Part of the InGenWeb & USGenWeb Projects
submitted by Marsha Bryant
(by Patentee Last Name)
The Bureau of
Land Management
To the left you will find the index to the Land Patents in Vanderburgh County. I do not have additional information. If you want additional information, please click on the link above for the Bureau of Land Management. Note: I copied these records at a later date, so they are not exactly the same as the A-J Patent Surnames.
YAKER, NICHOLAS IN Vanderburgh 8/1/1839 Vincennes 23655 IN2300__.046
YATES, JAMES IN Vanderburgh 7/24/1823 Vincennes 312 IN0010__.312
YOUNG, JOHN IN Vanderburgh 10/7/1835 Vincennes 5029 IN0100__.493