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Parke County Obituaries


This index below was compiled by the Rockville Public Library staff

For information about obtaining actual copies of the obituaries, contact them directly.

Rockville Public Library

Include a list of individual names as they appear on the index and be sure to thank them for their tireless efforts.

  * identifies the deceased as a veteran


Last Name First Name  Date Paper Page
Akers Phyllis J. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Allen Sharon K. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Alward William 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Anderson Robert 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Anderson Norma R. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Andrews Martha B. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Arnold Floyd W. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Atkinson Jeffery L. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Atterson Larry Sr. 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Ayres Thomas G. 10/9/2019 Sentinel 15
Baatz Denise L. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Baker Edna T. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Barker  Marguerite 1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Barnes Megan M. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Beatty Lois J. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Becker Connie   7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Beeson David L. 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Bennett Mary S. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Bennett Zechariah E. "Zech" 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Bennett * Jackie R. 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Berlin Jack G. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Berrisford Clara J. 7/17/2019 Sentinel 12
Berry Patty 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Berry Wandalene 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Berry Raymond L. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Berry * Marvin D. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Berry * Sherman W. 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Betteridge Will J. 10/30/2019 Sentinel 11
Binney Peggy J. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Blacketer Vicki L. 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Blakely * David L. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Blakely * Marion   11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Blakeney Janette R. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Borders * Darrell D. 10/30/2019 Sentinel 11
Boyle Janet C. 8/14/2019 Sentinel 14
Bradfield Camilla 10/9/2019 Sentinel 15
Brock John B. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Brown Linda 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Brown Glenn D. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Brown Donald C. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Brown Charles A. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Burch Janice R. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Buress Theresa J. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Burks * Billie J. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Burns David E. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Busenbark Mary L. 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
Byers Larry L. "Lot" 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Byrd Jerry 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Cansdale Sandra L. 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Capps Evonda C. 8/7/2019 Sentinel 14
Cardin Ronnie L. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Case * James M. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Chezem * Byron"Frank" 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Clark * Danny J. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Clawson Wanda E. 3/6/2019 Sentinel 14
Cleghorn Romilda R. "Millie" 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Cole Janice E. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Collings * Dallas W. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Comer Lanora "Jean" 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Comer * Robert E. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Compton Joseph T. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Cook Marion F. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Cooper Donna   3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Cottrell Lyle "Andy" 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Cox Robert D. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Cox Dale W. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Craig * Donald G. 8/14/2019 Sentinel 14
Craig * John M. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Croley Patricia E. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Crooks * Edgar D. 11/27/2019 Sentinel 14
Crouch Wilbur E. "Red" 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Crowder * Margaret M. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Dalbey * Robert K. 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Davern * John M. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Davis Bill L. 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
Dawson Ernest L. Sr. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Dearing Bonnie J. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Delp Thomas A. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Delp Vivian M. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
DeMoss * John I. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Denner Bill D. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
DePlanty Betty L. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Detweiler Tera M. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Detweiler Kenneth J. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Dickey Patricia A. 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
Dixon Irene V. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Dowers Benjamin 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Downey Leo F. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Dreher Jack H. III 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Dugan Gloria L. 6/26/2019 Sentinel 12
Dunkley Rita 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Durfee Brenda E. 12/25/2019 Sentinel 10
Earl LaDonna "Sue" 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Edwards Coralea Y. 8/7/2019 Sentinel 14
Edwards * Billy J. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Elenich Phyllis M. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Ellis Kenneth W. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Elmore Fred 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Emory Clyde R. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Eppert Myrna L. 12/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Erwood John K. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Ewoldsen Calvin B. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Ferguson Donna N. 12/25/2019 Sentinel 10
Fisher * David L. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Flint Janet D. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Foor * Robert G. 8/7/2019 Sentinel 14
Fortner Rosemary 7/17/2019 Sentinel 12
Fortner Phillip G. 5/29/2019 Sentinel 12
Fox  Betty J. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Fox  Jane 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Fox * Raymond 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Fulton Kenneth E. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Garlit * Roy L. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Gibbs David L. 11/27/2019 Sentinel 14
Goddard * Jerry W. 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Goff Kent E. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Gorrell Kenny 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Graham Helen J. 6/12/2019 Sentinel 10
