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Index of Probate Box 60

Compiled and donated by Roberta Wysong - 2018

  The file number is the position of the file in the box at the Courthouse
Box File Decedent Date Filed Relatives of Decedent Administrator, Executor Other Information
60 1 Adams, Elliott 25 Apr 1868 Minor children - Cynthia Usselman (married to Ambrose S. Uselman) & Ellen Adams             Son - William G. Adams - 21 by May 1866 Guardian of children - Cornelius M. Barnes William in Army in 1866
60 2 Cox, Joseph, Jr. 5 Oct 1868 Unnamed minor children Administrator - George Coble Mentioned - Elizabeth Cox, George W. Cox, Jonathan Cox
60 3 Carson, John 11 May 1868 Minor heir - John M. Carson, age 4 John M.'s guardian - Huldah Carson  
60 4 Cox, William M. 19 May 1868 Minor children - Marinda Jane Cox (married to Calvin Maris by Mar 1868), John Cox (21 by 1859), Daniel Cox, David Cox Guardians of heirs - Mahlon Cox in 1857 and George Wilkins in 1866 Mentioned - Nathan Cox
60 5 Daly, Rebecca Nov 1885 Parents - Joseph Strain who died 8 Oct 1877 and Sarah Strain who died 20 Feb 1880; brother - William P. Strain; niece - Bertha Strain married to Emmett Bateman; nephew - Fredrick Strain Guardian of Bertha & Fredrick - William P. Strain Relationship of William P., Bertha and Fredrick to Rebecca determined by consulting her will, not in this file
60 6 Frazier, John May 1868 Widow - Louisa Frazier                  Adult children - Eli Frazier, Abel Frazier, Sarah E. Frazier, Cyrus N. Frazier, Milton Frazier, Rachel Newlin, Rebecca Woodard           Minor children - John T. Frazier (age16) & Asneth Frazier (18) Executors - Eli Frazier & Abl Frazier  
60 7 Harlan, Samuel 4 May 1868   Administrator - John W. Mitchell                                        Administrator in Kansas - P. G. Harlin  
60 8 Jessup, John 15 Apr 1867 Widow - America Jessup (married an Adams by 1867)                           Heirs - Cynthia J. Jessup, Margaret E. Jessp, Laura I. Jessup, Melina A.Jessup & Mary R. Jessup Executor - America Jessup Adams Mentioned - Silas Jessup
60 9 Martin, Seaborn 22 Apr 1868 Widow -  Eliza Cox                                            Children - Sophronia Martin, Orpha Martin (married to G. K. Martin), Malinda C. Martin (married to William Muir), Amanda Martin & Zachariah Martin (deceased by Dec 1867)   Sophronia, Orpha & Malinda 21 by Apr 1867 Guardian - Lucius Martin Mentioned - George K. Martin
60 10 Litsey, Henry, Sr. 11 May 1868 Widow - Nancy Litsey                         Heirs - heirs of Napoleon Litsey who are Christsie A. Litsey, Adaline Litsey, & Aden Litsey; heirs of William H. Litsey who are Henry M. Litsey (a minor), Sarah C. Litsey, & Nathan Enos Litsey; James J. Litsey; Edward D. Litsey; & Mary F. Bacus married to John Bacus Executor - Silas S. Dooley Mentioned - John Litsey & his daughter Catharine McKey married to Phinis W. McKey           Henry's will (not in this file) clarifies some relationships and names other relatives
60 11 McMillian, Mark Jun 1874 Heirs - Perlina McMillian (married to William H. Johnson & deceased), Sarah A. McMillian (married to Chauncey Stalcup), Mak B. McMillian, Susan McMillian (maried to John W. Wilson), Mary McMillian , Martha McMillian (married to Thaddeus Gross, Ella McMillian & Daniel McMillian Administrators - Curtis L. Laughlin & later John J. Webster                              Guardian of Mary & Ella - James Turner  
60 12 Mullinix, Amanda 25 Jan 1867 Deceased husband - Jaboc Mullinix                                              Minor heirs - James W. Mullinix (age 18) Theodore C. Mullinis, (15), Martha E. Mullinix (13) & Albert C. Mullinix (10) Guardian of heirs - Joel A. Griffin  
60 13 Litsey, John 28 May 1868 Heirs - Mary Litsey married to John Campbell& Catharine Litsey married to Phinin W. McKey Guardian - James Watson  
60 14 Myers, Jacob, Jr. 16 Sep 1867 Mother - Eliza Myers                     Half-brother - Franklin T. Myers                       Thomas F. Myers (relationship not stated) Guardian of Franklin  - Jacob Myers, Sr.  
