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Copyright © 2021  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Parke County Obituaries


This index below was compiled by the Rockville Public Library staff

For information about obtaining actual copies of the obituaries, contact them directly.

Rockville Public Library

Include a list of individual names as they appear on the index and be sure to thank them for their tireless efforts.

  * identifies the deceased as a veteran


Last Name First Name  Date Paper Page
Adams William R. 13-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Albrecht Norma "Jean" 1-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Alexander* Keith M. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 14
Allee Madonna D. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Ames* James R. 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Anderson Eli H.D. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Asbury Mary E. 14-May-18 Sentinel 14
Ashley Victor T. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Babyak Kenneth A. "Andy" 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Baird Barbara J. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Balach Irma L. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Baldwin Naomi C. 24-Jan-18 Sentinel 16
Bannon Gerald L. "Jerry" 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Batchelor John A. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Bays Rhonda R. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Becker Donna S. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Bemis Mary A. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Benell Charles W. 26-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Benjamin Don R. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Bennett Janet L. 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Berry* Thomas 24-Jan-18 Sentinel 16
Black* Sam 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Blackerby Nelle L. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Bland Mildred M. 24-Jan-18 Sentinel 16
Bratcher Maurice C. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Bratcher Noble R. Sr. 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Bray Karen R. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Brenton Jeremiah 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Brissy Eva J. 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Britton Jamie 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Brown Edna M. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Brown Fred G. 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Brown Glenn D. 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Brown Vivian L. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Brown* Parke M. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Bunch Danny R. 1-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Burns Diane 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Busenbark  Wilma C. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Busenbark* Arthur D. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Busenbark* Roger D. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Bush William   11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Bushue Linda R. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Cade Phyllis J. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Caldwell Ron L. 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Caldwell* Frank 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Calvert* Dale E. Sr. 14-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Campbell Russ 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Canfield* Herman S. 26-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Capps David B. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Capps Dawn R. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Carlton Arlene A. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Carlton Bernadine M. 10-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Catterson Sherry R. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Chapman Thomas B. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Chenhall Louanna 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Clark Luke L. 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Clark* Morris L. 30-May-18 Sentinel 12
Clemons* Victor L. 8-Aug-18 Sentinel 12
Clodfelter Ruby E. 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Coleman  Kenneth W. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Coleman* Dan L. 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Coles Madison A. 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Collett Jerry 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Collings Ralph E. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Collings* Ralph "Duane" 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Collins William E. "Butch" 13-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Conner-French Lynda K. 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Conrad Edwin C. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Cook Catherine B. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Cooper Phyllis A. 30-May-18 Sentinel 12
Cornell Seth A. 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Cottrell Norman 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Cox  Larry "Sonny" 13-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Cox* Jerry D. 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Cox* Merle D. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Cox* Robert L. 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Crawford Fred C. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Craycraft Madeline 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Cronk Carroll L. 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Crooks John A. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Cruse Max D. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Cuel Sandra L. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Cure Lillian D. 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Cuthbertson Laura M. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Daniels* Joe R. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Davis Albert E. III 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Davis Martha L. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Davis Robert D. 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Davis  Mary J. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Davis* William H. Jr. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
DeBaun George R. 10-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Deener Jerry H. "Yogi" 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
DeVaney Barbara L. 13-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Diehl* Charlotte T. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Dixon Alice M. 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Dixon Gayle 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Dodson* John O. Jr. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Dugger Kei I. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Elder Janet L. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Eldridge Donna M. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Elenich* John L. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Ellison Carrol J. "Smoke" 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Evol John E. Sr. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Fellows Allen E. "Butch" 27-Jun-18 Sentinel 12
Firestone Carl L. Jr. "Windy" 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Fisher  Anna L. 14-Feb-18 Sentinel 14
Fisher* John W. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Fleck Franklin J. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Fleck Joyce M. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Fortenberry Sheron L. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Foster Naomi A. 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Francis Charles C.J. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Freed Samuel 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Frost Ethel M. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Furr Donald L. 8-Aug-18 Sentinel 12
