Kosciusko County, Indiana 
Posted Queries for April thru May 1999
- Surnames: PIERCE
Researcher: Mary Gall
Email: mrgavio@aol.com
Date posted: Thursday, April 8, 1999
Cyrus PIERCE will made out 12-6-1878; probated 17 Apr 1879 in Kos. Co. Owned property: Section 15, Township 31, North and Range 4 East. I believe that is Franklin township. I would like to find his burial place and obituarary. I visited the Kos. Co. Historical Society a few years ago and the only evidence I could find of Cyrus was his will and probation of the will. The family is listed in the 1850 Kos. Co. census. Cyrus was listed as a carpenter. If he lived in the community for 20 some years there are surely some references to him. Any suggestions you might have for tracking this family would be much
Researcher: Mimi (Huffman) Alexander
Email: twovagabonds@netzero.net
Date posted: Thursday, April 8, 1999
Does any kind soul out there happen to have any old photos of the HUFFMAN line? Photos of Thomas Hendrick HUFFMAN? His 5-wives: Jessie STAFFORD, Opal HARTSOCK, Bea ?, Etta Mae MARKS, or Roxie HOLLAND? Any of his children: Arthur, Eugene, Thomas Jr., Forest Dell, or James Thomas? Did the Schools in the Sidney, Indiana area take students pictures between 1925 and 19336? Does anyone see a "Thomas "Tommy" HUFFMAN in a school picture? If so, please contact me. With my thanks.
Researcher: Carol Broom
Email: broom@toledotel.com
Date posted: Friday, April 16, 1999
My G.Great grandmother was Elizabeth GOSHERT/GUSHART from Prairie Twp.
in this Co. Her father was George GUSHART, spelled this way in the 1850 census. He was 34 yrs.old.
wifes name was Susan, age 31. George was a farmer. Elizabeth's siblings were: Marion age 9, Geo. age 8, Jasper age 4 and Henry, age 1. My interest in this family is the fact that Elizabeth married my G.Grandpa, Andrew Jackson JUDY from Page Co. VA. They are both buried in Liberty Cem. in Mound City Missouri. I have the JUDY History back to Switzerland, but I am as interested in the women as I am in the "Family Name". If any one could help me find out about the GOSHERT/GUSHART family history, I would be so thankful. I am retired a few yrs early from my job to take care of my paraplegic husband, and were both keeping busy searching and trying to help if we can. Thank you in advance. Carol and Dave.
- Surnames: BRYANT, ROGERS
Researcher: Taryn Nelson Flolid
Email: tflolid@isd12.org
Date posted: Monday, April 19, 1999
I am looking for information (birth record, obituaries, etc.) on the following: Everett C. BRYANT, born 30 April 1847, Warsaw, Indiana Parents: Thomas BRYANT, born Boston, Mass. and wife Mary A. ROGERS. I am helping my adopted brother research his family genealogy. Any type of information would be appreciated. Everett BRYANT was his grandfather.
- Surnames: BOWEN, FUNK, HOWE
Researcher: David Gorton
Email: dgorton@worldnet.att.net
Date posted: Monday, April 26, 1999
Any one know any further information on these folks?
1. Lucius HOWE was born 1822 in New York. He married Elizabeth BOWEN November 05, 1843 in Kosciusko Co., IN. She was born 1826 in Ohio. More about Lucius HOWE: Fact 1: marriage date per Early IN Marriage Index : Kosciusko Co, IN (says
Lucius P. HOWE); Fact 2: farmer per 1850 Census; says Lucius G. HOWE. Child of Lucius HOWE and Elizabeth BOWEN is: i. Sarah Jane HOWE, b. 1844, Wayne Township, Kosciusko Co., IN; m. William Henry Harrison FUNK, Sr., 1865; b. 1840, Ohio; d. 1867. More About Sarah Jane HOWE: Fact 1: info on Sarah and her parents in Kos. Co. 1850 Census; Fact 2: in 1850 Census:siblings Byron A. HOWE (5),Nelson A. HOWE(2),Henry H. HOWE (4/12).
- Surnames: CLAY, DRAKE
Researcher: John
Email: StarMason@aol.com
Date posted: Monday, April 26, 1999
Jennie DRAKE, my grandmother, was born 4 Oct 1861 in Leesburg to Nathan J. DRAKE, married Benjamin CLAY in 1885. Sister of (E.J.), David, Anna, John, Ed. and Charles. Can anyone add more?
Researcher: John Ferguson
Email: JFerg10098@aol.com
Date posted: Saturday, May 8, 1999
Looking for any info on a Lewis WALTON of Kosciusko Co.. He appears on the 1860 census as follows; Lewis WALTON, 52, farmer, Va., Sarah 39 Ohio, Mary 15 Ind. Sarah 13 Ind., Martha 6 Ind, Elias ROSE 21, Farm Laborer, Ohio. Lewis is a member of my family tree and have hit a dead end with him. He was born in Greenbrier Co., W.Va., son of a John WALTON Jr., and Ann LEWIS about 1808. His full name is believed to have been George Lewis WALTON. Anyone out there with some input would be greatly appreciated.
- Surnames: WINCE
Researcher: King
Email: FamerAKing@AOL.Com
Date posted: Tuesday, May 11, 1999
Would like any imformation on John and Roxanna WINCE. I do know that they are buried at the Pierceton Cemetery. John was a minister. They raised two foster children would like to find any decentants of the foster children.
