H Business
-- H --
HARRIS, Walter - to manage (1912) Covington Music Store
HEFFNER & Hayes, drugs and medicines, Hillsboro
HEGEL HOUSE HOTEL - Covington - circa 1855 - way too cool :)
HEGLERS, William - Maytag Service and Skelgas
HEINEMAN, CE - plumbing
HENRY LUMBER CO. - Sold - 1915
HETFIELD Livery Stable - NEW 1-1-2025
HILLSBORO GAS STATION - probably the first there - about 1920-22 or so ?! - This is my FAV of the ones Larry sent :)
HILLSBORO Flour Mill - 1824 thru 1947
HILLSBORO - KOOL MOTORS -CITIES SERVICE - wish we knew who the guys were - love this pic :)
HILLSBORO POST OFFICE - 1920s? 30? s- anywhere know their names? Would LOVE to identify these two! - kbz - Thanks Larry B
Hoosier Machine Shop SOURCE: People's Friend, Volume 20, Number 51, Covington, Fountain County, 1 October 1862
HOWARD, Lawrence "Jack" - Lawnmowers
HOWELL, Alice - Women's High Class Wearing Apparel (Victor Ladies Tailoring Co) - Advertisement in "OLD KINGMAN COOKBOOK" -- circa 1914-1926, Thanks so much to the Minnicks for providing. We would like to find out more information about this cookbook, contact Site-Master.