Bainbridge High School
Bainbridge High School with Gym
- photo from Bainbrige High School Alumni Site -
Bainbridge High School
Bainbridge, Indiana

1966 Graduation Announcement with a name card from "Carol Lynn Gorman" Thanks to Peggy!
The Crier
Published by Senior Class of 1940
Bainbridge High School Bainbridge, Indiana
Harry H. Hays, Principal, History
Irene June Griffey, Commerce, Physical Education
Mary K. Rogers, English
J. C. Cornell, History, Physical Education, Coaching
Rosina Riso, Department of Music and Art
Lester Hale, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, and General Science
Francis McClure, Latin, Mathematics, Science
Mary Lou Hess, Home Economics, Biology, Safety
1939-1940 Bainbridge Pointers
Melvin Hillis, George Priest, Wallace Etcheson, Howard Harmless, Maurice Smedly
Wayne Ader, Robert Huffman, Wilford Harmless, William Scobee,
Coach J. C. Cornell, Dale Baker, Student Manager
Senior Class Play "Taking the Count"
Cast members:
Mary Knauer, Mary K. Rogers (coach), Robert Huffman, Marian Lewman, Doris Smedley, Ada O'Hair, Wallace Etcheson,
Lowell Flint, Junior Johnson, Lorna Thomas, Frances Hendrich, Robert Bell, Chrystal Hendrich, Mary June Reising,
Wilford Harmless, and Louise Darnell
Seniors, 1940
Robert Bell, Thomas Brothers, Louise Darnall, Wallace Etcheson, Lowell Flint, Wilfred Harmless, Chrystal Hendrich,
Melvin Hillis, Frances Hendrich, Robert Huffman, Junior Johnston, Mary Knauer, Mary Lasley, Marian Lewman,
Ada O'Hair, Donald Pruitt, George Priest, Mary June Reising, Leona Reeves, Robert Scobee, Doris Smedley,
Morris Smedley, Joyce Smith, Lorna Thomas, James Whitaker, and Cecil English.
Currently this is all Historical Information we have for the School. Anyone wishing to donate copies of photos or items of interest please contact Site-Master, THANKS!!!
BAINBRIDGE - 1908 - fails inspection
Source: Plymouth Weekly Republican Thu 9 April 1908 p 1
As one of the results of a general inspection of school buildings throughout the state by William E. Blakely, State Factory Inspector, two school buildings one at Bainbridge in Putnam County and the other at LaPaz in Marshall county, have been condemned by the State Department of Inspection. The report on each building was that it could not be remodeled in such a way as to be safe for the pupils. Neither of the buildings, it was believed, would have stood the test of a severe windstorm. The building at Bainbridge was inspected by CE Butcher, Deputy Inspector. Mr. Butcher reported that the walls of the building were cracked, cracked so badly that the sides of the building bulged outward. During the last year 100 pupils have been taken care of in the upper rooms. LaPaz … the inspectors of this department are under orders to inspect school buildings in every community they visit. Mr. Blakely: “This work will be kept up, and unsafe buildings will be condemned as rapidly as we find them. I can see no reason why a school board should permit the continuance of school in a building which may be blown to the ground any day. I believe there should be severe punishment for such negligence.”