1147
White females 60 and over 55
Total White Female Population 2881
Free colored males 24-54 16
Free colored males 55 and over 0
Free colored females 24-54 16
Free colored females 55 and over 2