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Welcome, to the newly revised
Montgomery County, Indiana Genweb Site
!!! Something New!!! To help facilitate moving between projects, I have added what I call the "Get Around Links" You will find their menu tab, just below the "Home Page ~ Tab", in the pull down menu by clicking the three bars in the left column. There is also a link to them at the top of each sections main page. I suggest that you open them in their own browser tab for easier access. These links will make it easier to move more directly between the sub-sites. I hope you enjoy them and have FUN, Happy Genealogy Days!!! Have Fun, Jim
I have tried hard to give the Genealogists of Montgomery County something to be proud of. If you discover a problem, let Karen know. Everyday I am learning something new about this procedure. Please be patient, Thanks, Jim!
NOTE: I and many others have spent about 25 plus years (from its inception) on this project -- PLEASE GIVE CREDIT if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)
Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2019 (and beyond), Montgomery County GenWeb site http://ingenweb.org/inmontgomery/ - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Montgomery County. My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper.
Below we have a self playing slide show. By placing the cursor below the "Control Bar" you will see a description of the photo. There is an icon "[ ]" on the right side of the "Control Bar" that by clicking on it the slide show will enlarge to "Full Screen". You can then move forward or backward, at your own pace, by clicking on the right or left arrows. Then there are full screen controls in the upper right hand corner. Please enjoy!
freefind |
Montgomery County, Indiana is rich with history and owns many interesting sites, including the Old Jail Museum (with one of the only workable rotating cells); the Lane Place (home of Henry S. Lane, Senator and personal friend to President Lincoln); Lew Wallace Study (author of the book, Ben Hur); DAR house (owned by the Elston family until the Dorothy Q Chapter, DAR purchased it); and Wabash College (an all-male Liberal Arts School with less than 1,000 students dating back to 1832).
Townships include Brown (with towns of Browns Valley and Waveland); Clark (Ladoga); Coal Creek (New Richmond, Wingate and Elmdale); Franklin (Darlington, Shannondale); Madison (Linden and Kirkpatrick); Ripley (Alamo, Yountsville); Scott (Parkersburg, New Market); Sugar Creek (Bowers); Union (Crawfordsville; Whitesville); Walnut (New Ross, Mace); Wayne (Waynetown). Crawfordsville, the County seat, is a third-class city with a full time mayor, a seven-member council and a clerk-treasurer. The city is located just off Interstate 74, about 45 miles West of Indianapolis.
Note: There has been a group of folks who have found (can you believe this?) over 500 towns to date (7-1-2023 ) - click on towns on the left column to read about not only those above but many, many more.Thanks so much to Suzie, Dellie & Jerry for the majority of them -- It's truly amazing!
In Honor and Memory of our past INGenWeb State Coordinators : Thanks for your dedication - here are Betty's remembrances of how Indiana began :) Loved that lady!
1996 - 1998 - Betty Sellers
1998 - 2000 - Fred Finkbiner
2000 - 2002 - Patrick Hays
2003 - 2004 - Gene Andert
2004 - 2011 - Debra Behler
2011 - 2012 - Katy Hestand
2012 - 2016 - Denise Wells
2016 - 2017 - John Peck
2017- -------- Lena Carlson Harper
(and thanks to Judi Burns (Greene Co Coordinator) for the INGenWeb history lesson :) I've seen 'em all come/go. Some were great (like Betty, & Fred), others good, a couple not so much :) Current one, Lena is awesome so hopefully, we're back on a great road again! Overall, though, they tried and kept us going as one of the ONLY FREE genealogy sites. ENJOY
Destination Indiana (Montgomery County link)
***Submission notification*** -
Effective November 21, 2012 -- Anyone submitting an obituary, picture, letter, biography ... for this site SHOULD note that the person being submitted (the obituary is about that person, in other words) SHOULD have been born, lived, or died in Montgomery County (sorry, but the site is getting sooo huge, I think this is necessary - THANKS MUCHES)- kbz
I want to take this space to THANK MY WONDERFUL TYPISTS
Chris -
Debby M.
Jack * (Jack has been absolutely amazing)
John - John did much work on the WWI Vets
Kim H. - Current typist - super help
S. (thanks sooo sooo much)
Sara Mc
Tom H.
Walt * (Walt typed a humongous bunch)
** PLEASE let me know if I left anyone out because these guys & gals are
SUPER and I want to make sure they get a BIG THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! ***
T H I S - W E E K' S - F E A T U R E D - P H O T O -

Crawfordsville Softball Champions 1935
includes name
thanks to the Yearbook Collection of Marilyn Appleby Hood donated by Curt Jackson.

