Parke County, Indiana
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Copyright © 2023  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Some Other Stuff

I'm always looking for suggestions of new Parke County records to assemble, index or transcribe and post to the site.  Please contact me about any medium of Parke County information you would care to share to help other researchers or with ideas of future postings.       Thanks - Jim VanDerMark

Parke County Research Tips:

  • Many Parke County marriage records were lost in an 1833 courthouse fire.

  • Indiana Law required Vital Records to be kept beginning only in 1882.  Strict enforcement of that law didn't happen until much later, so early birth and death records may not exist for your ancestor who died in Parke County during that time. 

  • Check neighboring county records.  Many Parke county communities had "News Reports" as regular columns/features in the newspapers of Terre Haute, Brazil, Crawfordsville or other 'big towns' nearby.  Sometimes Hospital, Funeral Home, Obituary and Vital Records of these counties provide a missing clue about your ancestor.

  • The 1920 census records for the Parke County townships of Florida, Greene & Wabash are confirmed lost by the U.S. Census Bureau.