To The
The Local History and Genealogy Room is open from 9:00 to 9:00 Monday through Thursday, 9:00 to 6:00 on Friday
and 9:00 to 4:00 on Saturday.
Contact - Ed Kellar - or 812-346-2091. Ed will be in the Local History & Genealogy room Monday, Tuesday Wednesday
and Friday from 9:00 to 5:00 and Thursday from 12:00 to 9:00.
They are an affiliate of, also available at the library LDS microfilm of
Jennings County early Catholic Church Records and Probate Record books from 1843 to 1847 and 1847 -1849.
If you are in the area please come by and use their resources.

There are over 5,000 items in the Local
History & Genealogy section of the Jennings County Public Library.
Copies are permitted and the cost is 10 cents each, payable at the main desk.
Tobacco & Alcohol Tax Stamps 1876
Births and Deaths For 1919 listed in the January 1920 North
Vernon Sun Newspaper
Tripton Band
Names of members of the Tripton Band 1898 - 1911
List of delinquent taxpayers For the year 1865
James Hill vs Benjamin R. Sutton Lawsuit 1871 - lists heirs of Benjamin R.
Sutton - picture of actual document
Probate Book 2 Index to Complete Probate Book 2
Family Histories Family Books and Binders donated to the Library by researchers.
Court of the Justice of the Peace, Montgomery Township 1877 - 1906
Picture of a Receipt to T.J. Burtch 1899
Deed from Ezra Paybody to Joseph B. Smith 1856
Tobacco Coupon Unkown Date
Jennings County Poor Farm 1850-1940
J.B. Swincher Bible 1803-1879
Jennings County Business Directory 1876
Coryell Newsletter Excerpt 1877
Commissioners Soldier Relief List 1865
Vernon High School - The Early Years 1880 - 1940
Picture - Lovett High School 1937
Jennings County Pensioners 1883
Pictures - Bill & Catherine Coons Collection Various Dates
Dedication of Revolutionary Soldier Robert Watson's Headstone 1994
Parker Home on Pleasant Run
Thanksgiving 1889
Memorial Day 1930
Adam Brower
Rev. Chesley Holmes
Lovett School 1926 & 1929
Quaker Research
Freshman Class Picture North Vernon 1915
Belsora Knox Sampson1833-1919
Hicks & Related Families
The Civil War Letters of James H. Goodnow
Andrews Family Notes & Pictures
Martha Nauer Family Album
Zenas Pictures
Letter from D. L. Glenn
Pickett Collection (Hull Family)
Haggerman Tripp by E. P. Hicks
Two Sandcreek Women
Henry Deputy Family
Interview with Thelma Agnes Colbert Goode/Walker
Sandcreek Baptist Association - Minute Book Extracts
Vernon Presbyterian Church Records, Minutes,
1825-1893 Roll of Members January 1, 1893
Fletcher Dowd Funeral
Home Records 1901-1958, History of Coffee Creek School (Soldiers from Paris in
the Civil War), Brief Early History of North Vernon, Brief History of
Paris, Brief history of Bear Creek Baptist Church, History of the Henry Deputy
family, Rabbit Plains School Reunion minutes, 1945, Wednesday Research Club
Jennings County Death Records 1882-1910
Research Club, Hayden Baptist Church Records, Mrs. Wohrer's Scrapbook History of
Spencer Township, Hayden Baptist, Vernon Baptist Church, 1839-1877,
Vernon Cemetery, Vernon, IN., index-Robbins Family, Spencer,
Tate, & McCammon-Bland Families, Ritz Family, Harrell Legacy, Also contains
Hillcrest Cemetery, North Vernon & St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, North
Graham Baptist Church Records from 1828-1888
Presbyterian Minutes from 1817 to 1947
Sand Creek Baptist
association Minute Book 1845-1907
Scrapbooks of R. W. Norris,
Lockwood, - miscellaneous records including Maples, Lewis , Genealogy and much
Enrollment Cards for the Five Civilized Tribes 1898-1914: Index to
the Final Rolls, and Final Rolls.
9th Indiana Legion - over 800 documents, including muster rolls.
NEWSPAPERS ON MICROFILM (partially indexed)
Beginning with the Vernon Banner 1859 some difficult to read -
not all early issues are on microfilm, ending with Dec. 2018.
OBITUARY CARD FILE - Alphabetical Order - various obituaries & dates-UPDATE!
Still adding obituaries to our card file. (Thank you Bonita Welch for all your help)
GRAY BOXES - just what the name says, these are gray colored file boxes filled
with records, there is an index searchable by surname in spreadsheet form on the
Genealogy Room computer. Files contain contributed family files, research done
by previous Librarians, newspaper clippings, local & church histories,
copies of actual court documents, (wills, probate & civil court
cases). Also in Gray Boxes are copies of original
court files in a separate database called Court documents
copied & filed, also searchable by surname, with what type of
record is involved and in some cases the date of the document. These boxes
are numbered and in each box are many folders that are
numbered. To find what you want you search by surname then
get the box number then the file number that is within the box. Please put
the files back in the boxes in numerical order so the next person can find them.
I am finding some of these with papers missing, please make copies and leave the
originals in the boxes for others to use.
Montgomery Township includes the towns of Paris, Paris Crossing and Comiskey
- photo copies of actual journals, lists of heads of households
with how many school age children were in the home, payments for work in the
Township including building schools, and roads.
Daughters of the American Revolution Scrapbooks from Muscatatuck Chapter which
is no longer in existance - 6 books.
Local Histories - Including the entire county, townships and towns, many first
person accounts of who lived in the various areas, what they did. Some of these
are bound books others are binders. If you find your ancestors in a certain
township in census records be sure to check any township histories for them
Family Histories - Books & Binders on various families who lived in Jennings
County, most were contributed by researchers and are in Genealogy format.
Maps including recent plat maps.
Genealogy records in binders complied by previous librarians and volunteers.
Marriage Indexes giving what book and page the records may be found in at the
Courthouse. Caution here, the books at the Courthouse have changed from
a letter to a number system. Go by the date range you want then the page numbers
in the Index will be correct. Also do not just use the Index's in the books at
the Courthouse, there are some not in the book index but they are in the books.
Cemetery Indexes and transcriptions done by volunteers, some more detailed than
Dodd Funeral Home Records, Jordon Funeral Home Records, Census Mortality Schedules,
Photocopies of some records of the Paris Curcuit of the Methodist Church, these
include Dupont and Lancaster (Jefferson County) late 1800's early 1900's.
Marion Township School records early 1900's, students & teachers listed
by school.
You may use this material for your own personal research, however it may not be used for commercial publications without express written consent of the contributor, INGenWeb, and