60 15 McBride, Mary 28 May 1868 Not deceased - Insane person Guardian - Martin L. Dooley  
60 16 Nevins, Elliott & Mary I. Oct 1874 Heirs - Mary Ann Nevins married to Joseph Thompson & 21 by May 1868, George Marion Neving (21 by May 1870), John Lawson Nevins (21 by Oct 1874), & Squire P. Nevins Guardian of heirs - Andrew J. Nevins Elliott died 10 Apr 1860; Mary I. died 1 Jan 1862                               Mentioned Harvey Nevins & William Nevins
60 17 Phelan, James M. 16 Jan 1868 Unnamed wife and brother   1 page file
60 18 Rhoten, Thomas 21 May 1869 Widow - Sarah Rhoten                    Heirs - Phebe E. married to Charles T. Thurman (age 34), Margaet E. married to Samuel Ward (32), James H. Rhoten (27), Nancy J. married to David Duree (25), Alexander Rhoten, (20), Hanna I. Rhoten (18),  John W. Rhoten (13), Sarah A. Rhoten (12), Richard F. Rhoten (9), Alfred V. Rhoten (5) & Noah A. Rhoten (2) Administrator - James Noble  
60 19 Robbins, Fredrick F. 19 May 1868 Widow - Ann Robbins Administrator - James G. Burt Mentioned - Edward R. Robbins & James L. Robbins
60 20 Ross, George F. 31 Mar 1868 Per will (not in this file) -                Siblings - William Ross who has children George & Benjamin, Tilghman Ross, Robert Ross, Rebecca whose children are William R & Caleb Young  James Ross & probably probably Louisa Ross  & John Ross                       Mother-in-law - Eliza Ann Hawkins Executor - Tilghman Ross Severeal of the relatives are mentioned in this file but relationships aren't clear
60 21 Sale, Ira E. 23 Apr 1868 Minor heir - Lucy Sale who married Steling McMullen 9 Apr 1868 Lucy's guardian - Telitha Sale  
60 22 Spencer, John 20 May 1868 Widow - Nancy Spencer Executors - Alexander Spencer & George W. Spencer  
60 23 Silliman, Isaac J. 20 May 1868 Widow - Tabitha Silliman            Children - William Silliman, Mineva Silliman, Alice Silliman & Caroline married to Thomas C. Hammond Executor - Thomas C. Hammond Mentioned - Mary Jane Gray who lives with the family and is incompetent
60 24 Strain, Sarah 17 Mar 1879 Minor heirs - Bertha A. married to Emmett Bateman & Frederick Strain Guardian & father of heirs - William P. Strain  
60 25 Thomas, William H. 14 Feb 1867 Son - John H. Thomas Administrator - John H. Thomas William died 19 Aug 1866 in Ohio                                                     Mentined - Jackson Thomas
60 26 Vincent, Jesse C. 14 Mar 1868 Minor children - Andrew J. Vincent (21 by Nov 1866), Margaret E. married to George M. Carter by Mar 1868 & Prudence C. married to S. S. White by Jul 1867 Guardian of children - Samuel R. Hamilton  
60 27 White, Harvey G. 28 May 1868 Minor heirs - Catharine E. White & Sarah A. White Guardian of heirs - Mary White Harvey died 2 Sep 1864
60 28 Wright, Jesse 31 May 1866 Widow - Catharine Wright              In 1856, Jesse says his wife is Clarissa                                          Minor son - Leonidas Wright  Adult children -  Sarah A King, Emily Ballou, Drusilla Burson, Martha I. Youmans, David Wright & O. (?) R. Wright Administrator - Isaac Youmans                                         Guardian of Leonidas - John A. Youmans Leonidas gets cash "from my mother", suggsesting she is deceased
60 29 Carpenter, John K. 30 Aug 1869 Minor heirs - Emily (age 17  & married to John Straughn) & Cary F. Carpenter (20)   Outside of file says Cha Farr vs. John Straughn et al.
