CLASS OF 1920 - Haskill Cartwright, Lillian Hess, Anna Simpson, Margaret Trapp
The above picture of the entire high school was furnished by Mrs. Bernadine (Welker) Boggs. TOP ROW: Mr. Powell, Florence Brooks, Ester Hunt, Hanley Cartwright, Isabelle Bolden, Earl Amburn, Florence Ream, Charles
Welker, Helen Hulse, SECOND ROW: Chesley Holmes, Helen Lemmon, Helen Bennett, Howard Kirby, Mary Luse, Everett Miller, Winifred Trapp, Noel Staford, Florence Trapp, Donald Thomas, Bernadine Welker, Fred Hengstler. THIRD ROW: William Heid,
Ralph Randall, Chester Dell, Irene Flack, Eula Woodward, Jennie Simpson Martha Nauer, Frances Welker. FOURTH ROW: Ed Stewart, Lowell Brooks, Ernest Dell, Harold Fetter, Everett Dell, Emma Brooks, William Dawson, Clara Mae King, John Trapp,
Arthur Luse.
Mrs. Florence Trapp Simpson reported that they only played basketball when the weather was nice outside. Other activities included Chorus, debating and spelling bees. WE HAD BIBLE EVERY MORNING AND PRAYER AND SONGS
Frances Welker, Mary Luse, Mildred Hartel, Ester Hunt, Martha Nauer, Winifred Trapp, Catherine Deney(?), Helen Bennett.
The first girls basketball team was organized January 2, 1922, with Winfred Trapp Captain, Mildred Hartel, business manager, Winfred Trapp and Mildred Hartel forwards, Ester Hunt center, Helen Bennett and Catherine
(?) guards, Martha Nauer, Mary Luse and Isabelle Bolden subs.
The P.T.O. was organized November 14, 1921. The first meeting was called by the teachers for a social meeting and to get acquainted. Mrs. Anna Trapp, Pres. Cora Hargeshimer, secretary.
The second meeting was held Jan. 12, 1922, at the Presbyterian Church. The children were invited. The church was filled. The program was put on by the students. Piano solo by Hanley Cartwright, Vocal duet--Anna
and June Simpson. Play by the third and fourth grades.
Class of 1922 - Earl Amburn, Mary Luce, Everett Dell, Winfred Trapp, Chester Dell, Helen Bennett, Robert Whitcomb, Erma Brooks, Ernest Dell, John Trapp
Class of 1923 - Clyde Austin, Catherine Dunning(?), Harold Fetter, Irene Flack, Mildred Hartle, Howard Kirby, Everett Miller, Ralph Randall, Jennie Simpson, Charles Welker, Eula Woodward
1923 - Elementery school students preparing to go home, Howard Childs driver.
The year 1924 was the first year high school students had a ride to school, if they lived near the right road. Among the drivers were Mr. William
Stewart, father of Harry Stewart, who was the basketball coach in 1964.
Mr. William Stewart drove the bus for 34 years before retiring. At this time the Stewart's were very much a part of Vernon School. Mrs. Stewart was a teacher. Other
drivers with a long records were Ernest Ross and Casey Jones.
CLASS OF 1924 - Frances Marie Miller, Florence Brooks, Helen Hull, Hanley Cartwright, Isabella Bolden, Arthur Luce, Bertie Whitcomb, Martha E. Nauer.
Mrs. Helen Heil reported, SCHOOL WAS OPENED EACH MORNING WITH THE LORD'S PRAYER AND A SCRIPTURE READING. Both boys and girls played fine basketball. The Lincoln Medal was won by Arthur Luse. A new school building
was being built this year, but the class never had any classes in the new building. Classes were held in the Odd Fellows Hall. The Class Play and the Commencement were held in the NEW BUILDING.
CLASS OF 1925 - Brooks Riley, Calvin O. Grinstead, Roger Whitcomb, Ruby Flack, Mayrel Stambush, Freida E. Dawson, Walter Carson, Elbert Carney, Theadore "Ted" Bennett
Mr. Ted Bennett, reported that Vernon High School had three teachers at this time. Hazel Reuchaupt
(Ruschhaupt), Maude VanRipper and Principal L.A. Jackson. All basketball games were on
other teams floors. We practiced in our building, we had one goal in the basement room. We practiced twice a week. Most of us were farm boys and we would walk as much as three miles after practice. We played Scipio, Deputy, Jackson Township,
Letts, Lovett, Hanover, Butlerville, Paris Crossing, Hayden, Columbus Bull Pups, Osgood, and Seymour. IN 1925 WE LOST BUT ONE GAME AND WE CLAIM TO HAVE HAD THE BEST TEAM VERNON EVER HAD. We were eliminated by Columbus in the Sectional Tourney,
but were supposed to have had an outside chance to win. We suffered jitters and lost by a lop-sided score. After winning our first two games.
