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1886 Washington Township

Plat Book Index

Township 27, Range 14

Land Owner Acreage Section
Adelsparger, Ellen 14
Andrews, Deborah 20
Andrews, F M 20
Andrews, Jerry 19
Andrews, Jerry Jr 20
Andrews, Joseph H 31
Andrews, Julia 29
Andrews, Lewis 28
Andrews, Martha 33
Andrews, Mary A 32
Andrews, P H 19, 20, 30
Andrews, Perry 32
Andrews, R N 32
Andrews, Robert A 31
Andrews, T H 29
Anspaugh, Conrad 7
Anspaugh, Noah 6
Appleman, Joseph 5
Archer, Susannah 26, 35
Ayres, D M 13, 24
Bailey, Anna 34
Baker, Mary 20
Baltzell, Thomas 19
Barnett, George A 30
Barnett, Henry 25
Barnhart, Mary 17
Becker, Mary 21
Beery, Eli 6
Beery, Joseph D 7
Bender, Jacob F 24
Bender, John 23
Blossom, Monroe 32
Bollman, A M 9
Bollman, S C 4
Booth, Ed B 22
Bornbye, George 30
Bowers, William & John 36
Brake, Conrad 7
Brandyberry, Jesse 25
Brandyberry, John 25, 26
Brown, John 22
Buckmaster, H R 26
Burkhead, Trusillia 28
Burnerkamp, H H & W C 9
Chapman, Aaron 6
Christianer, Frederick 4
Cline, Ward M 26
Closs, John 16
Cloud, Thomas 4
Coffee, Daniel 15
Coffee, Margaret 14, 23, 34
Coffee, Thos F & W F 15
Coffee, Timothy 14, 15, 22
Colchin, John 23
Colchin, Nickolas 23
Colchin, P H 10
Colchin, Peter 22
Colter & Smith 7, 11
Cook, Elmore 36
Coppess, John E 28
Corson, John B 32
Coverdale, L N 24
Crabbs, Joseph 24
Cramer, John 1
Crist, Elias 19
Crist, Jacob P 19
Crist, Sarah 19
Dakin, M W 26
Dale, William T 25
Dean, Margaret 30
Dean, Thomas 31
Dent, B H 1, 35
Derks, Henry 4
Durkin, John 24
Edington, James 29
Edwards, Jonathan (Trustee) 32, 33
Eiting, Casper 4
Eiting, Henry 9
Eley, David 20
Elzey, Rachel 31
Engle, Elizabeth 30
Estell, Levi E 29
Everhart, David 28
Fabler, Mary E 35
Faust, James 24
Forbing, Peter 6
Fordyce, Mary E 14
Frank, George 14
Fristoe, James N 36
Galbreath, Samuel 29
Gass, Joseph 21
Geels, George 6
Gilbert, Joseph 31
Gilbert, Philomelia 31
Gillig, Conrad 11
Good, Jacob 18
Good, Margaret E 19
Good, Mary 31
Graham, William H 32
Griffin, John W 31
Hackman, George H & Henry 9
Haefling, George M 12
Haggard, John 34
Hahnert, Catherine 30
Hahnert, Frederick 29
Hain, Simeon 16
Hammel, Saide 10
Harrison, William H 9
Hart, Jacob S 34
Hartnett, Margaret 27, 28
Heffner, Michael 11
Heidemain, Gerhart 17
Heinman, Casper 16
Hendricks, Bazil 27, 33, 34
Hendricks, John D 33
Hendricks, Oliver F 35
Hendricks, Philip 27
Hess, Peter 20, 21
Hessler, G 9
Hessler, Gerhart 8
Hessler, H 8
Hessler, H H 18
Hoak, Samuel 4
Hoffman, Lewis 30
Hoffman, Stephan 30
Hower, Adam 24
Humphrey, Ida E 4
Jaberg, Samuel 31
Jeantz, Emily 29
Jenkins, Charles H & Lilie M 36
Jenkins, Sarah E 35
Johnson, Eliza 18
Johnson, Eliza M 31
Johnson, J T 14, 23
Johnson, J W 18
Johnson, James S 32
Johnson, L W 14
Johnson, Martha A 32
Johnson, Noah 32
Johnson, Susannah 30
Joseph, Helen 26, 34, 35
Kidwell, William H 33
Kieffer, John 6
Kindle, Albert 30
King, Benjamin G 32
Kintz, Elsie 11
Kintz, George 14
Kintz, William E 5
Kirkendall, James 28
Kohne, Alphons 8
Kohne, Anna 17
Kohne, Gerhart 17
Kohne, Henry 8, 9, 17
Kohne, Will 9
Krick, Henry 10
LeBrun, Diannah 32
