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-- M -- Miscellaneous News Index

McCLAMROCH, Grace - so sad - there are other articles on the site about her

McFEELY, Harriet -- Indianapolis Times 6 July 1929 p 2 -- Alamo, Ind July 6 – Old fruit and vegetables are a hobby of Mrs. Harriet McFeely.  Her collection includes a 20-year-old potato, a 7-year-old lemon and a comparatively young orange of 14 months.  The potato was a gift from the late Jonathan Newkirk who carried it in a trousers pocket for 12 years .

MAHORNEY, James -- chickens -
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 16, 1879 p 1
James Mahorney has a coop of white crested black Poland chickens on exhibition at the first annual exhibition of the Western Poultry Association at Chicago.  

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 16 January 1892
Man-o-wa, the great Indian doctor, will be at the Robbins House on Tuesday, January 26. His rooms are always crowded with patients, so come early and avoid the rush. - thanks to Kim H

MARSHALL, Susan Miles - receives first Indiana pension for a Guardsman who lost his life for her son, Oscar's death

MARTIN, Isaac - old flag - to daughter  

MONROE, Zura --lost glasses  pelondent 8 March 1918 p 1
Source: Waveland Independent 8 March 1918 Waveland Independent 8 March 1918 p 1
Lost between Freedom school and home, a pair of child’s glasses in case… Mrs. Zura Monroe

MONTGOMERY COUNTY - Pro Baseball Players - by Bill Boone - thanks so very much BB

Montgomery County Bicentennial articles written by Karen Bazzani Zach -- Immigrants and Emigrants -- Revolutionary War Soldiers - County First -- Towns & More Towns

Montgomery County - Early History (Ristines, Offield, Vance, Nicholson, Wilson, Whitlock, Napp, Pierces, etc.)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY MAIL CARRIERS (1905 but like to add more)-

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