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 Parke County Indiana Obituaries 

Surnames beginning with the letter "D" 



Montezuma, Ind., March 25 (Special) – Services for James Daniel, 88 years old, of 732 Jefferson Street, who died at 7:30 o’clock Thursday night at the Indiana State Sanitorium near Rockville, will be at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Brown Funeral Home. The Rev. Earl Ramey will officiate, and interment will be in Oakland cemetery. - Terre Haute Tribune 26 Mar 1961 Page 14


Mrs. Anna DANIELS, 75, of Mecca, died at 9:45 p.m. Wednesday, in the Union Hospital at Terre Haute.  She was a member of the Mecca Methodist Church.  Surviving are a daughter, Miss Eunice Daniels of Indianapolis; a son, Eskel of Fresno, CA; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Taylor of Indianapolis; one grandchild, and one great-grandchild.  Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Butler Funeral Home in Rockville with Rev. Paul Wright officiating.  Burial will be in Memory Gardens. - The Daily Clintonian, Friday, April, 1, 1966, Page 1- shared by Carolyn Schwab

MONTEZUMA, Ind. — Hugh N. Daniels  - Graveside services and burial were at 1:30 p.m. today at Oakland Cemetery for Hugh Daniel of Indianapolis, a former Montezuma resident. He died last week in Indianapolis.   He was born and reared in Montezuma.  Survivors include two sons, Joe R. and Don; a daughter, Mrs. Dixie Lee Houchins; four brothers, Harold, Howard, Herman and Herbert; a sister, Mrs. Opal Hutson; 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. (born 30 Oct 1900 died -6 June 1978 – son of James Daniels & Mary Hann buried Montezuma) - Source: Obituary from a collection of Fauniel Hershbarger, a life-long Fountain County Indiana resident

J. J. Daniels, 90 years old, one of the oldest residents of Rockville, died last night after a short illness, following a fall which he received last Monday, caused from becoming over heated. Mr. Daniels is survived by the widow and three sons, Henry Daniels, a Rockville attorney; Edward Daniels, an Indianapolis attorney, and Parke Daniels of Starksville, Miss. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Mr. Daniels was a broth of the late Abigail D. Hawkins. He has visited here often and was known in Brazil. – The Brazil Daily Times, Thu, 03 Aug 1916, Page 1

CATLIN - Merit Daniels, who was killed in the gravel pit here, was interred in the Mt. Olivet cemetery.  His funeral was followed by an unusually large funeral procession which bespeaks a great many friends for Mr. Daniels and the general sympathy of the community for the bereaved family. - The Rockville Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1903 – shared by Jimmy Gillis


The many friends in Barnes City were saddened by the death of Mrs. Sarah DARLAND, widow of Lambert Darland last Friday morning.  She was one of the oldest residents of Barnes City for the past 12 years.  Sarah J. Lough was b. July 6, 1829, in Cumberland Co, Kentucky and passed away at her home in Barnes City, December 10, 19915, at the age of 86 years 5 months and 4 days.  When two years of age she, with her parents moved to Parke Co, In. On May 8th 1846, she was united in marriage to Lambert Darland who passed away January 13, 1910.  To this union was b. 7 children, two boys and five girls, two of the girls dying in childhood: Elnora and Catherine.  The five children who survive to mourn her loss are: Mrs. W. R.  Warwick of Montezuma; JA Darland of LaGrande, Ore; Mrs. Dan Wymore of Triplett, mo; and Mrs. WP Doan of Barnes City.  All were present at her bedside, except George L. Darland for whom it was impossible to be here.  Besides her children she leaves two sister and one brother: Mrs. John Darland of Barnes City; Mrs. Dr. Killough of Unionville, Mo; and Jacob Lough of Seattle, Washington.  Also 18 grandchildren and 19 greats.  When 21 years of age she was converted to Christ and has lived faithful during these years, taking a keen interest in the church and Sunday school being in her place in the House of God every Sunday.  Funeral services were held at the Christian Church on Sun. afternoon conducted by Rev. Hook.  The obituary and picture of Sarah Lough Darland is the property of Mrs. Judy Cassidy.  She received the newspaper article from Mrs. C. Roy Morris.  We request that anyone downloading or making copies of this article identify the Web page and Mrs. Cassidy plus Mrs. Morris as their source.  If someone can identify the original publication and date, it would be greatly appreciated by: Brian and Terri Rene  Thanks.

On Christmas day in the year of 1851 in Parke Co, Indiana, there was born a little baby girl to Rev. Jacob and Martha (BUSHONG) LOUGH.  They named her Allie Margaret.  She grew to girlhood surrounded by Christian influences and about her fourteenth year confessed faith in her fathers Savior.  On October 30, 1850, she was united in married to John DARLAND (son of Abraham and Rebecca REYNOLDS DARLAND, grandson of Lambert Darland).  They lived in Illinois for a short time, then they moved on across the Mississippi with and her faithful companion worked side by side enduring the hardships of pioneer life.  By work and perseverance they laid aside enough of this worlds goods to care for them in their old age.  She united with the Christian Church when it was first organized in the little school house north west of Barnes City, Iowa.  They went with it to the old Agricola Church and finally to its present place in Barnes City Iowa.  Then on the great book if life is credited to her about eighty years of Christian service.  She and her loving companion gave up the farm and moved to Barnes City where her husband died on August 31, 1916.  To this union were born twelve children, six of them preceding her in death.  Three in infancy and three in mature years.  They were Thomas of Barnes City, Stella Hazlette of Sterling, Kansas and  [unreadable) of Seattle, WA.  Those living who will miss her are Mrs. M. L. . Miller, Mrs. G. H. . Wymore, Mrs.. Molyneaux. G. Darland of Barnes City Iowa; J. W. . Darland of Oklahoma and Mrs. John Soults of California; an aged sister Mrs. N. A. . Killough of Marshalltown, IA, 47 grandchildren and 118  great grandchildren and 11 great, great, grandchildren and a host of friends.  She went to her savior March 23, 1926, at the ripe age of 95 years, 2 months and 28 days.  Funeral services were conducted from the Christian Church, Thursday March 25, by Rev. F. M. Strange and internment was made in Barnes City, Iowa, Cemetery. - This appeared in the Barnes City, Iowa Newspaper. Note:  Allie Margaret Lough Darland was the sister of Sarah J. Lough Darland whose obituary appears first on your list of "D's".  Sisters married brothers. - Judy Cassidy  ( 117 Evergreen Court , Blue Bell, PA 19422 )


The many friends of Miss Mabel Davidson were shocked to hear of her sudden death at the family home in Clinton on Wednesday of last week. A number of our people attended the funeral on Friday, the interment being n the Hixon cemetery. – The Montezuma Enterprise, 13 Nov 1913, Page 3


Funeral services for Cecil H. Davies, 78 years old, of rural Bloomingdale, who died Tuesday will be at 2 o’clock Central Daylight Time, Thursday afternoon at the Mau Funeral Home, Rockville. The Rev. John E. Mull will officiate, and burial will be in Bloomingdale Cemetery. – The Terre Haute Star 2 Nov 1961 Page 1

DAVIES, Elbert -- Life's scenes are ever changing the seasons come and go, the heat of summer days are followed by rain and sleet and snow.  The tiny cherub infant, soon to youth does grow, followed quickly to manhood then hoary heads like snow. Elbert Davies was born January 15, 1865 on the farm where Edward Woodard now lives and died May 16, 1939.  His parents were farmers and purchased a farm in Liberty township now owned by Emerson Barker.  They lived in a small house after moving there but were quite comfortable and happy for a few years until the father was stricken with typhoid fever and taken from them.  Elbert was a grandson of Samuel and Jane Hockett Davies, early pioneers of Penn township.   After the death of their son, Benjamin, their love and sympathy for his family prompted them to arrange for a home in Bloomingdale where they would be in touch with relatives.  Soon after, the home where Edgar Spray lives was purchased for them and the wife and three children, Elbert, Emma and Ella, moved into their new home.  In a short time the oldest daughter, Emma, became an invalid and was bedfast much of the time for 18 months.  Elbert would gather up their playthings and sit by her bed playing with her and amusing her, helping to lessen the pain.  Her death was his second sorrow. Years later he bid farewell to his sister, Ella Davies Noel and a few years later his mother passed away leaving Elbert the last of the family.  His school days were spent in the monthly meeting school, known as the Pin Hook and Friends Bloomingdale Academy.  He spent much of his time in the summer with his grandparents helping with the chores and learning many things about farm work.  As he grew older it was his work to deliver the week's products to Montezuma each Saturday and bring home the supplies sent for.  Later he became a farm hand. His first and second summer working out was on the farm with John and Mary Allee.  Afterwards he helped many farmers and the knowledge gained from the different farmers were valuable to him in the years that followed.  He lived with his aunt, Lydia Siler and husband in the Coloma neighborhood during the failing health of the husband. At that time he was a member of Coloma Monthly Meeting and interested in the activities of the church and social group of young people.   His esteem and respect for his uncle, Jake, who took a fatherly interest in him through all the years cannot be told, it was the love and respect of a son to his father.   While living in the Coloma community, he became acquainted with Safrona Cox, daughter of Nathan and Deborah Wildman Cox. They were married April 21, 1889 and began housekeeping on a farm in the Mecca neighborhood.  No children of their own came to their home but a parents love and care was given to two little girls at different times, whom they cared for faithfully and lovingly.  He loved his work on the farm and was a successful farmer. For many years he worked with the threshing crew and enjoyed his work with them.   Through the years they lived in different localities and always were good neighbors and had many friends.  After years a change came in their home.  Elbert's second marriage was with Lois Cox of this community residing at their country home NW of Bloomingdale.  He was interested in the care and education of his stepchildren Mildred and Wilford Cox.  Elbert did not have as rugged constitution as his appearance indicated but he continued working this spring and had been hauling on the farm and took cold which developed into pneumonia followed by a complication of diseases.   Elbert lacked nothing in the way of nursing given him by his faithful wife who spared no effort to relieve his suffering, either day or night.  It was his wish for Lois to care for him instead of a trained nurse as was suggested to them.  He was restless whenever she left his room and calling for her.  When it came to making the decision in regard to going to the hospital, he requested her to go with him and stay with him while there, which she did except for a short rest at home Monday night.  The Dr. advised him Sat. morning to go to the hospital but he could not consent, but Monday morning he was taken where he passed away Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.  He expressed himself to his wife early in his sickness that he would not recover, indicating he was conscious of approaching death.  Tuesday noon Lois received a call from the hospital telling of his weakened condition and she and the children hastened to his bedside and were with him during his last hours.  With his sickness and death we are reminded afresh of the words of our Savior, "Watch and pray for you know not when the Son of God cometh."  He leaves to mourn his loss his devoted wife, two stepchildren, a son-in-law, a grandchild, one uncle and many cousins and friends.   Rockville Tribune, May 31, 1939

Glenn C. Davies, 70, of 1803 Delaware St., died Saturday morning in his home. He was a retired carpenter and had attended Earlham College.  Born at Marshall in November 1905, he was a son of Earl and Edith Davies. He was married to Julia Hopkins in 1924. She survives.  Also surviving are a son, Harold of Gulf Breeze, Fla., and two grandchildren.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Hunt & Son Funeral Home with burial in Wolf Creek Cemetery near Wallace. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 p.m. Tuesday.-- Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, 20 October 1975, Page 002

Hiram DAVIES of Marshall died in his car while driving with his sister to attend a funeral at Mecca.  The car left the road and the sister, Mrs. Alice KERNS suffered a broken collar bone.  The accident occurred on 41 four miles North of Rockville.  A brother, Enos Davies, was found dead at his home near Turkey Run last Christmas.  Both deaths are attributed to heart disease.   - Waveland Independent, January 20, 1938

Brother of Clinton Woman Dies - JOHN DAVIES, 63, brother of Verla Davies Brazukas of Clinton, died at 8:10 a.m. Saturday in the Union Hospital in Terre Haute.  He was a lifetime resident of Bloomingdale.  Mr. Davies was born March 15, 1915, in Bloomingdale to Cecil and Clara Sprouls Davies.  A member of the Bloomingdale Methodist Church, he had attended Indiana State University.  He was employed by the Allison Division of General Motors in Indianapolis for 30 years before retiring April 1, 1973.  Besides his sister in Clinton, he has one brother, Hershel Davies, and another sister, Mrs. Ruth Coffin, both of Brownsburg, and his mother, Mrs. Bertha Davies of Bloomingdale, who survive.  Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Tudor-Herrick Memorial Chapel.  Rev. Wendell Adams will officiate at the services and burial will be in the Bloomingdale Cemetery.  Friends may call after 5 p.m. today.   The Daily Clintonian, Monday, December 18, 1978, Page  8, shared by Carolyn Schwab


Charles R. Davis, who was one of the most prominent citizens of this place died here last evening at 5 o'clock from a stroke of paralysis. He was stricken Monday morning at 7 o'clock and never rallied from the shock. Mr. Davis was 66 years, 8 months and 14 days old, having been born March 12, 1851 in Parke Co., Ind. He was married 13 November 1873 in Hendricks County to Sarah L. REESE who survives. The children living are: Allie M. Davis, Lebanon; Mrs. Grace Watson of Boone Co; Clayton R, of Indianapolis; OP Davis of Lebanon. There are also four brothers and two sisters living: William, James and John of Ladoga; George W of Missouri; Anna M. Tenner of Iowa and Clara Mount of Ladoga. Mr. Davis served as trustee of Center Twp from 1895 to 1900. He taught school in Boone Co. for 30 years. Mr. Davis also served on the police service in Lebanon for several years. He was a member of the Central Christian Church of Lebanon; the IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] of Ladoga; the IOORM and the Masons of Lebanon. The funeral will be held at the residence 610 Esplande St, at 10 a.m. Thurs and will be conducted by the Rev. AL Ward. Bur. in Oak Hill Cemetery The IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] and IOORM will give their ritualistic service at the home - Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Wed. 28 November 1917

DAVIS, Charles, the father of Samuel Davis, teacher in the Green Township schools, with his wife were instantly killed on Tuesday afternoon when an interurban car struck their auto on a crossing three miles E. of Huntington.  Mrs. Davis was born in Rockville and served one term as auditor. He was engaged in field work for the vocational education work of Purdue and was on his way to Ft. Wayne.  Waveland Independent, July 10, 1925

ROCKVILLE, Ind. (CNS) — Darrel L. Davis, 65, of 820 W. Ohio, died at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday (April 22, 1975) at his home. He was born October 15, 1909, in Rockville, the son of Pearley and Nellie Lewis Davis.  He was a member of the Rockville United Methodist Church, Parke Lodge 8, F & AM, Scottish Rite Valley of Terre Haute and Low 12 Club.   He was a veteran of World War II and was veteran’s service officer for Parke County.  He retired in October 1974 from the Parke State Bank where he had worked for 44 years, retiring as an assistant vice president.  > Survivors include his wife, Mary; three daughters, Mrs. Marilyn Monts of Rockville, Mrs. Joan Swett of North Berwick, Maine, and Becky; a sister, Mrs. Maxine Mack of Rockville; and two grandchildren.  Arrangements are incomplete at the Barnes Mortuary in Rockville.-- Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 23 April 1975, Page 002

