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   James D. VanDerMark   -
All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 


Monroe County Families

This page is provided as a way to meet other genealogists who might be able to help you with your family research. 

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by clicking on the photo below taken at the Sample Gates entrance to Indiana University.

SURNAME Contact information & families of interest
Abram Nancy Barrett
Abrams Nancy Barrett
Alexander Connie Shotts
Atkisson Carol and John Harness - James William Atkisson born 26 October 1841
Bales Connie Shotts
Barrett Nancy Barrett
Bowen Sally May Cuffe
Bowman Connie Shotts
Branam James D. VanDerMark - Jonathan Branam (1764 - 1847) and descendants 10 children by wife Elizabeth Crawford: Charles, Livingston, Louisa, Jonathan Jr., Barthena, Milton, Elisha, James, William & Mary
Branham James D. VanDerMark -Richard Branham (1790 - 1865) and descendants 10 children by wife Rebecca Witt: Lucinda, Elizabeth, Wilson, Wesley, Henry, Mary Alice, Mahala, Rebecca C., Moses W., & Richard Jr..
Brookshire Sally May Cuffe
Burk/Burke/Burks Donna Palmer Viehman
Burton Judy Smith
Butcher Connie Shotts
Cain Nancy Barrett
Carmichael Nancy Barrett
Chandler Connie Shotts
Cole Kenneth Cole
Corbin Nancy Barrett
Crum Sally May Cuffe
Dearmin Connie Shotts
Dover Connie Shotts
Dowden Judy Smith
Eller Judy Smith
Ellis Barbara Ellis
Foddrill Nancy Barrett
Franklin Chris Franklin
Gillaspie/Gillaspy/Gilllespie Donna Palmer Viehman
Guy Judy Smith
Graham Karen Riley Hall
Griffith James D. VanDerMark - John Griffith (1774 - 1865) and descendants 7 children by 1st wife Deborah Lewis : Susannah, Mary John L. Elizabeth, Ellenor, Nancy & Deborah 1 child by 2nd wife Elizabeth Armstrong: Isaac T.
Grubb Donna Palmer Viehman
Hadden/Haddon Donna Palmer Viehman
Hardesty Cathy Minett Murphy
Harris Connie Shotts
Hathaway Judy Smith
Hill Nancy Barrett
Hillenburg Donna Palmer Viehman
Hoover Connie Shotts
Houston Connie Shotts
Johns Connie Shotts
Kendrick Connie Shotts
Kerr Connie Shotts
Kinser Donna Palmer Viehman
Kirk Judy Smith
Knight Connie Shotts
Koons Nancy Barrett
Koons Judy Smith
Koontz Nancy Barrett
Koontz Judy Smith
Linthicum Terry L. Linthicum - see outline provided on Thomas S. Linthicum
Martin Cathy Minett Murphy
May Sally May Cuffe
May Nancy Barrett
May Judy Smith
McCoy James D. VanDerMark -Daniel McCoy (1792 - 1882) and descendants - 10 children by wife Clarissa: Nancy, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Clarisa, Emeline, Eliza, Malinda & 2 sons - 6 children by 2nd wife Nancy Pedigo: George, William, Stephen, Andrew, Artemisia & Minerva
Meadows Donna Palmer Viehman
Minett Cathy Minett Murphy
Mobely/Moberly Karen Riley Hall
Myers Connie Shotts
Natalie (Natale) Cathy Minett Murphy
Paddock Judy Smith
Palmer Donna Palmer Viehman
Pate Judi LaCroix -  Abagos Pate (about 1804 to 1871) born in France, died in Monroe County - wife Theresa born March 1808 in France, died after 1900 in Monroe or Marion county, IN - children - Andrew, George, William and Theresa, wife of John E. Sanders
Patten/Patton Donna Palmer Viehman
Payne Donna Palmer Viehman
Philips Judy Smith
Phillips Donna Palmer Viehman
Phillips Judy Smith
Putman Connie Shotts
Putnam Connie Shotts
Ramage Kenneth Cole
Rhorer Connie Shotts
Sansone Cathy Minett Murphy
Sargent Judy Smith
Sciscoe Nancy Barrett
Shields Nancy Barrett
Scott Connie Shotts
Scott Barbara Ellis
Shipman Judy Smith
Skirvin Mary Lynn Johnson      -  George & Elizabeth Skirvin descendants
Steel Judy Smith
Sullivan Sally May Cuffe
Sutherland Judy Smith
Thrasher Judy Smith
Trisler Connie Shotts
Vaught Connie Shotts
Waggaman Connie Shotts
Walcott Sally May Cuffe
Walker Sally May Cuffe
Warinner Connie Shotts
Weaver Judy Smith
Wright Sally May Cuffe
Wright Nancy Barrett