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Copyright © 2021  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Parke County Obituaries


This index below was compiled by the Rockville Public Library staff

For information about obtaining actual copies of the obituaries, contact them directly.

Rockville Public Library

Include a list of individual names as they appear on the index and be sure to thank them for their tireless efforts.

  * identifies the deceased as a veteran

Last Name First Name  Date Paper Page
Adair* Earl 29-Jan-20 Sentinel 16
Adams Doris E. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Adams Vera M. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Adams* Harold   18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Adamson Delilah M. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Akers Ashlee N. 29-Jan-20 Sentinel 16
Akers Dixie L. 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Albright* George C. 19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Allen* Ronald L. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Allender Denice A. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Allison Keith A. 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Altman Shirley A. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Asbury Thomas M. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Baird Leeann S. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Baker Evelyn E. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Ball* Gerald A. "Gary" 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Bapp Augustus L. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Barfay Richard A. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Barnes Elsa 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Barnes* Dale W. 25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Barr Robert E. 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Beaman* Daniel W. 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Beeler* George W. "Doc" 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Belcher Sandra E. 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Bemis Larry A. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 1
Bemis Larry A. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Blacketer* Milburn E. 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Boatman Betty L. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Bond Torie D. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Bond* James L. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Boswell Wilma I. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Bovair Margie L. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Boyd Ralph W. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Brading Rachel 12-Aug-20 Sentinel 22
Branson Timothy "Joe" 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Braun Dennis E. "Tennessee" 26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Britton Jack L. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Brown Marjorie J. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Brown Betty L. 19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Brown Kimberly A. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Brown Wilma "Jare" 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Brown Dorothy M. 28-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Brown* Larry G. 10-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Bruner Melvin J. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Bryant* Richard E. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Bryant* Richard E. 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Bud Loretta   16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Buffo Mary A. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Burch Lori A. 19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Buress James W. 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Butler Mary B. 22-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Buzatu Gheorghe 11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Byerley Connie S. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Byers Richard   19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Callis John A. 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Carpenter Sarah L. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Carver* Thomas W. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Case Wade 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Chamberlain Raymond E. 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Chaney Mary E. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Chaplain* Ronald C. 27-May-20 Sentinel 10
Chapman Virginia L. 6-May-20 Sentinel 12
Chears Vickie L. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Chears Vickie L. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Chew Martha L. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Christenberry Fayetta J. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Church-Walker Ronda L. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Clarkston Randy J. Sr. 17-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Cleghorn Edward M. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Cogdill Samuel R. 26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Combs David L. 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Cook Betty D. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Corbin James B. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Cox Beryl J. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Crabb James M. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Crague Imogene 6-May-20 Sentinel 12
Cronk* Herman 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Cunningham Dale W. 3-Jun-20 Sentinel 10
Cunningham  Betty L. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Cunningham* Forest D. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Daniels Ethan R. 27-May-20 Sentinel 10
Day* Ronald J. "Fish" 10-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Deener Dorothy R. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Dellacca* Robert D. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Dennany Lisa M. 4-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
DePlanty Michael D. 12-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Derr Patti 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Dickens Doris K. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Dickinson Glenda A. 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Dixon* Norval W. Jr. 2-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Doan Josephine   25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Doherty Barbara   26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Dooley* Charles "Barton" 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Dowdy Randall L. 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Dreher Bill J. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Dugan* LeRoy Jr. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Earley Stephen J. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Egloff Mary 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Ellis Barbara 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Ellis* Samuel J. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Esra Michael W. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Falls Rich 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Falls* Doug 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Farley Katherine 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Fenton Peyton A. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Fisher Douglas W. 4-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Fletcher Margaret L. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Fortenbery* Tom 13-May-20 Sentinel 10