60 30 Jarvis, Reason 3 Aug 1867 Widow - Elizabeth Jarvis               Heirs - William Jarvis, Nathan Jarvis, Joseph Jarvis, John Jarvis, Henry Jarvis, Flemming Jarvis & Martha married to John D. McAlister   Reason died 17 Apr 1866
60 31 Stickler, Henry 4 May 1869 Adult heirs - Catharine Fulwider, Jacob C. Stickler (son) & Mary C. Dixon (daughter)                            Minor heirs - Matha J. Stickler, Margaret E. Stickler, Josiah Stickler & Monroe Lang   Mentioned - Daniel Stickler
60 32 Tarahannah, Raha 23 Mar 1868 Widow - Susan Tarahanna now married to Charles M. Sackett     Son - William H. Tarahanna (age 5) Guardian of William - Susan Sackett Raha died Oct 1866
60 33 Cramer, Washington & Sarah 26 Jun 1868 Divorce case    
60 34 Squire 3 Aug 1868 Bastardy case - Sarah Squires (age 18 & unmarried) vs. Ambrose Carpenter - alleged father    
60 35 Cox, Lawrence 1 Sep 1868   Executor - James Cox  
60 36 Rout, Rhoda F. & John 21 Jan 1869 Divorce case    
60 37 Donaldson, Thomas F. 16 Jan 1869      
60 38 Vancleave, Elizabeth 16 Apr 1869   Administrator - Sydney B. Davis Elizabeth died 1 Feb 1879
60 39 McKey, Be_____ 20 Jul 1869 Unnamed minor heirs Guardian of heirs - Rachel Stonebraker Barker maried to Joshua Barker Outside of file says Joel Mitchell vs. Rachel Barker
60 40 McNutt, Mary Hannah 25 Jan 1869      
60 41 Cochell, William & Sarah 3 Sep 1869 Divorce case                                      Son - John W. Cochell    
60 42 Brown, Jonathan R. 1 Jul 1869     One page file
60 43 Brockway, Hiram 14 Jul 1868   Administrator - James H. McNutt One page file
60 44 Crooks, Gideon 21 Apr 1869     One page file
60 45 Spice, William 11 Apr 1868   Administrator - John Briggs, Jr. One page file
60 46 Wright, Daniel 5 Mar 1869     One page file
60 47 Stalker, Jacob 26 Sep 1868   Administrator - James Wright One page file
60 48 Executors' List 30 May 1868 24 Mar 1868 - Thos. C. Hammon for Isaac J. Sillimans' estate          25 Apr 1868 - Robert M. McCorkle & Sarah H. Forbes for Thomas Forbes' estate    
60 49 Administrators' List 30 May 1868 21 Feb 1868 - Cyrus B. Allen for William Goodin's estate                  29 Jan 1868 - David G. Ephlin for David Bryant's estate                        16 Mar 1868 - John D. Collings for John W. Rush's estate                       18 Mar 1868 - Lydia Carpenter for Harvey Carpenter's estate                22 Apr 1868 - John W. Mitchell  for Samuel Harlan's estate    
60 50 Guardians Report 30 May 1868 14 Mar 1868 - Robert Clark for Phebe J. Clark's heirs                         16 Mar 1868 - John D. Collings for John W. Rush's heirs                         24 Mar 1868 - Henry L. Roach for Ann J. Roach's heirs                          26 Mar 1868 - Samuel D. Coffin for Samuel Allen's heirs                          31 Mar 1868 - Fleury F. Keith for David Wolfe's heirs                            1 Apr 1868 - Eli S. Walker for Jesse Green's heirs                                         1 Apr 1868 - Sarah A. Cox for George S. Bacus heirs                       11 Apr 1868 - William D. Mull (?) for William M. Snell's heirs               15 Apr 1868 - Hugh P. Hocker for Venale (?) Hocker's heirs                23 Apr 1868 - William H. Nye for Joseph B. Cornelius' heirs    


The file number is the position of the file in the box at the Courthouse