Monroe County Indiana
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Copyright © 2016

   James D. VanDerMark   -
All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 


Monroe County Lookups


  If you have any records or publications that you can volunteer to perform lookups in for other researchers, please contact me by clicking here.  Please provide your name, the complete name of the publication and an email address to contact you.  Thanks.

Good Luck with your research!

Volunteer Record/Publications
Judy Coffman 1938 Arbutus Yearbook (Indiana University)
Mary Lou Mitchell Monroe County Cemeteries - including White Oak & Rose Hill Unmarked graves

("Mary Lou says "the index is  to date - I do them daily for my own purposes"

James D. VanDerMark Bridge Williams Cemetery Historical Listing - I can also take photographs at other local cemeteries  if given enough time...
Connie Shotts

Judi LaCroix

Rose Hill Cemetery 1821 - 1976 -

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, 1976

Connie Shotts Rose Hill Cemetery Addendum 1976-1996 -

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, 1996

Connie Shotts Pioneer Cemeteries in Bloomington Township -

Bloomington Township Trustees, 1990

Connie Shotts

Judi LaCroix

Mary Lou Mitchell

Probate Boxes 1818 - 1872 -

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, 1997

Connie Shotts

Judi LaCroix

Monroe County Indiana Marriages 1818 - 1881-

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, 1995 -

Connie Shotts

Judi LaCroix

Monroe County Indiana Marriages 1882 - 1920-

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, 1997

Mary Lou Mitchell Monroe County Indiana Marriages 1818 - 1980
Connie Shotts DAR Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications
Connie Shotts DAR Patriot Index
James D. VanDerMark Vernal Baptist Church Records, 1817 - 1850
James D. VanDerMark Valhalla Memory Gardens Cemetery (1926 - 1978) -

 Monroe County Historical Society Publication

James D. VanDerMark Valhalla Memory Gardens Addendum 1978 - 1990 -

Monroe County Historical Society Publication

James D. VanDerMark W. P. A. Birth Records Index - 1882 to 1920
James D. VanDerMark W. P. A. Marriage Records Index - 1882 to 1920
Mary Lou Mitchell Monroe County Divorces 1818 - 1960
Mary Lou Mitchell Monroe County Death Index to 1908
Mary Lou Mitchell Monroe County Coroner's Inquests 1888 - 1973
James D. VanDerMark W. P. A. Death Records Index - 1882 to 1920
Connie Shotts

James D. VanDerMark

County Cemeteries Of Monroe - 

Monroe County Historical Society Publication, revised edition 1998

Judi LaCroix Marriages 1921 - 1946 - 

Monroe County Historical Society Publication

Judi LaCroix 1860 U. S. Census, Monroe County, IN
Mary Lou Mitchell 1850 through 1930 U. S. Census, Monroe County, IN