Part of the InGenWeb & USGenWeb Projects
Compiled by the Staff and Volunteers of Willard Library.
Supervised by Joan M. Elliott, Special Collections Librarian
Willard Library, Evansville, IN 1983
This volume (the index book) is part of an effort to provide for each Indiana county an index of the names of persons and firms contained in county histories, atlases, gazetteers and miscellaneous local publications. Several volumes were produced by the WPA, other counties were indexed by other persons and agencies. The Indiana Historical Society in cooperation with the Fort Wayne-Allen County Public Library cooperated in completing most of the remaining counties. This volume, compiled by the Staff and volunteers of the Willard Library is the final volume of indexes.
This index was begun in 1977 as a CETA Project. Originally it was to be an index of persons, firms, and places with subject entries. Later it was narrowed to an every-name index of persons, buildings, businesses, organizations, churches, schools, railroads, etc. Government agencies are not indexed.
All names are entered as they appear in the text. No effort has been made to differentiate between one or more persons with the identical name. The names of married women are given in two entries: One, the maiden name; the other, the married name. Illustrations are marked with brackets []. If additional information is given on the same page as an illustration, no duplicate page number is given. Cross references to surnames which are similar in spelling and pronunciation are usually supplied, but in all cases, alternatives should be considered.
The symbol preceding the page number is usually composed of the initial letters of the author's surname, or some letters indicating the title of the book. Some symbols are assigned arbitrarily.
Books Indexed:
AHE - Architectural Heritage of Evansville, by Howard E. Wooden. Evansville: Evansville museum of Arts and Science, c1962, 78 pages
AS - Art Souvenir of Representative Men, Public Buildings, Private Residences, Business Houses, prepared for the Evansville Evening Tribune. Evansville: E. C. & C. L. Kelly, 1894, 152 pages
BC - Biographical Cyclopedia of Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Evansville: Press of the Keller Printing and Publishing Company, 1897, 140 pages
BE - The Book of Evansville. Evansville: Unigraphic, 1978, Reprint of ca. 1895 ed.148 pages
BF - History of Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Evansville: Unigraphic, 1979. Reprint of Brant & Fuller 1889 ed., 675 pages
EI - Evansville Illustrated 1889 and Art Work of Evansville, Indiana, 1901. Evansville: Unigraphic, 1977. Reprint of 1889 and 1901 eds. 395 pages
ES - The Evansville Story, by James E. Morlock. Evansville: Evansville College, c1956, 220 pages
GS - German Settlers and German Settlements in Indiana, by William A. Fritsch. Evansville: Friends of Willard Library, 1979. Reprint of 1915 ed. 687 pages
HC - How a City Founded to Make Money Made It, by Ed Klingler. Evansville: University of Evansville, c1978, 123 pages
IGLE - An Account of Vanderburgh County from its Organization, edited by John E. Iglehart. Dayton: Dayton Historical Publishing Company, 1923. 566 pages (Vol. 3 of History of Indiana from its Exploration to 1922, by Logan Esary).
PP - People of Progress in Evansville, Indiana. Evansville: Biographers, Inc., 1966, 259 pages
RH - Reflections upon a Century of Architecture, Evansville, IN. Evansville: Junior League of Evansville, c1977. 65 pages
RH - Reflections on a Heritage: The German Americans in Southwestern Indiana, by Darrell E. Bigham and Charles F. Petranek. Evansville: Indiana Committee for the Humanities, 1980, 29 pages
SA - Saundersville: An English Settlement in Vanderburgh County, IN, Kenneth P. McCutchan. Evansville: Unigraphic for Friends of Willard Library, c 1978, 219 pages
SE - Sidelights of Early Evansville History, Daniel W. Snepp. Evansville: Snepp, 1976. Revised Edition, 77 pages
VC - A History of Evansville and Vanderburgh County, IN, by Joseph P. Elliott. Evansville: Keller Printing Co., 1897, 499 pages
WW - Who's Who in Evansville, by Clyde Lee Reece. Evansville Burkert-Walton Co., 1932, 208 pages
WWW - Who's Who & Why, Evansville: Press of the Legeman Printing Co., ca 198, 207 pages.