Graham Christian 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Greene Viola N. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Gross Michael D. Jr. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Guglielmetti Elmo "Danny" 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Haines Glenda L. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Hale James E. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Hammontree * Wesley S. Sr. 1/30/3019 Sentinel 14
Hanna Emily K. 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Harper Myrtle I. 12/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Harrison Dorothy L. 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Harrison * Brown 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Hawn Sam 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Heber Norma J. 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Hensley Martha J. "Joan" 7/17/2019 Sentinel 12
Hicks Carl   3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Hicks Delores   5/29/2019 Sentinel 12
Higgins Gwendoline 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Hill Carol K. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Hill William M. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Hines Donald O. 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Hobson Mary L. 7/24/2019 Sentinel 12
Hoke Charles W. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Holler Evelyn A. 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Holston Marna 4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Holston Monte D. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Holt Terri L. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Holycross Darrell L. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
House Elsie M. 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Howard Colten L. 11/27/2019 Sentinel 14
Howk Marilyn J. 5/29/2019 Sentinel 12
Huddleson Dorothy G. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Humphreys * Jerry L. 4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Inman Patsy J. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Jackson Terry C. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
James John R. 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Jeffries   Dorothy L. 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Jeffries * William 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Jenkins Lucille 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Johns * John G. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Johnson Mark H. 4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Johnson Charles 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Johnson Lora "Bud" 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Jones David L. 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Jones Marvin J. 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Jones David L. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Jones Rita M. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Jones * Daniel M. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Jumps Russell W. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Kaelin William J. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Keller Donald L. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Keller Paul R. "Dick" 5/22/2019 Sentinel 12
Kennedy Billy "Dean" 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Kernodle Debra A. 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Kilburn Carla D. 11/27/2019 Sentinel 14
Kilgore Verlin Sr. "Arden" 8/7/2019 Sentinel 14
Kingery Shirley P. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Kunkle Howard M. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Lambert Suzanne L. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Lamontagne Lucien B. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Lash David R. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Lear * Mark D. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Leonard Delores A. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Leonard Aaron M. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Lesnick * Laddie L. Jr. 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Lientz Robert L. 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Lientz Mike 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Lientz * Raman L. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Linn Sylvia S. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Long * George W. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Lowry William L. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Lucas Mary S. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Mace * Victor "Tub" 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Mahoney Virginia E. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Maloy * Kenneth F. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Marsh Margaret T. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Martin Paula S. 7/24/2019 Sentinel 12
Martin Betty A. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Martin Loretta T. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Mason * David K. 1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Mattick Rosemary 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
McConnell Gary L. 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
McConnell Connie S. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
McDonald Beulah A. 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
McDonald Shirley M. 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
McFaddin Patricia 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
McGrew Justin L. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
McIntosh * Douglas L. 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
McMurtry Inez L. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Mercer Paula S. 12/25/2019 Sentinel 10
Mershon Karla A. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Mikel Laura 12/25/2019 Sentinel 10
Mikolajczyk John L. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Milan Alice 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Miller Vicki L. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Miller Norma J. 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
Miller Betty V. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Miller Lois   5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Miller Frieda L. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Miller * Jack 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Milligan Rachel L. 3/6/2019 Sentinel 14
Mitchell Deena L. 12/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Mitchell * James F. Sr.  1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Mock Ronald 1/16/2019 Sentinel 12
Montgomery Imogene   1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Montgomery Mary L. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Monts * John B. 3/6/2019 Sentinel 14
Moody Lyrea N. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Moore Kevin G. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Moran Lawrence J. Jr. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Morlan  Ellen L. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Morlan * Ben 1/16/2019 Sentinel 12
Morlan * Alvin Jr. 6/12/2019 Sentinel 10
Myers  Judith A. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Myers * James "Mike" 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Nevins Pearl I. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Newkirk Sally A. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Newnum Mary 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Newnum Mary 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Nichols Charles H. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Nickle Wanda 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Nickle * William E. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Nickleson * Earl R. 6/12/2019 Sentinel 10
Norman Richard 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