Other activities were Intramural field meets, both boys and girls. We also had several dances after school. Vernon had one of the better girls teams during this year. They played before the varsity games. We had a pep
meeting every Monday morning whether we won or lost our ballgame. Our class had the distinction of going as Freshmen in the old building, sophomores in Odd Fellows Hall and finished out in the new building built in 1923. We were transported to
school by motor bus.
CLASS OF 1926 - Mary Hulse, Albert Davis, Beulah Anderson, William Arthur Shuck, Mary Trapp, Dudley Childs, Pearl Estell, Jack Riley, Caroline Luse, Dorothy Harris.
Reported by Mary
(Trapp)Whitcomb: The Principal was Howard Clashman, Prof. L. A. Jackson and teachers Marie Miller, Edith Blighten. Activities were, Chorus, Plays, Orchestra, Sunshine Society. This class went to school on the third floor of
Drug Store, the Rebekah Lodge Hall, while the building with a gym was being built. Some grades went to a little brick building which was a school, down from the Baptist Church, others went to the Presbyterian Church. The girls and boys both played
Sunshine Society Organized
March 10, 1926. Charter members were: Carolina Luse, President; Naomi Whitcomb, Vice-President; Opal Beck, Treasurer. This orgainization was very active in the school until it was dropped in 1962.
CLASS OF 1927 - Hilda Bolden, Norval Marsh, Gail Beesley, Chester Dixon, Naomi Whitcomb, Chester Littell, Catherine Stems, Lee Rogers, Matle Cartwright, Dorthea Reynolds, Helen Stafford, Walter Cardinal, Delpha Reynolds, Mabel
Dunning. First Seniors from Sandcreek to grabuate at Vernon were this year. Francis Martin drove a Ford bus, according to Gail Beesley Carpenter. The Class Play was "Go Slow Mary".
CLASS OF 1928 - Henry Schnadinger, Donald Bowman, Opal Beck, Richard Jordon, Lola Lorn, Anna Patrick, Charles Ernest Luse, Alberta Schmollinger, Charles Kirkham.
Anna Patrick Robinson was still with Vernon School, planning and running the school cafeteria. Professor Jackson started a small Orchestra in 1900. THIS WAS THE FIRST YEAR FOR ORGANIZED MUSIC UNDER MR. BROWN. WE HAD AN EIGHTEEN
PIECE ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS. The Dramatic Club had Donald Marsh for President and the Sunshine Society was very active.
CLASS OF 1929 - Oral Cartwright, Elizabeth Trall, Donald Marsh, Harry Grimes, Richard Spurlock, Charles Ochs, Anna Trapp, Agusta May, Margaret Carson.
During 1929 the sunshine Society furnished a room for the sick or injured. Junior girls served hot lunch twice a week to raise funds. Dramatic Club president, Donald Marsh, Bernice VanGorden secretary. A mock trial was held, Marjorie
Jones was tried for murder, they had a Junior-Senior debate, "Resolved no person should neglect to vote." Junior debaters: Bernice VanGorden, Ernest Yates, Isabell Dorgan. Senior debaters: Bernice May, Velma Rose, Mildred Bawyer. Class play was Cyclone Sally.
Mrs. Gasken had boys and girls Glee Clubs, also chorus. Mr. Browns 18 piece Orchestra had 22 members. A big party was held at Bernice Van Gordon's. After the party two couples - Charles Ochs, Oral Cartwright, Martin Sandefur and Betty Kimble climbed in
Charles Ochs Ford, but like Coolidge "it did not choose to run". They cranked and cranked until they gave up and Ochs spent the night with Sandefer.

CLASS OF 1930 - Ruth Dunning, Bernice May, Velma Roan, Mildred Bowyer, Lillian Hans, Mary Stafford, Ervin Robbins, Mary Nauer.
1930 was the 50 year Anniversary of Vernon High School, the following comments were sent in about the class.