CLINTON, Ind. (CNS) — Donald A. Davis, 58, of the Fairview Park community on Clinton Route 1, died at 5:45 p.m. Thursday (Sept. 2, 1976) at the Holiday Nursing Home after an extended illness.  Born Jan. 29, 1918, in Parke County, he was the son of Stephen D. and Elde Jones Davis.  He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the Clinton Moose Lodge. He was a painter and an interior decorator.  Survivors include his wife, Kay; six sons, Robert and Thomas, both of Bay City, Mich., Donald of Saginaw, Mich., and Arnold, Earl and Arthur, all at home; two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Myers of Hyattsville, Md., and Kay Irene at home; a stepdaughter, Alice in Michigan, five sisters, Mrs. Elda Reeder, Mrs. Margaret Robinson and Mrs. Evelyn Kohle, all of Saginaw, Mrs. Vivian Norotzke and Mrs. Barbara Valley, both of Bay City and three brothers, John and Robert, both of Saginaw, and Steven of Ashley, Mich.  Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Frist Funeral Home, with the Rev. Victor Koontz officiating. Visitation will be from 4-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. - - Obituary from a collection of Fauniel Hershbarger, a life-long Fountain County Indiana resident

DAVIS, Mrs. E. E. - Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dooley and Mrs. Huston attended the funeral services for Mrs. E. E. DAVIS at Poplar Grove, north of Marshall on Tuesday at 4 p.m.  The services were held in the rock garden with Rev. Cornelius Airhart in charge. Mr. Chapman and his sister, Mrs. Williams accompanied on the piano, accordion by Mrs. Anderson of Marshall, sang I Come to the Garden, Going Down the Valley and Good Night Here But Good Morning Up There.  Mrs. Davis had planned her funeral arrangements about two weeks before her death at which time she was seemingly in her usual health.  This Rock Garden is outstanding and has had visitors from all parts of the country.  Built in the ravine below the house it has an ideal location.  In it are found more specimens of plants than in any other in this part of the country. The boulders have been brought from quite a distance.  The Japanese Iris bed alone cost $75 for plants.  The Rose garden with pansies for footing contains all the best varieties.  It was under the Ginkgo tree that had been imported and was of great joy to Mrs. Davis, that the casket rested.  The relatives gathered nearby and on the slopes of the hill enclosing the garden the friends assembled.  Many people had come for the service that were strangers to others there but who had at some time received the gracious hospitality of Mrs. Davis and perhaps, as we, some gift of flowers and plants from her garden.  There are a number of Waveland people that feel her going a personal loss.”   Waveland Independent May 25, 1939 (Shared by Karen Zach)

A head-on collision of two automobiles resulted in the deaths of 3 young persons and serious injuries to five others, Friday night about 11:30 one-half miles west of Rockville on US 36. Those instantly killed in the crash were Larry WILSON 16 driver of one of the cars; Gary ANGELMEYER 16 a passenger with Wilson and Nancy DAVIS, 14 a passenger in the other car. Wilson and Anglemyer were trapped in their over turned car and burned beyond recognition. Seriously injured were Hans Hensler, 17 and Don McNeil, 20 both in the Wilson car; Sam Burks, 26, driver; his wife, Velma 20 and son Eric, 3. The Burks family lives on Rockville RR 4 and were going home from the drive-in theater. Mrs. Burks' sister, Nancy, had accompanied them. All the boys in the Wilson car were from Rockville. It is reported freely in Rockville that the Wilson car and another vehicle were racing eastward on the highway, the Wilson car being in the westbound traffic lane when it struck the Burks' car. This report has not, however, been confirmed by investigating authorities. There were two witnesses not involved in the accident, William Mash of Greencastle, formerly of Rockville and William Michaels of Rockville RR 3 were driving east of the scene of the accident, coming toward Rockville. They saw the crash in the rear view mirror and stopped and returned to the scene. By the time they reached the wreck the Wilson car was blazing furiously. - Tri-County News, Thursday, 16 August 1956

Mrs. Narrie DAVIS, 70, was found dead Tuesday afternoon at her farm home, ½ mile north of town.  Earl Thomas found her at 2:00 as she rested in bed.  The estimated time of death was between 9 and 11 that morning. She had been in failing health for several years and death was pronounced as the result of a heart attack.  Born Aug 5, 1879 in Parke County, she was the daughter of Jefferson and Ruth Green Ritchey.  Surviving are two nieces, Mrs. Josephine Eaton, Crawfordsville and Mrs. Alice Richardson of Cayuga and a nephew, Paul Mitchell, also of Cayuga. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 from the Barnes Funeral Home, Rockville.  The Rev. Frank Peterson of Montezuma will officiate.  Interment will be in Memory Garden, Rockville.  - Waveland Independent, June 8, 1950   

Mrs. Sattie Davis - Mrs. Omer Davis died at her home in Annapolis Thursday, September 4 (no date but think 1902 as others on this page are of that year) at 5 a.m. from a complication of stomach and bowel troubles, aged 25 years. Mrs. Davis was Mr and Mrs. L. C. Ewbank's youngest child and a sister of Dr. E. E. Ewbank of this place.  She was a general favorite and her death will be a severe loss to relatives and friends.  The funeral will be held Saturday, September 6 at 10 a.m. at the residence of L. C. Ewbank and the remains will be laid at rest in Cashatt Cemetery. - (obit. taken from Obituaries from Fountain County, Indiana found Local History Room Crawfordsville District Public Library Jan 2003)

DAVIS, Sidney Brian, age 87, one of the oldest members of the Vigo County bar, died on Monday night.  He was a member of the law firm of Davis & Davis, his son, George M. Davis, being his partner.  he was widely known through his work as special judge in a number of the important cases in the Wabash Valley and as a leader of an organization to care for homeless children.  Mr. Davis was born on a farm in Parke Co.  After being graduated from Waveland Academy, he moved to Waveland and operated a retail drug store, a general merchandise store and edited and published a small weekly newspaper.  While engaged in this business he studied law in his spare hours and was admitted to the bar at Crawfordsville in 1867, and began practice in Parke and Montgomery county courts.  He moved to Terre Haute in 1869.  He was admitted to the bar of the supreme and appelate courts of Indiana, the US federal courts and the supreme court of the US. Waveland Independent, December 13, 1929

Thomas N. DAVIS, 72, died of a heart attack at his home here at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday.  He had been in poor health for the past 7 years and in serious condition the past six months.  He was born in Waveland August 18, 1880, the son of Joseph and Ella Davis.  He married Lucinda MYERS of Rockville in 1905.  Surviving are the wife; one son, Cecil of Waveland; a daughter, Mrs. Mary SOWERS of Rockville; a brother, Henry of Gas City; two sisters, Mrs. Clara STEFFY and Mrs. May FALLS, of Clinton and 8 grandchildren. T he funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. at Machledt Funeral Home by Rev. Grover C. DeNeal, pastor of Waveland Christian Church. Burial in Bradfield Cemetery - Waveland Independent, August 6, 1953

Marshall, Jan 10 - Thomas E. Davis, 66 years old well known local farmer died Friday night of a cerebral hemorrhage at his home, one mile north of here. Mr. Davis was born Jan 23, 1874 in Hendricks County but had been a resident of Parke County most of his life. He was the son of George and Elmina Davis and was married to Artie Swaim Aug 3, 1898, the wife preceding him in death May 20, 1939. he was a member of the Marshall Methodist Church. Surviving are one son, Lee and two daughters, Mrs. John Martin and Mrs. Myrtle Pyle of Marshall and three sisters, Mrs. Harry Myers, also of Marshall, Mrs. Fred Maris of Covington and Mrs. Elmer Maris of Veedersburg. Also preceding him in death was a brother, William who died in November.  Funeral services will be held at two o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Marshall Federated Church with Rev. EN Woodard of Bloomingdale in charge. Burial will be made at Bloomingdale Cemetery. - Crawfordsville Journal Review 10 January 1941, Page 2


Rockville - Mrs. Gertrude Day, 886, 4446 Blackstone Drive, Indianapolis died at 4:45 a.m. Saturday (15 July) in St. Francis Hospital at Indianapolis.  Mrs. Day was a member of Bridgeton Methodist Church and a 52-year member of Bridgeton Order of Eastern Star Chapter 324.  She was born in Parke County Sept 12, 1886, the daughter of Wayne and Evia Case Barnes. She married Clarence Wayne Day Oct 14, 1914 in Danville, Ill He preceded her in death May 24, 1954.  Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Robert Yaeger of Indianapolis; a sister, Mrs. Lorena Case of Poland, Ind and several nieces and nephews.  Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Butler Funeral Home at Rockville with Rev. Ralph Austin officiating. Burial in Memory Gardens Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home. Eastern Star Memorial services will be held at 7:30 tonight.  Crawfordsville Journal Review, 17 Jul 1972, Page 004


Marjorie A. McPheeters  writes:  "I am a granddaughter of Asher and Hattie Stribling.  My mother was June Stribling who passed away last year.   An item from the Montezuma newspaper handwritten by June Stribling McPheeters with no date:  "There are four bad cases of sickness in our town.  Mrs. Albert Jerome, Aquilla Laverty (my notes say the Laverty's are relatives of JS McPheeters foster parents) who is afflicted with general debility, Mrs. William Elkins who has been near death's door the most of the time for 10 months and is a perfect skeleton, and Miss Florence Dearing who has been afflicted with bone consumption for a great many years.  She is 21 years of age and her form is reduced so that she does not weigh more than 25 or 30 pounds.  This obituary was pasted in Florrie's Bible, which is in the family -- "Florence Alice Dearing was born at Rynear, Fountain Co, Indiana January 3, 1888, died at her home in Montezuma, Indiana December 21, 1909 at the age of 21 years, 11 months and 18 days.  She leaves to mourn her death, her mother, stepfather, two brothers and four sisters, two that could not be present, her own father having died in her infancy.  Florence united with the Christian Church of Montezuma, at the age of 14 years and has lived a consistent Christian life.  She was a sufferer from infancy and for the last 5 years has been confined to her bed most of the time.  She often expressed a desire to go and be at rest, but her sufferings were borne with true Christian fortitude.  She was ever thoughtful of those of the family and with loving tenderness had prepared a Christmas gift for each of them.  Although she did not live to keep with them another birthday of her Redeemer.  Let us rejoice that she has received form Him that greatest of all gifts, "A crown of righteousness.  She is not dead, the child of our affections, but gone unto that school, where she no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ Himself doth rule.  (Note: she was bur. in the family plot in Oakland Cemetery, Montezuma).   -  see also Rhoda Dearing Webster's obituary on the "W" obit. page


Claude DeBaun, age 77, died Friday in Olivet, Mich. Survivors are the widow, Lena; a son, Raymond of Olivet, Mich.; a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Warren of Marshall; two brothers, Alvin of Terre Haute and Charles of La Porte; one sister, Mrs. Maude Fellows of Bloomingdale; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  The body arrived at the Branson funeral home, Sunday evening and was removed to the Marshall Baptist church. Monday were service were held at 2:00 o’clock with Rev. Milo Hinekle officiating. Burial was in Memory Garden cemetery. Rockville Republican 27 May 1954


William E. DEE, who died in Chicago, last week, was active in the clay plant business in Parke County.  His first enterprise was a sewer pipe factory at Mecca, then known as Mecca Mills in 1896.  Later he started plants at Newport and Montezuma.  He started the bank at Mecca and paid for building the Mecca Catholic Church.  When running at full capacity he employed a large number of men.  Latterly his plants have not been running very much. - Waveland Independent, December 1, 1933


Crawfordsville Journal, November 5, 1903 -- Edna L. CANINE was born near Waveland on the 19th of October, 1852.  Professed a hope in Christ and joined Union Church and was baptized with 12 others on the last Sunday in May 1867.  Was married to J. T. Deere on the 14th of December, 1871.  Died on the 30th of October, 1903.  Was the mother of 9 children.  All of them with her husband survive her together with three brothers and 3 sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn her departure. For truly another one of the good wives, mothers, sisters and neighbors has been called to try the realities of the unknown to us.  Only as we view it by the same true faith that wafted her departing spirit into sweet rest and peace with God, and in the happy presence with father, mother, brother and sisters gone on before.  Eulogies are out of place for all who knew her loved and respected her and only wished they could enjoy the blest assurance of that sweet anchorage in the world to come.  Fun. services were conducted by Elder J. H.  Oliphant in old union Church on Sun, November 1 in the presence of one of the largest congregations ever assembled at that place testifying in no small degree the esteem in which she was held. Her body was then laid to rest in a cement vault to await the second coming of Christ to call it to a new life and to dwell forever in the peaceful presence of God and to meet all the loved ones gone on before.  MM Canine.

John W Deer   -“Another link is missing from the chain of human events that connects us with the rugged individual of our pioneer life. John Deer was born July 8, 1866 at Rockport, then a thriving industrial center, consisting of milling, merchandising, smithing and flatboating. He was the son of Edmund and Mary Jane Scott Deer, his father was part owner and operator of the Rockport grist mill, which was propelled by water power, and he also participated in much of the other industries of the, then, small village.  John was left fatherless, by death, at an early age and upon him devolved much of the care and responsibilities of the family life, remaining with his mother until of mature age.  He chose as his companion in life, Mary Etta Lindley, daughter of William and Hannah Lindley, to whom he was married August 16 1892. To them were born Audry, now Audrey Phillips of near Indianapolis, Ind., Freddie, who died in infancy, and Gordon of Bloomingdale, Ind.  Much of Mrs. Deer's life was marred by ill health which necessitated various changes in residence and of John's occupation. Thro all the vicissitudes of life he maintained a stoical philosophy of life which made him always patient, kind and considerate. Possessed of a rugged honesty, His religion was the Golden Rule, his church was the church of universal charity and bebevolence, which he made a rule and guide of his life. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and spent his declining days in the Masonic Home of Franklin, Ind. where he made the transition from this life to the life eternal on March 7, 1939. He is survived by his two children, Audrey and Gordon, by five grandchildren, by one brother, J. H, Deer of Terre Haute, Ind., and one sister, Mrs. O. Wilkinson, Bloomington, Ind., and many friends.   He leaves as a heritage, A GOOD NAME."        (written by his son, Gordon Deer):

Mary Etta (Lindley) Deer  - Marietta Deere, daughter of Wm and Caroline Lindley, was born near Rush Creek church, September 5, 1869, and was called to her eternal home in the early morning on Nov. 30, 1931; age 62 years, 2 months and 25 days.  She was the second child in a family of eleven children, one of which was taken away in infancy. The death of two sisters, Maude Todd and Elise Kemp, occurred in 1918, and there remains to feel keenly the loss of their loved one, three sisters, Ida Hanson, Belle Lightle and Beulah Harvey, and four brothers, Dayton, Erastus, Clinton and Clyde Lindley.  "Some lives leave behind them an influence for good and as inspiration to virtue that can be made to those who survive." Such a life was that of Mariette Deere. Converted when a girl, she was ever faithful in her testimony to the saving power of her Savior.  In her Father's family she was always helpful and obedient to her parents, and to her the brothers and sisters looked for council and advice, and continued to do so while life remained and feel today that there is no one to take her place and that their loss is irrevocable.  She grew to womanhood in the community where she was born, attending school at the Rush Creek school house, where she was an apt and opedient pupil and was always faithful in her attendance at the services of the Rush Creek church, a spot that was ever dear to her heart.  On the 16th day of August, 1892, she was married to John Deere, a union that proved most happy, as they have walked side by side for almost forty years. They lived for a short time in Louisiana and the remainder of their married life, except two years in Oklahoma, has been spent in and near this community.  There was given to them to brighten their home, a daughter and two sons, Audrey Phillips, of Montezuma, Freddie, who died in childhood, and Gordon, of Bloomingdale, and to Audrey and Gordon has been given the great satisfaction of ministering to their father and mother when help was needed, and to them was given the opportunity to stand by their mother's side when she bid farewell to earthly scenes and her soul was wafted To its eternal resting place.  The subject of this sketch had a birthright membership in the Friends church and her devotion to her church was only second to her devotion to home. When health permitted she was always found in her place at the church services and added much to the devotional period of the meeting by her willingness to contribute to the exercises of the hour. At the time of her death she was an elder in the meeting and chairman of the pastoral committee and will be greatly missed. She was especially devoted to the mid-week meeting, and it is very fitting that her funeral services be held at this appointed time. She could worship with any religious denomination and was always found ready to give her encouragement to any effort for the uplift of humanity, and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  In the home life she was kind, domestic, and painstaking in performing the little duties that are conducive to the comfort of the family, and when some two months ago her husband met with an accident which resulted in a broken bone, she took her place by his side and has administered to his every.