Fortner Richard W. 2-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Fredericks Verna M. 11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Freed Rose L. 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Fry Noble 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Garing* Jeffrey E. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Garrigus Martha R. "Rosey" 26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Gilbert Lisa A. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Gilbert Alice K. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Goetze* Robert E. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Goggins* Roger V. 4-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Gordon Patricia J. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Grow Carolene J. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Guilliams Pauline M. "Polly" 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Gutish Richard L. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Haarper Doris M. 2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Haggerty Fred E. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Haile* Brian K. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Hall* Bobby L. 2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Harkrider Lori J. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Harney Ronald J. 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Harney Ronald J. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Harper Doris M. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Harris Jacqueline L. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Harrold Joan R. "Marmee" 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Helton Melinda G. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Hendrixson Glenda J. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Hicks Benny J. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Higginbotham Beulah G. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Holcolb Daniel S. 25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Holycross Billy "Jack" 11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Hopkins Avery 19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Howk* Richard M. 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Hudson* John A. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Husher Frank W. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Hutson Larry R. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Huxford  James D. "Huck" 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Irelan Kenneth E. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Isabell Elains C. (Boubek) 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Jackson Alberta M. 12-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Jeffries G. Jane 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Jenkins Wayne M. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Jenkins Geraldine 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Jenkins Linda L. 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Jent Marion O. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Jones Ara S. 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Jones* Arthur 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Judson Edgar E. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Judy John A. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Kashon Scott D. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Keith* Ivan E. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Keith* Philip S. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Kennedy* Maurice J. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Kernstein Brian K. 2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Kneeland Connie J. 6-May-20 Sentinel 12
Knight Kimba A. 20-May-20 Sentinel 10
Knott Marjorie A. 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Kocher Nancy J. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Kocher Mary L. 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Kovarik Sharon K. 17-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Kraemer* Orval L. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Krause Don   5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Kyle Constance F. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Laney Diane K. 2-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Lang Martha J. 25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Lanham Billy L. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Lapp Annie L. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Larkin Bobby G. 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Lawson* Forest G. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Lee Thomas A. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Leighty Brian R. 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Leitgabel Jerry E. "Biggie" 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Leonard-Teague Patricia   11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Lewis Betty L. 6-May-20 Sentinel 12
Liddle Esther 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Lively Taylor M. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Livermore Brittany J. 11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Lohrmann* Robert E. 2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Lohrmann* Charles E.  22-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Loney Bethica M. 13-May-20 Sentinel 10
Long Josephine I. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Long Imogene 10-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Lowdermilk Bob   30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Lutz* Theodore D. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Mace* John S. 22-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Malloy Nancy L. 20-May-20 Sentinel 10
Mancourt Edward C. 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Marshall* Gary W. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Martin Carolyn J. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Martin Don F. Sr. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Mattick Lavonna 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Mazely Patrick J. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
McCain Thomas L. 29-Jan-20 Sentinel 16
McDowell Mary J. 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
McIlrath Martha   19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
McMillin Virginia R. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
McMurry Annabelle 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
McMurtry* Thomas A. 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
McMurtry* Thomas A. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
McPike Eleanor J. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
McQueary Anna M. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Megenhardt Shirley P. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Mellay Carol A. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Milam Gary A. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Miller Alice J. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Miller Charles F. 20-May-20 Sentinel 10
Millikan Laveta L. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Minor Lela M. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Modesitt Anthony W. "Nose" 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Montgomery Sharon M. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Morgan Carolyn J. 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Morlan Wayne   15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Morris Maxine 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Morrow Charles R. 28-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Murbarger Sandra K. 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Nelson Rosealie 27-May-20 Sentinel 10
Nevins Debbie K. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Newell Anthony Sr. 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Newlin Ruby C. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Nicholson Bobbie S. 12-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Nocus Eva K. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Nolan Dale L. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Norman* Clarence E. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Osborn* Ted H. 14-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Overpeck Jeffrey A. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Overpeck* Darrell L. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Palmateen* Charles    2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Palmer Kenneth L. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Paxton Fred E. 12-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Payton Edward A. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Pearson Connie J. 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Peer Sarah 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Peffley Charles E. "Pete" 12-Aug-20 Sentinel 22
