Newtown Methodist Church - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Newtown Methodist Church

Source: New Richmond 24 Dec 1914 p 1

The fine new Methodist church at Newtown was dedicated Sunday, December 6, by Rev. U. G. Leazenby and the pastor, Rev. H. C. Riley. The new edifice is 51 by 72 feet, has auditorium, large Sunday School room, primary room, three vestibules and entrances, basement under entire church with kitchen, social room, rest room, furnace room and coal room—built at a cost of $7,200 for building proper. Furnishings, including windows, furnace, light plant, pews," frescoing, carpet, hymnals, Sunday School song books, chairs, new Baldwin piano, choir chairs, cement walks, etc., at an added cost of about $3,000; making total for building and furnishings as it now stands, loss than $10,500, The lowest bidon* building proper was $9,200, but the building committee consisting of E. J. Kirkpatrick, T. E; Martin and O. L. Palin, with the pastor, bought their own material and hired the work done at a saving of more than $2,000. The entire' debt was provided for before the dedication day and the only offering taken at the dedication was a thank offering. This church thanes the fourth that Rev. Riley has built during his ministry, all splendid brick structures—one at Montezuma, one at Avon, one at Shilo near Indianapolis, and last the splendid new church at Newtown, besides a parsonage  at Kewanna costing $3,200.

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