WAVELAND – Mrs. Minnie Deer, 91, a resident west of Waveland most of her life, died Wednesday afternoon in Carmen Nursing Home at Crawfordsville. She had been in failing health since December. Born in Parke County on Oct. 13, 1877, she was a daughter of Richard and Otella Priebe McCullough. She married Nelson Deer on March 15, 1897 in Montgomery County. Mrs. Deer was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are nieces and nephews; Milton Davis of Bloomingdale, Milford Davies of Rockville, Manfred Davies of Judson, Mack Davies of Lebanon, Everett Deere of Crawfordsville, Mrs. Mae Boyd of Rockville, Mrs. Marjorie Berry of Marshall and Mrs. Mayme Canbron of Canton, Mass. Funeral rites are at 2 p.m. Friday at Machledt and Servies Funeral Home, where friends may call after 6 p.m. today. Rev. Allen Roberts will be the minister, and burial will be in Old Union Cemetery. – jlr - Crawfordsville Journal Review, 12 June 12 1969


 Albert M. DEERE, who died in Evansville, Saturday, was buried at Freedom cemetery after services at the church on Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. H. . Elmore.   He was the son of Joel Deere and was born at Bluff Mills October 19, 1865.  He married Rebecca Ann Whittington March 24, 1891.  She survives with four children: Mrs. Ben Mitchell of Byron, Mrs. Charles Walker and Cecil Deere of Indianapolis and Joel at home.  Mrs. Deere is in very poor health.   Waveland Independent -- May, 1931

Joel Garnett DEERE passed away between four and five o'clock Monday afternoon at the family residence 4 mi. north of Waveland and near Bluff Mills.  Mr. Deere had been sick for about two months with obstructive jaundice, thought to be caused by a growth on the liver.  He discovered the first symptoms of his illness at the time of visiting his daughter. Mrs. W.T. Whittington, of this city about the first of December.  He was a man of vigorous constitution, and had never been sick, except with some stomach trouble, until his fatal illness.  All hopes of his recovery was abandoned several weeks ago and his physicians and family could only watch and wait, and make his last hours as comfortable as possible.  He said, when first taken sick "this will be my last sickness."  He realized the struggle was against him and submitted patiently to his sufferings, but longed for the end, and knew his family and friends up to the time of his death.  Mr. Deere was of German descent.  The grandfather came to the country about the close of the 18th century, settling in Virginia.  His father entered the War of 1812 at the age of 22.  His mother was a member of the Old Garnett family of Virginia.  and a lovely character.  His father located in Indiana, near where the mill now stands, when Joel was about a year old, and entered a section of government land.  Immediately after completing their cabin, the father, full of enterprise even for pioneer days, proceeded to construct a grist mill, saw mill, woolen mill and general store.  The fire of 1887 destroyed the plant at a loss of $20,000.  The firm of Canine & Deere, composed of William Canine and Joel G. Deere, was one of the best known in this part of the country.  They were sturdy men and good citizens.  The mill was quickly rebuilt after the fire and stands where one of the first mills in the county was built by his father 73 years ago.  Deere's Mill is a family word in Montgomery, Parke and Fountain counties.  Notwithstanding the loss on account of the fire, he had considerable property at the time of his death and owned over 500 acres in Brown Township.  Perhaps the largest factor in his success was that he was absolutely an honest man.  Many men are honest as the world uses the term, but of him it may be said in its largest and broadest sense -- he was an honest man.  He was elected co. commissioner on the Republican ticket in 1888, but he did take kindly to the burdens and perplexities of the office and refused a re-nomination.  His acts as an officer were always frank and above suspicion.  In 1849 he was married to Mary E. McGrigg who survives him.  They had 10 children, 7 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom are living except one daughter. All his children were with him during his last sickness, and watched with the mother in her devotion to her stricken companion of 54 years.  Mr. Deere was the last member living of his family.  He was a mason and a member of the Baptist Church, with which he united after he was 60 years of age, although he had always believed in and supported the church and was a man of deep religious conviction.  The funeral services were held at Old Union Church at 11 o'clock Wed. morning conducted by Rev. SK Fuson.  The whole community will share with the family in the loss of Joel G. Deere, for it may be truthfully said of him that he was a strong, sturdy, upright man, a pioneer, full of those qualities which go to make up good citizens.  – W. T. Whittington in the Crawfordsville Journal. - Waveland Independent, February. 13, 1903

 Joel Thomas DEERE, who has been seriously ill with Bright's disease many weeks, died at his home in Crawfordsville on last Thurs eve.  Funeral services were conducted at Union church on Sat. afternoon by Rev. Cornelius Airhart.  Interment in Union Cemetery. Mr. Deere was b. at the old homestead, just C. of Bluff Mills and was the son of Joel Deer (sic).  The father was one of the early millers of this section, and MR. Deer assisted in this work.  For many years he lived on a farm near Freedom Church and later on a farm near Whitesville.  The last few years of his life were spent in Crawfordsville.  Mr. Deere was married to Edna Canine and to them were b. 9 children; Claude of Sydney, Ohio; Mrs. Gertrude Golden, Nelson and Raymond of Waveland; Grace and Roy of Terre Haute; Garnette of Warren; Mary and Kent of Crawfordsville.  All are living.  Mrs. Deer (sic) d. in 1903.  Mr. Deere was again married to Mrs. Sally Warnick who survives him.   Waveland Independent, October 9, 1914

 William Edmund DEERE, son of Joel and ? Deere was b. at Bluff Mills, October 20, 1856 died at his home in Indianapolis, September 14, 1915.  He grew to manhood on his father's farm, assisting with the work in summer and attending school in the winter in the little school house on the farm. While but a boy he had the misfortune to lose his arm, so he prepared himself for teaching by attending the Normal at Danville, Ind.  After a few years spent in teaching he went into business with his father, the firm name being Deere, Hanna & Co.  In 1887 this well known mill plant was entirely destroyed by fire.  William then began life over again as a stock buyer, continuing in this business until 1898, when with his family he moved to Indianapolis to engage in the commission business, in which he was quite successful until failing health compelled him to retire.  WE Deere had a host of friends in this and in adjoining counties.  He was a manly man, generous and loyal to a marked degree.  Though suffering from severe handicaps, both physical and financial, he never complained.  His courage and indomitable pluck were the strong points in his character, and his high standard of honor endeared him most to those who knew him best.  He leaves a devoted wife, 5 children, an aged mother, 5 brothers and 3 sisters; one son preceded his father in death.  The rest are living in Indianapolis; being Ernest; Mrs. Rollo Sillman; Mrs. William Mortimer; Elsie and Hazel Deere. There are 4 grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at Freedom Church by Rev. S. K. Fuson.  Interment in Freedom Cemetery.   Waveland Independent -- September 1915


Vernon Earl DELP, 67, died at the family residence on Rt. 1, Marshall at 10:40 p.m. Sunday after a two-year illness.  He was a life resident of Parke Co, had been a farmer and also employed by the State Board of Animal Health for the past 10 years.  He was a member of Judson Camp, Royal Neighbors of America and avid fox hunter.  Mrs. Delp was b. Oct 16, 1904 in Sugar Creek Twp. near Marshall, the son of Richard and Jane Myers Delp.  In 1931, he was married to Mary McMullin who survives.  Other survivors include a son, Jerry who is Vice President of Blue Cross-Blue Shield in Indianapolis; a daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Martin of Rockville; two brothers, Lon of Kingman and Arbie of Veedersburg; a sister, Mrs. Stella Staggs of Waveland; four grandchildren, Greg Hartman of Terre Haute; Danny Martino f Rockville and Lisa and David Delp of Indianapolis and several nieces and nephews.  Services will be conducted at Tudor Funeral Home at Rockville at 2:30 pm. Wednesday with Rev. Lloyd Allen officiating. Burial in Bethany cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m.  - September 11, 1972 Crawfordsville Journal-Review

DELP, Albert age 35 a brother of Mrs. Bletheal Brooks of this place was killed instantly Tuesday night at Kingman when his car collided with an automobile driven by Sam Newnum.  Mr. Newnum was cut about the head and has an injured knee.  Mr. Delph was a resident of the Marshall community.  He is survived by the widow: two children, Dane and Alice June; the mother Mrs. Matilda Delph; 3 sisters and one brother.    Waveland Independent, January 7, 1943

DELP, Pleasant, boss at the coal mine near Grange Corner formerly operated by Clay Steinbaugh, was shot and killed on Saturday by his nephew, Robert Thomas. Thomas is 22 years old, but in spite of his youth, has been married three times. Some talk concerning the relations of the third wife and Delp is given as the cause of the shooting.   Thomas fled, but was captured at Montezuma. There were several witnesses to the shooting, which was deliberate, without previous quarrel. The shooting took place in the boiler room at the mine. There were two shots, the last of which struck Delp’s heart, notwithstanding which he walked thirty feet before falling dead.  Waveland Independent January 15, 1915

"TWO SHOTS FIRED;   PLEASANT DELP DEAD - ROBERT THOMAS SHOOTS UNCLE IN QUARREL. - Shooting Took Place at McIntire Mine Last Saturday Forenoon About 11:30   -  Once again we are called upon to chronicle and establish as a matter of history so far as The Star is concerned the facts as near as we could learn them in a shooting scrape which occurred at the McIntire coal mine about 11:30 last Saturday forenoon when Robert Thomas, aged 22, and son of John Thomas, shot and almost instantly killed Pleasant Delp, an uncle by marriage.  Delp was superintendent of the mine and was in the act of paying the men off when the two men engaged in a quarrel.  Delp had told Thomas that his services were no longer needed at the mine and that he should bring out his tools.  In the argument which followed numerous accusations were made and abusive words were exchanged by the two men.  Thomas declared that Delp had insulted his wife which Delp asserted was untrue.  After exchanging “liar” a few times, Thomas drew a 32 caliber revolver and fired two shots.  The first shot, according to the corner’s verdict, struck Delp near the pit of the stomach, passing through the liver and right kidney.  Placing his hand on his stomach, Delp stooped slightly and turned as if to walk away when a second shot was fired.  This one struck in the left shoulder, ranged down, passing through the left lung and heart and lodged in the right lung.  The Shooting took place in the boiler room in the presence of a number of other miners. Delp then attempted  to walk but was compelled to call for assistance, exclaiming that he had been shot in the heart and would soon die.  Several of the miners hurried to his assistance while Thomas placed his revolver in his pocket and walked  away.  Delp and his assistants started to his home, which is only a few feet away, but only got across the small creek when death came.  Eye witnesses declare that it was a pitiable sight when the lifeless form of a once strong and hearty father and husband was carried in and placed on the bed in the little cottage.  A mother screamed in terror while seven small children, ranging in age from 14 years down to a seven-months-old babe scrambled about the bed, clinging to their father’s hands and feet.  Thomas left the scene of the shooting immediately and was latter apprehended at Montezuma by Marshal Wheeler of that place and held until the Parke county sheriff arrived, when he was taken to Rockville and placed in jail.  Delp was 35 years old and was a member of the F. & A. M lodge at Sylvania, also the K. of P. lodge at this place, which organizations had charge of the funeral which was held on Monday.  Interment was made in the new fraternal cemetery north of this place.  A story to the effect that Delp once killed a relative of Thomas’ has become circulated and is being given as the cause of the shooting but this is a false report, doubtless being misconstrued with the Bryant murder of a few years ago, when John Bryant was killed by Chauncey Delp a distant relative of the deceased man.  At the preliminary hearing before Justice Bryant yesterday Thomas waived examination and returned to jail to await the investigation by the grand jury."  - Submitted by Bryan W.Delp        Home page    2ndHomePage

“Mrs. Edna S. DELP of Marshall, age 82, died Thursday afternoon, Sept. 3, at her home. She was a member of the Marshall Federated Church. For some years, she taught school and was a 4-H club leader. From 1941 to 1956, she worked as a post office clerk in Marshall. Mrs. Delp attended DePauw University and graduated from Indiana University.  Surviving are a son, Robert O. Delp of Marshall r. r., and two granddaughters. Her twin sister, Mrs. Stella Standish died 10 days ago.   Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Davies-Tudor funeral home in Marshall, with Rev. William Flannigan officiating. Burial was in Poplar Grove Cemetery.” - Rockville Republican, September 10, 1964

“T. P. DELP, age 23 years, met death in an encounter with Robert THOMAS, his nephew, Saturday morning. The shooting took place at the coal mine near Grange Corner, where both men were employed, the result of a family quarrel.” - Rockville Tribune, January 12, 1915

“Henry E. Delp, age 80, passed away at 3 o’clock Tuesday morning at the Allen Nursing Home here. A former postmaster at Marshall, he served in that capacity for 17 years until his retirement in April, 1952. Prior to that, he operated a farm near Grange Corner.  Born April 13, 1882 in Sugar Creek Township, he was a son of Calvin and Katherine Starns Delp. On May 26, 1912, he was married to Edna Sanders.  In addition to the widow, he is survived by one son, Robert O. Delp of Marshall; a brother, Orvis Delp of Marshall; a sister, Chloe Hockett; two granddaughters, Delores and Debbie Delp, and several nieces and nephews.   The body was taken to the Davies-Tudor Funeral Home where services will be held at 2 o’clock, this afternoon The Rev. J. O. Trousdale will officiate and burial will be in Poplar Grove Cemetery.” - Rockville Tribune, November 1, 1962

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Machledt & Servies Funeral Home in Waveland for Mrs. Eva Jane DELP, 88, who passed away Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stella Staggs. She had been seriously ill for two weeks. She was born December 26, 1873, near Grange Corner the daughter of Ira and Mary Myers and married Marion Frances Delp who preceded her in death. She is survived by 3 daughters: Mrs. Staggs; Mrs. Cholie Polachek and Mrs. Bertha Paxton; 5 sons: Lon; Arbie; Ben, Veran and Vernie; 8 grandchildren; 24 great grand children and 26 great great grandchildren.  The services were in charge of Rev. William Grimes and music by Mrs. Forest Coleman.  Pallbearers were John Rahn; Everett McMullen; Jack Strohl; Robert Finney; Oral Simmons and Vern Clore. Burial in Wolf Creek Cemetery. - Tri-County News, April 5, 1962



The funeral of the late Cornelius Casper Demaree was held on Sat. morning from the home of Howard I. Demaree, near Byron.  Rev. Frank B. Solin delivered a short discourse, and music was rendered by the Presbyterian choir.  Interment at Maple Ridge Cemetery.  The large attendance, particularly of men was an evidence of the esteem in which Mr. Demaree was held.  He was the son of John and Hulda Demaree and was b. on the western part of the farm now owned by TL Hanna, where Andrew Miles lives, January 28, 1850.  the house is not now standing.  He never married but for 21 years devoted himself to the care of his invalid mother, who d. less than a year ago.  After her death his health began to fail, and his physical weakness affected his mind so that he was removed to the Central Hospital at Indianapolis, where he died, Thursday of last week.  He was a devoted son, a kind brother and obliging neighbor.  He leaves 3 brothers: Howard, Charles and David.  - Waveland Independent, August 18, 1914

Word was received here Tuesday evening of the death of Margaret F. DEMAREE at age 67, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy TOBEY in Paris, Illinois. She had been ill only one week.  She was the widow of Howard I. Demaree formerly of Waveland community. She was born Nov 8, 1879 in Parke County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald. There survive, her daughter, at whose home she died, one granddaughter and one step son, John Demaree of near Waveland.  Funeral services were conducted at Terre Haute Thursday morning where burial also was made. - Waveland Independent, March 20, 1947


