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Copyright © 2023  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Parke County Lookups

If you own any Parke County information and would be willing to perform free look-ups, please contact me   James D. VanDerMark

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Feel free to request a look-up from any of the following book, but PLEASE limit your request to one name per request. Please place PARKE COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to insure the message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted.  Also please include the name of the book you are requesting the lookup in and include vital details about the individual that may help the volunteer's search.  ( Such as spouse, parent or approximate birth, marriage or death dates )

If you do request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time - they are saving you some valuable "leg work."   Good Luck!

Volunteer Reference Book
Danene Vincent Rubottom Reminiscin'   by, Danene Vincent
Donald E. Gradeless Grayless/Gradeless Family Register 1743-1993
Steve Moore Parke Co., IN Marriage Records 1882 - 1920 - (W. P. A.  Index)
On Line Parke Co., IN Birth Records 1882 - 1920 - (W. P. A.  Index)
On Line Parke Co., IN Death Records 1882 - 1920 - (W. P. A.  Index)
Bob Blue Parke County Indiana Centennial Memorial 1816-1916, Edited by Isaac R. Strouse
Hubert Hall Parke County in the World War (I) -- information might include: name, rank, hometown, date of birth, enlistment, unit, discharge date, photo. 
Larry Seits Prairie Farmer's Directory of Fountain, Parke and Vermillion Counties, Indiana (1920)
Ann Lester "That Swaim Family 1663-1961" compiled by Ann Lester

"The Swaim-Tysen Family of Staten Island, New York, New Jersey and Southern States" and "Supplement to ...." compiled by Joseph F. Mullane, Lloyd B. Swaim, & Marjorie Decker Johnson

Descendants of John BLAW (BLUE) d. 1757 Somerset Co, NJ" compiled by Wm. H. Blue  (thanks, Bill, for letting Ann help others)

STRYKER Family in America, Vol. 1-3 (back to 1400) thanks to William M. Stryker for permission to perform lookups in this book.

James D. VanDerMark Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana (Chicago: Chapman Bros, 1893)
Jennie Peters MADDEN Family history (by Dorothy Madden Luther)  Includes Harvey, Lindley, Maris and Marks surnames