LeBrun, Mary 21
Lengerich, Bernard 17
Lengerich, John 16
Lichtle, Nickolas 14
Lister, Ezra 23
Longenberger, Jacob 35
Lucken, George H 10
Mann, Rachel 4
Martz, Magdalena 35
Mathewson, Horatio 24
Mathias, Robert 7, 8
McKean, John W 29
McLaughlin, William 23
Mehaw, Samuel T 25
Meibers, John 27, 34
Merryman, C W 30, 31
Merryman, Charles A 30
Metzger, Jose 22
Meyers, Barney 8
Meyers, Bernard 18
Meyers, Christ 16
Meyers, David C 26
Meyers, David W 11, 12
Meyers, Fred C 11
Meyers, G H 8
Meyers, H H 10, 11
Meyers, J H 18
Meyers, J S H 7
Meyers, John 34
Meyers, John 20
Meyers, John W 11
Meyers, Susan 18
Meyers, Wesley 18
Meyers, William H 4
Michael, Mary 4
Middleton, Hattie M 22
Miller, Andrew 10
Miller, Mary C 14
Miller, Mary M C 28, 33
Miller, Mathias 22
Miller, Michael 22
Miller, Paul 15, 22
Miller, William 19, 20
Morine, Lewis 32
Mourie, Lewis 33
Mumma, M 34
Murphy, Edward 27
Nelson, Charles H 31
Nerenburg, E F 10
Nuttman, Caroline L 9, 18, 27
Nuttman, J D 34, 36
Oliver, David F 29
Omlor, Bridget 15
Omlor, Nickolas 22
Overhulser, Mary E 25
Palmer, Mary L 13
Parent, Phoebe A 12, 13
Parr, John W 30
Parrish, A S 30
Parrish, J L 31
Parrish, J R 17
Parrish, James T 31
Peters, Elias 28
Peterson, Isaac 1
Peterson, R S 10
Poor Farm 12, 13
Quinn, John P 18
Railing, Abe 25
Railing, Abraham 25
Railing, David 9
Raudebush, George W 13
Reed, Caroline 31
Reynolds, Elisha 13
Reynolds, William B 19
Rice, P P 34
Rice, William P 35
Robison, David E 12
Robison, Isaac N 1
Robison, Nancy 1, 11, 12
Roe, Catherine J 26
Russell, Jerry 17
Russell, Rachel 17
Russell, William 20
Schirmeyer, A M 4
Schirmeyer, O L 4
Schneider, Elizabeth 21
Schoen, John 6
Schurger, John 31
Sellmeyer, Harmon W 15
Simcoke, James F 21
Simcoke, Letitia 20
Smith, A J 15
Smith, George 7
Smith, J R 10
Smith, William G 26
Spuller, Albert 34
Steele, John 25
Steele, Joseph 4
Steele, Washington 35
Stetler, Rebecca 6
Stetltzer, Reinhold 21
Stoneburner, Israel 7
Stoops, James Jr 23
Studebaker, David 33, 35
Swartz, L 1
Teeple, A J 13
Tenant, Robert 21
Thomas, George 35
Thomas, John 35
Thompson, Gilbert 24
Thompson, Howard 34
Thornton, Rebecca 19
Tonnelier, John 34
Tonnelier, Nickolas 34
Tricker, Sarah J 1
Trier, John Jr 11
Trim, Henry 14
Trimble, George 9
Trout, D G M 15, 16, 22, 36
Trout, Mary 16
Urick, Nancy 32
Vogelwede, Henry 5, 8
Wagner, Henry 33
Wagner, James 28
Wagner, Nick H 28
Weber, Barbara 5
Weber, John 4, 5
Wetsel, Peter 5
Will, Anthony 16
Wiseley, Joseph 34
Wisely, John G 29
Wisner, Thomas 21
Wisner, William A 22
Witzleben, Gottlieb 21
Woods, Emanuel 10
Younce, David M 31
Young, Job 36
Zerkel, Susan 31
Zeser, Peter 13
Zimmerman, Eli 1, 2
Zimmerman, John 21

1886 Washington Township Plat Book
Images are listed by section number. The right-hand side of the page for each section is usually a list of land owners & acreage,
while the left-hand side is a map of where the land is located in the section.

Sections 1-4
Sections 5-8
Sections 9-12
Sections 13-16
Sections 17-20
Sections 21-24
Sections 25-28
Sections 29-32
Sections 33-36

updated 6/23/2023

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