Mrs. Cora Dell DERR, 76, of Jessup died at 12:15 Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Sankey, Terre Haute.  Survivors are another daughter, Mrs. Rachel Lenon; two sons, Tony and Eddie; two brothers, Blaine McArty and George; four sisters, Mrs. Lillie Engle; Viola Carr and Fern Davis, plus Virgie Bunds and one half-sister, Mrs. Dora Hartman; 7 grandchildren and two greats. The body was taken to the Cox & Williams Funeral Home where services were held at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon with burial in Folks of the Creek Cemetery. - Rockville Tribune November 6, 1952


William Derrington died at Montezuma, Sunday night, at the age of ninety, leaving his eighth wife a widow. – The Brazil Clay County Enterprise 27 Jul 1887, Page 4


Mrs. Gertrude H. DICKERSON of 418 Lincoln Road, Rockville, age 80, died in Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, Monday morning, February 5. She was a member of the Rockville Second Baptist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Rosemary Garrett of New York City, Mrs. Catherine Tate of Arlington, Va., and Mrs. Virginia Newsom of Washington, D.C.; a son, William of Rockville; two step-daughters, Mrs. Jennie Bishop and Mrs. Blanche Stiles, both of Los Angeles, Calif.; a step-son, Charles of Culver; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.  Funeral services were held at the Butler Funeral Home, Thursday morning, with Rev. Florence White and Rev. Clifford L. Miller officiating. Burial was in the Rockville Cemetery. - Rockville Republican, February 12, 1973 - Submitted by  Mary Lou Hermiller   


Gilbert Emanuel “Gib” Dickey, of rural Montezuma, died early Christmas Eve morning at the University of Chicago Medical Center. He was two days shy of his 81st birthday. His wife of 56 years, Patricia Wisneski Dickey, survives him. Dickey was born on Dec. 26, 1927, to Chester and Ruth Dickey. He was a 1945 graduate of Rosedale High School and attended Purdue University to study engineering. A lifelong farmer in southern Parke County, Gib was a Korean War veteran and a lifetime member of Dailey Chapel Christian Church, where he served as an elder and deacon. He taught the Christian Crusader Sunday School class there for 25 years. He also owned and operated Dickey Television Sales and Service in Rosedale for 45 years.  Gib served as a Parke County councilman for 16 years, was on the Parke County Planning and Zoning Board, served as a Parke County Farm Bureau board director for 17 years, and was a member of the Rosedale American Legion’s Tony Kashon Post 290, the Parke County Historical Society, the Special Interest Car Club, the Florida Township Euchre Group, the Dailey Chapel Men’s Breakfast Group, the Lawson Filling Station Old Car Club and was an antique car enthusiast who competed in the Newport Hill Climb competition. He served as a Parke County Wabash Township 4-H leader for many years and was recognized as an Outstanding 4-H Alumni and Hall-of-Fame member.  Gib may have best been known as an area television and radio repairman. Scrupulously honest, he was known throughout the area as a man who always had a good story to tell while he worked. He often took no pay for his services and was so trusted that he often entered unlocked doors to work while homeowners slept in the late hours after his work in the fields was done. He was also known for playing his harmonica at local nursing homes and church and school programs.  Gib loved and enjoyed his family. He is survived by four daughters and their husbands, Joanie and Michael Lunsford of Rosedale, Terri and Dom Nepote of Clinton, Karen and Gene Baxter of Rockville and Annette and Philip Cox of Montezuma. His grandsons include Evan Lunsford, Nick Nepote, Riley Baxter, Cameron Cox, Kemp Harper and Carson Cox; and his granddaughters, Ellen Lunsford, Gina Nepote, Lisa Nepote, Jackie Pitts (and husband P.J.), Jesse Baxter and Terah Cox. Gib also is survived by one great-grandson, Noah Quraish; a sister, Martha Jean McCarthy of Indianapolis, several nieces and nephews; and a sister-in-law, Evelyn Dickey. He was preceded in death by his younger brother, Allen; and an infant daughter, Judy Ann.  Services are 10:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 29, 2008, in Frist Funeral Home, 458 Blackman St., in Clinton with the Rev. Jack Holycross officiating. Burial will follow in Walnut Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 28, 2008


Miss Reba Dixon received a call from Racine, Wis., last Thursday, telling of the death of her brother, Homer Dixon, which occurred early that morning, after an illness of only a few hours.  Mr. Dixon, age 65, was a native of Parke Co., the son of Solomon and Elizabeth Dixon and most of his life was passed here.  He had been a resident of Racine for 25 years.  Surviving are the widow, Lula Boyd  Dixon; two sons, Vincent and Layton Dixon , both of Racine ; one grandchild and one sister, Miss Dixon.  The fact that all roads north of Chicago were blocked by blizzard conditions prevented Miss Dixon from attending the funeral which was held in Racine , Monday, delayed until that time because of the terrible weather conditions. – The Rockville Republican, 06 February 1947 - Submitted by Sandra Lee Westbrooks 

Dixon, Mrs. Lula May -1934 Grange Ave.   Age 80. Passed away Feb. 25, 1966 in St. Luke's Hospital. Mrs. Dixon was born in Park County, Ind. on March 1, 1885 and had lived in Racine for 43 years. For 28 years, she had been a saleswoman for Racine Dry Goods Co. Mrs. Dixon was a member of Christ Church Methodist, Wesleyan Service Guild and Racine Order of Eastern Star, chapter 45. Surviving are her son, Layton D. Dixon; two sisters, Mrs. Herman (Hazel) Woodard, Cudahy, Wis. and Mrs. Wayne (Beaulah) Williams, St. John, Mich.; one brother, Ray Boyd, Boulder Junction, Wis.; three grandchildren, Marylu Dixon, Kathleen Dixon and Stuart Dixon, all of Racine; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. John E. Olson of Racine; several nieces and nephews. Her husband, Homer A. Dixon, preceded her in death on Jan. 30, 1947 and a son, Vincent, preceded her in death on May 10, 1953. Funeral services will be held Monday, 2:30 p.m. in the Greenwood Funeral Home, Rev. Allen McCaul officiating. Interment will be in West Lawn Memorial Park. Friends may call at the Greenwood Funeral Home, 1003 14th St., Sunday after 4 p.m. and until time of services on Monday. Unknown newspaper, unknown date


Rockville, Ind., Jan. 18 (Special) Pearl Doan, 81 years old of Rockville, died at 6 o’clock Tuesday morning at the Vermillion County Hospital in Clinton. A retired Farmer, he is survived by the widow Lottie; a son, Claude Doan of Montezuma; a daughter, Mrs. Sid Jacks of Rockville; a stepson, Melin Hesler of Judson; a brother, John Doan of Rockville; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services will be at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Barnes Mortuary. Interment will be in Oakland cemetery at Montezuma. Friends may call after 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon. - Terre Haute Tribune Star 09 May 1976 Page 10


Mrs. Josephine DODDS, a lifelong resident of Rockville and vicinity died Wednesday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Gross, who lives about 3 1/2 miles east of Rockville.  Mrs. Dodds, the daughter of Joseph C. and Susan M. Smith was born in Rockville on August 3, 1854 and died on December 8, 1937. She was affiliated with the Methodist church.   Besides the sister, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren survive.   Funeral services were conducted at the McMullen funeral home Friday morning with the Rev. R. C. Ellsworth in charge. Burial was made in the Rockville cemetery. - Unknown Newspaper


Waveland -- Mrs. Ada M. DOOLEY, 85, died Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at her farm home in Greene twp. Death was attributed to a stroke. She had been in failing health for a number of years, seriously ill nine days. Born November 25, 1864 in Milligan, she was the daughter of James and Sarah Mays. She was married to Joseph Dooley, November 6, 1884, in Greene twp. Following her marriage, she and her husband established their residence at the farm known as Dooley's Station where she lived for the last 65 years of her life. Mrs. Dooley was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two sons, Albert and Purdy J. Dooley, both of Green twp; three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Bruin of Judson, Mrs. Dolly Smelser, of South Bend, and Mrs. Lillian Hinkle of Logansport, a sister, Mrs. Ella Baldwin of Marshall; two brothers, Ivor Mays of Marshall and John Mays of Bellmore; 13 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Five generations of the family are included in the survivors. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the Machledt funeral home in Waveland. Rev. Ernest Prevo will be in charge and burial will be in Bethany cemetery at Marshall.  - Waveland Independent, April 6, 1950   (contributed by Shelly Dooley (as were many of the Dooley obituaries below)

Atellus H. Dooley, 90 years old died at his home, Thursday.  He was a retired merchant.  He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Daisy Dooley.  The body was taken to the Branson Funeral Home where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.  The Rev. Homer Cloud will officiate and burial will be in Memory Gardens Cemetery. (Terre Haute, IN Tribune 22 May 1953 (Rockville In Special) -- Also submitted by Shelly Dooley)

Barton DOOLEY, Union veteran: Last veteran of township passes away at home of daughter after long, eventful career. Was a Pony Express rider

Barton Warren Dooley, 89, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Trueman, at 11 o’clock Saturday morning. A cerebral hemorrhage was the cause of his death. Funeral services were held at 1:30 o’clock Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian church with Rev. H. Ray Sigler officiating. A memorial  (Barton Warren Dooley, obit continued) address was given by Rev. E. M. Woodard and the quartet, consisting of Mrs. Frank Adams, Mrs. Roscoe McCampbell, Lou Pickard and Ora Newlin assisted by Miss Susie Lee Trueman at the piano, furnished special music. A military burial at Bethany Cemetery was in charge of the American Legion of Rockville.  (Section missing here) ....worth from which he reached home in February 1866. On November the seventh 1866 he was married to Harriet Ellen Miller and moved to a farm in Howard township and later to an adjoining farm, where they lived until 1895. They then moved to Marshall where Mrs. Dooley died August 1, 1901. Uncle Bart, so long as his eyesight permitted, was unusually well read, and was a man of firm and sound convictions which were always based on reason rather than prejudice. He served as postmaster of Marshall for more than 13 years and continued his residence there until failing health made it necessary for him to live with his daughter where he died January 13, 1934, at the age of 89 years, 7 months, and 9 days. He united with Bethany Presbyterian Church in 1874 and was a faithful attendant so long as his health permitted. Surviving him are three children, Mrs. Thomas Trueman, Corta B. Dooley and Silas S. Dooley; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Bettie Hazel Dooley, second daughter of Joseph and Ada Dooley, was b. May 20, 1888 and d. Feb. 1 after an illness of 5 weeks; age 18 years; 8 months and 19 days.  She united with the Guion Presbyterian Church Jan 12, 1902 under the pastorate of Rev ES Miller and has always been a faithful member.  She grad. from the township schools with the class of 1904 and afterwards attended Valparaiso Univ. one term.  She was a girl of refined tastes and gentle manners and her sunny disposition won for her a host of friends.  During her long illness, she was never heard to murmur or complain, always thoughtful for those waiting on her.  Everything was done that willing hands and anxious hearts could do, but the summons had come form Him, who knows bets and does all things well.  she gently passed away leaving behind a father, mother, two brothers, and three sisters; one small brother having preceded her in 1890 to the unknown world.  Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thomas G. Pearce, at the Guion Presbyterian Church Feb 3.  Interment in Bethany Cemetery  - Waveland Independent, Thursday February 7, 1907

C.R. Dooley dead; industry expert; President of foundation for training within plants had aided war production Summit, NJ, June 25.  Channing R. Dooley, an expert on industrial training and president of the Training within Industry Foundation, died today of a heart attack in Overlook Hospital.  His age was 78.  He lived at 41 Oakland Place.  Mr. Dooley established the foundation in 1946 as a research and service organization, which grew out of his work as director of Training Within Industry during World War II. He was appointed to the latter post by the National Defense Advisory Commission in 1940 and continued under the War Manpower Commission.  Training methods that he developed for use within the plants helped provide defense factories and arsenals with the workers urgently needed in the war effort. The International Labor Office named him as a consultant on ways of instructing factory operators in member nations in modern efficiency methods, a mission he carried out in 1948, 1949, and 1950. Mr. Dooley was the first director of personnel and training for Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company in Pittsburgh, where he had been a design engineer since shortly after his graduation from Purdue University as an electrical engineer.  During World War I, he was called on by the War Department to establish and direct the system of technical training in military camps.  After the war he became head of training and personnel for the Standard Oil Company (N.J.), then personnel manager of Standard Oil Company of New York from 1929 to 1932   After the latter's merger with Vacuum Oil Company he was manager of industrial relations until World War II.  In 1944 he and Walter Dietz, associate director of Training Within Industry, received the first annual award in the field of human relations of the Society for the Advancement of Management. He served on the board of trustees of the Foremanship Foundation and on the executive committee of Junior Achievement.  He was a member of the Federal Committee on Apprenticeship from 1934 to 1946.  He belonged to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Society for the Advancement of Management and the Industrial Relations Research Association.  He was also a member of City Club and Downtown Athletic Club of New York.  Surviving are his widow, Inez; a son, David L., of Oklahoma City; a daughter, Mrs. George Schaefer of Philadelphia; a sister, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  From the New York Times, 26 June 1956, page 29:


Dooley, Channing Rice of Summit NJ [died] on June 25, 1956, husband of Inez Jones Dooley, father of Phyllis Dooley Schaefer, M.D. of Philadelphia, and David L. Dooley of Oklahoma City, OK and brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Dooley Burton of Rockville, IN; surviving also are five grandchildren and one great grandson.  The service will be held at the Central Presbyterian Church, Summit, NJ, on Wednesday afternoon, June 27, at 3 o'clock.  The family suggests that in place of flowers, contributions be sent to Purdue University Alumni Scholarship Foundation, Lafayette, IN.  For further details contact Burroughs & Kohr, Summit, NJ.  Born Rockville, IN, 4 April 1878; buried Rockville Cemetery.  - Death notice, New York Times, 26 June 1956, page 29

E. C. DOOLEY has sold his portable photograph gallery to Peacock, of Rockville, and is preparing to move to Missouri.  (Tribune issue of 5 October 1893 says the family moved to Hopkins, MO.) - Rockville Tribune, 21 September 1893

Montezuma, IN.  Ernest B. DOOLEY, 72, of Montezuma died at 3:50 p.m. Thursday in St. Vincent's Hospital at Indianapolis. Mr. Dooley was a retired railroad engineer and farmer.  He was an Army veteran of World War II and was awarded a Purple Heart.  He was a member of the Disabled Veterans Association, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Linebarger Chapel. He was born November 14, 1918 at Marshall to Purdy James and Verna Seay Dooley.  He married Ruth Rusk February 17, 1940.  She survives. Other survivors include a son, Roy, of Montezuma; a brother, Reid of Rockville; five sisters, Geraldine Ballard and Lillian Cure of Rockville, Doris Crooks of Waveland, Kathleen Pithoud of Bloomingdale and Evelyn Hobson of Dover. Funeral services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at the Butler Funeral Home with the Rev. John Swaim officiating.  Burial will be in Bethany Cemetery at Rockville.  Friends may call 5-8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home - Crawfordsville Journal Review, Saturday, 23 March 1991, page 2