Researcher: Laura (Wells) Williams
Email: fishermen@ados.com
Date posted: Thursday, May 13, 1999
ooking for information on the following: WELLS, John S. b.NY d. Claypool, IN. m. BOULTON, Mary Louise Feb. 23, 1864 Toledo, OH Mary b. Oct. 21, 1833 in NY d. Ionia, MI. WELLS, Charles Lucine b. Sept. 23, 1866 in Wawaka, IN d. Imola, CA buried New Pine Creek, OR. m. DIRCK, Orpha November 12, 1889 in Kosciusko County, IN. Orpha b. Feb. 4, 1871 in Wayne Co. OH d. June 5,1899 in Phillips, WI. WELLS, Sybil Mae b. Feb. 20, 1894 in Claypool,IN Also possibly WELLS, Charles b. Oct. 26, 1889 d. unk; WELLS, John Vivian abt 1891 d. unk; WELLS, Florence Belle b. Sept. 4 1896-1897 d. 1998 in Tomahawk, WI. If anyone has information on these people I'd really like to hear from you. Thank you.
- Surnames: MASON
Researcher: katrine trantham
Email: parisinny@aol.com
Date posted: Friday, May 14, 1999
Searching for the parents of Jessie and Guy MASON born in or around Warsaw, Indiana around 1882.
Researcher: J. Elaine Merrick
Email: Jemnjoan@cs.com
Date posted: Wednesday, May 19, 1999
WEAVER, George - son of John WEAVER and Harriet MARTIN & sister of Sara Ann WEAVER who was married to Conrad FLAUGHER. George took in children of Sara
and Conrad when they were killed in a wagon accident in 1871. Looking for name of wife and children and FLAUGHER children. Lived Kosciusko Co.
WRIGHT, John and Mary (olderst son Newell; youngest d. Mahala is my G-grandmother ) were land owners in Kosciusko Co. looking for burial site or dates.
- Surnames: MERRICK
Researcher: J. Elaine Merrick
Email: Jemnjoan@cs.com
Date posted: Wednesday, May 19, 1999
Henry MERRICK, born and raised in Kosciusko Co. and educated at Hillsdale College in MI. He was a school teacher in Kosciusko Co. prox 1853 to 1873.
Looking for name of school or school picture of him.
Researcher: Kathy Gavin
Email: gavin@hsonline.net
Date posted: Wednesday, May 19, 1999
Seeking information from the descendants of the ALEXANDERs of Kosciusko Co.!
George M. (W.?) ALEXANDER. George ALEXANDER is buried in Palestine
Cemetery, Kosciusko Co., IN, with the following information on his headstone (according to Lester Binnie's Cemetery Records, Vol. V): George M. 1867-1948 (arrows on the stone point to his 2 wives, one buried on each side of him)
Inez, wife of George, died 16 Sept.1902, age 34-6-26
Bertha 1871-1933
In the same row, buried right before the ALEXANDER plot are William H. EILER and his wife Ellen. Ellen EILER's maiden name was ALSPAW (ALSPAUGH), born in Henry Co., IN 1837, she was 1st married to James R. ALEXANDER, also of Henry Co. James and Ellen ALEXANDER are recorded in the 1860 census of
Henry Co., IN, residing in the household are the following:
ALEXANDER, James, 23, born in IN
ALEXANDER, Ellen, 22, born in IN
ALEXANDER, Leonadus, 2, born in IN
ALEXANDER, William, 4, born in IN
James ALEXANDER enlisted in the military during the Civil War and died at the battle of Cedar Creek, VA. In the obituary of Ellen (ALSPAUGH/ALEXANDER) EILER, 2 surviving sons are listed (besides her
children from her 2nd marriage), Leonadus and a G.W. ALEXANDER. Leonadus ALEXANDER is my line and I have been trying to find ANY clue about the
mysterious G.W. ALEXANDER! Is the George M. (W.) ALEXANDER buried after Ellen EILER ALSPAUGH/ALEXANDER) that missing son? Binnie's Records of Palestine Cem. show George's birth as 1867, which would make my assumption WAY off, but is it wrong? The other possibility is also buried in
Palestine Cem.: Gilbert W. ALEXANDER 1860-1912 (could the information I have on the 1860
Henry Co. census be incorrect and the William listed was 4 months, not 4 years?). Buried with him are a couple of children and his wife Sarah C. WARREN, died
08/04/1891, age 30-01-06.
- Surnames: COOK, GRAHAM, GUY
Researcher: Donald Bauer
Email: oldoak@spiritone.com
Date posted: Friday, May 21, 1999
Seeking information on children of Henry W. GRAHAM, b. 26 Dec 1847, d. 28 Nov 1922 in Warsaw; m. Lydia COOK 18 May 1880 in Kosciusko Co. He was Prosecuting Attorney for Kosciusko Co. Names of children are:
J. Cook GRAHAM, a pastor
daughter who married R. Earle GUY
Ezra GRAHAM, who was State Representative Elect in Nov 1922
Researcher: Toni Britton
Email: toni@t-one.net
Date posted: Monday, May 24, 1999
Looking for descendants of Daniel RINK, b 1846 Elkhart Co, m Polly (Paulina) Mary ROGERS 1876. From records I have found, at least one daughter, Laura M. b 1889, m Samuel AIRGOOD, in Kosciusko Co, and one son, Albert m Gladys ??, 1905 in Kosciusko Co. Would like to share information with any descendants.
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