Christian Church - Greencastle - Putnam

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Christian Church - Greencastle

Source: Greencastle Star-Democrat, 18 Oct 1907 p 2

Friday at the Opera House, “Life Lessons from Fairland,” an operetta written by Mrs. Emerson Ballard of Crawfordsville was given by local children for the benefit of the Christian Church. The operetta was given under the supervision of Mrs. Ballard and proved highly pleasing to the audience. The music was catchy and well rendered by the little folks.  The story starts with a play ground scene where the poor little girl is spurned by the children of the rich, because she wears old clothes.  The scene is then shifted to Fairlyland where the poor little girl is accepted by the fairies and is dressed in clothes of the finest raiment.  The leader of the rich girls was given the place in Fairyland that the poor girl had on earth. She this time was dressed in tatters but was accepted by the Fairies.  Only a fair crowd saw the operetta but all who went were well repaid. From a financial standpoint the affair was not the most productive, only a little sum being cleared on the venture.

Source: Greencastle Herald 9 May 1914 p 4

9:30 a.m. – Sunday school. Classes for both old and young. Good teachers and a warm welcome to everyone.
10:30 a.m. – Communion and preaching services. This is Mother’s Day. Give mother a white flower and wear one yourself. Don’t fail to attend the morning service. The pastor’s subject, What can a Woman Do?  Appropriate songs of mother and home and her life. See that every mother in the city attends church.
6:30 p.m. – Christian Endeavor.  Will Conklin, leader
7:30 p.m. – Preaching. Subject, Why we should remember Lot’s wife.  Come and enjoy the music and the social service.  Shakes hands and become acquainted. Remember that amen does not mean, “Scat,” but it means a social greeting!

Source: Greencastle Daily Banner 15 Nov 1938 p 1

The Christian Church school had as honor guests, Sunday morning, Mrs. Emma Skelton (sic) age 83 of Enid, Oklahoma and her two brothers, Mr. Alfred Belles, age 73 of Indianapolis and Mr. Milton Belles, age 79 of Russellville RR.  They were Saturday night guests of the son of Milton, Mr. Fred Belles and wife, Judson RFD.  Mrs. Shelton (sic) is the mother of Dr. Albert LeRoy Shelton a Missionary who was killed in Tibet.  Mrs. Shelton was a member of the Army of Women with Carrie Nation who run the saloons out of Anthony, Kansas. She was living there at the time. Mrs. Shelton drove through with friends who were coming this way. She made a short talk at Sunday school.  

When Fred was young, he was every year in a listing of the winners (Bulls, one year old and under two – Fred Belles, Judson, first – often did well in corn competition and in 1931, Blanche won 1st in the Angel Food cake category
Fred pres 1930 of the C’ville District of the American Shorthorn Breeder’s Association

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