IF YOU HAVE ANY PICS OF ANY OF THE TOWNS / BUILDINGS / AREAS / CHURCHES/ BUSINESSES/PEOPLE, please send them my way :) for this page and to archive in the photos section !! Love to share our history! kbz
CHECK - Check out the 2024 additions
2025 Goals -- wish us luck :)
1 – 500-600 obituaries -
2 – At least 20 photos - (not including the yearbooks)
3 – Add more marriage articles, military; businesses (at least 10 of each of the three)
4 – Add at least 50 more newspaper clippings ...
5 – Add at least 5 Who’s Who .. DONE !!
6 - Add at least 5 yearbooks - DONE !!
MARCH 2025 --Additions to Montgomery County INGenWeb
Obituari:es: 50- Year to Date 303 == Total = 31,247
L: Love, Elizabeth Marie; Long, Hannah Herron; Luther R; Loop, Polly. Mc - McCanor, David x 12; McDonald, Kim x2. Mi: - Michael, Paul; Mitchell (Mrs 1879 - WHO IS SHE?) Mo - Moore, Bertha; Mary 1922; Ralph x 3; Helen Timmons; Montgomery Anna Kesterson; Morris Nelson; Moody, Joseph added; Mount James added. Mu-Mz: Murry, James; Murphy, Lizzie Medaris; Musser added to Sarah Birdcell; Murdock, Vernace Lough; Musgrove, Charles added; Myers (Charles added; Clarence; Landy; Franklin. T: Tennant, Henry; Teague, Fannie Ephlin; Taylor, Amanda; Thomas, George W. Wa: Waugh, Milo; Walker, Willis; Warren, David - added.
L: Love, Elizabeth Marie; Long, Hannah Herron; Luther R; Loop, Polly. Mc - McCanor, David x 12; McDonald, Kim x2. Mi: - Michael, Paul; Mitchell (Mrs 1879 - WHO IS SHE?) Mo - Moore, Bertha; Mary 1922; Ralph x 3; Helen Timmons; Montgomery Anna Kesterson; Morris Nelson; Moody, Joseph added; Mount James added. Mu-Mz: Murry, James; Murphy, Lizzie Medaris; Musser added to Sarah Birdcell; Murdock, Vernace Lough; Musgrove, Charles added; Myers (Charles added; Clarence; Landy; Franklin. T: Tennant, Henry; Teague, Fannie Ephlin; Taylor, Amanda; Thomas, George W. Wa: Waugh, Milo; Walker, Willis; Warren, David - added.
Added 14 (YTD = 1,580 ) :
Bibles ____ - Total 82 Bibles - (LOVE more):
Births -- (Ytd = 4) -
Court Proceedings _ Added: __ Names :Deaths ___ Added: __1 to date_ Names :Deeds___ Added: __ Names :Divorces _ _Added: _ Names :Inquests _ Added: __ Names :Land _ Added: __ Names :Law Suits - ____ Added -Marriages (includes announcements in newspapers) __(18 YTD) - Foster/Osborn; Shelton/Boble; Marsh/Langdon; Fletcher/BastionMiscellaneous ____Naturalizations ___ Added: __ Names :Wills __ Added: __ Names :
Census ____ Updated:
Diaries --___ - 1 - YTD
Divorces __ (YTD = 6)
Letters ___ - (YTD = 0) Added:
Links -- __ Added - YTD
Misc -- ____
MILITARY - (Causalities and Other Data)___Added - (ytd = )
War of 1812 -__ - Added David McKinsey buried Texas Cem1898 - Spanish-American - added Thomas W. PetroCivil War ___-- ____ 4 YTD = TOTAL = LOTS :)World War I = _ __ = items added -__ - YTD : -6World War II =Items added __ =__ 24__ YTD - (Korean -- __ = added this month = 4 YTD -Viet Nam - ____ -YTD -1 -
NEWS _4 -- Added - YTD -__ 48- In #3 -- E - Eight 99 street fair; Greve, Henry attends Durham sale); Durham Sale - in #2 - Ellis, Charles - attack - woman may die
PHOTOS -- 2_- Added (YTD =7 )
- Photos People: __2 YTD_ -- Bios - Delilah VanSlyke; Ornbaum Harley in Who's Who
- Photos Groups: - ;
- PHOTOS Places: ____ =
- Photographer information
STREETS -- Added ____YTD = - - some new and some information
QUESTIONS - _____ -
REUNIONS - ____ ( YTD = ) --
SHARED: ____ Sent articles/obits/info to these
Wills - Brush, William Tell; Andrew Crouch; Cooley, Lorin; Brockman, Eleanor
Who's Who ___2_ -- Added - __5__YTD - Ornbaum, Harley + photo and Harrison Rice
(thanks to Al Wolf for this awesome site - greatly appreciazted)
Hilary from the IN Div. of Hist Pres & Archaeology sent this recently - nifty