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-- L -- Miscellaneous News Index

LaFOLLETTE, Bill - wins on Groucho Marx Show

LAMPING, Henry - Source: Weekly Argus News 2 Dec 1899 p 2
Henry Lamping, a cigar maker formerly of this city who was arrested at Indianapolis recently for an alleged violation of the revenue laws has just been indicted by the Federal Grand jury. – kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Semi-Weekly Journal, August 20, 1887
The base of the Lane monument was taken to Oak Hill this morning, Twelve horses pulled the large piece. - kim h

LAREW, Garrett -- Source: CWJ 22 Oct 1897 p 5- Garrett Larew has returned home after a two weeks visit with his son Art in Kansas.

LAWSON child adopted --Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 24 January 1896
Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Black Wednesday adopted the infant daughter of Evaline Lawson.

LEE, Col. - returns --
Source: Crawfordsville Review, 20 April 1889
Col. John Lee, after an absence of two and a half years in Oregon as Supt. Of the Indian Schools, has returned with his family to Crawfordsville, arriving here on Wednesday night. The Colonel is looking well and expresses himself as well satisfied to lay aside official cares and return home among old friends.

LIDIKAY, JE -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 16 Dec 1893 p 1
JE Lidikay has been appointed Guardian of Roberta M. Jones, minor heir of Robert Jones.  

LIDIKAY, Jacob - M/M oldest Ladoga couple 1894 - new 7-28-2023

LINDEN Postmaster - too lenient -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 8 June 1889 p4
“Linden News”  Our new postmaster is not as strict as the old one was, as some people chew and smoke there and others swear.  He will have to stop them or the inspector is liable to call round and investigate.

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