North Jay R. Jr. "Ray" 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Nowling Arthur S. 1/2/2019 Sentinel 8
Nowling * Donald L. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Oswalt Robert Q. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Overpeck Rowena J. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Payne * Austin D. 6/26/2019 Sentinel 12
Payton Marilyn E. 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Pearman Weston W. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Pearman Helen   5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Pearman * Donald R. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Peffley Mary F. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Penn Robert E. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Perry Conrad G. Sr. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Pesarcy * Marie A. 1/16/2019 Sentinel 12
Peterson Louella M. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Phillips Hope G. 12/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Phipps * Donald M. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Porter Florence E. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Powell Mark S. 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Praul Barbara J. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Presslor David L. 4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Price Danny J. 7/24/2019 Sentinel 12
Price Sherry L. 5/22/2019 Sentinel 12
Pritchard Patricia 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Rahn Imogene E. 8/14/2019 Sentinel 14
Rea Sarah S. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Reddish Donald W. 10/9/2019 Sentinel 15
Reed Mitchell 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Rice * Jack L. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Rich Violet A. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Ridge Carolyn L. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Rigdon Patricia L. 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Riggs Gloria F. 1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Riley Barbara L. 4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Roberts Cora C. 1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Roberts Patricia 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Robinson Rickie R. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Roderick Jackie L. 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Rollings Josefine A. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Rooks * Randall G. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Ross Esther L. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Royer Leroy C. 11/6/2019 Sentinel 10
Rumple * Jeffrey A. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Rush Kathleen I. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Ryan Sharon K. 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Sager Betty R. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Sanders Judy 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Sappenfield Mary E. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Scott Dorothy G. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Scott Phyllis R. 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
Secuskie * Ernest Sr. 5/22/2019 Sentinel 12
Seybold Cynthia S. 6/12/2019 Sentinel 10
Shaw Rosemary L. 5/22/2019 Sentinel 12
Shepard Irene   1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Shope Charles E. Jr.  4/17/2019 Sentinel 16
Shuckhart Michael   2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Sills Marilyn S. 11/27/2019 Sentinel 14
Simpson Ruth M. 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Simpson-Washburn Virginia 2/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Slover Patricia S. 3/13/2019 Sentinel 12
Smiley Bessie "Jean" 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Smith Jayvin E. 8/7/2019 Sentinel 14
Smith Norma M. 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Smith * Danny R. 10/30/2019 Sentinel 11
Smith * Myron Jr. 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Snodgrass Gerald L. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Snow Lanny R. 7/17/2019 Sentinel 12
Soltermann * Werner W. III 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
Sowers Helen L. 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
Spencer Carolyn S. 7/24/2019 Sentinel 12
Spencer Phyllis J. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Spendal Maxine D. 11/20/2019 Sentinel 10
Spriesterbach Gordon C. 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Staggs Martha 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Stein * Thomas J. III 3/27/2019 Sentinel 16
Stephen Peter R. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11
Stephens * Leon G. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Stern Jeanne 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Stewart Marjorie A. 1/9/2019 Sentinel 8
Stewart Len 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Straw Patricia 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Surber Robert L. Jr. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Sutherlin Kathleen  5/29/2019 Sentinel 12
Swaim * John L. 4/24/2019 Sentinel 16
Swaim * William B. "Bonner" 10/30/2019 Sentinel 11
Swick Carol S. 5/8/2019 Sentinel 12
Swinehart * James A. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Tagney Everett P. 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Taylor Arthur L. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Taylor Ralph 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Taylor * Kenneth J. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Thom * Carl E. 6/19/2019 Sentinel 12
Thomas Linda S. "Susie" 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Thomas Jason L. 12/25/2019 Sentinel 10
Thomas Shirley J. 2/27/2019 Sentinel 12
Thomas Ronnie A. 7/4/2019 Sentinel 14
Thomas Ronnie A. 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Thompson Steven D. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Thompson Leah R. 2/20/2019 Sentinel 14
Thompson Sonny 6/26/2019 Sentinel 12
Tidwell Shawnee M. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Tofaute John L. 9/4/2019 Sentinel 10
Tofuate John L. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Tucker Carolyn 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Underwood Linda K. 9/25/2019 Sentinel 12
Uplinger Larry 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Vauter * Corey R. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
VerHalen Joanna 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Wade Max E. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Waldridge * Hershal R. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Wallace Roberta K. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Wallace Chester E. 1/30/2019 Sentinel 14
Walter  Cora J. 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Walters Florence E. 11/13/2019 Sentinel 10
Warner Sarah J. 10/23/2019 Sentinel 13
Wasson James R. 6/5/2019 Sentinel 14
Webb George W. 2/6/2019 Sentinel 12
Weir Charles F. Jr. 9/11/2019 Sentinel 12
Wells Judith L. 10/9/2019 Sentinel 15
West Margie M. 4/3/2019 Sentinel 12
Wheat Mildred 3/6/2019 Sentinel 14
Wheeler Mary L. 8/121/2019 Sentinel 12
White Vera A. 12/11/2019 Sentinel 12
White Harold "Dean" 6/12/2019 Sentinel 10
White Howard "Dewey" 5/15/2019 Sentinel 12
Williams Morgan A. 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Wilson Dirk A. 8/21/2019 Sentinel 10
Wilson Robert 1/23/2019 Sentinel 12
Wilson Ralph 7/31/2019 Sentinel 12
Wittenmyer Stanley 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Woody Dennis A. 3/20/2019 Sentinel 16
Woody Christopher 10/2/2019 Sentinel 11
Wright Patricia 4/10/2019 Sentinel 16
Wright Michael G. 12/4/2019 Sentinel 12
Wright Jerry A. 12/18/2019 Sentinel 12
Wright Shela D. 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
York Cody J. 7/10/2019 Sentinel 10
Young Marcella 5/1/2019 Sentinel 10
Young Paul L. "Les" 9/18/2019 Sentinel 10
Yowell Freda L. 10/16/2019 Sentinel 11