Gau Marilyn L. 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Gentry Dennis E. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Gill Betty L. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Gill* John M. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Giovaninni Jerry J. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Girt Eleanor M. 17-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Goforth* James E. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Gonzalez Elizabeth J. 3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Goodman Bonnie R. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Gose Avery D. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Gossett Mary A. 10-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Gossett Vanessa A. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Grayless Brian L. 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Green* John M. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Gregg* James E. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Grider Donna  28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Grider Donna 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Griffin Darlene B. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Hall Kenneth F. 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Hardesty Gerald E. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Harmless* Glenn L. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Harrison Avalene E. 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Harrison Courtnie 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Hartman Marilyn J. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Harvey Ruth E. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Haun Debra K. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Hawkins Myrna M. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Helms Edward M. 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Helt* Randy A. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Hendrix Rex 8-Aug-18 Sentinel 12
Herbert John 3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Hershberger Ida M. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Hicks-Ackelmire Sharolyn 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
High Teresa 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Hiland Katherine L. "Kitty" 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Hill Jeffrey L. 7-Feb-19 Sentinel 14
Hines Alice E. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Hinkle Patty R. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Hobbs* James H. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Hogan Henry T. Jr. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Hubble Cheryl L. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Hughes Louise H. 26-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Hutson James C. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Ingalsbe Gale R. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Ingram Patricia D. 3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Isaacs John H. 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Jerome Jennie 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Johnson Chris 10-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Johnson Raymond L. Jr. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Johnson Tommy L. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Jones Nancy L. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Jones Norma J. 7-Feb-18 Sentinel 14
Jones  Mark W. 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Jones* Charles H. 7-Feb-18 Sentinel 14
Jones* Donald W. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Jones* Linda S. 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Jordan Terri. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Kane-Alsbrook Cynthia G. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Keller Brian E. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Kent Bonnie J. 17-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Kent George F. 12-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Kessinger John C. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Kinnunen Kathi 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Kolaiser Mary E. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Krumm Dorothy H. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Lark David L. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Lawson John D. 26-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Lawson Kenneth E. 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Leamnson George F. 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Leberman* Thomas J. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Lee Doris E. 14-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Lewis Ronnie 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Lindley Judith E. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Little Margaret A. 26-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Livezey Barbara A. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Loden Teresa 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Lohrmann Mary L. 27-Jun-18 Sentinel 12
Loomis Joyce J. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Loy* Bill 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Lyne* Howard E. Jr. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Maden Sherman 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Mahen William G. 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Market Rachel 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Marlar Donath J. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Marshall Carol A. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Martin Jack L. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Martin Russell A. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Mayes Arthur E. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
McCain Nicholas J. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
McCarty* Verlin L. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
McClain Billy G. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
McFaddin* David A. 14-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
McIntosh Diann 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Mcintyre Barbara J. 8-Aug-18 Sentinel 12
McKean estel D. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
McMahon Dorothy A. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
McMasters  Max L. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Meade Betty   15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Mendenhall* Russell E. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Mershon Jane A. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Millspaugh Deborah L. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Minick Iva L. 13-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Minneman* George E. 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Montgomery Oma M. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Moore  Lucy L. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Moore* Patrick E. 26-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Morris Wanda 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Moulton John R. 12-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Mussatto Dorothy M. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Myers Carol V. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Myers Joseph L. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Myers Karen S. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Nebesny Alexander (Alan) 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Newlin Arlette J. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Newnum David E. 12-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Newnum Earl W. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Newton Doris L. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Nightingale Barbara 1-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Nixon* Rick 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Norman* Richard L. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Norman* Richard L. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Oaks Arkie st. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
O'Brien Judith M. 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Olmstead Jeffrey R. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Overpeck Patty J. 30-May-18 Sentinel 12
Overpeck Rosemary 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Padgett Donald L. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Paitson James W. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Parks Margaret E. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Patterson Bobby D. 19-Sep-18 Sentinel 11