 Eva LaVerne, daughter of Purdy James and Verne Irene Dooley was born March 24, 1915 departed this life at her father's home in Bellmore, August 4, 1929 after a few hours of suffering caused by an automobile accident, Sat. evening, August 3rd at the age of 14 years, 4 months and seven days. her passing came as a shock to her family and friends.  So the community mourns with the family in the trying hour. She was of a family of 10 children, namely: Geraldine, Ronald, Ernest, Billie, Reid, Doris, Lillian, Kathleen and Evelyn.  She united with the Methodist Church at Bellmore during a revival conducted by Rev. Stanley Hall; attended Sunday school and was eagerly looking forward to entering high school this fall.  Eva was exceedingly happy and cheerful, perhaps not better pals could be found than she and her oldest sister; and that is a happy memory and is made to give new power to a golden hope. The light has not gone out.   it has been transferred from earth to Heaven, and to bring us more than ever under the power of the world to come.  She leaves to mourn their loss a father, mother, four brothers, five sisters, grandparents and many other relatives and friends.  ... Margaret Holland.   Waveland Independent, August 16, 1929

Dooley, Eva Laverne - The too common auto accident has again touched us nearly with tragedy.  Eva Laverne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Purdue Dooley of Bellmore and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dooley suffered injuries in an auto wreck near Hollandsburg on Sat. night that resulted in her death shortly after noon the next day. In company with her sister, a Miss Burke, Fred and Everett Ramsey and Wesley Harbeson they had attended an entertainment at the Greene School.  After it was over they took Miss Burke to her home and were returning to Bellmore when they met Arthur Thompson on Raccoon Hill.  he was unable to dim his lights and Fred Ramsey, who was driving, was blinded and drove the car into a tree, wrecking the car and injuring all the occupants, more or less.  A passing motorist took Everett Ramsey to Rockville, where 9 stitches were taken to close a cut in his head. The others did not think their injuries serious, although the Dooley girl complained of headache and her sister, Geraldine gave her some aspirin. They did not tell their parents that they had been in a smash.  In the morning she was found to be unconscious.   A physician was called who decided that unless there was improvement by noon she should be taken to Terre Haute to the hospital.  Harry Machledt, who was in Montezuma, was notified to bring his ambulance, but she died before he arrived. Miss Dooley was born March 27, 1915 near Waveland, and lived in this community until her parents moved to Bellmore.  She would have been a freshman in the Bellmore HS this fall.  Funeral services were held at the Bellmore Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoon.  Interment at Bellmore cemetery. She is survived by the parents, 4 brothers and four sisters. This is the first break in the family circle.  - Waveland Independent, February 9, 1929


DOOLEY, Huston - Last Saturday was the 36th birthday of Huston Dooley who lives on the Allen farm, northwest of town and Saturday evening about twenty-five of his friends from the Kelly school house neighborhood arranged a little surprise for him, which was a grand success.  On behalf of the friends Rev. S .K.. Fuson presented an elegant family Bible appropriately inscribed, which Mr. Dooley accepted with a few well chosen words.  Refreshments were served, and after a very pleasant evening the guests departed, wishing Mr. Dooley many happy returns of the day.  - Rockville Tribune, 21 September, Thursday,  1893


Harriet E. DOOLEY, wife of Barton W. Dooley of Marshall, IN, was born near Ladoga, Montgomery County IN January 2 1844. She was the youngest of the children of James and Nancy Miller. Her mother died when she was an infant and she was reared in the family of Campbell P. Clark. Her father afterwards married again and she had nine half brothers and sisters. She united with Bethany Presbyterian church in February 1866 under the pastorate of Rev. William Y. Allen, and lived the life of a gentle, unassuming Christian since that time.

She was married to Barton W. Dooley November 7 1863. One daughter and two sons blessed this union, all of whom with the bereaved husband, five little grandchildren, numerous relatives and friends survive to mourn the loss. One dear little granddaughter welcomed her to her heavenly home. Harriet Dooley was a fond and devoted wife, a loving mother, a kind, unselfish neighbor and a quiet, unobtrusive follower of her blessed Master. She was most appreciated and loved most by those who knew her best. It could truly be said of her, The blessings of her quiet life Fell on us like the dew

And good thoughts when her footsteps pressed Like fairest blossoms grew. Her life has been an open book read by her friends and neighbors and is its own best eulogium. After a long and trying sickness she was called to the home prepared for God’s people, for we have the blessed hope and assurance that she has gone to a place of perfect peace, where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. Her friends feel that their loss is her eternal gain and submit trustfully to Him who doeth all things well. Alone unto our Father’s ill One thought hath reconciled That He whose love exceedeth ours Hath taken home his child. - Unknown Paper - Thursday Evening, August (date not clear) 1901


Harry E. DOOLEY was born November 27, 1884; died March 30, 1905, aged 20 years, 4 months and 3 days.  He was the youngest child of Reuben T. and Saloma Dooley. He lost both parents when quite a little child-just when he needed a father's guidance and a mother's tender care.  Two brothers, one sister and numerous relatives and friends survive to mourn his loss. Harry made his home with relatives until about 17 years of age when he bravely started out to carve his own fortune.  He was clerk in the New York store, Indianapolis, for about two years, receiving deserved promotions.  Last spring at the opening of the St. Louis Exposition he resigned his position in Indianapolis, to accept a position with a manufacturing company to have charge of their exhibit during the fair.  He stayed until the close and superintended the shipping of the exhibit to Portland, Oregon.  He was employed by the same firm to superintend the same exhibit at the World's Fair soon to open in Portland.  He was to have started for his new field of labor next week when he was stricken with his illness.  Thus briefly told is the record of a bright young life just opening into the promise of noble and useful manhood. Harry was a boy of noble impulses, bright, capable, and honorable.  He was the child of Christian parents and a Christian ancestry; brought up in the church and Sunday School; and although he had never formally united with the church he loved and revered its teachings and the writer believes had accepted Christ as his Savior. Just why this young life so full of promise should thus suddenly be cut off we may not now know - but "Let us be patient! These severe afflictions Not from the ground arise, But often time Celestial benedictions Assume their dark disguise."  Rockville Tribune, Wednesday, 5 April 1905

Mrs. Hasseltine Hinkle Dooley, 79 years old d. at her home here at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon.  She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Jack Burton of Rockville; one son, Channing Dooley of New York; five sisters, Mrs. John Smock, Mrs.. John Rice, Mrs. Fred Rush, Miss Mame Hinkle and Miss Dollie Hinkle all of Terre Haute; and one brother Lyman Hinkle of Chicago.  Mrs. Dooley had been a resident of Rockville for many years and was active in church and social affairs.  Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock Sat. afternoon with burial in the Rockville Cemetery.  (Terre Haute IN Tribune March 21, 1930 (Rockville, IN) -- March 21 - Also submitted by Shelly Dooley )

Parke Co. Farmer Kills himself with Carbolic Acid -- Rockville IN June 28.  Houston Dooley, 60 years old, living 4 mi. W. of Rockville, committed suicide Sun. evening by swallowing carbolic acid.  Ill health leading to despondency is assigned as the cause for self destruction.  Dooley swallowed the poison at home, then made his way one mi. distant where he fell in a corn field.  Mrs. Dooley detected the odor of carbolic acid soon after his departure and gave an alarm.  He was alive when found, but died a few minutes after he was carried back to his home.  From the Terre haute (IN) Tribune 28 June 1920 (Also submitted by Shelly Dooley)

Hubert N. DOOLEY, 74, a steam fitter for Commercial Piping Co. 10 years, died yesterday in a local nursing home.  A native of Mecca, In he was a past pres/ of Steam Fitters Union, Local 440 and was a member of Keystone Masonic Lodge 251.  Services will be held at 10 a.m. Sat in Shirley Brothers Irving Hill Chapel, with bur. in Washington Park E. Cemetery.  Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Jessie J.  Dooley; four daughters, Mrs. Margaret Bozart, Mrs. Mary Reed and Mrs. Helen LeMaster, all of Indianapolis and Mrs. Ruth Petro of Nashville, IN; and two sons, Donald Dooley of Rockville and Ralph Dooley of Indianapolis.  Death notice -- same page -- Mr. Hubert Dooley, 72, husband of Mrs. Jessie J. Dooley, father of Mrs. Everett (Margaret) Bozart; Mrs. Hugh (Mary) Reed; Mrs. Harrison (Helen ) LeMaster, all of city; Mrs. John (Ruth) Petro; Mr. Donald Dooley and Ralph Dooley; brother of Mary Eckhart; Mrs. Margaret Walters; Helen Scholes; Martha Mulvvey; Clyde and Glenn Dooley; 19 grandchildren; 8 great grandchildren; Funeral Sat. June 12 10:00 a.m. Shirley Bros. Irving Hill Chapel, 5377 E. Washington St. Calling after 3 p.m. today. - Indianapolis Star (Thursday) 10 June 1976

J. B. . Dooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dooley died at the home of his parents in Terre Haute on Thursday.  Funeral services was from his own home in North Terre haute and was conducted by the minister of the Christian church.  Mr. Dooley was born in Waveland in the house that George Good now lives in and known as the Charles Johnson house.  He was a member of the Christian Church and served in the capacity of Elder.  He leaves a widow and two children, a boy and a girl.  Mrs. Will Harshbarger, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. . Oldshue and Mrs. Albert Dooley and Joe Dooley attended the funeral.  -Waveland Independent, August 28, 1925

 Jewel DOOLEY, to whom we pay this afternoon our last tribute of respect, was born near Byron, the daughter of Moses and Artie MITCHELL, July 3, 1898 and slipped quietly from the sleep of the living to the last sweet sleep of death, in Indianapolis. August 5th 1918, at the age of 20 years, 1 month, and 3 days. Jewel’s childhood was spent on the farm where she was born, attending the neighborhood school, she graduated with the Howard township 1914. During her girlhood and until failing health overtook her, she was a member of the Byron Christian Sunday School and while her name was not on the roll of any church, the beauty of the life she led gives assurance to her friends that it was on the roll above. She possessed a loving gentle and quiet disposition and early in life, she gave her affections to a young man, in every way worthy of them. Clifford Dooley, to whom she was married December 27, 1916. ( From book of obits at Rockville library, sources not given - the rest is missing.)

Joseph O. DOOLEY died at his home 3 miles west of Waveland Friday afternoon following a heart attack.  He had been in poor health two years.  He was born in Parke County June 23, 1860 at the old Dooley homestead and grew to manhood there.  He was united in marriage to Ida MYERS at Waveland November 6 for two years.  They had their wedding anniversary this last November.  (sic).  Mrs. Dooley remains along with two sons, Albert and Turdy of Waveland; three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Bruin of Judson; Mrs. Dolly Smelser Hinkle of Logansport; a sister, Mrs. May Malett of Terre Haute; 14 grandchildren and two greats.  The funeral was conducted from the Machledt Funeral Home Sunday at 2 by the Rev. H. H. Elmore. Burial in Bethany cemetery, Marshall.  Pall bearers were Owen Dooley; Ernest White; Sam Link; Carson Bushong; Carl Humphries and Dewey Hazlett.  Mr. Normal Walker provided the music. - Waveland Independent, January 16, 1947

Joseph Oscar DOOLEY -  Born in Parke County 23 June 1860, lived in this area all his life. He was born and raised on the old Dooley homestead, representing the third generation to be brought up there. He married Ada Mayes at Waveland 6 November 1884, and the couple celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary last November The deceased was a member of Zion Presbyterian Church. Surviving are the widow, sons Albert and Purdy, both of Waveland; three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Bruin of Judson, Mrs. Dolly Smelser of South Bend, and Mrs. Lillian Hinkle of Logansport, and a sister Mrs. May Mallett of Terre Haute, 14 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild." - Crawfordsville Journal Review, 11 January 1947, Page. 2, Column 6

DOOLEY, Mrs. Laura, 68 passed away last Thursday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. William Kinkaid in Chicago.  She had been an invalid 18 years.  Mrs. Dooley was born October 24, 1874 at Marshall, the daughter of Alfred and Mary Ann Hobson.  She was married March 5, 1895 to Silas Dooley who died March 18, 1942.  Surviving besides the daughter are one son Clifford Dooley of Marshall; three sisters, Mrs. C. B. Dooley of this place, and Mrs. Eva Connerley and Mrs. Rose Williams of Marshall and 3 grandchildren.  Funeral services were held in Marshall Saturday afternoon with burial at Bethany Cemetery.     Waveland Independent, January 14, 1943

Funeral services of Mrs. Laura DOOLEY were held in the Federated church, Saturday afternoon, Rev. Paul Shults in charge. Mrs. Roscoe McCampbell and Mrs. Frank Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. John Cummings sang “Abide with Me” and “My Faith Looks Up to Thee.” Pall bearers were Wilbur Engle, Clyde McClure, O. L. . Myers, Roy Lough, Roscoe McCampbell and Joe Lough. The flowers were carried by Mesdames Owen Swaim, Everett Thompson, May McMurtry, Wilbur Engle, Jesse McClure, Joe Lough, Roy Lough, Charles Taylor and Misses Alice Myers, Virginia Rushing and Myrtle McClure. Burial was made in Bethany Cemetery. Mrs. Dooley, who was 68, was the daughter of Alfred and Mary Ann Hobson and lived her entire life in this community, except the last three months when she was with her daughter in Chicago. She was married in 1895 to Silas Dooley who died in March 1942. She was a member of the Presbyterian church. Surviving are one son, Clifford of Marshall, the daughter Clarice Kinkaid of Chicago, three grandchildren, Mary Louise, Barton and Harriet Dooley, three sisters, Mrs. Eva Connerley and Mrs. Margaret McWilliams of Marshall, and Mrs. Ellen Dooley of Waveland.  Unknown Source - January 7, 1943

Marcus A. Dooley one of Parke County's best known citizens died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Richard Farmer of Ellsworth, on September 1 of typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Dooley was b. in Parke Co April 8, 1837.  In 1860 he united in marriage with Miss Lydia Rusk of Terre Haute. To this union were b. 7 children, six of whom survive the father.  Mr. Dooley resided at his country home at until 7 years ago when he was called to Ellsworth to assist in caring for his aged father and mother.  His father preceded him to the better land three years ago, but his mother is still living, aged 88.  Mr. Dooley lay ill two weeks and death was not unexpected.  He told his children the end was near and he was prepared. His children are: Mrs. Clara Reeser, Mrs. Eva Crooks, Will, Frank and George Dooley, and Mrs. Jennie Harshbarger.  The funeral was conducted at the home of Rev. Rippetoe and the remains laid to rest in Crown Hill Cemetery.   - Waveland Independent, September 11, 1903

Mrs. R. L. . DOOLEY dies suddenly in Montezuma, IN. Mrs. Mary Alice Dooley, wife of Dr. R. L. . Dooley and postmistress here, suffered a stroke while playing bridge at a party last evening at the home of Misses Mary and Margaret Hill and died an hour later, after being removed to her home. She was 54 years of age and had served four years as postmistress and had just been reappointed. Her maiden name was Miss Mayme Vanlandingham. - Terre Haute Star, 25 September 1926, front page

Matthew Houston DOOLEY was born August 13, 1857; departed this life June 17, 1920, having reached the age of 62 years, 10 months, and 14 days.

