Misner - Silas - insane - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Misner - Silas - insane

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Thursday, 26 June 1890

For a year past, Silas Misner, of Smartsburg, has evinced unmistakable indications of a failing mind. It was about this time that he received a severe blow on the head from a club in the hands of Wesley Foster, colored, of this city, and it is to this blow and strong drink that his friends attribute his misfortune. For the last two weeks his demonstrations have been too violent for comfort and things reached a climax yesterday afternoon when he drove to this city and took on a big load of budge. He drove his team home on a run through the fearful heat and when he arrived there proceeded to paint things luridly. Cursing and abusing his wife and mother, he threatened to take their lives and did succeed in demolishing considerable furniture. He then marched up and down the street of the village firing his revolver and bellowing for blood. He walked into the store and set fire to the match boxes. By this time the people had assembled and his brother-in-law, Elijah Kennedy, and John Maston finally succeeded in overpowering him after a severe struggle, and tied neck and heels he was brought to town and lodged in jail. This morning his relatives came to the city and swore out insanity papers. Dr. Ensminger, who first examined him, declared that he was undoubtedly insane, and a sanity commission composed of Squires Ramsey and Cumberland, and Dr. Cowan, proceeded to the jail to hold their inquest. Returning they declared Mr. Misner to be insane and the papers will be forwarded to the asylum at Indianapolis at once. If approved by the authorities there, Misner will be taken over as soon as expedient.

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