Peperak-Emery Wanda 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Persiner Kenneth S. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Peterson Paul J. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Petro Nancy G. 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Philpott Charles 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Pierce Jeffrey A. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Pierce Betsy 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Powell Tracey D. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Prather William L. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Pruett Kathy 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Purcell Charlotte G. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Raden Frank W. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Ramsay* Ted R. 4-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Ransom Phyllis R. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Reed Jonathan II "Jay" 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Reeves William H. 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Rice David L. 22-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Richardson   Dana J. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Richardson* William F. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Ricks Peggy J. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Riddle Lisa D. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Riegel Juliellen "Judy" 4-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Riffe* James D.   4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Rigdon Janet S. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Riggle C. Jean 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Rinehart Harold R. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Rippy  Ethel 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Rittinghouse Mildred M. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Riva Richard 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Rivers Dale 12-Aug-20 Sentinel 22
Robinson Glenn P. 25-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Roehm John   26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Rukes* Myron D. 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Russell Jack I. 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Sanders Floyd C. Jr. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Sanders Terri 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Sang Mahi S. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Schofield Edgar M. 19-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Scott Arin R. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Scott Leslie H. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Scott* Foy 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Shaffer Ellen E. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Shank Judy G. 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Shelato* Max 12-Aug-20 Sentinel 22
Shew Peggy J. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Short Cleola 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Short Ronnie G. 29-Jul-20 Sentinel 16
Simmons Keith B. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Sinders Phyllis D. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Sisk George D. 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Siwnford Carl W. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Slack Mary G. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Slater Loretta M. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Smih Kevin W. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Smiley* Ernest C. 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Smith David A. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Smith Rodney 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Smith Linda G. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Smith Martha 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Smith Codi C. 18-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Smith Michaelyn E. "Mike" 28-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Smith* Benny E. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Spencer Patricia A. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Spurr Kenneth D. 3-Jun-20 Sentinel 10
Stayton Joyce E. 20-May-20 Sentinel 10
Stearley Gloria G. 29-Jan-20 Sentinel 16
Steuerwald Robert W. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Stevenson* Roger L. 26-Aug-20 Sentinel 14
Stevenson* Vickie L. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Stewart Mary J. 2-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Stewart Brian 2-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Stoup Robert D. 19-Aug-20 Sentinel 16
Straw Mildred J. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Stultz Robert A. 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Sumner James R. Jr. 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Swaim Barbara M. 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Swalls* Donald G. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Testa Billie J. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Thompson Geneva J. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Thompson Lois D. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Thorne Hope S. 20-May-20 Sentinel 10
Thorne Liam A. 27-May-20 Sentinel 10
Tolin Connie B. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Tolley William    15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Toney James E. 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Toth Joseph C. 5-Aug-20 Sentinel 18
Trout Sondra L. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Turner  Robert E. 2-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Tyler Laura 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Tyron Doris P. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Valle Dione "Tony" Sr. 1-Apr-20 Sentinel 12
Vallosia Ronald Sr. 12-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Vandevender Lester J. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Vandivier Kazuko 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Vandivier Barbara J. 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Vandivier Barbara J. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Vandivier Murrel W. 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Vandivier Patty M. 15-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Vaught Alice J. 18-Mar-20 Sentinel 14
Vauters Cindi 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Vincent* Robert V. 8-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Vincent* Robert 21-Oct-20 Sentinel 20
Vinyard Jerry L. 11-Mar-20 Sentinel 12
Volk* Joseph A. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Waldridge* Thomas C. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Waldrop Wilma M. 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Waldrop Betty   23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Wallace Kenneth L. 30-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Wallace Helen L. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Wallace Frank L. 25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Walters Kevin A. 29-Jan-20 Sentinel 16
Warren William R. 15-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Warren Jamie M. 11-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Watkins* Jerry E. 15-Jan-20 Sentinel 12
Weber Juanita A. 6-May-20 Sentinel 12
Welch Athena M. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Wethington Margaret J. 22-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Wheatfill Geraldine R. 5-Feb-20 Sentinel 12
Whitesell William E. 26-Feb-20 Sentinel 14
Wiatt Cynthia A. 7-Oct-20 Sentinel 16
Wilburn* Jack 22-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Williams Florence E. 25-Nov-20 Sentinel 12
Wilson Jessie H. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Wilson Phyllis J. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Wilson-Keith Sherry A. 1-Jul-20 Sentinel 12
Wimsett* Curtis B. 23-Dec-20 Sentinel 24
Winters Tom 8-Jul-20 Sentinel 14
Wittenmyer Florann W. 29-Apr-20 Sentinel 10
Woolwine Sandra S. 8-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Wrightsman Mary E. 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Wyatt Michael A. 9-Dec-20 Sentinel 12
Yawn Howard R. 16-Sep-20 Sentinel 14
Yelich Margaret 30-Sep-20 Sentinel 16
Yoder Rebecca E. 23-Sep-20 Sentinel 12
Young J.R. 1-Jan-20 Sentinel 10
Zamani Carlie J. 24-Jun-20 Sentinel 14
Zimmer Eugene R. 16-Dec-20 Sentinel 14
Zimmerman Robert V. 4-Nov-20 Sentinel 12