He was the son of Matthew H. and Hannah Dooley and was the youngest child in a family of eight children, all of whom have preceded him in death, except one brother, George, who lives in Missouri and was prevented from being present at the funeral on account of poor health. He was born near Guion, this county, and grew up and enjoyed the pleasures and blessings of a good home, as good homes were rated in those days, and the benefits of a common school education. On the date of February 26, 1884, he was married to Martha B. Moore and they began their happy married life on the farm of Ezriah Brown, a few miles southwest of Coloma. On August 3, 1887, a son came in to this home whom they christened Parke M., who survives. Houston, for that was the name everybody gave him, was converted February 26, 1884, at a series of meetings held at Wesley Chapel, southeast of Rockville, under the ministry of Zimri D. Maris, subsequently uniting with the Methodist church, in which he remained a loyal and valuable member. His occupation was that of a farmer and he was owned and resided on the present home site the past 25 years, having purchased it of the venerable Solomon Allen who turned over the deed showing it to be the first transfer since Uncle Solomon purchased it of the government almost 100 years ago.  (The rest of this is missing.) Written and read at the funeral by J. C. Sanders

Mrs. Narcissa Dooley, 90 years old d. at 3:30 o'clock Wed. afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker (Street number unclear) Chestnut St.  Besides the daughter, she is survived by two nieces and one nephew.  The body was taken to the Marrs Funeral Home where services will be held at 1 o'clock Sat. morning.  Burial will be in the Oakland Cemetery. at Montezuma, In.  (Terre Haute (IN) Tribune 23 June 1955 (Marshal IN Special June 22)- Also submitted by Shelly Dooley)

Mrs. Ora Dell DOOLEY, age 55, living in the Allisonville Road, 10 mi. No. of Indianapolis, who died Monday in St. Francis Hospital, will be bur. in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Wed.  Services will be at 2 p.m. in the Bellmore ME Church.  Born in Bellmore, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.  Norvel HAMILTON, Mrs. Dooley came to Marion Co. 12 years ago.  She was a member of the Castleton ME Church.  Survivors are her husband, Frank Dooley; four sons, Hubert, Glenn and Wayne Dooley, Indianapolis; and Clyde Dooley, Atlanta, GA; and four daughters, Mrs. William Eckhart; Mrs. RE Walters; Mrs. J. E.  Carlein and Miss Martha Dooley, Indianapolis.  Friends may view the body Tues. at the Shirley Brothers Central Chapel, 946 N. Illinois St. - Indianapolis News, Tuesday, 1 November 1932


Owen R. DOOLEY, 88, Waveland, died Wednesday morning, January 16, at his residence. Born June 11, 1896, he was the son of Corta and Ella Hobson Dooley. On October 6, 1921 he married Mary Emma Fullenwider, who survives.  Educated in Marshall schools, he farmed in Parke County most of his life. He served with the Marine Corps during World War I and was a member of Waveland Presbyterian Church. Other survivors include two sons, James Dooley of Waveland, and Robert Dooley of Plainfield; a sister, Edna Engle of Rockville; five grandchildren and six great grandchildren.  Services were conducted Friday at Machledt and Services Funeral Home with Rev. Scott Johnson officiating. Burial was at Bethany Cemetery in Marshall. - The Parke County Sentinel, Monday, 21 January 1985

Mrs. Phronia Dooley, 93, d. at 3:50 p.m. Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leland Asbury where she lived for the past 43 years.  She was a member of the Federated church of Marshall.  Surviving besides the daughter are one son, Reuben of Rockville; manager of the Parke County R. E. M. C.; four grandchildren, and 16 great grandchildren.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Sun. at the Davies-Tutor Fun. Home. The Rev. William Flanagen will officiate.  Bur in Bethany Cemetery. Terre Haute Tribune, July 11, 1964 (Marshall In Special) . (Also submitted by Shelly Dooley)

“Roy DOOLEY, 48 of RFD Judson, died suddenly of a heart attack in a doctor's office of Rockville last Thursday evening. He was born Aug 12, 1903, the son of George W. and Serilda Davies Dooley.  He was a farmer and never married. There survive his father and two sisters, Miss Mildred Dooley and Mrs. Ruby Hester of Crawfordsville.”   - Waveland Independent, August 9, 1951 (provided by Karen Zach)

Rufus DOOLEY Dies At His Home in Rockville; Funeral Services Wednesday Rockville, Ind., August 23, Rufus Dooley, 85 years old, a veteran of the Civil War, and one of the most beloved and best known citizens of Parke County, died at his home here yesterday. Mr. Dooley, although advanced in years, had been very active in Parke County affairs until his fatal illness. He was a member of Steele post No. 9, G. A. R. ., and was a devout member of the Presbyterian church. He enlisted in July 1861, in Company H, 21st heavy artillery, and was mustered out in January 1866, after having been active in a number of the most notable engagements of the civil war.  He is survived by the widow, Martha H. Dooley; one daughter, Mrs. J. H. . Burton; one son, Channing Dooley; one brother, Martin Dooley, and one sister, Mrs. Martha McClure. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Presbyterian church, Revs. W. S. . Smith and W.R. Graham to have charge of the church services. Steele post, G. A. R. ., and Fellinger post, American legion, will have charge of the services at the grave. - Terre Haute Tribune, Tuesday, 23 August 1927


Rufus DOOLEY - (The following sketch of the life of the late Rufus Dooley was prepared and read at the funeral by Judge ____ Maxwell:)

Rufus Dooley, son of Silas and Sarah Landon Dooley, was born near Marshall, IN, August 26, 1842, and died at his home in Rockville, August (1 or 2?) 1927, lacking but four days of attaining the age of 85 years. He attended the schools of Washington township and had determined upon his life’s work, that of a physician and surgeon, but the Civil War disarranged this well considered plan, and on July 6, 1861, in his 18th year, he enlisted for three years in Co H, 21st Indiana volunteers infantry which afterwards became the 1st Indiana heavy artillery. While serving under his first enlistment he veteranized, enlisting January 1, 1864 for the period of the war. His service was with the Army of the Gulf and with that army he participated in the siege and capture of Fort Hudson, in the sanguinary battle of Baton Rouge, in all that army’s various movements in opening the lower Mississippi, the capture of New Orleans under General Butler, and in the siege and capture of Mobile, the latter occurring after the surrender of General Lee and being among the last engagements of the war. He was honorable discharged January 10, 1866, after more than 4 1/2 years of continuous military service. Rufus Dooley was a good and a brave soldier. His war record is without stain. While his youth precluded the opportunity for high command or brilliant service, yet upon the march, on guard duty, in camp and in battle, he faithfully and honorably did his full duty. He was justly yet modestly proud of his soldier record. In this day of our country’s power and greatness it is well to recall that it is to the bravery and sacrifice of this man and his comrades this nation owes its very life. After the war he took a business course of one year at Dayton, Ohio, and soon after became a member of the hardware firm of Stark & McMillin under the name of McMillin, Stark & Dooley, and engaged in that line of business continuously until his retirement in 1922, a period of __ years. He was the last of Rockville’s old-time merchants, an active and progressive business man, and introduced into this community many of the comforts and conveniences of our present homes.  He was a charter member of Steele post of the Grand Army of the Republic, had served in all its offices and was devoted to its interests. (Rufus Dooley Obit continued) In early life he became a member of the Presbyterian church and for many years has been an elder and clerk of the session of Memorial Presbyterian Church. He lived a righteous life and was a devout, earnest Christian all his days. He was reticent in talking of the deeper things of life and lived his Christian life rather than talked it. He is survived by his wife, his son, Channing Dooley, his daughter, Elizabeth Burton, five grandchildren: Dorothy B. Peare, Rufus T. Burton, Eleanor H. Burton, Phyllis A. Dooley and David L. Dooley; his brother, Barton W. Dooley, and his sister, Martha McClure.  Such, in briefest outline, is the record of a long and useful life. Justice to his memory demands that something of a personal character be said. Rufus Dooley always and everywhere stood for the best, for the improvement of humanity, the welfare of society, the advancement of his town, his state, the nation. He held strong opinions and beliefs, and anything he believed in he felt worth working for, striving for, and if necessary fighting for. Amid his personal troubles and sorrows of which he had his full share, he had a never failing sense of humor that gave his life a rare flavor. He was active in the community’s life and especially kept himself well informed on all public questions, a lover of good books, a student of history, particularly that of the Civil War, which period he kept alive not from any spirit of hate to the vanquished, but that the great lessons there taught should never be forgotten. To sum up in a word his most striking characteristic, it was that of loyalty. He was loyal to his daily task, loyal to his business, loyal to his community, loyal to his friends, loyal to his home, loyal to his flag and loyal to his God. He has crossed over the river and joined his comrades on the other side. On fame’s eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread And Glory guards with solemn round - The bivouac of the dead.  - Unknown Source   From Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association, March 1942, p 170 -- Rufus L. Dooley of Montezuma, Indiana died January 15th.  he was a graduate of the Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati in 1895."

Local citizens mourn the death of one of our local doctors, Dr. Rufus L. DOOLEY, who died at his home at 4 p.m. Sunday of heart trouble and complications. He had been in failing health several months, prior to his death.  Dr. Dooley was born March 29, 1862 on a farm near Milligan, in.  He left the farm at the age of 18 to study medicine and entered the Rusk medial College.  After leaving college he began the practice of his profession in Armiesburg, later moving to Montezuma, where he has since lived and worked.  He was a member of the American Medical Association, the Odd Fellows Lodge and the Presbyterian Church.  Surviving besides a daughter, Mrs. J. G. . Tucker of Marshall, Illinois is a brother Tell Dooley of Rockville.  A niece, Mrs. George Shepherd of Lafayette also survives.  Funeral services were held at the residence at 2 p.m. Wed, with Rev. LeRoy Brown officiating.  Interment was made in Oakland cemetery.  - Montezuma Enterprise, Thursday 29 January 1942   ( submitted by Shelly Dooley)

Sarah E. W., daughter of Aquilla and Elizabeth CORD, was born August 19, 1840. In 1832 her parents had settled on the farm where she was born, and where she died. She truly came of sturdy pioneer stock, the farm having remained in the Cord family since that year 1832 until the present time. In her young girlhood she united with the Mt. Pleasant Christian church. She later transferred her membership to the Russellville Presbyterian church, and when she went to make her home with her son, A. H. DOOLEY in Rockville, she moved her membership to the Rockville Memorial Presbyterian church of that place. When she returned to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Clark Jarvis, and her granddaughter Mrs. Shepard, she put her letter in the Waveland Christian church. Always in whatever community, she displayed the same beautiful spirit, helpful and loyal to church and community.  On August 21, 1860 she was married to Atellus Dooley. To this union three children were born, one daughter and two sons. In 1864 the call to service for his country was heeded, and the young husband and father offered his all on its alter. He paid the full measure of devotion, and rests besides his comrades in the National cemetery at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Thus was the young wife and mother left to fight the battles of life alone, to be both father and mother to her fatherless little ones. Although never rugged, and of a rather timid retiring disposition, she did not falter, her trust in the promise of him who said he would be a father to the fatherless and a comforter to the bereaved, sustained her. She had been in failing health for some years, and peaceful past away February 5, 1922, in her 82nd year. She leaves to mourn their loss two sons, Dr. R. L. Dooley of Montezuma, and A.H. Dooley of Rockville; two grandchildren, Bessie Dooley of Terre Haute and Ona Jarvis Shepard of Milligan, one great granddaughter, Josephine Watkins and one young great great granddaughter and numerous other relatives and friends. The daughter, Mrs. Lilly Jarvis, died in 1912. This was a crushing blow to the mother, but was borne as the other sorrows had been with Christian patience and fortitude. A good woman has gone to her reward, a devoted mother is called up higher; truly the son can say: Over our hearts in the days that have flown No love like a mother’s has ever shown, No other worship abides and endures Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours, None like a mother can charm away pain, From the sick soul and world weary brain. - Unknown Source

The funeral of the aged mother of Dr. R. L. Dooley was held Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church at Waveland, with burial in the Jarvis cemetery. – The Montezuma Enterprise 09 Feb 1922, Page 1.

Silas S. DOOLEY, 688, died at his home in Marshall on Wed of last week.  He had been in failing health and recently returned from treatment in Culver Hospital.  He was the son of Barton and Harriett Dooley and was born near Marhsall.  he married Laura HOBSON March 5, 1895, who survives, with two children, Clifford Dooley of Marshall and Mrs. William Kinkade of Zionsville, and 3 grandchildren.  Corta Dooley of Waveland is a brother. Funeral services at the Federated church in Marshall on Friday afternoon were in charge of Rev. Paul Shultz. Burial in Bethany Cemetery. - Waveland Independent, Thursday, March 26, 1942


Dooley, William C. - Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Federated church here for William C. Dooley, 85, a former Marshall resident, who died Thursday morning in Bloomington at the home of his son, Guy Dooley.  Surviving are the widow and son, one brother, Charles Dooley of Los Angeles, one sister, Mrs. Carrie Cooper of Indianapolis, two granddaughters, and four great grandchildren.   Rev. E. M. . Woodard was in charge of the funeral services. Mrs. John Cummings played a prelude of organ numbers and during the service played "In the Garden" and "Home of the Soul."  Pall bearers were Clifford Dooley, Owen Dooley, William Kinkaid, Rueben Dooley, Parke McCampbell and Leland Asbury.  Burial was made in Bethany Cemetery. - Rockville Tribune, Thursday, 10 July 1958




James W. DORSETT, 88, died at his home here Friday afternoon.  He is survived by his wife; 3 daughters, Miss Ida Dorsett of Indianapolis; Mrs. Clara Hazlett of Stilesville; and Miss Myrtle Dorsett of St. Louis, MO; 2 sons; Walter Dorsett of Danville, IL; and Omer Dorsett of Canton, IL; one sister, Mrs. Lillian Hurst of Greencastle, and one brother, Joseph Dorsett of Cloverdale.  Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon.  Burial was in the Rockville Cemetery.  - The Daily Clintonian, Monday, March 19, 1934, Page 1 - shared by Carolyn Schwab


WAVELAND INDEPENDENT – JUNE 30, 1911--   Mrs. Mary E. Doss died at her home on West Main Street, just after midnight on Thursday night.  She has been ill for some time, suffering intensely with was diagnosed as cancer of the stomach.  Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. George Livingstone, of Rockville.  Interment at Maple Ridge.   Mrs. Doss, whose maiden name was Gray, was born in Parke County August 31, 1839, and would have been seventy-two had she lived until her birthday.  She was married to Thomas Doss who died some years ago.  Of their children, none are now living; the last, Mrs. Joseph Staughan, having passed away a few weeks ago.  She leaves four grandchildren and two great grandchildren; a brother, John Gray; a brother-in-law, Thomas Ratliff; a nephew, Wm. Gray; and two nieces, Tola and Tulla Gray were here from Kingman to attend the funeral.    During her long life in this community, Mrs. Doss has had the respect of everybody.  She has always been faithful to her duties as a wife, mother and neighbor, and was always quick to go to the bed side of sickness.    The will, of which F. W. Kritz is executor, gives certain articles of furniture to Mrs. Paul Vancleave, and a violin to her two children.  All other property is to turned into cash and divided into six parts.  Three parts are to be given to Mrs. Vancleave and one part to each of the other grandchildren.


