McMullen - Murder
Source: Greencastle Daily Sun April 19 1890 p 1
Crawfordsville, Ind April 19 – James Dennis, who died at Waynetown, on Wednesday night, made a death bed confession to the effect that he was the chief actor in the murder of Mr. and Mrs. HR McMullan for which act John F. Coffee was hanged in 1855. On the night of the murder Dennis, according to his confession went into McMullan’s house for the purpose of stealing $200 which McMullin was known to have. Coffee remained on guard outside. McMullin awoke and showed fight when Dennis struck him on the head with a club, killing him instantly. Mrs. McMullin (sic) ran out of the house and was caught by Coffee who struck her on the head, intending to stun her but instead killed her. The two men then placed the bodies in the house and set fire to it. Both were arrested and Coffee was convicted of murder, while Dennis was acquitted.