Lane - Ollie - attempts suicide - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Lane - Ollie - attempts suicide

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday, 6 October 1894

The “Sent For and Couldn’t Come Club” has had numerous accessions to its ranks of late and last evening Miss Ollie Lane who resides over beyond the fill took the second degree in the ancient and honorable order.  About a year ago Miss Ollie made an unsuccessful attempt to jump into kingdom come but was fetched back to earth with a jerk that made her bones rattle. She is a daughter of George Lane and has been employed as a dining room girl at one of the hotels. She has had a lover, a trifling sort of a chap, and as the course of true love didn’t run as smoothly as polished cylinder in a greased groove she very foolishly concluded that life wasn’t worth a Republican candidate’s chances in Texas. Drawing a logical conclusion from a false promise she decided that that which was worth nothing wasn’t worth keeping. Therefore she swallowed a quarter’s worth of morphine which she purchased from a drug store yesterday afternoon. Very soon she was down and the family summoned Dr. Ensminger. He worked heroically and after a season had the satisfaction of seeing his patient on the highway to recovery. Ollie is ok today and is repentant of having attempted to leave us so unceremoniously.

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