Osborn Prairie Church

1892 Osborn Prairie Church, Fountain County Indiana in 1892
thanks so much to Tammy Gritten Hughes
Source: 2013 History of Fountain County, Indiana. Fountain County Genealogy Society.
The basis of the Osborn Prairie Church dates back to the late 1830s (1838) when early settlers held church services in their homes, barns, or the great outdoors. An actual church was finally built in 1857 but burned later. Another was built - burned. In 1892, a brick building was erected costing a bit of $4,000. Great pride was honed by the members and at each major anniversary (50, 60, ... 150) a large reunion was enjoyed by all. Many of these churches went by the wayside but Osborn Prairie had large donations and a ladies and youth group that worked quite hard for the church. In 1982, the Ladies Guild published a cookbook that was a reprint of a 1939 one, with 1500 cookbooks sold at $8. That then was reprinted with new recipes in 1998 and wonderful sales were made. In 1988, a great overhaul made it a lovely and enjoyable time for all at the 100th anniversary. When Richard Byers resigned as the minister in 2000, it was hard to continue the church way out in the prairie; however again in 2007 the doors were reopened. On June 24, 2007, James Chester Goins with Paul and Karin Goins as
ministers were determined to have a good, healthy uplifting place. A grant from Historic LandMarks of Fountain County was received in 2009.
As per its fate in 2020, not sure. Anyone know?

Osborn Prairie Church
Picture taken 30 April 1922
so much to Laura Knudsen
the collection of
James Henry Perrin and Anna Mariah (Morris) Perrin