M Business - Fountain Businesses

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M Business

-- M --

MADDOX & Rawles - see RAWLES

MARSHALL STUDIOS - ceramics/lamps... wow story about Veedersburg folks (thanks sooo very much, Ann) -- Again, thanks soooo much to Ann M for this great pic of the studios

Mathias Miller - Dealer in Groceries and Liquors   SOURCE: People's Friend, Volume 20, Number 51, Covington, Fountain County, 1 October 1862

McALISTER (H.J.) News Stand - Advertisement in "OLD KINGMAN COOKBOOK" -- circa 1914-1926, Thanks so much to the Minnicks for providing.  We would like to find out more information about this cookbook, contact Site-Master.

McCOMAS & SULLIVAN - Grocers (1-1-1860)

McCRARY, H.P. - - dry goods, dress, trimmings, shoes ... - Advertisement in "OLD KINGMAN COOKBOOK" -- circa 1914-1926, Thanks so much to the Minnicks for providing.  We would like to find out more information about this cookbook, contact Site-Master.

McDONALD - Spears Mercantile -+ 5 photos

McKENNA, Dr W F - Dentist

P.J. McMAHON - (Sale Barn & Livery -- Covington, IN)  

MUDLAVIA HOTEL - near Attica (Indiana Mineral Springs) and Mudlavia Hotel Dining Area (2nd picture)

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