Parke County, Indiana
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Copyright © 2023  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Parke County Indiana Neighbors

If you are having trouble finding information on your Parke County ancestor, you might try looking for information about them in a neighboring county. The nearest town, store, doctor, church or cemetery might have been across the county line.  Here is a list of the surrounding counties and their nearest Parke county citizens.

  • Vermillion        - borders Liberty, Reserve, Wabash and Florida townships
  • Fountain         - borders Liberty, Sugar Creek, and Howard townships
  • Putnam         - borders Greene, Union and Jackson townships
  • Clay            - borders Jackson and Raccoon townships
  • Vigo            - borders Florida and Raccoon townships
  • Montgomery     - borders Howard and Greene townships

If you still don't find them, try the Unknown County site.