Locust Street - Putnam

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Locust Street

Source: Greencastle Star-Democrat 19 July 1907 p 3

Marshal and Bennett of Illinois are rapidly putting together the new organ at Locust St. Church and will have it ready for use by the end of this week, but it will remain silent until the recital which will be given by Mr. Donally of Indianapolis either next week or the following. The organ is one of the latest makes and has entire pneumatic action and the tablet system stops which is quite an improvement on the old style of the “push and pull” sort.

Source: Greencastle Herald 13 April 1907 p 1

The services at the Locust St. Church will begin promptly tomorrow morning at 9:30 with a union class and fellowship meeting in the auditorium led by Dr. JS Hoagland. This promises to be one of the best meetings during the revival series. One of the Kerr Brothers will preach both morning and evening. There will be special music by a large chorus choir and the Kerr Brothers will sing at the evening service. There will be a big rally service of the Epworth League at 6:30 in the League room.  All the other services are as usual.  A cordial invitation is extended to all.  

Source: Greencastle Herald 9 May 1914 p 4

Locust Street Methodist Church
Bert DeWitt Beck, Pastor
9:30 a.m. – Class meeting – a very helpful meeting
10:30 a.m. – Morning worship. Mother’s Day service. For men, women and children who love and would honor their mothers. Good music. Sermon by the pastor .
2 p.m. Sunday School – Mrs. HB Longden, supt. Prof. Naylor, chorister. Good teachers, live music and classes for all ages. Everybody welcome.
2 p.m. Sunshine Bands
6:30 p.m. Epworth League. A service for all young people. The new officers are installed and all are working for a great year’s work. Topic, “Framing God’s Compassion into laws.” Leader, Herman Makey
7:30 p.m. Evening worship. A father and son service. Father is not to be forgotten on this day. All men of the congregation are asked to bring a boy and all boys a man, their father preferable. Good music. Sermon by the pastor. Theme, “Who shall be a father to my boy?  Women and girls are not excluded.

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