By Mildred Bowyer Murr
The Commencement was held at the Court House, which was a confusion of white flowers. Mr. Henry Noble Sherwood, speaker, charged us well of our future duties; to ourselves, our families, our schools, our country and to our God. His address
was forceful and compelled attention but, all eyes went time to time to the guests of honor. They were the loviest people imaginable. The real guest of honor were the four surviving members of Vernon's first graduating class. They, the class of 1880 had received their diplomas fifty
years before. Rev. Rule, returned to give the Baccalaureate sermon. It was also held in the Court Room. The room could not accomodate the crowd. Our Banquet was held in a fairyland created by the juniors at the Muscatatuck Inn. The class play was "Sunshine'. During the years there
were easy studies and more difficult ones; favorite teachers and those not so well liked. The hikes will never be forgotten. It was a favorite trick if we didn't have our Math to start asking Prof. Jackson leading questions that would end in a field trip. It might be about the sky, trees,
geology, or local history. Later we knew he had out-smarted us into getting a much broader education than studying arithmetic. No doubt all other classes remember such trips.
The Principal this year was W. Don Collom, also coach, he was the former coach of the ferocious Butlerville Bulldogs, the best in the country. Superintendent L.A. Jackson. Honor Roll selected by teachers on application-attitude-courtesy-attendance were Mildred
Bowyer, Mary Stafford, Velma Roan, Ernest Yates, Margarette Vincent, Dorothy Grinstead, Kenneth Lutz, Albert Stout, Juanita Wolfinger, Ima Hill. The new building with a gym was still a dream.
By Velma Roan Jones
A Reception and banquet was given in the high school assembly Saturday, April 26th. The celebration of the fiftieth class. Two hundred and twenty five guest, from near and far. Most of the evening was reminiscent speeches of older members. Grant Baughn of Tacoma
Washington was toastmaster. Mr. Charles Wagner of Indianapolis and Ed Harmon of St. Louis, honored guests had amusing speeches. Every class was represented. Mrs. Jessie Ochs was President and Secretary was Ralph Randall.
Comparison between 1880 and 1930
1880 |
1930 |
One High School Teacher |
Five High School Teachers |
No wash basin |
Shower baths |
Hoop skirts and tight trousers |
Short skirts and bell bottoms |
No tools to work with |
Two science labratories |
No stage |
Stage for every occasion |
Oil lamps |
Electric lamps |
Wells |
Running Water |
One room for high school |
Ten rooms |
Periods 20 minutes |
Periods 40 minutes |
Class per teacher 16 |
Class per teacher 4 1/2 |
CLASS OF 1931 - Carol Gaskin, Frank Fisher, Bernice Van Gordon, Marjorie Jones, William Hughey, Isabelle Dorgey, Betty Spurlock, Ida schmellinger, Ernest Yates, Floyd Bowyer.
Bernice Van Gordon Stennings sent in the following. The 1931 senior play was "Nobody But Nancy", cast Isabelle Dorgay, Marjorie Jones, Bernice Van Gordon, Carroll Gasken, William Hughey, Betty Kemple, Ernest Yates, Floyd Bowyer, Frank Fisher
Coach - Evangeline Hildreth. Senior Honor Roll Student - Ida Schmollinger. County Latin Contest Marjorie Jones.
CLASS OF 1932 - Virginia Cadby, Bernard Eder, Mildred Nauer, Archie Robbins, Virginia Jones, Morris Grimes, Mary Vance, Lee Clendenning, Dorothy Grinstead, Herbert Grinstead, Louise Littlell, Elizabeth Yates, Catherine Hughey, Kenneth Lutz, George Matern,
Edd Stultz, Lorena Bland.
CLASS OF 1933 - Russell Dryden, Albert Stout, Charles Hartwell, Beulah Kellar, Ernest Randell, Jack Carney, Harry Dawson, Mildred Kreutzjans, Robert Marsh, Juanita Wolfinger, Lester Dixon, Mary Cooper, Albert Armstrong.
CLASS OF 1834 - Frances Dieringer, Ralph Jordon, Betty Spurlock, Joe skinner, Mildred Curtis, Tom Dawson, D'Etta Vincent, George Crist, Ruth Kirkham, Elizabeth Randall, Mary Ale, Eva James, Juanita Link, Naomi Cadby, Julia Speer, Dorothy Robbins, Florence
Flack, Mary Amstutz, Ethel Bailiff, Lula Speer, Wilma Sterns, Hazel Skinner, William Smith.
