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Vanderburgh County, IN Census Records

If you have any census records that you would like to submit to this site, or if you have links to Vanderburgh County Census records, please let me know.

If you find information on your family, please take the time to thank the volunteer that transcribed & typed the record. It is nice let them know that their work helped you find your family.

Population of Vanderburgh County

1800 - - - - - 1900 71,769 2000 171,922
1810 - - - - - 1910 77,438
1820 1,798 1920 92,293
1830 2,611 1930 113,350
1840 6,250 1940 130,783
1850 11,414 1950 160,422
1860 20,543 1960 165,794
1870 33,145 1970 168,772
1880 42,193 1980 167,515
1890 59,809 1990 165,058

1820-1890: University of Virginia Library, United States Historical Census Browser.
1900-1990: U.S. Census Bureau, County Population Census Counts 1900-90.
2000 U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 1.

Vanderburgh County Census Records on Microfilm

Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. M33, Roll 14
Fifth Census of the United States, 1830. M19, Roll 32
Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. M704. Roll 96
Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. M432. Roll 176
Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. M653. Roll 302
Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. M593. Roll 364
Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. T9. Rolls 316, 317
Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890
      Most of the 1890 population schedules were badly damaged
      by fire in the Commerce Department Building in January 1921.
      No schedules of Vanderburgh County exist
Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. T623. Rolls 406, 407, 408
Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910. T624. Rolls 382, 383
Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. T625. Rolls 470, 471
Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. T626. Rolls 632, 633

Helpful Hints

Printed Indiana Federal Census Indexes are available for the years 1820 to 1870

Printed Census Indexes for Vanderburgh County are available for 1840, 1870 & 1880.

How to Purchase or Rent Microfilm