Adams County


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1894 French Township School

September 2024
Cemeteries: Backesto - reformatted A - D listing and updated or added 180 documents
   M.R.E. - we discovered some glitches in the site. The B listing has been corrected and C-Z has been reposted

The Rootsweb Adams County mail-list/message board is no longer available.
The good news is that there are two Facebook pages for people who are interested in Indiana history and/or genealogy.
Indiana Genealogy
Adams County Historical Society

Adding faces to the names of those who have served our country in the military during any conflict. Most families have a picture of grandpa in his military uniform while serving during World War II, Korea, or Vietnam. Some have more recent photos of men and women curently serving. A lucky few have treasured pictures of veterans of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, etc. Please share those photographs of Adams County men and women who served our country in the military during times of war. Send picture with a short bio to Margie Pearce to put a face to our heroes.

We want the AdamsINGenWeb site to be as accurate and error free as possible.
Please email Margie if you see something that needs to be corrected.

If you would like to be a volunteer coordinator for an Indiana county, please contact
Indiana State Coordinator: Lena Harper
Assistant State Coordinator: Jim Cox

The Adams Co., Indiana INGenWeb genealogy web site is maintained by Margie Pearce and Jim Cox.

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All material on this site @ 2011 - by INGenWeb.