Dotson, Mrs. Charles M. -- On September 29, 1868, in Parke County, Indiana, was born to George and Hannah HOBSON, a daughter, whom they called Olive M. In Olive's home there was an older brother, Charles and a younger brother, Irvin who live in and near Cates. Olive, being the eldest of four sisters, naturally developed the domestic habit and upon the early death of their mother, became mother to her younger sisters. This was true in marked degree respecting the youngest sister, who does not have many well-defined memories of her mother. One sister is Mrs. J. B. . Hoilman of Effingham, Illinois and another is Mrs. Eva Pavey, of Tilton, Ill and the youngest, Mina Hobson whose home is in Cates. On March 13, 1895, Olive M. became the wife of Charles M. Dotson. To this union there came the sweet tender ministrations of four children, two sons and two daughters. Hazel came and laughed and smiled and filled the home with radiance for four bright years, and Ronald came and dimpled and smiled and looked out of mystery eyes into mother's eyes and heart for five hopeful months and went to Hazel to wait the coming of mother and father and brother Frank M. and Ethel Aliene. There are in the company of the bereaved ones three dear grandsons, Kenneth, Gerald and Ellis Eugene Dotson. Olive lived only for her family. She has been indeed a helpmate to her husband, his joy, his crown. She lightened his sorrow, always assuming the half of its weight and grief. She doubled all his happiness by sharing its benefit with him. Her life has been devoted to her children. She at all times considered their good, doing all in her means and beyond her means, that they might have success. The measure of the children's fullness was the measure of mother's happiness. And at last tired hand loosened its burden, tired feet stopped their tread and tired mortal heart ceased its beat and she joined Hazel and Ronald under the altar, having lived here 57 years, 2 months and 7 days. One thing more remains to be said. Sister Dotson realized that to live here is only a small part of life -- only a segment of the great circle and that full happiness, complete happiness, depends upon one's relation to God and to his son, Jesus, the Christ. This realization caused her when but a girl, to unite with the fountain of all Life and she became a member of the Fairview Church under the faithful ministry of the Rev. BB Phelps and after her marriage changed her place of worship to the E. Liberty Church, where for 23 years she has been "steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord." She was a teacher of a class in E. Liberty and Treasurer of the Ladies Aid of said Church. During a rally of consciousness in her last great trial of affliction, her daughter Aliene asked, "Mother, if it should be so that must go, you are ready, aren't you, Mother?" She made answer, 'That is my hope, daughter."  Unknown source - Thanks to Betty (Mrs. Gerald) Dotson, Hillsboro for this obituary

Dotson, Charles M., 83, died Tuesday night, February 4, 1947, at 6:45 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Vergil Hawkins, near Russiaville, Indiana where he had made his home for the past 16 years.  He had been in failing health for more than a year.  He was the son of Benjamin and Louisa Bracken Dotson and was born January 22, 1864 near Kingman Indiana where he lived most of his life.  He was married March 11, 1895 to Miss Olive Hobson who preceded him in death December 6, 1925.  Four children were born to this union: surviving children are Frank Dotson of Kingman Indiana and Mrs. Virgil Hawkins.  A son and daughter died in childhood.  Other survivors include five grandchildren, one brother James S. Dotson, of Tangier, Indiana and several nieces and nephews.  Interment was in Rush Creek cemetery. besides his wife and children, Hazel and Ronald.  Mr. Dotson united with the E. Liberty Christian Church early in life and was active in the church as long as he was a resident in that community. He remained faithful in his belief and loyal to his redeemer.  Unknown source

Dotson, Mrs. Wm.  - Took Carbolic Acid - After preparing a nice dinner, Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Dotson of Rosedale called her husband to the meal. Responding as he entered the room she left it, only to almost immediately reappear in the doorway with a vial of carbolic acid in her hand. Calling out “Goodbye, Bill,” she swallowed a quantity of the liquid and was dead in 15 minutes. Dotson testified at the coroner’s inquest that his wife had mildly reproached him for coming to dinner late, but there had been no difficulty between them. Their married life was apparently very happy and a cause other than sudden insanity is hard to consider. It is said that she had been slightly afflicted with epilepsy and this may have preyed on her mind. Her husband was almost prostrated by the terrible act. The coroner in his investigation could find nothing leading up to the tragedy. Mrs. Dotson was a beautiful woman only 21 years of age and beside her husband leaves a baby less than a year old. She was the daughter of J. Stark, a respected citizen of Rosedale. Dotson is a miner. The coroner’s inquest was held Sunday afternoon.    - Rockville Republican, August 7, 1901 - (Submitted by Anita Ellis )


Mrs. Bert DOWDEN of Crawfordsville was buried in Maple Ridge Cemetery Sunday afternoon after funeral services at the Christian Church in charge of Rev. Robert Lewis.  Mrs. Fred Rice and Miss Virginia Moore sang, with Mr. Walker at the piano. The casket was borne by Mayro Grimes, Joseph Dowden, Wilfred Greve, Clay Williams, Gerlin Todd and Herbert Kelso. The flowers were carried by Martha Conner, Joan Conner, Betty Greve, Marie Morphew, Mable Wilshire, Virginia Boze, Genevieve Dowden and Opal Pritchard. Mrs. Dowden was Madge Jarvis, the youngest daughter of Henry and Eliza Sutton Jarvis and was born south of Waveland in 1889.  She attended the Waveland schools and grew to womanhood in this community. In 1908 she married Claude Shoaf with whom she lived until his death on the farm now owned by Walter Mason. To them were born two sons, Donovan and Wayne, both living near Waveland, and two daughters, Mrs. Donald Hyten, Bainbridge and Mrs. Charles Shuey of Whitesville. Later in life she married Mr. Dowden who survives her. Besides the relatives mention there is one step son, Frank Dowden, 3 sisters, Mrs. Nina Williams, Mrs. Robert Kelso, Mrs. Joseph Todd and four grandchildren. - Waveland Independent, April 22, 1937

BLOOMINGDALE – Mrs. Stella Belle Dowden, 75, Rt. 1, died at her residence at 6 p.m. Thursday. She had been in failing health for the past three years. Mrs. Dowden was born March 18, 1895 in Douglas County, Missouri, to Clarence and Mary Etta Eaton Morris. She married John A. Jones on July 29, 1911. He died Dec. 12, 1949. She married Walter Dowden on Nov. 13, 1961. He died April 3, 1968. Mrs. Dowden owned and operated the Jones Grocery in Annapolis for 18 years, retiring in 1966. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Arthur Jones of Dyer; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Edith) McClintock of Decatur, Ill. and Mrs. Robert (Mildred) Chamness of Bloomingdale; a brother, Alfred Roy of Brazil; a sister, Mrs. Orcella Spencer of Danville, Ill.; five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday in Tudor Funeral Home at Rockville, Burial will be in Memory Garden Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home. –  Crawfordsville Journal Review, 14 August 1970


Calvin L. Dowell, veteran resident of Van Buren township, died at 2 o’clock this morning at his home at Carbon after an extended illness of complications at the age of 73 years, 6 months and 23 days.  Mr. Dowell was born in North Carolina but came to Indiana when young and located at Carbon where he had since resided. The deceased farmed for many years and also employed in the mines around Carbon.  He is survived by the widow, eight sons and four daughters.  Funeral services will be held at the home at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, interment North Union cemetery. – Brazil Daily Times, 24 July 1931

Mrs. Ellen Dowell, 90, resident of Carbon, died at Clay County Hospital at 2:00 a.m. Sunday.  Mrs. Dowell, widow of the late Fate Dowell had been in failing health for the past year and became critical four weeks ago. She was born August 20, 1867 in West Virginia. She was a member of the Carbon Methodist Church and ad always been noted for the neat way in which she kept her small home. Mrs. Dowell had been able to do her own housework until a year ago.  Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mary McClellan, Perth; Mrs. Lola Holgate, Michigan; Mrs. Julia Willfond, Gary;; four sons, George, Carbon; Jess, Carbon; Joe, South Bend; William, Florida; one brother, Knute of Shepardsville and 23 grandchildren.   She was preceded in death by one son, who was killed in World War II during the invasion of Sicily.  The body was taken to the Moore Funeral Home, where friends may call after Tuesday noon. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday. Judge Robert B. Stewart will officiate, and burial will be in North Union Cemetery. – Brazil Daily Times, 21 Apr 1958

Miss Hattie Bell Dowell, 55, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Dowell of Carbon, died at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the state hospital at Madison.  Miss Dowell was born in Carbon where she spent most of her life. The family survivors are the mother, Mrs. Ellen Dowell; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane McClellan, of Carbon R.R.; Mrs. Lula Willfond, of Gary; Mrs. Julia Colgate, of Lansing, Mich.; four brothers, George Dowell of Carbon, William of Florida, Jesse with the U.S. Army in France and Joe of South Bend. The body was brought to the Moore Funeral Home where friends may call after 4 p.m. today and where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. A.R. Jansen of the E. U. B. Church will officiate and burial will be made in North Union Cemetery. – Brazil Daily Times, 07 December 1953

Verna, the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dowell, residing on west Fifth street, died at 8 o’clock this morning of flux, after an illness of about a week. Those surviving besides the parents are one sister and one brother. The funeral will occur at 1 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, Rev. E. L. Day officiating, after which the remains will be taken to North Union cemetery for interment. – Brazil Weekly Democrat, 15 July 1908


CARBON – Howard E. Dowen, 77, of Carbon died at 12:05 a.m. Friday in Clay County Hospital at Brazil. He was a retired farmer and was a member of Clay County Farm Bureau, Bridgeton Lodge 169, F&AM; and Parke and Clay County Past Masters Association. Born Sept. 4, 1898, at Carbon, he was a son of Enoch and Kathryn Bennett Dowen. He was married Dec. 13, 1919, to Irma Brown who survives. Also surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Helen Louise Remington of Rosedale, Mrs. June Kloster of Monticello, Mrs. Frances Beabout of Muncie, Mrs. Sue Barry of Clayton and Mrs. Anne James of Plainfield; a sister, Mrs. Orlean K. Bradshaw of Brazil; 11 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Butler Funeral Home at Rockville with the Rev. J Stanley Howell officiating. Burial will be in Memory Garden Cemetery at Rockville. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Sunday. – j Crawfordsville Journal Review, 27 December 1975

 Funeral services for Ralph G. Dowen, age 71, of R. R. 4, Greencastle, who d. Wed. morning of last week, were held Friday afternoon at the Butler Funeral Home, with the Rev. B. F. Nickless officiating. and Inez McMurtry as organist.  Mr. Dowen was a retired farmer and businessman, having clay and coal interests in the Carbon area.  He was a native of Clay Co, born October 26, 1896 to Enoch and Kathryn Bennet Dowen.  He was a member of the Carbon Masonic Lodge No 529 F& AM; Bridgeton Chapter No. 324, O. E. S.; Scottish Rite, Valley of Indianapolis and Zorah Shrine of Terre Haute and a vet. of WWI.  Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Marcella Wentzel of Dayton, Oh; and Mrs. Cuma Becht of Rochester; one brother, Howard Dowen of Carbon; one sister, Mrs. Orlean Bradshaw of Brazil and one grandson, Robert Becht of Rochester. Bur. in Memory Garden Cemetery. with Carbon Masonic Lodge conducting graveside rites. Pall bearers were Carl Dowen, James Burke, Jim Remington, Dean Butler, Jack Butler and Harry Lawson.    Unknown source


Lillian Downing, aged 24 years, 11 months and 27 days, wife of Wm. Downing, died at two o’clock,, July 19 at the home in Jackson Township, Parke County, near Lena, of tuberculosis after illness of two and one half months. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 20 a.m. July 21, burial at the Van Sandt Cemetery, The husband and small son survive. - The Brazil Daily Times, 20 Jul 1915, Page 01


Omer Drake,  75, formerly of Kingman died at 6:30 p.m. Sunday (January 23, 1955) at his home, 208 E. Jackson St.  Although he had been in ill health two years, his death was unexpected.  He was b. January 28, 1879 in Harveysburg, Indiana, son of David and Ruth Robbins Drake, and married Nellie Parent in 1901 at Rockville, who d. July 12, 1941.  Mr. Drake owned & operated a book store in Attica several years.  He opened a barber shop in 1908 and retired two years ago.  Surviving are a son, George of Attica, two brothers, Trella and James of Kingman; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Grismore and Mrs. Janie Mann of Kingman and one grandchild.  - Unknown newspaper

Olaf Drake, 76 of Bloomingdale Route 1, died at 8:30 p.m. Sun October 12, 1980 at the Vermillion Co. Hospital in Clinton.  He retired from the Morgan Coal Mine. Born March 29, 1904 in Parke Co., he was the son of Ed and Sarah WENDELL Drake.  On July 29, 1926 at Rockville, he married Laura GLAZE who survives.  Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Norma Jean Fox of Franklin and Mrs. Barbara Smith of Covington; a sister, Mrs. Leatha Bennett of Burnett; and 5 grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by two children.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Wed. at the Rice Funeral Home in Marshall, with bur. in Poplar Grove Cemetery.  Visitation will be after 5 p.m. Tues at the funeral home.  - Unknown newspaper

Ammon DeWitt DRAKE, 64, of 131 Pa, died at 3:25 p.m. yesterday (August 8, 1965) in Lake View Memorial where he had been a patient since July 20.  He had been ill 10 months.  He was b. May 15, 1901 in Columbus, Kansas, a son of Andrew Alivs and Ida Florence GILBERT DRAKE.  Mr. D. was a retired car man for the C & E. I. railroad where he was employed 44 years. Surviving are 3 sons, Clarence of Danville and Billy and Donald of Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. Neva Jones of Tilton and Mrs.. Donald Redmond of Fairmount; two brothers, Alvin of Indianapolis Indiana; and Virgil of Rockville, Indiana; two grandsons and a great granddaughter.  he was preceded in death by his wife, Minnie in 1962 a daughter, a son and a grandson.  Hew as a member of the Brotherhood of RR Carmen America 561 was an officer of the Vermilion Co. Labor Club, a member of the Moose Lodge  and St. John's united Church of Christ.  The body is at the Barrick & Son Fun. Home where friends will be received 7-9 p.m. today and 2-4 and 7-9 Tues.  Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wed. at the fun. home with the Rev. Ronald Christiansen officiating. bur in Atherton Cemetery. - Unknown newspaper - Monday, August 9, 1965

Funeral services for Oral Lindley Drake, 75, carpenter and life resident of Fountain Co, Indiana, were held on Thursday, February 7 at 2 p.m. at the Kingman E. U. B. church with Rev. HA Lashbrook of Elwood officiating.  Interment was made in Harveysburg Cemetery. with the Woodrow Funeral Home in charge.  Mr. Drake was b. in Fountain Co on November 10, 1876 the son of David and Ruth Robbins Drake.  He was married to Nettie Barker who survives.  He was a member of the E. U. B.  Church, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Modern Woodmen Lodge of America.  Surviving are the widow, a son, Wilford Drake, Kingman HS basketball coach, a daughter, Mrs. Lillian Rayphole of RFD Veedersburg, 3 brothers, Trell and James Drake, both of Kingman and Omar Drake of Attica, two sisters, Mrs. Nell Grismore, and Mrs. Jane Mann o f Kingman, two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.  Unknown Newspaper -Thanks to Marsha Patterson of Harrisburg, IL for these Drake obituaries

Drake, David H. - Once again we are made to realize that this world is not our home, and that we are only strangers and sojourners here. Death with its keen sickle has entered our home and taken a loved one and neighbor from our midst. David H. Drake, son of James M. and Sarah Drake was b. in Parke Co, Indiana June 14, 1841. When very young his parents moved to Fountain Co and has lived here ever since. In August 1862 when 21 he enlisted in co. H, 63rd Regiment, Indiana Infantry. He served until the close of the war, and received an honorable discharge. February 21, 1867 he and Ruth E. Robbins were united in marriage. 10 children were born unto them six boys and four girls. he also raised one grandson, Edgar Ephlin, and loved him as his own son. About 50 years ago he united with the United Brethren Church at Harveysburg. and remained a faithful member as long as the church existed there. Failing health hindered him from attending church the last few years; but his habit was to read the Bible and especially on Sundays. He taught the family to be men and women. He said that honesty is better than money. His health began failing more than 4 years ago. The last 3 months he failed rapidly. During his sickness when asked about his faith and expectations he said he knew of nothing between him and God. He affirmed his faith in his master. His children said he lived his profession in the home. The pastor offered prayer several times in his home, and his last request to him was to offer a prayer. During his last few weeks he called the names of his cherished loved ones. He also called the names of many old comrades including his deceased captain. He heard and answered the last Roll Call Sat. morning May 15 at the age of 84 years 11 months and 1 day. Mortality has left to mourn his death Janie Drake Mann, Nellie Drake Grismore, James, Ora and Trella of Kingman, Indiana; Charles Drake of Indianapolis; Omer Drake of Attica and William Drake of Perrysville. One half brother, William Drake of Indianapolis and one half sister, Mrs. Tom Woody of Kingman 19 grandchildren; and 5 great grandchildren ; two daughters preceded him in death they are Bertha Drake Mann and Mary Drake Lindley. ON January 2 1913 his beloved wife joined that great multitude on the eternal shores for her crowning. His 3 brothers, George, James and Frank also preceded him in death. The children all responded nobly and lovingly to their father's needs. As he had taught them in early life now they ministered to him. Because of the fact that he and Trella were living together brought the greater work and care upon Trella and his faithful wife, Maude. He was bur. Mon. morning May 17. Rev. CA Briles offered prayer at the home. The sermon was preached at the united Brethren Church by HA Lashbrook. Bur. at Kingman Fraternal Cemetery. At the grave the services were closed with the song, "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground."  - Kingman Indiana Newspaper --  -Thanks to Marsha Patterson, Harrisburg, Il for this