Naomi Cadby James reported: The Blue Devils won all but two of their games our senior year, losing one in an overtime by one point. Four of the starting five were seniors, Tom Dawson, Ralph Jordon, Wm. Smith and George Crist. It was the largest class
up to this time. The class play was "Hotel Duchess".
CLASS OF 1935 - Alice Patrick, Joseph Mullican, Kenneth Vance, Ethel Short, Harvey Trapp, Catherine Biehle, Ned Grimes, Edwin Patrick, Blanch Bramel, Frank Ulrey, Phyllis Coleman, George Werskey, Mary Biehle, Paul Pence, Myrtle Patrick, Helen Hare, Gilbert Hunt, Mildred
Ross, Elbert Roan, Dorthy Messner, Charles Roan, Robert Lunsford, Paul Werskey.
Mrs. Howard Childs was president of the P.T.A. Girls baseball team the Deviletts defeated Scipio 17-12. Sunshine Society had the District Dean at their initiation, President of the Sunshine Society was Bernice Jones, sponsor Mrs. Bently. New members
Irene Caster, Marie Hughey, Beatrice McCammon, Martha Bower, Mary Dawson, Wilma Bowyer, Gladys Schutz, L. Hupp, Jean Crist, E. Myrick, Mary Dawson, Maxine Hartwell, M. Babcock, Mary Beck, Lucille Littell, Lydia Taylor, Eva Sandlin, A. Hielman, Donna Callon, Florence Bedell,
Jane Deck, Virginia Ross.
1935 SOCIETY NEWS: Robert "Brains" Dryden proves A+ exists.
Irene Castor spent Wednesday eve with Jane Beck.
Margaret Dieringer spent Wednesday eve with Lois Ashley.
Margaret Wilds, Robert Dixon, Kenneth Kellar and others spent a day at Cincinnati Zoo.
Marie and Josephine Hughey, Henry Ponsler and Ivan Modesitt enjoyed a picnic in Brown County.
Report of the State Sunshine Society made by delegate Josephine Hughey.

CLASS OF 1936 - Mary Louise Boicourt, Charles Vogel, Josephine Hughey, Mary Gehl, Edward Marsh, Margaret Wilds, Lydia Taylor, Kenneth Kellar, Nancy Speer, Phillip Nauer, Bernice Jones, Robert Dryden, Catherine Rinard, Martha Bowyer, Edwin Rogers, Stella
In 1936 Vernon lost the Basketball Tourney to Paris and the Senior Play was "Short Sleeves".
CLASS OF 1937 - Reva Goss, Kesner Jordon, Dorothy Tempest, Charles Ross, Lucille Robins, Robert Dixon, Eleanor Peters, Lawrence Bailiff, Margaret Ale, Eugene Biehle, Gladys Boicourt, James Flack, Lucille Littell, Abraham Amstutz, Delmo McConnahn, Mabel Coleman,
Catherine Mick, Margaret Dieringer, Harlan Short.
CLASS OF 1938 - genevieve Yux, Edna Goss, Fred Biehle, LaDonna Willman, Beatrice McCammon, Edith Hill, John Nauer, Mary Judd, Loyd Cadby.
CLASS OF 1939 - Florence Bendell, Mary Beck, Wilma Bowyer, Kenneth Cheever, William Cheever, Lucille Davidson, Mary Dawson, Winfred Day, Paul Dorgay, Edwin Dunning, Roger Euler, Maurice Goldschmidt, Norma Griffin, Etta Haile, Maxine Hartwell, Lucy Hupp, Robert McCammon.
CLASS OF 1940 - Leona Gehl, John Temple, Agnes Ley, Carroll DeCamp, Kathryn Bently (Sponsor), Jack Badgley, Dorothy Ullery, Margaret Bowerly, Grace Haile, Eugene Littell, Mildred Streit, Betty Whiteaker, Rosemary Modlin, Mary Calvert, Pauline Callon, William Simpson, Helen Grant,
Audrey Van Gordon, Vonda Cadby, Lillei Neal, Marvin Kellar, Robert Shaw, Eleanor Davis, Richard Strope, LaVerne Wilman, Margaret Dryden, Keith Jones, Merry Ream.
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