Patterson Bobby D. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Payton* Russell C. 12-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Pederson Sherry R. 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Pendergast Mildred I. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Penn Yvonne A. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Persinger David "Puss" 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Peterson* Burton 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Peterson* Vernon "Bake" 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Pettigrew* Samuel 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Pezan Stephanie L. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Phillips Marvin R. 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Pine Perry W. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Pittman* Gary L. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Pope Jerry L. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Porter Martha M. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Prather Carole 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Presley Peggy M. 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 10
Presslor Donna 8-Aug-18 Sentinel 12
Price Mary V. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Pruett David L. Sr. 10-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Pruner Justin W. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Randall* Robert L. 17-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Randolph Donald W. 3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Ratcliff Ted E. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Rayphole Jeffery G. "Shorty" 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Reeder Patricia J. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Reiber Anna M. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Riggen Tony W. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Rigsby Mary "Bonnie" 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Riley Hope 28-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Rinehart Terence 17-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Riverbark Jesse T. 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Robertson John W. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Rollings* William H.   3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Ross teresa M. 11-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Rowe* Ronald E. II 1-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Rowley Betty L. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Royer Barbara R. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Rukes Ronald W. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Runyon Christina 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Russell Charles 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Sanders Russell L. 27-Jun-18 Sentinel 12
Sanders Rosella 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Saults Wilma "Sue" 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Schreiner* Walter J.O. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Scott Sharon E. 1-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Screen Donald W. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 14
Searcy James A. 17-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Selig Keeann M. 12-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Servies Larry D. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Sharps Gina M. 3-Jan-18 Sentinel 10
Shaw Kacey L. 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
Shaw Ricky A. 19-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Shaw* Lewis R. 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Shay* Gary L. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Sherrill* Delbert D. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Shoaf Walter T. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Shull Penny L. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Sills* James L. 7-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Simonds* Jerry L. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Simonton Charles R. 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Sinclair Mary J. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Skelton Christina K. 9-May-18 Sentinel 14
Skelton Mary J. 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Skelton Shane F. 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Skorich* Eli 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Smith Charles 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Smith Evelyn L. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Smith Norma J. 24-Jan-18 Sentinel 16
Smith Terri L. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Smith  Treva M. 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Smith* Herman A. 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Smith* Parke W. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Sowers Mary K. 12-Sep-18 Sentinel 14
Spencer Devin E. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Spencer Tony R. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Staley Donald R. Jr. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Starna Virginia L. 20-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Stein Marcia L. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Stephens Lenora "Sis" 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Stevens Cassidy L. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Straw Marjory 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Straw Marjory 22-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Sutherlin Ronald 18-Apr-18 Sentinel 10
Swaim Barbara G. 7-Feb-18 Sentinel 14
Talbert Jessica L. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Tallman Daniel L. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Teague Evelyn L. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Thomas Musetta M. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Thomas Phyllis 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Thomas Phyllis 17-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Thomas Randy L. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Thompson Charles E. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Thompson Laura L. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Thompson* Norris E. 29-Aug-18 Sentinel 10
Thompson* Thomas C. 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Timmerman Adam C. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Tindera Michael J. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Todd Arthur D. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Tolbert Barbara D. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Towner Chester 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Trousdale Jack L. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Truman* Taylor Jr. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Turner Wanda D. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Uselman Donna 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Valentine Gerald M. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Vandevender Donna 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Vandivier Ronald M. 26-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
VanHook James C. 6-Jun-18 Sentinel 10
Vicars Willard L. "Bud" 26-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Vietti Carrie M. 21-Mar-18 Sentinel 16
Voris Alice J. 14-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Wagle* Ora Jr. 24-Jan-18 Sentinel 16
Walker Josephine V. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
Walker* Mickey 24-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Walls Donna L. 21-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Walter George R. 3-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Walters William N. 10-Oct-18 Sentinel 12
Waltz* Gregory H. 7-Mar-18 Sentinel 10
Warner Jerry L. 21-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Warnick John W. 4-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Weber* Richard R. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12
Webster Vearlin J. 25-Jul-18 Sentinel 14
Wernsing* C. Max 5-Sep-18 Sentinel 12
West Waneta L. 30-May-18 Sentinel 12
Wheat* Charles G. 15-Aug-18 Sentinel 14
Wheeler Chelsea M. 14-Mar-18 Sentinel 14
White Robert A. 5-Dec-18 Sentinel 12
Whitford Beverly D. 11-Jul-18 Sentinel 10
Whittington Gerald "Pappy" 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Wildman Malcolm L. 31-Oct-18 Sentinel 16
Wilkey Blanche B. 28-Mar-18 Sentinel 12
Williams Florence E. 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Williams Richard G. 14-Feb-18 Sentinel 12
Williamson* Monte D. "Bobo" 12-Dec-18 Sentinel 10
Willis Polly C. 25-Apr-18 Sentinel 14
Willis Polly C. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Wilson Donald E. 4-Apr-18 Sentinel 12
Wilson Joseph 18-Jul-18 Sentinel 12
Wimsett Sally 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Woodard Neal A. 2-May-18 Sentinel 12
Wrightsman Laura "Romell" 16-May-18 Sentinel 14
Wrightsman Laura "Romell" 23-May-18 Sentinel 16
Yegerlehner Mary L. 28-Nov-18 Sentinel 10
Zambenini* Leo G. 31-Jan-18 Sentinel 12