Liberty School
Liberty School
By the 1920-21 school year, the small Brown Township schools had all closed and a new one built (Liberty) with Brownsvalley and Waveland remaining as the solid three for the township. It began as Grades 1-8 with two teachers, Rose Bayless 1-4 and Jarvis Todd 5-8. The next year with an enrollment of 35 students, Edith Miles taught 1-4 and Lawrence Surface 5-8; the next school years was the same with one student added and 1922-23 remained the same number with Surface in higher grades and Elsie Payne lower. Merle Coons was superintendent. In 1923-24, nothing is known about enrollment or teachers but my 2nd grade teacher whom I dearly loved, Rose Glascock was the teacher for Liberty with 14 in Grades 1-8 and Dean Milligan Trustee of Brown Township. Thelma Canine was the last teacher for Liberty in the 1926-27 year with 19 pupils. From then on for many years, Waveland and Brownsvalley schools were the only schools in the large township.