Newtown Presb Church - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Newtown Presb Church

circa 1969

By clicking on Newtown Church Congregation above, you will open a link to a larger version of the picture with names attached.  Karen worked hard on finding thses names with help of a few anonymous friends.

Source: Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!   I was unaware of the year but I’m told it was 1969, just FYI.

Source: Indianapolis News 17 July 1916 p 4
Crawfordsville, Ind July 17 – The Presbyterian Church at Newtown, 18 miles northwest of Crawfordsville just across the county line in Fountain County, concluded a three day celebration Sunday of the 75th anniversary of its organization. The membership numbers 120.  Dr. George L. MackIntosh, president of Wabash College, deliver the principal address Saturday, his subject being “Presbyterianism.” He also occupied the pulpit Sunday morning. The meeting Saturday was of a social nature, luncheon being served by the women of the Church. C. Elton McClure read a paper giving the history of the church.  The celebration was opened Friday evening with a centennial address by VE Livengood, attorney of Covington and a recital of the history of Newtown and community by CR McKinney.  The Rev. HO Tribbe, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Attica, preached Sunday afternoon. Although the Newtown Presbyterian Church was not founded until March 1841, Presbyterianism in Fountain County dates back to 1827 when Rev. James Thomson began to preach to a few friends at the Zion Presbyterian Church in Coal Creek Township.  A church organization was formed Dec 3, 1827 at a meeting held at the home of William Miller. In 1829 a house of worship, 30 x 40’ was erected. The Rev. EO Hoven who came to the Zion Church in Jan 1832 continued to preach there for three years. Presbyterian camp meetings were held in August 1834 as the result of which the society obtained a large increase in membership

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