Drake, Laura L. - 86, of Rockville, Indiana, died at 5:43 a.m. Thursday October 24, 1996 at W. Central Community Hospital, Clinton, Indiana. She was b. November 12, 1909 in Parke co In the daughter of Peter Erastus and Mary Arminda Sowers Glaze. She married. Olaf Drake on July 29, 1926. He d. October 12, 1980. She is survived by: two daughters, Norma Jean Fox of Franklin, Indiana and Barbara Ann Smith of Covington, Indiana; 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren; and one brother, John Robert Glaze of N. Hollywood, Calif. She was a homemaker. Services: 10 a.m. Sat October 26 at Barnes Mortuary in Rockville. Officiating: Rev. Lester Niles; Bur: Poplar Grove Cemetery, Marshall, Indiana; Visitation: 4-8 p.m. Fri. at the funeral home. Thanks to Marsha Patterson, Harrisburg IL for this and all these Drake obituaries -- they're greatly appreciated, Marsha.  Unknown source

Moscoe C. Drake, 75, of Greencastle and a former resident of Parke Co, died Thursday (November 15 1973) at his home.  He was b. July 18, 1898, in Parke Co. the son of Lou and Sarah WENDALL Drake.  Survivors include a brother, Olaf Drake of Bloomingdale and a sister, Mrs. Letha BENNETT of Burnett.  Services will be at 2 p.m. EST Sun at the Hopkins Fun. Home in Greencastle. Bur. in Clinton Falls Cemetery.  Visitation will be tonight at the Funeral home.  Unknown source

Ora L. Drake -- Funeral services for Ora Lindley Drake, 75, carpenter and life resident of Fountain Co will be at 2 p.m. Thurs at the Kingman Evangelical United Brethren church.  The Rev. Lashbrook of Elwood, In will officiate.  Bur. in Harveysburg Cemetery with the Woodrow Funeral Home in charge. The body was ret. to the family residence Wed. where it will remain until one hr. before time for services at the church.  Mr. D. died at 11:10 p.m. Monday, February 4, 1952 at his home here (Kingman) after an illness of two weeks. He was b. November 10, 1876 in Ft. Co son of David and Ruth Robbins Drake.  Hew as married to Nettie Baker, who survives.  (Note: This should be BARKER).  He was a member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows & Modern Woodmen of America Lodges and the Evangelical United Brethren Church, all of Kingman. Also surviving are a son, Wilford, basketball coach at Kingman HS; a daughter, Mrs. Lillian Rayphole of near Veedersburg; 3 brothers, T. W.  and James Drake of Kingman and Omar Drake of Attica; two sisters Mrs. Nellie Grismore and Mrs. Jane Mann both of Kingman and two grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by two daughters; two brothers and two sisters.   Unknown source


ROCKVILLE – Mrs. Mary Jane Dressback, 49, died at 6:30 a.m. Saturday in the Putnam County Hospital at Greencastle. Mrs. Dressback, who resided at 1194 E. High St., Rockville, was being treated for cancer. Her husband Kenneth Dressback survives. The deceased had been employed at G. C. Murphy & Co. as a sales clerk for the last 14 years. An Illinois native, she was born on Jan. 28, 1920, the daughter of Nelson and Dessie Hogan Lanter. Her marriage was solemnized on Dec. 10, 1944. Surviving in addition to the husband are the mother who resides in Palestine, Ill.; a brother, Donald Lanter of Lawrenceville, Ill.; a sister, Daisy Lanter also of Palestine, and aunts and uncles. Services will be held at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Tudor Funeral Home with Rev. Lela Watson in charge. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday. The body will then be taken to the Wesleyan Church at Palestine where rites will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Rev. Sylvan Callaway will officiate. Burial will be in the Oblong Cemetery, Oblong, Ill. – Obituary from a collection of Fauniel Hershbarger, a life-long Fountain County Indiana resident


Rockville, Ind. (Special) – Mrs. Ruth Dulgar, Rockville, died Saturday at Vermillion County Hospital. Survivors include a daughter, Mar. Eileen Mayes, Waveland, four great grandchildren and four grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at Tudor-Herrick Memory Chapel. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday. - Terre Haute Tribune 27 Apr 1975 Page 7


The body of Mrs. John W. Duncan was brought here for burial on Wednesday.  Mr. and Mrs. Duncan lived in Terre Haute, where they have no relatives.  Mrs. Duncan’s maiden name was Taylor, a sister of Samuel and Alexander Taylor, but she had lost track of her relatives who lived near Byron.  Her last request was that she be buried by the side of her daughter, Ellen, in the Fisher graveyard.  Mr.  Duncan was also ill but came here to carry out her wishes.  He found that his nephew Grant Taylor, was living on a farm which he formerly owned near Byron.  Arrangements were made to have a short service at the Byron Church in the afternoon.  Mr. Duncan was to feeble to make the trip to Byron, and returned to Terre Haute.  He remembered Ras Clore, Mr. H. M. Demaree and a few other of the old residents. - Waveland Independent -  January 10, 1913


Miss Margaret Dunn, age about 70, died last night (Tuesday) at the home of Mrs. Margaret Heslar, near the grade school building. Miss Dunn came to Mrs. Heslar's in January in poor health.  She was b. and spent most of her life in Eastern Greene Twp. and was the last survivor of a family of four -- two brothers and two sisters -- none of whom were married.  The fun. will be held Friday, but time and place have not been determined.  Interment at the Portland Mills Cemetery.  Miss Dunn was an aunt of Mrs. Heslar and Mrs. John Spencer -- Waveland Independent, September 29, 1922


The death of Charles Durham of Howard Township occurred Friday morning, June 24. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Stewart, pastor of the Waveland Methodist Church. The Waveland Presbyterian choir furnished beautiful music. Interment was made in Bethany Cemetery. The following obituary was prepared and read by CV Burkhart. "Our hearts today are wrapped in gloom over the death of one of the Township's foremost citizens and best men. Let us not forget that it is a part of God's great plan, for it is appointed of man once to die and we must humbly bow in sorrowful submission and say, "Thy will be done." The deceased, Charles Stubbins Durham, son of John and Sarah Durham, was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, October 4, 1860. In his 24th year, on October 29, 1884 he was united in marriage to Henrietta Norcross. Eight children, four sons and four daughters, were given to this union, namely: Guy, Tom, Mrs. John Demaree of Waveland, Mrs. Homer Weaver of Cayuga and three remaining at home, Claude, Fred and Lucy. One daughter, Ruth preceded her father in death 14 years ago. In 1897 he was united with the ME Church at Russellville. Mr. Durham was a fine type of what we believe to be an ideal citizen. Absolutely fearless in doing the right, conscientious and progressive. He was distinctly a home loving man. No sacrifice was too great; if it was in any way conducive toward the welfare of wife or children. His home was a shrine and to him it was sacred. Early in life he chose farming as an occupation and the very fact that he has resided on this farm for more than 20 years is sufficient evidence of his success. On May 24, 1920, Mr. Durham was appointed assessor of Howard Township. As a co-worker with him in an official capacity, I can say that but few men have discharged their duties as creditably and honorably as he. May I say to the bereaved family, that while your loss is unquestionably greatest, his passing away is a serious loss to the entire community. A useful life of 60 years, 8 months and 20 days is ended. "Beneath the sod, where roses bloom and lilies nod, he'll rest forever, his spirit with his God." A place is vacant, the head of the home, husband, father, has been called to that "mysterious realm," from whence there is no return. And as you go about your daily tasks waiting for the final summons, which must come to all may find comfort in Him who knoweth best. And may none of us forget that this man's life is indeed worthy of emulation. Besides the immediate family, three sisters, Misses Nancy and Dorcas Durham of Waveland, Mrs. Joseph Burford of New Market, two brothers, Harry and Wakefield Durham of Waveland survive. To all the relatives and friends, let us say in the thoughts of Riley, "I can not say, and I will not say, that he is dead, ... he is just away, with a cherry smile, and a wave of the hand, he has wandered into an unknown land, and left us dreaming how very fair, it needs must be, since he lingers there, and you -- oh you, who the wildest yearn, for the old time step and the glad return, think of him still as the same I say, he is not dead .. he is just away!""  - Waveland Independent, July 8, 1921

Will Y. DURHAM tells us that his parents, J. Youce and Martha Tarkington Durham, moved here from Boyle Co, KY 87 years ago, arriving in the midst of a hard snow storm, April 12, 1850.  They proceeded to establish a home on land NW of Waveland which had been entered by Mr. Durham's father in 1822. They brought 4 children with them, one of whom was Crittenden, better known as "Governor."  They shipped two boxes of goods by river from Cincinnati to Montezuma.  The freight on these was two bits each, all of 50 cents.  The family, of course, came in a "big wagon." - Waveland Independent, April 15, 1937

 Waveland Independent, November 6, 1952 - Mrs. William DURHAM died Wednesday morning at Culver Hospital.  She had been in poor health for about 3 years but took a turn for the worse Sunday and was removed to the hospital.  Mary Belle Durham was born in Parke County August 30, 1863, the daughter of Alexander and Mary McMURTRY.  She was married to WY Durham Dec 25, 1889 after which the couple became residents of Waveland where they have resided since.  Mrs. Durham was graduated from Miami University with the class of 1882 and taught school at Judson and near Rockville for four years before her marriage to Mr. Durham.  Mrs. Durham was an active member of the Waveland Presbyterian Church until her health failed.  She was also a member of the Pythian Sisters.  The husband, 3 sons: Rue of Elkton, MD; Frank A. of Louisville Kentucky; and Harold of Dallas, TX and five grandchildren remain.  A great grandchildren preceded her in death.  Funeral services will be held at the Machledt Funeral Home Friday by Rev. Smith of Shannondale. Burial will be in Maple Ridge Cemetery.

Henry North DURHAM, 63, Rt 1, Waveland, prominent Montgomery County farmer and former commander of the Waveland American Legion Post died Friday night at the Culver Hospital.  He was stricken Thursday afternoon while driving the tractor on a road near his farm 3 miles east of Waveland. Neighbors took him home and summoned the physician and he was removed to the hospital.  Born in Parke County, the son of George T. and Betty North Durham, where he attended school, in youth he was an active member of the earlier Waveland Baptist Church and later the Bryn Mar Community Church of Chicago.  He was also a member of the Waveland American Legion Post and State Agricultural Committee of the Indiana Department of the Legion.  He served in the Army in WWI.  Mr. Durham married Pauline DAVIS of near Crawfordsville in 1917.  Following their marriage they moved to Hammond and later to Chicago where he was in the garage business for many years.  Mr. and Mrs. Durham returned to Montgomery County in 1945.  Since then they resided in the Fullenwider farm near Waveland.  It was soon after their return that Mr. Durham was elected commander of the Waveland Legion.  Surviving are the widow, a daughter, Betty Ellder Steele of near Philadelphia; a granddaughter, Elizabeth T. Steele; a brother, Roscoe Durham, living in Florida and two sisters, Mrs. Homer Elmore of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Newt Fullenwider of Waveland.  He was preceded in death by a son, Richard Davis Durham, who died in infancy.  As a farmer he was a master craftsman and as a neighbor one of outstanding thoughtfulness and helpfulness whenever and wherever need arose. The funeral was held at the Machledt Funeral Home, Monday afternoon at 2 with Rev. DeNeal in charge and Kenneth Coleman rendering two vocal hymns.  Graveside rites were conducted by the Byron Cox Post of the American Legion of Waveland; Russellville and Rockville posts participating.  Those attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Anger Steele and daughter, Elizabeth of Downington, Pa; Mrs. Howard Fyffe, Franklyn; Mrs. Albert Armantrout of New Market; Mr. and Mrs. TB Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steel (sic) of Robison, Illinois; Rev. Auston Elmore and wife of Beech Grove; Mr. and Mrs. U Elmore; Mr. and Mrs. E. Shelton; Mrs. WS Harding and Jessie Boyland of Crawfordsville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Eakle, Waynetown; Mr. and Mrs. J. Camron Stimson of Terre Haute; the Layton Scott Post and Bud McCormick of Rockville; Mrs. Hubert Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Kathleen Ball all of New Market.  - Waveland Independent, January 6, 1955


Rockville Tribune, September 28, 1893 - “Mrs. Mary A. DURMAN, relict of the late Harvey Durman, died Sunday, Sept. 17, 1893, at 9:15 o’clock a. m., aged 75 years, 9 months and 9 days. Mary Ann Moore Durman was born Dec. 8, 1817, in Giles County, West Virginia; emigrated to Ohio and thence to Indiana in 1838. She was united in marriage to Harvey Durman, at Cambridge City, Ind., Oct. 10, 1839. To them were born seven children, three of whom are dead and four are now living, viz.: Thomas J., Samuel, Benjamin F., and Martha Jane, wife of John W. Lindley, at whose home she died.”

BLOOMINGDALE – Mrs. Nellie Durman, 80, of Bloomingdale, died at 8:38 p.m. Saturday in Vermillion County Hospital at Clinton. Mrs. Durman was a member of the First United Methodist, Church at Bloomingdale and its WSCS. She was past matron of Hedges Chapter 51, OES, a member of the Parke County Past Matrons Club and Parke County Senior Citizens Club. Born Oct. 14, 1899, in Sugar Creek Township of Parke County, she was a daughter of Preston and Ora Ratcliff Allee. She married Fred Durman Jan. 19, 1910. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Warren (Gwendolyne) Hinshaw of Marathon Shores, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Marsha Pearson of Winona Lake, Ind., and Mrs. Mary Chapman of Bloomingdale; a granddaughter, Mrs. Donald (Sue) Hardy of Pontiac, Mich., and four grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in death on Oct. 25, 1950. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Davies-Tudor Funeral Home at Marshall with Rev. Richard Evans officiating. Interment will be in Memory Garden Cemetery at Rockville. Friends may call at the funeral home. Hedges Chapter of OES will have memorial rites at the funeral home at 7:30 p.m. today.   - Crawfordsville Journal Review, 21 September 1970

Tom DURMAN died at his home in Muncie, Indiana Tuesday evening September 30 (Note: 1902) of a complication of diseases, aged 62 years.  Mr. Durman was formerly one of the best known merchants in this section.  He first started in the general merchandise business at Russell’s Mills, removing from there to Harveysburg in 1867, where he was a prominent and successful merchant until Kingman was started in 1887, when he built the store room at present occupied by C. L. Steinbaugh and moved his stock over here, where he remained until 6 years ago, when he closed out his business and removed to Muncie.  He has not been actively engaged in business since his residence in that city. The funeral was held at Muncie Thursday morning, and interment took place in that city.  He leaves a wife and four children, two girls and two boys.  His brother Frank of near Marshall was at his bedside at the time of his death. He was a brother of Sam Durman of Harveysburg. The Star joins with our citizens in extending sympathy to the bereaved family. - Taken from: Obituaries of Fountain County, Indiana 1896-1922 found in Crawfordsville Public Library, Local History Room, copied and typed by Karen Bazzani Zach July 20, 2007