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This list was taken from GNIS mapping service. If you have additional information such as histories or graduates prior to 1920, etc., please let me know.

Cedar Hall Elementary and Junior High School
Centennial Grade School. (It was torn down in 1966.) Picture submitted by Susie Rose
Corpus Christi School 432991 School Vanderburgh
Cynthia Heights Elementary and Junior High School
Daniel Wertz Elementary School 447562 School
Delaware Elementary and Junior High School
Dexter Elementary and Junior High School
Evans Elementary and Junior High School
Fairlawn Elementary and Junior High School
Francis Joseph Reitz High School
Glenwood Elementary and Junior High School
Habron Elementary and Junior High School
Harper Elementary and Junior High School
Harwood Elementary and Junior High School
Helfrich Park Elementary and Junior High School
Highland Elementary and Junior High School
Holy Redeemer School
Holy Rosary School
Howard Roosa Elementary and Junior High School
Indiana State University
Indiana State University
John M Culver Elementary and Junior High School
Lincoln Elementary and Junior High School
Lodge Elementary School
Lynch School
Mater Dei High School
McGary Elementary and Junior High School
North High School
Oak Hill Elementary and Junior High
Perry Heights Elementary and Junior High School
Perry Heights Elementary and Junior High School
Plaza Park Elementary and Junior High School
Rex Mundi High School
Sacred Heart Primary School
Saint Agnes School
Saint Anthony School
Saint Benedict School
Saint Boniface Junior High School
Saint Theresa School
Stockwell Elementary School
Stringtown Elementary and Junior High School
Tekoppel Elementary and Junior High School
Thompkins Elementary and Junior High School
Trinity Lutheran School
Vogel Elementary and Junior High School
Walnut School 1964749 School Vanderburgh
Washington Elementary and Junior High School
West Terrace Elementary and Junior High School
West Terrace Elementary and Junior High School